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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1398 playlist up with 57934 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2025-01-27Morbid AngelBrainstormBlessed Are The SickCombat Records
2. 2025-01-06Forced EntryUnrest They FindUncertain FutureCombat Records
3. 2024-11-04hallow's eveHorrorshowTales of TerrorCombat Records
4. 2024-11-04ExciterInvasion/Waiting In The DarkUnveiling The WickedCombat Records
5. 2024-10-28CrematoryIn My HandsJust Dreamingcombat
6. 2024-07-08DevastationDesolationSigns of LifeCombat Records
7. 2024-04-08ForbiddenOne Foot In HellTwisted into FormCombat Records
8. 2024-04-08AbattoirBring On The DamnedThe Only Safe PlaceCombat Records
9. 2024-04-08DBCEstuaryUniverseCombat Records
10. 2024-04-08ExciterVictims Of SacrificeLong Live the LoudCombat Records
11. 2024-04-08Agent SteelUnstoppable ForceUnstoppable ForceCombat Records
12. 2024-04-08DeathrowViolent OmenRiders Of DoomCombat Records
13. 2023-11-06TigertailzShe'z Too HotYou And CrazyCombat Records
14. 2023-10-16ForbiddenTwisted into FormTwisted into FormCombat Records
15. 2023-07-10Forced EntryKaleidoscope of PainUncertain FutureCombat Records
16. 2023-04-10Forced EntryOctoclopsUncertain FutureCombat Records
17. 2023-03-27DeathSpiritual HealingSpiritual HealingCombat Records
18. 2023-03-27ForbiddenStep By StepTwisted into FormCombat Records
19. 2022-11-07Mercyful FateThe OathDon't Break the Oathcombat
20. 2022-11-07Mercyful FateGypsyDon't Break the Oathcombat
21. 2022-11-07DeathLeprosyLeprosycombat
22. 2022-11-07ExodusChemi-KillPleasures Of The Fleshcombat
23. 2022-11-07SavatageScream MurderSirenscombat
24. 2022-04-18MegadethLooking Down The CrossKilling Is My Business...And Business Is Good!combat
25. 2022-04-18DBCRise Of ManUniversecombat
26. 2022-04-18TrasherBurning At The Speed Of LightSummer Session 85Combat Records
27. 2022-04-18SavatageMidas KnightThe Dungeons Are Callingcombat
28. 2022-04-18ExciterFeel The KnifeFeel The Knifecombat
29. 2022-04-18AbattoirStronger Than EvilVicious Attackcombat
30. 2022-04-18DeathLow LifeSpiritual HealingCombat Records
31. 2021-12-20DevastationManic DepressiveSigns of LifeCombat Records
32. 2021-11-15Forced EntryBludgeonUncertain FutureCombat Records
33. 2021-11-08AbattoirNothing SacredThe Only Safe Placecombat
34. 2021-11-08Have MercyCity Of DoomArmageddon DescendsCombat Records
35. 2021-06-14Forced EntryBludgeonUncertain FutureCombat Records
36. 2021-06-07DeathSecret FaceHumanCombat Records
37. 2021-01-25Morbid AngelThy Kingdom ComeBlessed Are The SickCombat Records
38. 2020-12-14ForbiddenTwisted into FormTwisted into FormCombat Records
39. 2020-01-27DeathTogether as OneHumanCombat Records
40. 2019-11-11ExodusSeeds Of HatePleasures Of The Fleshcombat
41. 2019-09-16Nuclear AssaultWhen Freedom DiesHandle with CareCombat Records
42. 2019-05-27Nuclear AssaultEmergencyHandle with CareCombat Records
43. 2019-04-15ExciterWake Up ScreamingLong Live the Loudcombat
44. 2019-04-15DBCGenesis ExplosionUniversecombat
45. 2019-04-15AbattoirDon't Walk AloneVicious Attackcombat
46. 2019-04-15PossessedSwing Of The AxeThe Eyes of Horrorcombat
47. 2019-04-15OnslaughtLord of EvilPower From Hellcombat
48. 2019-03-11Morbid AngelRebel LandsBlessed Are The SickCombat Records
49. 2019-02-18GodfleshStreetcleanerStreetcleanercombat
50. 2018-12-31Dark AngelPerish In FlamesDarkness Descendscombat
51. 2018-11-26Nuclear AssaultNew SongHandle with CareCombat Records
52. 2018-11-05RodsLet Them Eat MetalLet Them Eat Metalcombat
53. 2018-11-05AbattoirBring On The DamnedThe Only Safe Placecombat
54. 2018-11-05PossessedNo Will To LiveBeyond The Gatescombat
55. 2018-10-15DevastationForsaken HatredIdolatryCombat Records
56. 2018-10-15Forced EntryAnacondaUncertain FutureCombat Records
57. 2018-10-15Brutal TruthStench of ProfitExtreme Conditions Demand Extreme ResponsesCombat Records
58. 2018-10-15Dark AngelHunger of the UndeadDarkness Descendscombat
59. 2018-08-06Brutal TruthDenial of ExistenceExtreme Conditions Demand Extreme ResponsesCombat Records
60. 2018-07-09HelstarRun With The PackBurning Starcombat
61. 2018-07-02ConfessorCollapse Into DespairCondemnedCombat Records
62. 2018-04-30ForbiddenStep by StepTwisted into FormCombat Records
63. 2018-04-23VoivodKilling TechnologyKilling Technologycombat
64. 2018-04-23PossessedSwing Of The AxeThe Eyes of Horrorcombat
65. 2018-04-23HelstarLeather And LustBurning Starcombat
66. 2018-04-23RavenThunderlordNothing Exceeds Like Excesscombat
67. 2018-04-23OnslaughtThermonuclear DevistationPower From Hellcombat
68. 2018-03-05Nuclear AssaultPreaching to the DeafOut of Ordercombat
69. 2017-12-25CrematoryOnly Once In A LifetimeJust Dreamingcombat
70. 2017-11-06ForbiddenFollow MeForbidden Evilcombat
71. 2017-11-06DeathLiving MonstrositySpiritual HealingCombat Records
72. 2017-10-02DevastationRetributionSigns of LifeCombat Records
73. 2017-06-26Celtic FrostEternal SummerTo Mega Therioncombat
74. 2017-06-19DeathOpen CasketLeprosyCombat Records
75. 2017-06-05ConfessorDefining HappinessCondemnedCombat Records
76. 2017-04-24ExciterWake Up ScreamingLong Live the Loudcombat
77. 2017-04-10Celtic FrostEternal SummerTo Mega Therioncombat
78. 2017-03-13Brutal TruthWalking CorpseExtreme Conditions Demand Extreme ResponsesCombat Records
79. 2017-01-30Dark AngelThe Burning of SodomDarkness Descendscombat
80. 2017-01-16Nuclear AssaultTorture TacticsHandle with CareCombat Records
81. 2017-01-09ForbiddenOut of Body (Out of Mind)Twisted into FormCombat Records
82. 2016-12-26ExodusOverdoseFabulous Disastercombat
83. 2016-12-26Hallow's eveOuter LimitsTales of Terrorcombat
84. 2016-11-21VoivodtornadoKilling Technologycombat
85. 2016-11-21PossessedSatan's CurseSeven Churchescombat
86. 2016-11-07DBCGenesis ExplosionUniversecombat
87. 2016-11-07PossessedStorm In My MindThe Eyes of Horrorcombat
88. 2016-10-31PossessedThe ExorcistSeven Churchescombat
89. 2016-10-24DeathLack of ComprehensionHumanCombat Records
90. 2016-08-15ExodusThe Toxic WaltzFabulous Disastercombat
91. 2016-08-01Morbid AngelDoomsday CelebrationBlessed Are The SickCombat Records
92. 2016-07-18PossessedHoly HellSeven Churchescombat
93. 2016-04-18DBCGenesis ExplosionUniversecombat
94. 2016-04-18Acid ReignFreedom Of SpeechMoshkinsteincombat
95. 2016-04-18SavatageOut in the StreetsSirenscombat
96. 2016-04-18ForbiddenStep By StepTwisted into Formcombat
97. 2016-04-18Agent SteelEvil Eye/Evil MindsSkeptics Apocalypsecombat
98. 2016-04-18DeathDefensive PersonalitiesSpiritual Healingcombat
99. 2016-04-18OnslaughtLord of EvilPower From Hellcombat
100. 2016-04-18PossessedSatan's CurseSeven Churchescombat
101. 2016-03-28GodfleshLocust FurnaceStreetcleanerCombat Records
102. 2016-02-08VoivodKilling TechnologyKilling Technologycombat
103. 2016-02-08ExodusOpen SeasonFabulous Disastercombat
104. 2016-02-01Celtic FrostCircle of the TyrantsTo Mega Therioncombat
105. 2016-01-11PossessedPhantasmBeyond The Gatescombat
106. 2016-01-11DevastationEye for an EyeSigns of LifeCombat Records
107. 2015-12-21Acid ReignRespect The DeadMoshkinsteincombat
108. 2015-11-09VoivodThis Is Not An ExerciseKilling Technologycombat
109. 2015-11-02Hallow's eveHorrowshowTales of Terrorcombat
110. 2015-11-02DeathWithin the MindSpiritual Healingcombat
111. 2015-11-02KreatorThe PestilencePleasure to Killcombat
112. 2015-11-02SavatageHolocaustSirenscombat
113. 2015-11-02Agent Steel144,000 GoneSkeptics Apocalypsecombat
114. 2015-11-02DBCFalloutDead Brain Cellscombat
115. 2015-11-02PossessedSwing Of The AxeThe Eyes of Horrorcombat
116. 2015-11-02OnslaughtLord of EvilPower From Hellcombat
117. 2015-10-26PossessedTribulationBeyond the Gatescombat
118. 2015-10-12Celtic FrostEternal SummerTo Mega Therioncombat
119. 2015-08-17ExodusMetal CommandBonded By Bloodcombat
120. 2015-08-03Exodusfabulous disasterFabulous Disastercombat
121. 2015-07-06MegadethForeclosure Of A DreamCountdown to Extinctioncombat
122. 2015-06-22ForbiddenTwisted into FormTwisted into Formcombat
123. 2015-06-22NocturnusDestroying The MangerThe Keycombat
124. 2015-05-18TankardShit-FacedHair of the Dogcombat
125. 2015-05-11AccusedInherit the EarthMartha Splatterheads Maddest Stories Ever Toldcombat
126. 2015-05-11PossessedSatan's CurseSeven Churchescombat
127. 2015-04-27OnslaughtLet there be Deaththe Forcecombat
128. 2015-04-27ExciterFeel The KnifeFeel The Knifecombat
129. 2015-04-27VoivodTornadoKilling Technologycombat
130. 2015-04-27Dark AngelBlack PropheciesDarkness Descendscombat
131. 2015-04-27Agnostic FrontAnother SideLibtery and Justice for...combat
132. 2015-03-23PossessedThe Eyes Of HorrorThe Eyes Of Horrorcombat
133. 2015-01-26DeathMutilationScream Bloody Gorecombat
134. 2014-12-15GodfleshStreetcleanerStreetcleanercombat
135. 2014-12-08NocturnusVisions From Beyond The GraveThe Keycombat
136. 2014-11-24Tokyo BladeUnleash The BeastNight Of The Bladecombat
137. 2014-11-17PossessedHoly HellSeven Churchescombat
138. 2014-11-17Mercyful FateCome To The SabbathDon't Break the Oathcombat
139. 2014-11-10OnslaughtLet there be Deaththe Forcecombat
140. 2014-11-10RavenThunderlordNothing Exceeds Like Excesscombat
141. 2014-11-10ExodusFabulous DisasterFabulous Disastercombat
142. 2014-11-10ForbiddenOne Foot In HellTwisted into Formcombat
143. 2014-11-10SacrificeBeyond DeathTorment in Firecombat
144. 2014-10-20PossessedPhantasmBeyond the Gatescombat
145. 2014-09-22Bolt ThrowerAs The World Burns...For Victorycombat
146. 2014-09-15Exciter(I Hate) School RulesUnveiling The Wickedcombat
147. 2014-09-01DeathScream Bloody GoreScream Bloody Gorecombat
148. 2014-08-11DeathEvil DeadScream Bloody Gorecombat
149. 2014-07-14OnslaughtLet there be Deaththe Forcecombat
150. 2014-06-30RavenInto The Jaws Of DeathNothing Exceeds Like Excesscombat
151. 2014-06-30MegadethSymphony of DestructionCountdown to Extinctioncombat
152. 2014-06-02Celtic FrostEternal SummerTo Mega Therioncombat
153. 2014-05-26NocturnusBefore Christ/After DeathThe Keycombat
154. 2014-05-19Dark AngelMerciless DeathDarkness Descendscombat
155. 2014-05-19Bolt ThrowerDark MilleniumRealm Of Chaoscombat
156. 2014-05-12Dark AngelDarkness DescendsDarkness Descendscombat
157. 2014-05-05DeathOpen CasketLeprosycombat
158. 2014-05-05ForbiddenStep By StepTwisted into Formcombat
159. 2014-04-28RavenInto The Jaws Of DeathVarious Artists - Ultimate Revenge 2combat
160. 2014-04-28PossessedStorm In My MindThe Eyes of Horrorcombat
161. 2014-04-21TankardManiac ForcesZombie Attackcombat
162. 2014-04-21SacrificePossessionTorment in Firecombat
163. 2014-04-21DeathSpiritual HealingSpiritual Healingcombat
164. 2014-04-21Nuclear AssaultRadiation SicknessGame Overcombat
165. 2014-04-21VenomToo Loud (For The Crowd)Possessedcombat
166. 2014-04-21Voivodto the DeathRRROOOAAARRRcombat
167. 2014-04-07DeathPull the PlugLeprosycombat
168. 2014-04-07SacrificeBurned At The StakeTorment in Firecombat
169. 2014-03-24AbattoirGame Of DeathVicious Attackcombat
170. 2014-02-17PossessedThe ExorcistSeven Churchescombat
171. 2014-02-10Mercyful FateA Dangerous MeetingDon't Break the Oathcombat
172. 2014-02-03OnslaughtLet there be Deaththe Forcecombat
173. 2014-01-13OnslaughtFight with the Beastthe Forcecombat
174. 2014-01-13VoivodSlaughter In A GraveRRROOOAAARRRcombat
175. 2013-12-30SacrificeWarrior Of DeathTorment in Firecombat
176. 2013-12-09Mercyful FateCome To The SabbathDon't Break the Oathcombat
177. 2013-11-18AbattoirBring On The DamnedThe Only Safe Placecombat
178. 2013-11-11ExodusFaster Than You'll Ever Live To BePleasures Of The Fleshcombat
179. 2013-11-11VoivodTornadoKilling Technologycombat
180. 2013-11-11Celtic FrostJewel ThroneTo Mega Therioncombat
181. 2013-11-11PossessedTwisted MindSeven Churchescombat
182. 2013-11-11AbattoirVicious AttackVicious Attackcombat
183. 2013-11-11KreatorFlag of HateFlag of Hatecombat
184. 2013-11-11OnslaughtLet there be Deaththe Forcecombat
185. 2013-11-11DeathLeft to DieLeprosycombat
186. 2013-11-11BathoryRaise The Deadself-titledcombat
187. 2013-11-11Agent SteelLet It Be Done/A Day At GuyanaMad Locust Risingcombat
188. 2013-11-11Mercyful FateCome To The SabbathDon't Break the Oathcombat
189. 2013-11-11Dark AngelParish In Flames/Darkness DescendsVarious Artist - Ultimate Revege 2combat
190. 2013-10-28VoivodTornadoKilling Technologycombat
191. 2013-07-08VoivodForgotten in SpaceKilling Technologycombat
192. 2013-06-24Celtic FrostEternal SummerTo Mega Therioncombat
193. 2013-06-17DeathRegurgitated GutsScream Bloody Gorecombat
194. 2013-06-10DeathBaptized in BloodScream Bloody Gorecombat
195. 2013-06-03Celtic FrostDawn Of MegiddoTo Mega Therioncombat
196. 2013-05-20Bolt ThrowerProfance CreationWarmastercombat
197. 2013-05-06Celtic FrostJewel ThroneTo Mega Therioncombat
198. 2013-05-06DeathMutilationScream Bloody Gorecombat
199. 2013-04-22Agent SteelGuilty As ChargedSkeptics Apocalypsecombat
200. 2013-04-22ExciterViolence and ForceFeel The Knifecombat
201. 2013-04-22OnslaughtFight with the Beastthe Forcecombat
202. 2013-04-22Celtic FrostJewel ThroneTo Mega Therioncombat
203. 2013-04-22DeathEvil DeadScream Bloody Gorecombat
204. 2013-04-22KreatorThe PestilencePleasure to Killcombat
205. 2013-04-22Bathoryraise the deadself-titledcombat
206. 2013-04-22VenomSatanachristPossessedcombat
207. 2013-04-22MegadethLooking Down The CrossKilling is my Businesscombat
208. 2013-04-15OnslaughtLet there be Deaththe Forcecombat
209. 2013-04-08SacrificeTurn in Your GraveTorment in Firecombat
210. 2013-03-04OnslaughtLet there be Deaththe Forcecombat
211. 2013-02-25ForbiddenStep By StepTwisted into Formcombat
212. 2013-02-11DevastationSigns of LifeSigns of Lifecombat
213. 2013-01-07Nocturnusvisions from beyond the graveThe Keycombat
214. 2012-12-31VenomDead Of The NightAmerican Assaultcombat
215. 2012-12-31RavenInto The Jaws Of DeathNothing Exceeds Like Excesscombat
216. 2012-12-31VoivodKilling TechnologyKilling Technologycombat
217. 2012-12-17VoivodTornadoKilling Technologycombat
218. 2012-12-03Bolt Throwerthe Shreds of SanityWarmastercombat
219. 2012-11-19LudichristLast Train To ClarksvilleImmaculate Deceptioncombat
220. 2012-11-19Exodusfabulous disasterFabulous Disastercombat
221. 2012-11-05TankardScreamin' VictimsZombie Attackcombat
222. 2012-11-05KreatorAwakening Of The GodsFlag of Hatecombat
223. 2012-11-05VenomMoonshinePossessedcombat
224. 2012-11-05ForbiddenForbidden EvilForbidden Evilcombat
225. 2012-09-24VenomSatanachristPossessedcombat
226. 2012-09-24DBCThe Genesis ExplosionUniversecombat
227. 2012-09-10PossessedSatan's CurseSeven Churchescombat
228. 2012-09-03DBCRise Of ManUniversecombat
229. 2012-09-03VoivodTornadoKilling Technologycombat
230. 2012-09-03Celtic Frostthe UsurperTo Mega Therioncombat
231. 2012-08-20Agnostic Frontout for bloodCause For Alarmcombat
232. 2012-08-20Celtic Frostjewel throneTo Mega Therioncombat
233. 2012-07-02MegadethAshes In Your MouthCountdown to Extinctioncombat
234. 2012-07-02KreatorFlag of HateFlag of Hatecombat
235. 2012-07-02ForbiddenForbidden EvilForbidden Evilcombat
236. 2012-06-11Celtic FrostDawn Of MegiddoTo Mega Therioncombat
237. 2012-05-28DevastationFreewillIdolatrycombat
238. 2012-05-21TankardFarewell To A SlutChemical Invasioncombat
239. 2012-04-30DevastationDeath Is CallingViolent Terminationcombat
240. 2012-04-23VoivodKilling TechnologyKilling Technologycombat
241. 2012-04-23OnslaughtLet there be Deaththe Forcecombat
242. 2012-04-23KreatorTotal DeathFlag of Hatecombat
243. 2012-04-02AbattoirNothing SacredThe Only Safe Placecombat
244. 2012-02-20ExodusBonded By BloodBonded By Bloodcombat
245. 2012-01-23DeathMutilationScream Bloody Gorecombat
246. 2012-01-02PossessedSatan's CurseSeven Churchescombat
247. 2011-12-26Dark AngelTime Does not HealTime Does not Healcombat
248. 2011-12-19PossessedTribulationBeyond the Gatescombat
249. 2011-12-19VenomSatanachristPossessedcombat
250. 2011-12-05ExciterWake Up ScreamingLong Live the Loudcombat
251. 2011-12-05PossessedSatan's CurseSeven Churchescombat
252. 2011-11-28PossessedSatan's CurseSeven Churchescombat
253. 2011-11-21AbattoirStronger Than EvilVicious Attackcombat
254. 2011-11-14AgonyStorm Of The ApocalypseThe First Defiancecombat
255. 2011-11-07ExciterI Am The BeastLong Live the Loudcombat
256. 2011-10-31Celtic FrostDawn Of MegiddoTo Mega Therioncombat
257. 2011-10-31PossessedTribulationBeyond the Gatescombat
258. 2011-10-31Hallow's EveHallow's EveTales of Terrorcombat
259. 2011-10-17Forced EntryA Look Through GlassUncertain Futurecombat
260. 2011-10-10Celtic FrostCircle of the TyrantsTo Mega Therioncombat
261. 2011-10-03Cyclone TempleWords Are Just WordsWords Are Just Words singlecombat
262. 2011-09-19PossessedSatan's CurseSeven Churchescombat
263. 2011-09-19VenomFlytrapPossessedcombat
264. 2011-09-12SavatageThe Dungeons Are CallingThe Dungeons Are Callingcombat
265. 2011-08-22ForbiddenStep By StepTwisted into Formcombat
266. 2011-08-22Celtic FrostEternal SummerTo Mega Therioncombat
267. 2011-07-18VenomPowerdrivePossessedcombat
268. 2011-07-11VenomMoonshinePossessedcombat
269. 2011-07-04ExodusDeliver Us To EvilBonded By Bloodcombat
270. 2011-07-04Forced EntryUnrest They FindUncertain Futurecombat
271. 2011-06-27OnslaughtDamnation/Onslaught Power From HellPower From Hellcombat
272. 2011-05-23VoivodOrder of the BlackguardsKilling Technologycombat
273. 2011-05-16Dark AngelAct Of ContritionTime Does not Healcombat
274. 2011-05-02AbattoirTemptations Of The FleshThe Only Safe Placecombat
275. 2011-04-25VoivodThis Is Not An ExerciseKilling Technologycombat
276. 2011-04-25KreatorEndless PainFlag of Hatecombat
277. 2011-04-25PossessedSatan's CurseSeven Churchescombat
278. 2011-04-25ForbiddenStep By StepTwisted into Formcombat
279. 2011-04-11DeathZombie RitualScream Bloody Gorecombat
280. 2011-04-11Mercyful FateNight of the UnbornDon't Break the Oathcombat
281. 2011-03-14Celtic Frostthe UsurperTo Mega Therioncombat
282. 2011-03-14Tokyo BladeWarrior Of The Rising SunNight Of The Bladecombat
283. 2011-02-28KreatorCarrianPleasure to Killcombat
284. 2011-02-21LudichristDown With The ShipImmaculate Deceptioncombat
285. 2011-02-21Dark AngelThe New PreisthoodTime Does not Healcombat
286. 2011-01-31TankardZombie AttackZombie Attackcombat
287. 2011-01-24KreatorRiot of ViolencePleasure to Killcombat
288. 2011-01-17KreatorTotal DeathFlag of Hatecombat
289. 2011-01-10DeathGenetic ReconstructionSpiritual Healingcombat
290. 2011-01-03ExciterLong Live the LoudLong Live the Loudcombat
291. 2010-12-27RavenInto The Jaws Of DeathNothing Exceeds Like Excesscombat
292. 2010-12-27PossessedSatan's CurseSeven Churchescombat
293. 2010-12-27MegadethLooking Down The CrossKilling is my Businesscombat
294. 2010-12-06PossessedThe Eyes Of HorrorThe Eyes Of Horrorcombat
295. 2010-12-06SacrificeWarrior Of DeathTorment in Firecombat
296. 2010-12-06KreatorTormentorFlag of Hatecombat
297. 2010-12-06DBCthe Genesis ExplosionUniversecombat
298. 2010-12-06ThrasherBurning At The Speed Of LightSuper Session 85combat
299. 2010-12-06OnslaughtThrash Till The Deaththe Forcecombat
300. 2010-12-06ForbiddenStep By StepTwisted into Formcombat
301. 2010-11-22ForbiddenThrough Eyes of GlassForbidden Evilcombat
302. 2010-11-01DevastationLegacy Of FaithIdolatrycombat
303. 2010-10-25Hallow's eveHallow's EveTales of Terrorcombat
304. 2010-10-18ExodusBonded By BloodBonded By Bloodcombat
305. 2010-10-18VoivodTornadoKilling Technologycombat
306. 2010-10-11ExodusOpen SeasonFabulous Disastercombat
307. 2010-10-11Agnostic FrontOut For BloodCause For Alarmcombat
308. 2010-10-04ForbiddenOff The EdgeForbidden Evilcombat
309. 2010-09-06Bolt ThrowerProfance CreationWarmastercombat
310. 2010-08-23VoivodKilling TechnologyKilling Technologycombat
311. 2010-08-16DeathLeft to DieLeprosycombat
312. 2010-08-09Celtic FrostJewel ThroneTo Mega Therioncombat
313. 2010-08-09SacrificeTurn in Your GraveTorment in Firecombat
314. 2010-08-02KreatorFlag of HateFlag of Hatecombat
315. 2010-07-19DBCPublic Suicideself-titledcombat
316. 2010-07-19ForbiddenStep By StepTwisted into Formcombat
317. 2010-07-12KreatorChoir Of The DamnedPleasure to Killcombat
318. 2010-07-12VenomPowerdrivePossessedcombat
319. 2010-07-05VoivodKilling TechnologyKilling Technologycombat
320. 2010-07-05Meliah RageSolitary SolitudeSolitary Solitudecombat
321. 2010-06-28SacrificeTurn in Your GraveTorment in Firecombat
322. 2010-06-07OnslaughtLet There Be Deaththe Forcecombat
323. 2010-06-07Celtic FrostEternal SummerTo Mega Therioncombat
324. 2010-06-07Dark AngelMerciless DeathVarious Artist - Ultimate Revege 2combat
325. 2010-06-07PossessedSatan's CurseSeven Churchescombat
326. 2010-05-24Mercyful FateGypsyDon't Break the Oathcombat
327. 2010-05-24DeathMutilationScream Bloody Gorecombat
328. 2010-05-24OnslaughtFight with the Beastthe Forcecombat
329. 2010-05-17ExodusThe Last Act Of DefianceFabulous Disastercombat
330. 2010-05-10DeathBaptized in BloodScream Bloody Gorecombat
331. 2010-04-26ExodusToxic WaltzFabulous Disastercombat
332. 2010-04-19ForbiddenStep By StepTwisted into Formcombat
333. 2010-03-22Blind IllusionVengeance Is MineThe Sane Asylumcombat
334. 2010-03-22VirusViral WarfareForce ReconCombat
335. 2010-03-22Celtic FrostEternal SummerTo Mega Therioncombat
336. 2010-03-15SacrificeTurn in Your GraveTorment in Firecombat
337. 2010-03-08VoivodOverreactionKilling Technologycombat
338. 2010-03-01KreatorRipping CorpsePleasure to Killcombat
339. 2010-02-22Mercyful FateA Dangerous MeetingDon't Break the Oathcombat
340. 2010-02-22VoivodThis Is Not An ExistenceKilling Technologycombat
341. 2010-02-15Nuclear AssaultStop Wait ThinkOut Of Ordercombat
342. 2010-02-08ExciterPounding MetalFeel The Knifecombat
343. 2010-01-25PossessedSatan's CurseSeven Churchescombat
344. 2010-01-18VenomBurn This Place (To The Ground)Possessedcombat
345. 2010-01-11ExodusFabulous DisasterFabulous Disastercombat
346. 2009-12-28ExodusOpen SeasonFabulous Disastercombat
347. 2009-12-28ForbiddenStep By StepTwisted into Formcombat
348. 2009-12-21DBCthe Genesis ExplosionUniversecombat
349. 2009-12-21DeathSacrificalScream Bloody Gorecombat
350. 2009-12-21KreatorThe PestilencePleasure to Killcombat
351. 2009-12-14DevastationEscape To ViolenceSigns of Lifecombat
352. 2009-12-14DeathBaptized in BloodScream Bloody Gorecombat
353. 2009-12-14SavatageVisionsThe Dungeons Are Callingcombat
354. 2009-12-07PossessedSatan's CurseSeven Churchescombat
355. 2009-11-02ForbiddenOne Foot In HellTwisted into Formcombat
356. 2009-11-02BathoryNecromancyself-titledcombat
357. 2009-11-02PossessedSatan's CurseSeven Churchescombat
358. 2009-10-26SavatageThe Dungeons Are CallingThe Dungeons Are Callingcombat
359. 2009-10-26DBCGenesis ExplosionUniversecombat
360. 2009-10-26ExciterFeel The KnifeFeel The Knifecombat
361. 2009-10-19ForbiddenStep By StepTwisted into Formcombat
362. 2009-10-12KreatorUnder the GuillotinePleasure to Killcombat
363. 2009-09-07ExodusToxic WaltzFabulous Disastercombat
364. 2009-08-24DeathMutilationScream Bloody Gorecombat
365. 2009-08-03Mercyful FateThe OathDon't Break the Oathcombat
366. 2009-08-03DeathMutilationScream Bloody Gorecombat
367. 2009-07-06PossessedHoly HellSeven Churchescombat
368. 2009-06-15KreatorFlag of HateFlag of Hatecombat
369. 2009-06-08VoivodForgotten in SpaceKilling Technologycombat
370. 2009-06-08KreatorRipping CorpsePleasure to Killcombat
371. 2009-06-08ExciterLong Live the LoudLong Live the Loudcombat
372. 2009-06-08NocturnusAndromeda StrainThe Keycombat
373. 2009-05-11ExodusFabulous DisasterFabulous Disastercombat
374. 2009-04-27SavatageCity Beneath the SurfaceThe Dungeons Are Callingcombat
375. 2009-04-27OnslaughtThrash Till Deaththe Forcecombat
376. 2009-04-27Mercyful FateNight of the UnbornDon't Break the Oathcombat
377. 2009-04-27Hallow's EveOuter LimitsTales of Terrorcombat
378. 2009-04-13ExodusMetal CommandBonded By Bloodcombat
379. 2009-04-13VoivodtornadoKilling Technologycombat
380. 2009-04-13Meliah RageDenial of RuleSolitary Solitudecombat
381. 2009-03-23DeathDenial of LifeScream Bloody Gorecombat
382. 2009-03-23ExciterBeyond the Gates of DoomLong Live the Loudcombat
383. 2009-03-16VenomSatanachristPossessedcombat
384. 2009-03-16PossessedTribulationBeyond the Gatescombat
385. 2009-03-09NocturnusBC/ADThe Keycombat
386. 2009-03-02Bolt Throwerthe Shreds of SanityWarmastercombat
387. 2009-02-16MegadethKilling is My Business and Business is GoodKilling is my Businesscombat
388. 2009-02-16ExodusMetal CommandBonded By Bloodcombat
389. 2009-01-26CrematoryTransmigration...Just Dreamingcombat
390. 2009-01-19DeathSacrificalScream Bloody Gorecombat
391. 2009-01-12SacrificePossessionTorment in Firecombat
392. 2009-01-05DeathPrimative WaysLeprosycombat
393. 2009-01-05PossessedSatan's CurseSeven Churchescombat
394. 2008-12-08VoivodKilling TechnologyKilling Technologycombat
395. 2008-12-08SacrificeAfterlifeForward to Terminationcombat
396. 2008-12-08PossessedSeven ChurchesSeven Churchescombat
397. 2008-12-08OnslaughtLord of EvilPower From Hellcombat
398. 2008-12-08DeathTorn to PiecesScream Bloody Gorecombat
399. 2008-12-08ForbiddenR.I.P.Twisted into Formcombat
400. 2008-12-08DBCGenesis ExplosionUniversecombat
401. 2008-12-08KreatorTormentorFlag of Hatecombat
402. 2008-11-17PossessedTribulationBeyond the Gatescombat
403. 2008-09-15ExodusToxic WaltzFabulous Disastercombat
404. 2008-09-01ForbiddenTossed AwayTwisted into Formcombat
405. 2008-08-18DBCGenesis ExplosionUniversecombat
406. 2008-08-04OnslaughtFight with the Beastthe Forcecombat
407. 2008-07-07Victims of internal DecayBathed in Sicknessself-titledcombat_core
408. 2008-06-30PossessedSatan's CurseSeven Churchescombat
409. 2008-06-30ForbiddenTwisted into FormTwisted into Formcombat
410. 2008-06-23OnslaughtThrash Till Deaththe Forcecombat
411. 2008-06-09Agnostic FrontExistence of HateCause For Alarmcombat
412. 2008-05-19ExodusToxic WaltzFabulous Disastercombat
413. 2008-05-19VenomSatanachristPossessedcombat
414. 2008-05-05DeathBaptized in BloodScream Bloody Gorecombat
415. 2008-04-28KreatorPleasure to KillPleasure to Killcombat
416. 2008-04-21DeathOpen CasketLeprosycombat
417. 2008-04-14PossessedPentagramSeven Churchescombat
418. 2008-04-14DeathLeprosyLeprosycombat
419. 2008-03-31SacrificeBeyond DeathTorment in Firecombat
420. 2008-03-31ForbiddenStep By StepTwisted into Formcombat
421. 2008-03-31VoivodForgotten in SpaceKilling Technologycombat
422. 2008-03-31ExodusFabulous DisasterFabulous Disastercombat
423. 2008-03-31DeathOpen CasketLeprosycombat
424. 2008-03-31DBCthe Genesis ExplosionUniversecombat
425. 2008-03-31PossessedHoly HellSeven Churchescombat
426. 2008-03-24DevastationFreewillIdolatrycombat
427. 2008-03-24CrematoryIn My Hands...Just Dreamingcombat
428. 2008-03-17Agnostic FrontExistence of HateCause For Alarmcombat
429. 2008-03-10ForbiddenTossed AwayTwisted into Formcombat
430. 2008-02-11ForbiddenStep By StepTwisted into Formcombat
431. 2008-01-21DeathDenial of LifeScream Bloody Gorecombat
432. 2007-12-31MegadethSymphony of DestructionCountdown to Extinctioncombat
433. 2007-12-24Hallow's EveHallow's EveTales of Terrorcombat
434. 2007-12-10Celtic FrostI Won't DanceInto the Pandemoniumcombat
435. 2007-11-19Bathoryin Conspiracy with Satanself-titledcombat
436. 2007-11-12ForbiddenOne Foot in HellTwisted into Formcombat
437. 2007-11-12VoivodKilling TechnologyKilling Technologycombat
438. 2007-11-12DeathZombie RitualScream Bloody Gorecombat
439. 2007-11-12PossessedDeath MetalSeven Churchescombat
440. 2007-11-12DBCThe Genesis ExplosionUniversecombat
441. 2007-11-05Bolt ThrowerDestructive InfinityWarmastercombat
442. 2007-10-22PossessedConfessionsThe Eyes of Horrorcombat
443. 2007-10-08ForbiddenAs Good As DeadForbidden Evilcombat
444. 2007-09-17DevastationSigns of LifeSigns of Lifecombat
445. 2007-08-20Bolt ThrowerRebirth of HumanityWarmastercombat
446. 2007-08-13Horse the Bandthe Startling Secret of Super SapphireA Natural Deathcombat
447. 2007-08-13OnslaughtLet there be Deaththe Forcecombat
448. 2007-07-02Dark AngelTime Does not HealTime Does not Healcombat
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