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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1394 playlist up with 57789 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2025-01-06Hate InclinationThe Heedlessly IgnorantDemo 2020 (320)
2. 2024-12-30Eternal Tears Of SorrowThe Son of the ForestBards Burial (Demo)http
3. 2024-12-30AssassinBy The Fire Of Your GraveMetal Massacre (Demo)
4. 2024-12-16EntrailsEvil ObsessionResurrected from the Grave (Demo Collection)
5. 2024-12-16BehemothThe Thousand Plagues I WitnessPandemonic Incantations
6. 2024-12-16General SurgerySlithering maceration of ulcerous facial tissueInternecine Prurience Rehearsal Demo III 09.90
7. 2024-12-09Bodies in the Gears of the ApparatusSeventeen Reasons to Die Wearing BlackFirst Demo
8. 2024-12-09ObsessosSatans procreation666 The Ultimate (Demo 1)
9. 2024-11-25Love Lost But Not ForgottenCalm And SecureDemo
10. 2024-10-28EntrailsCasket GardenResurrected from the Grave (Demo Collection)Metal Blade Records
11. 2024-10-07Abhorration (Norway)03 Spawn of an Abhorrent EntityDemonolatryInvictus Productions
13. 2024-08-19Ritual SacrificeDrop DeadBury The Living (Demo)
14. 2024-08-12Lestregus NosferatusMessenger Of HellDemo
15. 2024-08-12SYTHEDEATHBRINGERBandcamp Demos
16. 2024-08-05HellhammerMessiahDemon Entrails
17. 2024-08-05SYTHEDISCONNECTBandcamp Demos
18. 2024-07-08Full Blown ChaosStrength WithinWake the Demons, Disc 1Stillborn Records
19. 2024-07-08Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatusa Lubricated Rubber Glove and Pornographic Photos of a Decapitated Chinese HookerFirst Demo
20. 2024-07-01EVIL80The Druid (Sleep Cover)EVIL80 DEMO 2023
21. 2024-06-03EntrailsTotal DeathResurrected from the Grave (Demo Collection)Metal Blade Records
22. 2024-05-20ConcussionEvocation Of The DemonEvocation Of The Demon
23. 2024-05-13Human Hunting TacticsTour of Providencedemo
24. 2024-04-29ChronophobiaEnd Eternal + OutroEnd Eternal (Demo)
25. 2024-04-22MerauderSave My SoulDemo 98 (W/ Eddie Sutton)
26. 2024-04-15Gruesome Fate6. beastial feedingsgruesome fate[us] - live gurgulations demo 1992G
27. 2024-03-25MindforceChroniker2016 Demo
28. 2024-03-25GorgutsMetempsukhosis...And Then Comes Lividity (Demo)
29. 2024-03-25FunebreGrip of InsanityDemo IIXtreem Music
30. 2024-03-25Job for a CowboyNourishment Through BloodshedDemonocracyMetal Blade
31. 2024-03-11Demons & WizardsPath of GloryDemons & WizardsSteamhammer Records
32. 2024-03-11NekroreichThe Seven Gates Ov KurDemonic SuffocationDying Sun Records
33. 2024-02-26Burnt OfferingBlack BlasphemyDeath Decay (Demo)
34. 2024-02-19In Dire NeedSix Winters LengthDemo
35. 2024-02-12Broken VowThe New ResistanceDemo 2020
36. 2024-02-12MerauderFive Deadly VenomsDemo 98 (W/ Eddie Sutton)
37. 2024-01-29Humans BeingEncapsulateMy Demons Disagree
38. 2024-01-29PowerwolvesMarch of the Pigs (NIN Cover)2010 Demo + NIN cover (Free Download)
39. 2024-01-22Point 04COME CLEANDemoSelf-Released
40. 2024-01-227th HeavenTrouble In ParadiseDemo I
41. 2024-01-15AssassinSatan's ImprisonedMetal Massacre (Demo)
42. 2024-01-08Saint JudeWhen The Mosh Calls, You Answer!demo
43. 2024-01-08Humans BeingFate Throws a RockMy Demons Disagree
44. 2023-12-25Rebuilding The RuinsIt Came From HellDemo
45. 2023-12-18GUMSKABNo I'm SeriousDemoCHEAP LIFE RECORDS
46. 2023-11-27Red BrigadeGrind4 Track Demo (1994)
47. 2023-11-20General SurgeryGrotesque laceration of mortified fleshInternecine Prurience Rehearsal Demo III 09.90
48. 2023-10-23EntrailsBlood RedResurrected from the Grave (Demo Collection)Metal Blade Records
49. 2023-09-25FinisherThe Thing You HateDemo
50. 2023-09-11FinisherThunder And LightningDemo
51. 2023-08-28Jugular EmbolismDumped in the RiverEruptions of Pus and Mucus Demo
52. 2023-08-14AbhorredDetoxWallowing in Utter Chaos demos
53. 2023-08-07UNDEATH02 - Ineffable TumultDemo '19Caligari Records
54. 2023-07-17Divine SentenceArmed ConflictDemoDropping Bombs
55. 2023-07-17Drag PatternGriftedDemoDropping Bombs
56. 2023-07-17OUT4BLOODBroken BladeO4B Demo '23
57. 2023-06-12Forest of ImpaledThe ImpalerDemonvoidRed Stream
58. 2023-06-12UNDEATH05 - Archfiend Coercion MethodsDemo '19Caligari Records
59. 2023-06-05SadusKill TeamDTP Demo 1986
60. 2023-05-22Deprogrammer CultDepro Cult - Anxiety - Pre ProPre Pro Demo Mix 1
61. 2023-05-15Múspellzheimr05 Raukn demo 1Hyldest til Trolddommens Flamme / Demo CompilationLunar Apparitions-Amor Fati
62. 2023-05-08ButcheryHeathenish SpawnDemo
63. 2023-04-24Midden03 VIIDemo 2023Eternal Death Records
64. 2023-04-24Hexakosioihexekontahexaphilia2. Always One Step Too FarDemo DCLXVICaligari Records
65. 2023-04-17Nightside (Finland)03 Gates of HellLions (Demo 2023)Purity Through Fire
66. 2023-04-10FUZZ VOYAGENorth StarHeavy Compass Demo
67. 2023-03-20ThromdarrWinter of FlamesMidwinter Frost - Complete Demo Tapes 1990-1997Svart Records
68. 2023-02-20TrojanLove feverDemo I
69. 2023-02-13Obsidian TongueKinship As A Wound2010
70. 2023-02-06Vio-LenceEternal NightmareMehcanic Demo [Demo]
71. 2023-01-23BHTDeath RowDemo
72. 2023-01-16BHTMowing Down The PeopleDemo
73. 2023-01-02HateA Poor ChoiceDemo III
74. 2022-12-19DamagedInternal Dismemberment ConflictsDo Not Spit/Passive Backseat Demon EnginesRotten Records
75. 2022-11-28PNEUMA HAGION {usa}The Shedding Of Fleshdemo 2015 ��trinity I��
76. 2022-11-28Crush EfektWe Become Animals$2, 10 Song Demo
77. 2022-11-14PedifileShackle The JackalDie A Violent Death (Demo)
78. 2022-10-31NunslaughterSacrificial Zombie (The Guts Of Christ)Demoslaughter [Disc 1]Hells Headbangers Records
79. 2022-10-10Black DeathTaken By ForceDemo I
80. 2022-10-10Musty GutsKonga the SlaughterfrogMaggot Assault (Demo ´88)
81. 2022-10-03PestigoreSwamp of the Holy RotRehearsal/Demo 1991
82. 2022-10-03SepsisticRiftDemo (2021)
83. 2022-09-26AnguishLair of the GodsANGUISH - MORTAJAS - The Archdemon's Decade - Un Viaje sin Final split CDSun & Moon Records
84. 2022-09-19Eyes Like AutumnBlasting Holes In The Night Until She Bleeds SunshineDemo 2002
85. 2022-09-12EarthrideUnder A Black CloudTaming Of The Demons
86. 2022-09-126L6Light1992 Demo 1
87. 2022-08-01AbacinateDon't RetreatOut of the System (Demo)Independent
88. 2022-08-01MalevolenceSentimental OblivionPleasure of Molestation (Demo)
89. 2022-07-25Lestregus NosferatusDeceivedBlood Feast Of The Damned (Demo)
90. 2022-07-18No Zodiacdrowningdemo2010
91. 2022-07-04MordethIn Direction Of Nothing - track 3/51990 Demo ( 1990 )
92. 2022-07-04ParricideBodiless ConcealedAccustomed to Illusion (Demo)
93. 2022-06-276L6What Have I Done?1992 Demo 1
94. 2022-06-27GorgutsHaematological Allergy...And Then Comes Lividity (Demo)
95. 2022-06-13InfesterClouding of ConciousnessDarkness unveiled (demo 1992)
96. 2022-05-30ThromdarrWinter of FlamesMidwinter Frost - Complete Demo Tapes 1990-1997Svart Records
97. 2022-05-23Necropolis (CA,US)Silent ScreamUnreleased demo 1988
98. 2022-04-11The CarrierPanic StrickenDemo 06'
99. 2022-03-28PossessedEvil WarriorsDeath Metal [Demo]
100. 2022-03-21Musty GutsHitch or be HitchedMaggot Assault (Demo �88)
101. 2022-03-07Bodies in the Gears of the ApparatusSeventeen Reasons to Die Wearing BlackFirst Demo
102. 2022-03-07MalignityFatal ParanoiaDemonic
103. 2022-02-21Mental DecayBeyond The WallsDemo 1
104. 2022-02-07Hummingbird of DeathHacked To ChunksDemo '05
105. 2022-02-07MalevolencePleasure of MolestationPleasure of Molestation (Demo)
106. 2022-01-31ElegyDrive Into The DeepBetter Than Bells Demo
107. 2022-01-31MortificationElectron NarcosisDemo 1989
108. 2022-01-24Swear To GodLook At YourselfDemo 2002
109. 2022-01-10Rotting ObsceneAbsence of Light2011 DemoSelf-Released
110. 2022-01-10ShiverClean SlateDemoShift
111. 2022-01-03Nekrovomit03. Night Of The DeadDemonic PossessionHelldprod Records
112. 2021-12-27SepsisticRot InjectionDemo (2021)
113. 2021-12-20NunslaughterKilled By The CrossRitual Of Darkness (demo)
114. 2021-12-13Fuming MouthInfernal VoidDemo
115. 2021-12-06Fuming MouthExecutioner's SabbathDemo
116. 2021-12-06ParricideFearAccustomed to Illusion (Demo)
117. 2021-11-22AnnihilatorGalleryPhantasmagoria (Demo)
118. 2021-11-22The_NetworkBright Lights, Big CityDemo 5 + 2 songs
119. 2021-11-15HUNTERS MOON03 Pilgrims ExileThe Great Pandemonium (CD, LP)Hells Headbangers Records
120. 2021-11-08Rigor MortisDemonsDemonsCapitol
121. 2021-11-01UnanimatedAncient God Of EvilRehearsal (Demo)
122. 2021-10-18GolemA Kind Of SicknessRecall The Day Of Incarnation (Demo '93)
123. 2021-10-18Lestregus NosferatusCouldrone Of DeathBlood Feast Of The Damned (Demo)
124. 2021-10-18Malignant (USA)Visions Of RealityAn Empty Tomorrow (Demo)
125. 2021-10-11DisinhumedBlasphemyUnearthed... (Demo)
126. 2021-10-11CyperusTime To Make TimeCyperus (Demo)
127. 2021-10-11General SurgeryAmbulance ChaserNemesis Begins Demo
128. 2021-09-20Obsidian TongueKinship As A Wound2010
129. 2021-08-23East BeastKing Of The JungleDemo 2012Frequency Deleted Recordings
130. 2021-08-02Necrovore01 Mutilated Deathdemo 1987
131. 2021-08-02Raging FireVictim (Of Leather, Whips and Chains)demo
132. 2021-07-19Halo Suffocation MachineComaDemo 2000
133. 2021-07-19OralDodens Handdemo 1987
134. 2021-07-05Mutilatorempire of liesDemo 1
135. 2021-06-14Cirith UngolFrost and FireCirith Ungol (Demo)
136. 2021-06-14ConvulsionDawn Of The DeadThe First Demo
137. 2021-05-31NesbittEnd of FleshNesbitt DemosSelf-Released
138. 2021-05-24ShiverDaylightDemoShift
139. 2021-05-24DrugxTestYou Faileddemo
140. 2021-05-17DarknessDeath SquadAttack at the Mephisto (live demo)
141. 2021-05-17NecrophiliacInfernal MajestyNecrosion demo
142. 2021-04-19GorefestTangled In GoreThe DemosHammerheart Records
143. 2021-03-29DyoxenAgent OrangeApocalyptic Dreams Demo
144. 2021-03-08Black DeathBreak The Chains Of HellDemo I
145. 2021-03-08Mystic Charm(hol)Frozen FeelingsDemo Endless Sickness
146. 2021-03-08DecerebrationVengeful DivinitiesPure Hatred (Demo)
147. 2021-02-15DrugxTestDown The Stairsdemo
148. 2021-02-15MadballBack of the BusDemonstrating My StyleRoadrunner Records
149. 2021-02-08Sinicle07_BaltimoreAngels & DemonsSelf-Released
150. 2021-02-08Humans BeingExhaustedMy Demons Disagree
151. 2021-02-01NecromansyNuclear Legionsdemo #1
152. 2021-01-25Taphos06 Purging PyresDemo MMXVI & 7" EP MMXVII CDBlood Harvest Records
153. 2021-01-11AbemalColdDemo -94
154. 2021-01-04Power TripThis WorldDemo 2008
155. 2020-12-28Aftermath (Aus)Human OvenAftermath (Demo)
156. 2020-12-28ArseholocaustOpen GravesDemo 2011
157. 2020-12-21MortificationBlasphamy RebornDemo 1989
158. 2020-12-14Vattnet ViskarVattnet ViskarDemo
159. 2020-11-23Shadows FallThoughts Without WordsDemons of the Fall (Fall-Winter 2002 Sampler)
160. 2020-11-09Dead Speak (USA)Behead The TyrantDead And Gone (Demo)
161. 2020-11-09DegragoreCold BladeDemonic Obsession
162. 2020-10-26InjusticeWisdom Of The SubgeniusInhuman Conditions Demo
163. 2020-10-12RepulsionFestering BoilsSlaughter Of The Innocent Demo 1986
164. 2020-10-12AbacinateI'll Rise AgainOut of the System (Demo)Independent
165. 2020-10-05Humans BeingExhaustedMy Demons Disagree
166. 2020-10-05BLACK ARTEverything I KnowDEMO 1995
167. 2020-09-21Wireless HelotBigotry of a little headHelot Of Yourself (Demo)
168. 2020-09-21Dropdead03 Doorway To ExtinctionDemos 1991Armageddon Label
169. 2020-09-21Demons & WizardsWinter of SoulsDemons & WizardsSteamhammer Records
170. 2020-09-21NeurodeliriPaiascDemo
171. 2020-09-21Mercenary (USA)Retinal Burns (Demo 1986)Demos '86-'87
172. 2020-09-07EarthDescent to the ZenithAngels of Darkness, Demons of Light, Vol. 1Southern Lord Records
173. 2020-08-31Laughing DeadMad Men ClashDemo
174. 2020-08-31BlackstormThe ConfrontationTwist Of Fate (Demo)
175. 2020-08-24Brutal WhisperDead In the DarkWithin Violence (Demo)
176. 2020-08-24Infestation (Mex)The Parody Of DesolationThe Parody Of Desolation (Demo)
177. 2020-08-24MALEFICARUM (ITA)03.Mean Symbolic HolinessDemo
178. 2020-08-17MorbicusSadistic ImmolationSadistic Immolation Demo
179. 2020-08-17UnanimatedThe Blackness Of The Fallen StarFire Storm (Demo)
180. 2020-08-10APOSENTOdisgorging bloodEternal Agony, demo 1993
181. 2020-08-10Diabolical Messiah8. Perverse DomainSatan Tottendemon Victory!!! LPBlood Harvest
182. 2020-08-10Iron LungStorage UnitDemonstrations In Pressure And Volume EP
183. 2020-08-10Forbidden EvilMarch Into FireDemo '87
184. 2020-08-10GorgutsInflicted Maturity...And Then Comes Lividity (Demo)
185. 2020-08-03AssassinReligionHoly Terror Demo
186. 2020-08-03ProphecySuicideUnforseen Future Demo
187. 2020-07-20Full Blown ChaosWake the DemonsWake the Demons, Disc 1Stillborn Records
188. 2020-07-20Already DeadTenADemonstration
189. 2020-07-20Inhuman ConditionsDrugdeathPositive Or Dumb (demo II 1987)
190. 2020-07-13Lethal PresenceFind the witchUnholy Alliance demo 1986
191. 2020-07-06VoivodWarriors Of IceMorgoth Invasion [Live Demo December 1984]
192. 2020-07-06MortificationRotting DeadDemo 1989
193. 2020-07-06AcceptDon't Go Stealing My Soul AwayRestless And Wild [Demo Version]
194. 2020-06-29OÄŒI VLKAII. Vnimani Zivota Na Prahu SmrtiDemoCaligari Records
195. 2020-06-29Gehenna (USA, PA)Desecrated LifeValley Of Gore (Demo)
196. 2020-06-22CinzasIIIDemo IPurodium Rekords
197. 2020-06-22COMPOST PILEUntimely DeathDemo 1995
198. 2020-06-15Temeluchusecho of suicide from the dark desolant woodsDemo II
199. 2020-06-15TrojanCheaterDemo I
200. 2020-06-01CLAIRVOYANCE (Poland)02 - Broken ShacklesDemoCaligari Records
201. 2020-06-01PossessedSwing of the AxeDemo 1985
202. 2020-05-25SEDIMENTUM {canada}Décimation Lentedemo 2019
203. 2020-05-25MALIGN (swe)A.3 Malign - The WandererDemo 1/95Shadow Records
204. 2020-05-25Obliteration02.Slow DeathThe Mirror Of Pain (Demo 1994)
205. 2020-05-25SadusFight Or DieDTP Demo 1986
206. 2020-05-11Lethal PresenceKill for meUnholy Alliance demo 1986
207. 2020-05-04Noctambulismcathartic funeralMournful Sculpture (Demo)
208. 2020-05-04Cirith UngolBetter off DeadCirith Ungol (Demo)
209. 2020-04-27ETSYKH {ukraine}Eruptiondemo 2019
210. 2020-04-27Num SkullNo moralsNum's the word demo (1985)zips
211. 2020-03-16Lord Of PutrefactionZombie PlagueNecromantic (Demo)
212. 2020-03-16MidasClash of SteelDemo TapesDying Victims Productions
213. 2020-03-16DisgorgeFaecesGive The Sick More Say (Demo)
214. 2020-02-24PUTRICID {canada}Fatal Incantationdemo 1992 ´´suppuration´´
215. 2020-02-17WrenNørreportDemoSelf-Released
216. 2020-02-17orchristetil death do us joinnecronomicon (demo)
217. 2020-02-10UndyingFire of Lifedemo
218. 2020-02-10ChokeholdBorn To DieThis Whole World Is An Addiction [demo '91]
219. 2020-02-10FloorpunchTolerateGoal Line Stand Demo Tape
220. 2020-02-10Strike 3Side By SideDemo 1996
221. 2020-02-10GODSWALLOWERSuffererDEMO
222. 2020-02-10Autopsystillbornridden with disease (demo)
223. 2020-02-10Nightmare Continues, TheOld Gods, New FacesDemo
224. 2020-02-10Forest of ImpaledThe Gateway of the GodsDemonvoidRed Stream
225. 2020-02-10UnanimatedIn The Forest Of The Dreaming DeadFire Storm (Demo)
226. 2020-02-03The CarrierMemoirsDemo 06'
227. 2020-02-03SEDIMENTUM {canada}Momifié Dans La Vasedemo 2019
228. 2020-02-03Have HeartAbout FaceDemo 2003
229. 2020-01-20Malignament01 Call to ArmsDemo IPurity Through Fire
230. 2020-01-13Fuming MouthAdverse RitualDemo
231. 2020-01-06UNDEATH02 - Ineffable TumultDemo '19Caligari Records
232. 2020-01-06Avant GardeI Must Be DreamingThe Blue Demo
233. 2019-12-09EffigyProphet of EvilTortured Souls (Demo)
234. 2019-12-02prophecydestinydemo 90
235. 2019-11-25In Dire NeedAs I Lie Here UndyingDemo
236. 2019-11-18Broken Spirit06 Fourth ReichDemo Collections 2012-2017GoatowaRex
237. 2019-11-04AbemalGift Of UndeathDemo -94
238. 2019-11-04Diarrhée MentaleFlu Fluviale3-way split demo
239. 2019-10-28UNDEATH05 - Archfiend Coercion MethodsDemo '19Caligari Records
240. 2019-10-21Where They HideCounterfeit2019 Demo
241. 2019-10-14The_NetworkBright Lights, Big CityDemo 5 + 2 songs
242. 2019-10-07Noctambulismblood of saintMournful Sculpture (Demo)
243. 2019-09-23UNDEATH02 - Ineffable TumultDemo '19Caligari Records
244. 2019-09-16Power TripVulturesDemo 2008
245. 2019-09-09EkbombsDie Alonedemo
246. 2019-09-02PunchTrack 112007 Demo
247. 2019-08-19GODSWALLOWERSuffererDEMO
248. 2019-08-05Múspellzheimr04 Hyldest Til Trolddommens Flamme dHyldest til Trolddommens Flamme / Demo CompilationLunar Apparitions-Amor Fati
249. 2019-07-22BereavedDissolute Paternal GodTortured Souls (Demo 1994)
250. 2019-07-15NunslaughterCataclysm (The Rotting Christ)Demoslaughter [Disc 1]Hells Headbangers Records
251. 2019-07-15OSSUARY INSANEFallen to the PitsDemonize The Flesh 12"LPBlood Harvest Records
252. 2019-07-08Sigil (Canada)02 CompoundsDemonstration MMXIXFuneral Trance Records
253. 2019-06-17BasicSushi DateMisery Demo
254. 2019-06-17Nuclear AgePower Of Youth2013 Demo Cassette
255. 2019-06-10Jugular EmbolismMustard Pouring out of the EyesEruptions of Pus and Mucus Demo
256. 2019-06-03UNDEATH01 - Unadorned CoffinDemo '19Caligari Records
257. 2019-05-27ExodusDie By His HandDie By His Hand (Demo)
258. 2019-05-20Hummingbird of DeathThe Dark Ages Are OverratedDemo '05
259. 2019-05-20K.F.RA3 AzazelDemonologuePurity Through Fire
260. 2019-05-13Chemical DisasterDisagreementLost Souls in the Aboninable Realm of Darkness [Demo]
261. 2019-04-22Ossuary Insane03 ImprecariDemonize the Flesh LPBlood Harvest Records
262. 2019-03-18GorgutsConsidered Dead (Demo 1991)Demo Anthology
263. 2019-03-18Decaying ContinuumExpending Humanity WithinThe Burden of Entropy [Demo]
264. 2019-03-11DysenteryBaptized In DisbeliefDemo
265. 2019-03-04UNDEATH03 - Perverted Self ReflectionsDemo '19Caligari Records
266. 2019-02-18General SurgerySevere catatonia in pathologyInternecine Prurience Rehearsal Demo III 09.90
267. 2019-01-21Strike 3Re-RunDemo 1996
268. 2019-01-07Decaying ContinuumThe Chaotic UnknownThe Burden of Entropy [Demo]
269. 2018-12-31PandemoniumUnholy ExistenceDevilri (demo)
270. 2018-12-03HellhammerReaperDemon Entrailsmetalblade
271. 2018-11-19Rotting ObsceneWar Storm2011 DemoSelf-Released
272. 2018-11-19MilitianaryBeyond The Constricted SpaceDemo
273. 2018-10-29MORBIDBeyond The Last MidnightLast Supper (Demo 1988)
274. 2018-10-29Temeluchusregions of hell's fire kingdomDemo II
275. 2018-10-08Morbid MessiahGraveyard HeadhunterDemoniac ParoxysmMemento Mori
276. 2018-10-08MerauderTrack 01Demo 93 w/ Minus
277. 2018-10-08100 DemonsSomething Terrible100 DemonsDead Serious
278. 2018-10-01NunslaughterHells Unholy Fire (The Rotting Christ)Demoslaughter [Disc 1]Hells Headbangers Records
279. 2018-09-24Rained InLoose EndsDemo 2018
280. 2018-09-24DistressorPatience Runs ThinDemo 2018
281. 2018-09-10GolemMutilated OrgansRecall The Day Of Incarnation (Demo '93)
282. 2018-09-10ShiverClean SlateDemoShift
283. 2018-08-27EkbombsRecidivist Divisiondemo
284. 2018-08-20Life At ZeroBaptised In PissLife In Piss - Demo 2001
285. 2018-08-13DistressorDestroy The WeakDemo 2018
286. 2018-08-13DisembodiedRotgutDisfigured (Demo)
287. 2018-08-13Held HostageChapter Three in the Liars ManualDemo 2001
288. 2018-07-30Forest of ImpaledWings of ApocalypseDemonvoidRed Stream
289. 2018-07-23ShiverClean SlateDemoShift
290. 2018-07-16MythicThe OracleThe Immortal Realm (demo)
291. 2018-07-16CinzasIIDemo IPurodium Rekords
292. 2018-07-16Yog Sothots07. Slasher NoiseDemo 87
293. 2018-07-09Rude AwakeningUntamed WorldRA Demo 2011Self-Released
294. 2018-07-02Occult (HOL)Jaws of SatanLive Demo
295. 2018-06-25Rained InCoilDemo 2018
296. 2018-06-18NAMELESSAncient Burial GroundsDemo
297. 2018-06-18GolemBeyond The Future SkiesRecall The Day Of Incarnation (Demo '93)
298. 2018-06-11Corpse HoarderAnatolically Correct2014 Demo
299. 2018-05-28Last Gays Of HumanityBoiling Bodily InnardsDemo
300. 2018-05-28MucopusCorporation XDemo
301. 2018-05-28Necrolatry[pol]03. In To The Chapel Of SkullsConfessions (demo 92)
302. 2018-05-14HellhammerThe Third Of The StormsDemon Entrails
303. 2018-04-30Rained InAM GoldDemo 2018
304. 2018-04-30Strike 3ForgetDemo 1996
305. 2018-04-16Rained InCall It In The AirDemo 2018
306. 2018-04-09Strike 3Side By SideDemo 1996
307. 2018-04-02KnaavesJanuaryDemo 2018
308. 2018-04-02Break It UpYou've ChangedDemo
309. 2018-04-02Strike 3But I DoDemo 1996
310. 2018-04-02Strike 3UntitledDemo 1996
311. 2018-03-19KnaavesNine Lives LostDemo 2018
312. 2018-03-19Taphos04 Venomous TempestDemo MMXVI & 7" EP MMXVII CDBlood Harvest Records
313. 2018-03-12KnaavesJanuaryDemo 2018
314. 2018-03-12General SurgerySlithering maceration of ulcerous facial tissueInternecine Prurience Rehearsal Demo III 09.90
315. 2018-03-12What Weapons Bring WarBrush Your Teeth With My Cock2005 DemoSelf-Released
316. 2018-03-05KnaavesNine Lives LostDemo 2018
317. 2018-02-26Weekend NachosI Am Not The Wedding Singer (demo)Demo
318. 2018-02-19Dark Crystal (NLD)Haunting the FireFirst Warning [Demo]
319. 2018-02-12Nerve Gas TragedyEndless PainDemo
320. 2018-02-05Desolate (Spain)InDemo-2015
321. 2018-01-22VoivodChemical Warfare [Slayer cover]Morgoth Invasion [Live Demo December 1984]
322. 2018-01-08The Taste Of SilverEdge Of The Avant-GardeWinter Demo
323. 2018-01-01BrotherComfortDemoself-released
324. 2017-12-04EkbombsSocial Surgerydemo
325. 2017-11-27The CarrierAlcatrazDemo 06'
326. 2017-11-27Nerve Gas TragedyDie AloneDemo
327. 2017-11-13What Weapons Bring WarThe Autumn's CradleDemo 2003
328. 2017-10-23HellhammerSatanic RitesDemon Entrails
329. 2017-10-02Sinicle04_Angels & DemonsAngels & DemonsSelf-Released
330. 2017-09-25Iron LungBody EnclosingDemonstrations In Pressure And Volume EP
331. 2017-09-18CoathangerSounds Like Someone DyingDemo
332. 2017-09-11BehemothGoat With a Thousand YoungDemonicaMetal Blade
333. 2017-09-04BehemothDark TriumphDemonicaMetal Blade
334. 2017-09-04Ascended04 - Drifting in a voidThe art of necromancy - Demo 2008
335. 2017-09-04InfesterAfterbirth... The MealDarkness Unveiled demo'92
336. 2017-08-28Darken The SkyVelvet Chains Of DissastisfactionDemo 2002self-released
337. 2017-08-21NunslaughterNunslaughterRitual Of Darkness (demo)hells_headbangers
338. 2017-08-21Ossuary Insane04 The Olde Ragged CrossDemonize the Flesh LPBlood Harvest Records
339. 2017-07-31Demons & WizardsPoor Man's CrusadeDemons & WizardsSteamhammer Records
340. 2017-07-10Ossuary Insane03 ImprecariDemonize the Flesh LPBlood Harvest Records
341. 2017-07-03TestamentTen Thousand ThronesDemonicMusic For Nations
342. 2017-06-26NecromisNecromisNecromis demo 1992
343. 2017-06-26Gruesome Fate4. septic incisionsgruesome fate[us] - live gurgulations demo 1992G
344. 2017-06-19ANACRUSISToo Many Prophets demoScreams and Whispers Demos
345. 2017-06-19Infernal Death(The) Immortal RaceDemo #1
346. 2017-06-19Paineaterpaineater - 04 infestation hellswarmHypersexual Violence Demo
347. 2017-06-12PESTIGORE2. Sea of SoulsTwisted Perversions... Unbearable Delight. DEMO 1992
348. 2017-06-12NecrophagistFermented Offal DischargeDemo Tapes (1995)
349. 2017-05-29WAR MASTERchapel of the apocalypsechapel of the apocalypse -demo-
350. 2017-05-08Suffocation (Pre-Fleshcrawl)Festering FleshFestering Flesh Demo
351. 2017-05-08AbacinateLife is NiceOut of the System (Demo)Independent
352. 2017-05-08TestamentNew Eyes of OldDemonicMusic For Nations
353. 2017-05-08ROGUEWhirlwind Insanity2 song demo
354. 2017-03-27GatherI Hate Ayn RandTotal Liberation Demo
355. 2017-03-27EntrailsYour Dead Dog SmileResurrected from the Grave (Demo Collection)Metal Blade Records
356. 2017-02-27Northern CurseStatic EclipseDemoSelf-Released
357. 2017-02-27Carnal ForgePull the TriggerFiredemonCentury Media Records
358. 2017-02-27NecronyHill Of Cadaverssevere malignant pustule (demo)
359. 2017-02-20Dismantle The CyborgSlow DecayDemo
360. 2017-02-06Extinction AgendaCreature Of Unconscious DesignDemoJuventus
361. 2017-01-23CANDLE01 BetrayalDemo 2016Fighter Records
362. 2017-01-16Rotting ObsceneMetamorphic Transcendence2011 DemoSelf-Released
363. 2017-01-16Northern CurseStatic EclipseDemoSelf-Released
364. 2017-01-16American NightmareSore Throat Syndrome4 Song DemoBridge 9
365. 2017-01-09In Dire NeedA Final Farewell (To Geinea Bissau)Demo
366. 2017-01-02SummoningBeyond Bloodred HorizonsDemo 94 (Promo ) (Demo)
367. 2016-12-26Mental ComaCivilized AbuseFragments Of DemocracyHorror Pain Gore Death Productions
368. 2016-11-21Maligner03 Adrenaline RushDemon TAPEBlood Harvest Records
369. 2016-10-24100 DemonsHis Father's Son100 DemonsDead Serious
370. 2016-10-24MerauderLife Is PainDemo 93 w/ Minusself-released
371. 2016-10-10DemigodAnxietyUnholy Domain [Demo]
372. 2016-10-03NIGHT DEMON03 Ancient EvilNight Demon (TAPE)Shadow Kingdom Records
373. 2016-09-26100 DemonsDying in My Own Arms100 DemonsDead Serious
374. 2016-09-26Obsidian TongueThe Noble2010
375. 2016-08-29Halo Suffocation MachineComaDemo 2000
376. 2016-07-25HexenslaughtAltar Of DeathDemo IInvictus Productions
377. 2016-07-18Perverted CeremonyBlack FluidsDemo 1 TAPENuclear War Now! Productions
378. 2016-07-18Death Courier04 Mass ImpalementEP and Demo LPNuclear War Now! Productions
379. 2016-07-11UNITED VOIDNightbreedDEMO
380. 2016-07-046L6Free1992 Demo 1
381. 2016-05-16DamagedInternal Dismemberment ConflictsDo Not Spit/Passive Backseat Demon EnginesRotten Records
382. 2016-04-04FRONT BEASTBroken Seal Of White LightDemon Ways of Sorcery (CD, LP)Hells Headbangers Records
383. 2016-03-21Sacred SwordBackyard RockersDemo 1988
384. 2016-03-21Rampant DecayCocaine FrenzyDemo 2009
385. 2016-03-14Fuming MouthImmolateDemo
386. 2016-03-14Goatlord07 The FogDemo '87 / Reh. '88 DLPNuclear War Now! Productions
387. 2016-02-29DREADPretzelAbominate Demo
388. 2016-02-226L6Take it Back1992 Demo 1
389. 2016-02-08AcceptDemon's NightRestless And Wild [Demo Version]
390. 2016-01-25GorgutsCalamitous Mortification...And Then Comes Lividity (Demo)
391. 2016-01-18CyperusJudgement DayCyperus (Demo)
392. 2015-11-30ShiverRapefaceDemoShift
393. 2015-11-16PeucharistVomit Right In god's Face2015 Demoself-released
394. 2015-11-16LivverNo LoveDemo 2011self-released
395. 2015-10-19Cirith UngolReturn To LankhmarCirith Ungol (Demo)
396. 2015-09-28HellhammerPower Of SatanDemon Entrailsmetalblade
397. 2015-09-21100 demonsLord Have Mercy100 Demonsdeathwishinc
398. 2015-08-31Job for a CowboyTarnished GluttonyDemonocrasymetalblade
399. 2015-08-24ProcreationAfterlifeIncantations Of Demonic Lust For Corpses Of The Fallennuclear_war_now
400. 2015-08-10MayhemDeathcrushDeathcrush (demo)phantom
401. 2015-07-27CatalepsyObituary Feardemo 87
402. 2015-06-22Halo Suffocation MachineLeft StandingDemo 2000
403. 2015-06-22Amon AmarthRisen From The SeaThor Arise (demo)
404. 2015-06-15MucophagusMaggots To FleshDemo 1Self-Released
405. 2015-06-15PossessedSwing Of The AxeDemo 1985
406. 2015-06-08ChronosLord Of Plague And FeverEpilogo Funedre Demo
407. 2015-06-01No ZodiacDrowningDemo
408. 2015-06-01GoatlordUnholy Black SlutDemo 87nuclear_war_now
409. 2015-05-25Coke BustPower JunkiesDemoself-released
410. 2015-05-18DoomhammerBlack Metal RevoltThe Law Of The Drunk 0 Demo Collectionold_cemetery
411. 2015-05-18NunslaughterChurch Of Disgust (Rehersal Demo June 23rd 1993)Demo Slaughter CD2hells_headbangers
412. 2015-03-16Apollo RaCrimson StreetsRa Pariah (demo)
413. 2015-03-16Fuming MouthInfernal VoidDemoself-released
414. 2015-03-09Found Dead HangingObserving Cash Flow Analysis at my Local Crack Housedemoself-released
415. 2015-03-02DisgorgeMurder (Extreme Noise Terror)Give The Sick More Say (Demo)
416. 2015-02-09Sonus MortisHarbinger Of Doomdemo 2013self-released
417. 2015-02-02Fuming MouthInfernal VoidDemoself-released
418. 2015-01-12DetenteWidows WalkDemo IIxtreem
419. 2015-01-12Cavalera ConspiracyFather Of HatePandemoniumnapalm
420. 2015-01-05Forest of ImpaledI Metamorphosis (Birth of the Seventh)Demonvoidred_stream
421. 2014-12-29Rude AwakeningErisionDemo 2011self-released
422. 2014-12-22RepulsionThe Stench Of Burning DeathSlaughtering of the Innocent Demo
423. 2014-12-08Cavalera ConspiracyBonzai KamikazeePandemoniumnapalm
424. 2014-12-08Malevolent CreationViolent OffspringDemo I
425. 2014-12-08Violent HammerArmy Of The DamnedMore Victims: Demo 2014Shadow Kingdom
426. 2014-11-24EntrailsMidnight DeathResurrected From The Grave (Demo Collection)metalblade
427. 2014-11-24ValhallaKingdom Of IceDemo 2004
428. 2014-11-17Cavalera ConspiracyI, BarbarianPandemoniumNo Sleep
429. 2014-10-13Diabolical MessiahCurse Of MegatonsSatan Tottendemon VictoryBlood Harvest
430. 2014-10-06UnanimatedThrough The GatesFire Storm (Demo)
431. 2014-09-29Bestial WarlustLeft For VulturesSatan's Fist - Demo 1996hells_headbangers
432. 2014-09-15GodcrusherFuneral SermonDemo
433. 2014-09-08Malevolent CreationInjected SufferingDemo I
434. 2014-09-08GodcrusherGodcrusherDemo
435. 2014-09-01GodcrusherDiabolic LiberationDemo
436. 2014-09-01MadballLive or DieDemonstrate My Styleroadrunner
437. 2014-08-11Break It Upyou've Changeddemoself-released
438. 2014-07-28Diabolical MessiahDivine WarSatan Tottendemon VictoryBlood Harvest
439. 2014-07-28Chemical CascadesCosmic WinterDemoself-released
440. 2014-07-21Chemical CascadesSpine Of The WorldDemoself-released
441. 2014-07-21EntrailsStormy DeathResurrected From The Grave (Demo Collection)metalblade
442. 2014-07-14VoivodBlack CityMorgoth Invasion (Live Demo December 1984)
443. 2014-07-14Diabolical MessiahDivine WarSatan Tottendemon VictoryBlood Harvest
444. 2014-07-07EntrailsYour Dead Dog SmileResurrected From The Grave (Demo Collection)metalblade
445. 2014-07-07AlteriusSpilling Of Innocent BloodDemo EPself-released
446. 2014-06-09HellhammerTrumph of Death!Demon Entrails
447. 2014-06-02Dead By WednesdayDemocracy Is DeadDemocracy Is Deadfury 76
448. 2014-06-02TemeluchusSemen Surrounding Sacrificed Virgin BloodDemo II
449. 2014-05-26The Auburn Systemold man on the mountainDemo-Son Of The 7th
450. 2014-05-12AlteriusSpilling Of Innocent BloodDemo EPself-released
451. 2014-04-28AlteriusSpilling Of Innocent BloodDemo EPself-released
452. 2014-04-07AlteriusSanctuaryDemo EPself-released
453. 2014-03-10General SurgeryCrimson ConcertoInternecine Prurience Rehearsal Demo III 09.90
454. 2014-03-10Unbounded TerrorDreamlordGrowing on Sorrow Demo 92
455. 2014-02-24It Will End in Pure HorrorWalking DeadNight Of The Living Demo
456. 2014-02-17Red Equals MeltdownCandorDemo 2013
457. 2014-02-03HaxenWe All Worship Deathdemo 2010self-released
458. 2014-02-03Eyes Like AutumnBlasting Holes In The Sky Until She Bleeds SunshineDemo 2002
459. 2014-01-27Eyes Like AutumnJules VerneDemo 2002
460. 2013-12-30WrenYnis Vitrindemo
461. 2013-12-30Forest of ImpaledBeyond the Black Mountain RealmDemonvoidred_stream
462. 2013-12-30Unholy GoatfuckerOakn Gallows, Shroud Of SnowDemo
463. 2013-12-09the Nightmare Continuesthe bible was written by those who thought the earth was flatdemoself-released
464. 2013-12-09MucopusSuperfluous AnomiaDemo
465. 2013-12-09Rotting ObsceneWar Storm2011 Demoself-released
466. 2013-11-25GorefestTangled In GoreThe Demos
467. 2013-11-11Rigor MortisDemonsDemonsCapitol
468. 2013-11-04METHMOUTHCulture ShockDemo 2013
469. 2013-09-30METHMOUTHTear You DownDemo 2013
470. 2013-09-30WehrmachtGore FlixDemo 1986self-released
471. 2013-09-30RefluxThere's No Sunlight In My CubicleThe Illusion Of Democracyprosthetic
472. 2013-09-16SodomDevil's AttackVictim Of Death (demo)
473. 2013-09-09HellhammerBlood InsanityDemon Entrailsmetalblade
474. 2013-08-26Front BeastBeaer Of Satan's FlameDemon Ways Of Sorceryhells_headbangers
475. 2013-08-05Stagnant YouthInvasion/ReignDemo 2013self-released
476. 2013-08-05UnanimatedThrough The GatesFire Storm (Demo)
477. 2013-07-22BaphometInfernal InvocationMorbid Realities (Demo 89)self-released
478. 2013-07-22METHMOUTHAnxiety CrutchDemo 2013
479. 2013-07-22MadballLive or DieDemonstrate My Styleroadrunner
480. 2013-07-15NihilistSentenced To DeathDemoscandlelight
481. 2013-07-15ExtractThe Dear LeaderNuclear Demonstration
482. 2013-07-15ThunderHawkLoneliest Way To Diedemoself-released
483. 2013-07-15METHMOUTHSolidified HateDemo 2013
484. 2013-07-15GlueClose But No CigarDemo 2012
485. 2013-07-15Youth ChoirSometimes Fat Guys Dont Wear WhiteDemo 2013
486. 2013-07-15NambrotTrack twoDemo 1994
487. 2013-07-01BehemothThy Winter KingdomDemoniametalblade
488. 2013-06-17FornTrack 1demoself-released
489. 2013-06-17HellhammerBlood InsanityDemon Entrails
490. 2013-06-10FornTrack 2demoself-released
491. 2013-05-13Rotting ObsceneWar Storm2011 Demo
492. 2013-05-06Dark Was The NightNegative Sun2012 demo
493. 2013-05-06Epik CenterGrab The Reinsdemo
494. 2013-05-06Forest Of RemorseRitual Penetrationdemo
495. 2013-04-29PandemiaMejestic SufferingPersonal Demonslost_disciple
496. 2013-04-15Rotting ObsceneWar Storm2011 Demoself-released
497. 2013-04-01Of The BetrayedWith Weapons RaisedDemo 2006
498. 2013-04-01Rotting ObsceneMetamorphic Transcendence2011 Demoself-released
499. 2013-04-01Vattnet ViskarDespair (Within The Void)demoself-released
500. 2013-03-25MucopusCorporation XDemoself-released
501. 2013-03-25ChainsJoin The SabbathDancing With My Demons 7"hells_headbangers
502. 2013-03-18DoomhammerAt Midnight We StrikeThe Law Of The Drunk 0 Demo Collectionold_cemetery
503. 2013-03-04Vattnet ViskarVattnet Viskardemoself-released
504. 2013-02-04It Will End in Pure HorrorWalking DeadDemoself-released
505. 2013-02-04LivverFrozenDemo 2011self-released
506. 2013-01-14Follow The FliesWaste Of YearsDemo 2006
507. 2012-12-17East BeastDeceased FeastDemo 2012frequency_deleted
508. 2012-12-10NachzehrerPlague Bringer: Death March CommenceDemo 2010self-released
509. 2012-12-03Strung AlongStrung AlongDemo 2012self-released
510. 2012-12-03MigranaPira De CadaveresDemo 2012self-released
511. 2012-11-26DoomhammerAt Midnight We StrikeThe Law Of The Drunk 0 Demo Collectionold_cemetery
512. 2012-11-26Rude AwakeningErisionDemo 2011self-released
513. 2012-11-19Vattnet ViskarDespair (Within The Void)demoself-released
514. 2012-11-12Death HavenSetting Fire to the Garden of Edendemoself-released
515. 2012-10-01EvocationOn The Journey To HeavenEvoked From Demonic Depths - The Early Yearscenturymedia
516. 2012-09-24NunslaughterRitual Of DarknessDemo Slaughter CD1hells_headbangers
517. 2012-09-17Vio-lenceBodies on BodiesMehcanic Demoself-released
518. 2012-09-17EvocationGenesisEvoked From Demonic Depths - The Early Yearscenturymedia
519. 2012-09-10Prelude To AgonyHell I wroughtdemoself-released
520. 2012-09-10Deathgod MessiahBastard ChristBastard Christ demo 2009self-released
521. 2012-09-03Rude AwakeningSevered TiesDemo 2011self-released
522. 2012-09-03Assault On The LivingThe Vile Undeaddemoself-released
523. 2012-08-27HerugrimGlade Of MadnessDemoself-released
524. 2012-08-27Dust BoltInto MadnessViolent Demolitionnapalm
525. 2012-08-27EvocationA Journey To HeavenEvoked From Demonic Depths - The Early Yearscenturymedia
526. 2012-08-20PowerwolvesSlaughtering The MachinesSlaughtering The Machines - demo 2010self-released
527. 2012-08-20Rude AwakeningErisionDemo 2011self-released
528. 2012-08-20Dust BoltViolent AbolitionViolent Demolitionnapalm
529. 2012-08-20EvocationVeils Were BlownEvoked From Demonic Depths - The Early Yearscenturymedia
530. 2012-08-13LivverIn HellDemo 2011self-released
531. 2012-08-13Dust BoltShattered By RealityViolent Demolitionnapalm
532. 2012-08-13Assault On The LivingInfection Of The Massesdemoself-released
533. 2012-08-13EvocationDesolte SpiritsEvoked From Demonic Depths - The Early Yearscenturymedia
534. 2012-08-13HellhammerReady For A SlaughterDemon Entrails
535. 2012-08-06Dust BoltMarch Thru PainViolent Demolitionnapalm
536. 2012-08-06The WormsLeaking Out Of My BrainThe Dirty Demoself-released
537. 2012-08-06Stabwoundancient art of guttingDemos
538. 2012-07-23PowerwolvesSlaughtering The MachinesSlaughtering The Machines - demo 2010self-released
539. 2012-07-16Fit For An AutopsyThe JackylDemo 2008self-released
540. 2012-07-09SacrilegeBlind AcceptanceReaping The Demo(n)sxtreem
541. 2012-07-09PorphyriaFrailties of Humanitydemo 2003self-released
542. 2012-07-09Job for a CowboyTongueless And BoundDemonocrasymetalblade
543. 2012-07-02AustralisSynapse CollapseDemo 2012
544. 2012-07-02Prosanctus InferiLips of Plasma Vomiting Sanctimonious PyxPandemonic Ululations Of Vesperic Palpitationhells_headbangers
545. 2012-06-25MilitianaryEagle Has Landeddemoself-released
546. 2012-06-25PowerwolvesSlaughtering The MachinesSlaughtering The Machines - demo 2010self-released
547. 2012-06-18Visual PollutionproblemsDemo
548. 2012-06-18Ed GeinBathed In OrangeDemoself-released
549. 2012-05-28MordacityRedemption Denieddemoself-released
550. 2012-05-21AustralisAstral AnnihilationDemo 2012self-released
551. 2012-05-14LivverTsunamiDemo 2011self-released
552. 2012-05-07DemoralizerCycle Of ViolenceDemoself-released
553. 2012-05-07Job for a CowboyBlack DischargeDemonocrasymetalblade
554. 2012-04-30DemoralizerAcid Pool PartyDemoself-released
555. 2012-04-30LegacyDarkened PathDemo 2000self-released
556. 2012-04-16DemoralizerExecution ReleaseDemoself-released
557. 2012-04-16LivverIn HellDemo 2011self-released
558. 2012-04-09Forest of ImpaledThe ImpalerDemonvoidred_stream
559. 2012-04-09Job for a CowboyBlack DischargeDemonocrasymetalblade
560. 2012-04-02NunslaughterI Am DeathDemo Slaughter CD1hells_headbangers
561. 2012-04-02LivverLoveDemo 2011self-released
562. 2012-03-26Rampant DecayLiferuiner MassgraveDemo 2009obscenity_cult
563. 2012-03-26War MasterChapel Of The ApocalypseChapel Of The Apocalypse - Demo 2009self-released
564. 2012-03-19LivverFrozenDemo 2011self-released
565. 2012-03-12DeafheavenDaedalusDemo 2010
566. 2012-03-12BaphometUnexpected InternmentMorbid Realities (Demo 89)self-released
567. 2012-03-12LivverTsunamiDemo 2011self-released
568. 2012-03-12It Will End in Pure HorrorWalking DeadDemoself-released
569. 2012-03-12MerauderLife Is PainDemo 93self-released
570. 2012-03-05SepukuNo CompromiseDemoself-released
571. 2012-03-05StabwoundDemo #3Demos
572. 2012-03-05Insufferable IngrateRewarding Failuredemoself-released
573. 2012-02-27Insufferable Ingrate#3demoself-released
574. 2012-02-20Dry Heave86'dDemo 2010self-released
575. 2012-02-20Forest of ImpaledDemonvoidDemonvoidred_stream
576. 2012-02-13Rude AwakeningErisionDemo 2011self-released
577. 2012-02-06NunslaughterBurning AwayDemo Slaughter CD1hells_headbangers
578. 2012-01-30NunslaughterImpale The SoulDemo Slaughter CD1hells_headbangers
579. 2012-01-30East BeastDeceased FeastDemo 2012frequency_deleted
580. 2012-01-30Graves#5Demoself-released
581. 2012-01-30Dry HeaveYour WorldDemo 2010self-released
582. 2012-01-23MadballFor My EnemiesDemonstrate My Styleroadrunner
583. 2012-01-16Graves#4Demoself-released
584. 2012-01-16RepulsionDecomposedSlaughtering of the Innocent Demo
585. 2012-01-02Dry HeaveTrust No OneDemo 2010self-released
586. 2011-12-12Dry HeaveSong Of The BeastDemo 2010self-released
587. 2011-12-12Rude AwakeningSevered TiesDemo 2011self-released
588. 2011-11-28Rude AwakeningSevered TiesDemo 2011self-released
589. 2011-11-21WrenchneckQuitter (live)Hope Street Demolitionself-released
590. 2011-11-07Rude AwakeningErisionDemo 2011self-released
591. 2011-11-07Dry HeaveYour WorldDemo 2010self-released
592. 2011-10-24Forest of ImpaledBeyond the Black Mountain RealmDemonvoidred_stream
593. 2011-10-24SepukuBlackwaterDemoself-released
594. 2011-10-17SiegeGrim Reaperdemo tapeself-released
595. 2011-10-10SepukuNapalm EnemaDemoself-released
596. 2011-10-03PowerwolvesSlaughtering The MachinesSlaughtering The Machines - demo 2010self-released
597. 2011-10-03Hatred AliveInfectedDemo 2011self-released
598. 2011-09-26Hatred AliveExtinctionDemo 2011self-released
599. 2011-09-05Oneiric RealmOde To The Sleep MachinesDemo 2010self-released
600. 2011-08-01Take A Lap6demoself-released
601. 2011-08-01Festering Sewage7demoself-released
602. 2011-07-11NachzehrerIncetual DemoncyBlack Trash Ritual (demo 2010)self-released
603. 2011-07-04Vattnet ViskarDespair (Within The Void)demoself-released
604. 2011-05-30BloodgeonShackleddemoself-released
605. 2011-05-23NachzehrerIncetual DemoncyBlack Trash Ritual (demo 2010)self-released
606. 2011-05-02Vattnet ViskarDespair (Within The Void)demoself-released
607. 2011-05-02CythraulWorld Of Sorrowdemoself-released
608. 2011-04-18SacrilegeSpirit CryReaping The Demo(n)sxtreem
609. 2011-03-21SutureThose Without EyesMorbid Scuplture Demo(n)ologyamputated_vein
610. 2011-03-21HellhammerTrumph of Death!Demon Entrails
611. 2011-03-21Dorian Gray#1demoself-released
612. 2011-03-14Dorian Gray#3demoself-released
613. 2011-03-14Engraved In BoneBrought Back From RotPlagues-Demo 2011self-released
614. 2011-02-28Engraved In BoneSeven DaysPlagues-Demo 2011self-released
615. 2011-02-28NachzehrerOnward To Hell FrostBlack Trash Ritual (demo 2010)self-released
616. 2011-02-21PowerwolvesSlaughtering The MachinesSlaughtering The Machines - demo 2010self-released
617. 2011-01-31PowerwolvesUnleash The WolvesSlaughtering The Machines - demo 2010self-released
618. 2011-01-31Obsidian TongueDissociationDemo 2010self-released
619. 2011-01-31GonerJapanese Titledemoself-released
620. 2011-01-17Rampant DecayIronic MustacheDemo 2009obscenity_cult
621. 2011-01-17GonerOverpowereddemoself-released
622. 2011-01-17PowerwolvesSlaughtering The MachinesSlaughtering The Machines - demo 2010self-released
623. 2011-01-10GonerSenseless Apocalypticismdemoself-released
624. 2011-01-10Prosanctus InferiCauterzing Unholy LegionsPandemonic Ululations Of Vesperic Palpitationhells_headbangers
625. 2011-01-10SacrilegeWinds Of VengenceReaping The Demo(n)sxtreem
626. 2011-01-10I DestroyerLucifernationdemo 2010self-released
627. 2011-01-10PowerwolvesUnleash The WolvesSlaughtering The Machines - demo 2010self-released
628. 2011-01-03PorphyriaFrailties of Humanitydemo 2003self-released
629. 2011-01-03GonerBarbaric Ritualsdemoself-released
630. 2011-01-03I DestroyerSeige Of Deathdemo 2010self-released
631. 2011-01-03PandemiaPersonal DemonsPersonal Demonslost_disciple
632. 2010-12-27Weekend NachosSnowball Fightdemoself-released
633. 2010-12-27PowerwolvesRegretSlaughtering The Machines - demo 2010self-released
634. 2010-12-27Obsidian TongueDissociationDemo 2010self-released
635. 2010-12-20PowerwolvesSlaughtering The MachinesSlaughtering The Machines - demo 2010self-released
636. 2010-12-20HaxenBackfire Suicidedemo 2010self-released
637. 2010-12-20This BeastRain Of Terrordemoself-released
638. 2010-11-29Obsidian TongueKinship As A Wound: IIDemo 2010self-released
639. 2010-11-22Fires Of OldBlack Iron ToughDemoself-released
640. 2010-11-15Obsidian TongueKinship As A Wound: IDemo 2010self-released
641. 2010-11-01MadballDemonstrate My StyleDemonstrate My Styleroadrunner
642. 2010-10-18This BeastRise Of The Invertebratesdemoself-released
643. 2010-10-11MadballLive or DieDemonstrate My Styleroadrunner
644. 2010-10-11This BeastPillage The Villagedemoself-released
645. 2010-10-04This BeastRain Of Terrordemoself-released
646. 2010-09-27Crippling FearLife SupportDemoself-released
647. 2010-09-27Oneiric RealmOde To The Sleep MachinesDemo 2010self-released
648. 2010-09-06Oneiric RealmOde To The Sleep MachinesDemo 2010self-released
649. 2010-08-09PorphyriaFrailties of Humanitydemo 2004self-released
650. 2010-08-09NachzehrerBarsarkar-gangBlack Trash Ritual (demo 2010)self-released
651. 2010-07-26Crippling FearLife SupportDemoself-released
652. 2010-07-26Humanity Falls#4Demoself-released
653. 2010-07-19Crippling FearColumbian NecktieDemoself-released
654. 2010-07-12NachzehrerIncetual DemoncyBlack Trash Ritual (demo 2010)self-released
655. 2010-07-12KatahdinThe Root Of Wind And Stormdemo 2009self-released
656. 2010-07-05NachzehrerOnward To Hell FrostBlack Trash Ritual (demo 2010)self-released
657. 2010-07-05The Ominous Order Of Fith MongrelsHoof And AshBastard Demochainsaw_safety
658. 2010-06-21Carnal ForgeI Smell Like Death (Son Of A Bastard)Firedemoncenturymedia
659. 2010-05-24Humanity Falls#2Demoself-released
660. 2010-05-24PerversorMarch To The Temple of DoomDemon Metalhells_headbangers
661. 2010-05-171349Psalm 7:77Demonoirprosthetic
662. 2010-05-101349Atomic ChapelDemonoirprosthetic
663. 2010-05-10Blue AsideA Traveler of Time and SpaceDemo 2009self-released
664. 2010-05-031349When I Was FleshDemonoirprosthetic
665. 2010-04-05PerversorVictory Of The Legions Of The DamnedDemon Metalhells_headbangers
666. 2010-01-25KatahdinThe Root Of Wind And Stormdemo 2009self-released
667. 2009-10-26Abstract RaptureThe VoidDemocadenciamaddening_media
668. 2009-10-05Coke BustLine in the SandDemoself-released
669. 2009-09-21Abstract RapturePrimal Sin CrisisDemocadenciamaddening_media
670. 2009-09-14Abstract RaptureThe VoidDemocadenciamaddening_media
671. 2009-09-14Coke BustPower JunkiesDemoself-released
672. 2009-08-31Hummingbird Of DeathPass the Effing PopcornDemoswine
673. 2009-08-10GorgutsRottenatomyAnd Then Comes Lividity/Demo Anthologygaly
674. 2009-08-03the SummonedAnatomy Of A Bar FightDemo 2009self-released
675. 2009-07-27For It Together#3Demo 2009 - Knowing You Are Aloneself-released
676. 2009-06-22Found Dead HangingWith the Lack of Faith in the World and the Recent Fluctuations in Gas Prices... It Wouldn't Surprisdemoself-released
677. 2009-06-08Dismantle the CyborgIron Furnacedemoself-released
678. 2009-05-18DeathOpen CasketDemo REH
679. 2009-05-18Get Laid#1demoself-released
680. 2009-05-18Dismantle the CyborgSlaughter of the Profanedemoself-released
681. 2009-05-11Dismantle the CyborgSlow Decaydemoself-released
682. 2009-05-11Pitfall#2demoself-released
683. 2009-04-20Slimy Cunt and the Fist FucksDon't BelongBastards e.p. Demoself-released
684. 2009-04-20Abstract RaptureFractureDemocadencia
685. 2009-03-09MadballNuestra FamiliaDemonstrate My Styleroadrunner
686. 2009-02-23Rebuilding the RuinsIt came from helldemoself-released
687. 2009-02-16Severed HeadWasted Timedemoself-released
688. 2009-02-09Rebuilding the RuinsPirate Metaldemoself-released
689. 2009-02-02Since the Flood24KDemo 2002self-released
690. 2009-02-02Break it UpYou've Changeddemoself-released
691. 2009-02-02Rampant DecayCocaine FrenzyDemo 2009obscenity_cult
692. 2009-01-26Rampant DecayLove Potion #213Demo 2009obscenity_cult
693. 2009-01-19MastKamakaze KingDemo 2009self-released
694. 2009-01-12MastPilots Fly SoloDemo 2009self-released
695. 2009-01-05MastKamakaze KingDemo 2009self-released
696. 2008-12-29No IllusionsTerrordemoself-released
697. 2008-12-22No IllusionsBoston Bar Punk is Really Boringdemoself-released
698. 2008-11-24Kill AndradeDown Playdemoself-released
699. 2008-11-10Forest of ImpaledI Metamorphosis (Birth of the Seventh)Demonvoidred_stream
700. 2008-11-03Since the Flood24KDemo 2002self-released
701. 2008-11-03Forest of Impaledthe Gateway of the GodsDemonvoidred_stream
702. 2008-09-29Death HavenA Dead Advocatedemoself-released
703. 2008-09-15Forest of ImpaledBeyond the Black Mountain RealmDemonvoidred_stream
704. 2008-08-25Death HavenA Dead Advocatedemoself-released
705. 2008-08-18Death HavenSetting Fire to the Garden of Edendemoself-released
706. 2008-07-21Beneath the SkyLast CallWhat Demons do to Saintsvictory
707. 2008-06-23Hail PlanktonDemonic Assault ContinuesWe Devour the Brave - Demo 2008unknown
708. 2008-06-16MechannibalClosed CircuitPhobia Demoself-released
709. 2008-06-16Hail PlanktonSpecial TreasureWe Devour the Brave - Demo 2008unknown
710. 2008-06-09MechannibalWings of FearPhobia Demoself-released
711. 2008-06-09Hail PlanktonTribes of MidnightWe Devour the Brave - Demo 2008unknown
712. 2008-05-19Heisai Yasokawa's EMPTY ORCHESTRA#4demoself-released
713. 2008-05-12Heisai Yasokawa's EMPTY ORCHESTRA#2demoself-released
714. 2008-03-24Coathanger...Sucks to be Me Right Nowdemo 2008self-released
715. 2008-03-10Coathanger AbortionSo... This is Salvation?Demo 2007self-released
716. 2008-02-25PledgePay the PriceBurning Bridges Demo 2008self-released
717. 2008-02-18PledgeSocially Accepted AddictionsBurning Bridges Demo 2008self-released
718. 2008-01-21Coathanger AbortionSo... This is Salvation?Demo 2007self-released
719. 2007-12-31MadballPride (Times are Changing)Demonstrate My Styleroadrunner
720. 2007-12-24WehrmachtGore FlixDemo 1986self-released
721. 2007-12-10Celtic FrostI Won't DanceInto the Pandemoniumcombat
722. 2007-11-19Ancient Master#2Demo 2006self-released
723. 2007-10-08MadballLive or DieDemonstrate My Styleroadrunner
724. 2007-08-13Crimsion Massacrethe Devourerthe Luster of Pandemoniumdeathgasm
725. 2007-08-13AbnormalityVisions2007 Demoself-released
726. 2007-08-06AbnormalityEpitomize the Weak2007 Demoself-released
727. 2007-07-30Crimsion Massacrethe Devourerthe Luster of Pandemoniumdeathgasm
728. 2007-07-23Crimsion MassacreEpochthe Luster of Pandemoniumdeathgasm
729. 2007-07-09George Orwell the Musical#3demoself-released
730. 2007-06-18Abnormality#32007 Demoself-released
731. 2007-05-28Abnormality#42007 Demoself-released
732. 2007-05-21Abnormality#32007 Demoself-released
733. 2001-10-09Carnal ForgeChainedFiredemoncenturymedia
734. 2001-08-28Carnal ForgeCovered with fire (I'm in Hell)Firedemoncenturymedia
735. 2001-08-28Carnal ForgeCovered with fire (I'm in Hell)Firedemoncenturymedia
736. 2001-07-31Carnal ForgeCover with Fire (I'm in hell)Firedemoncenturymedia
737. 2001-07-31Carnal ForgeCover with Fire (I'm in hell)Firedemoncenturymedia
738. 2000-12-25Carnal ForgeCure of BlasphemyFiredemoncenturymedia
739. 2000-12-12Carnal ForgeChainedFiredemoncenturymedia
740. 2000-12-12Carnal ForgeChainedFiredemoncenturymedia
741. 2000-11-28Carnal ForgeI smell liek Death (son of a Bastard)Firedemoncenturymedia
742. 2000-11-14Carnal ForgeDefacesFiredemoncenturymedia
743. 2000-11-14Carnal ForgeDefacesFiredemoncenturymedia
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