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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1381 playlist up with 57362 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2009-01-05MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2009-01-05
3. 2009-01-05Avskythe PlagueMass Destructionhumanitys_plague
4. 2009-01-05EntombedWarfare Plague Famine DeathSerpent Saintscandlelight
5. 2009-01-05BloodbathDevouring the Feeblethe Fathomless Masterypeaceville
6. 2009-01-05OverkillWho Tends the FireThe Years of Decaymegaforce
7. 2009-01-05
8. 2009-01-05God ForbidReject the SicknessReject the Sickness9volt
9. 2009-01-05The Haunted99Revolvercenturymedia
10. 2009-01-05The Handshake MurdersPainted ContortionistUsurpergoodfellow
11. 2009-01-05Judas Priestthe RipperSad Wings of Destinyjanus
12. 2009-01-05
13. 2009-01-05Neuraxisthe Thin Line Betweenthe Thin Line Betweenprosthetic
14. 2009-01-05Between the Buried and MeSelkies: the Endless ObsessionAlaskavictory
15. 2009-01-05Nasumthe Final SleepHelveterelapse
16. 2009-01-05
17. 2009-01-05DysenteryBound by DiseaseFrom Past Suffering Comes New Fleshamputated_vein
18. 2009-01-05MastKamakaze KingDemo 2009self-released
19. 2009-01-05SlayerAngel of DeathReign in Bloodamerican
20. 2009-01-05EvictionMarching Off to Warthe World is Hours Awaydeath
21. 2009-01-05
22. 2009-01-05AnthraxI'm the ManI'm the Manmegaforce
23. 2009-01-05Eternal LordAll Time HighBlessed be this Nightmareferret
24. 2009-01-05Whitechapelto All That are DeadThis is Exilemetalblade
25. 2009-01-05DevourmentTomb of ScabsButcher the Weakself-released
26. 2009-01-05Negligent Collateral CollapseAnalysis of Iron LineReprocess Segment Database Extenderobscene
27. 2009-01-05
28. 2009-01-05Looking for AlaskaPlasticNo News is Good Newsself-released
29. 2009-01-05Premonitions of WarStolen BreathLeft in Kowloonvictory
30. 2009-01-05For The WorseThe Day Music Diedblood, guns, guts, going nutsbridge9
31. 2009-01-05Sacred ReichThe American WayStill Ignorantmetalblade
32. 2009-01-05KreatorFlag of HateFlag of Hatenoise
33. 2009-01-05
34. 2009-01-05GroundzeroSlateHealing Leprosysociety_of_the_wrench
35. 2009-01-05the Nightmare Continuesthe Bible was Written by Those Who Thought the Earth Was Flata Terrorist is Borndyingfaith
36. 2009-01-05DeathPrimative WaysLeprosycombat
37. 2009-01-05MidvinterDe Wises HymnAt the Sight of the Apocalypse Dragondeath
38. 2009-01-05
39. 2009-01-05EliteBikingfjordBifrostno_colours
40. 2009-01-05Iron MaidenStranger in a StrangelandSomewhere in Timeemi
41. 2009-01-05GojiraWolf Down The EarthThe Way of All Fleshprosthetic
42. 2009-01-05FunebrarumDepths of MiseryBeneath The Columns of Abandoned Godsnecroharmonic
43. 2009-01-05
44. 2009-01-05GorefestFearErasenuclearblast
45. 2009-01-05Trap themDay Thirty One: Mission ConvincersSeizure in Barren Praisedeathwishinc
46. 2009-01-05PossessedSatan's CurseSeven Churchescombat
47. 2009-01-05The Endthe Scent of EleganceWithin Dividiarelapse
48. 2009-01-05
49. 2009-01-05the Hostage HeartArmageddon Outta HereWhere There is Despair; Hopefive_point
50. 2009-01-0526 BeersBroken ArrowLong Walk, Short Peirrodent_popsicle
51. 2009-01-05Trust in FewStop CryingShitlistspook_city
52. 2009-01-05The BruisersAmerican NightSociety is Foolslost_and_found
53. 2009-01-05Sheer TerrorWallsOld, New, Borrowed, + Blueblackout
54. 2009-01-05AvskumKilled By the Stateuppror Underifranprank
55. 2009-01-05
56. 2009-01-05Becoming the ArchetypeArtifical ImortalityDichotomysolid_state
57. 2009-01-05Beneath the MassacreCondemnedDystopiaprosthetic
58. 2009-01-05Architects UKI Can't See the LightRuincenturymedia
59. 2009-01-05HacavitzOld RancorVenganzamoribund
60. 2009-01-05Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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