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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2024-12-30SVARTFJELLA Mournful Setting SunI, The DestroyerMoribund Records
2. 2024-11-18SVARTFJELLI, The DestroyerI, The DestroyerMoribund Records
3. 2024-11-11CARNAL SAVAGERYBind, Torture, KillGraveworms, Cadavers, Coffins and BonesMoribund Records
4. 2024-09-30ALEX NUNZIATI02_Alex Nunziati - Screams In the FogImpending CatastropheMoribund Records
5. 2024-09-30ANTIPOPEBrotherhood of BabylonDoors of the DeadMoribund Records
6. 2024-09-23HACAVITZ04_Hacavitz_VoivodvzMuerteMoribund Records
7. 2024-09-16SATHANASThere Will Be DemonsInto the NocturneMoribund Records
8. 2024-09-09TRISKELYON03 Triskelyon Anarchy AvenueShattered ElysiumMoribund Records
9. 2024-09-09WAXEN02_Waxen_God of All EndingsDie Macht Von HassenMoribund Records
10. 2024-09-02JUDAS ISCARIOTBathed in Clouds of BloodTo Embrace the Corpses BleedingMoribund Records
11. 2024-08-19BahimironThe Abattoir InfernoRebel Hymns of Left Handed TerrorMoribund Records
12. 2024-08-05Carnal SavageryLeechesScent of DeathMoribund Records
13. 2024-08-05MALAMORTE02_MALAMORTE_2 - Abisso part IIAbissoMoribund Records
14. 2024-07-22MAUSOLEUM04_Mausoleum_Curse of the TombDefiling the DecayedMoribund Records
15. 2024-06-24WormreichRevelation IVWormcult RevelationsMoribund Records
16. 2024-06-24RITUALS OF A BLASPHEMER03_Rituals Of A Blasphemer_Devotion On This Dismal NightMors Inumbratus Supra SpiritusMoribund Records
17. 2024-06-03FERRETT03_FerreTT_GlamdemicGlamdemicMoribund Records
18. 2024-05-06DEATHWYTCH04_Deathwytch_Dein Opfer (Your Sacrifice)Death WytchMoribund Records
19. 2024-02-26Carnal SavageryExhumedFiendishMoribund Records
20. 2024-02-05TOBY KNAPP05 Toby Knapp Delirium HierarchyTransmission to PurgatoryMoribund Records
21. 2024-02-05MERRIMACK03_Merrimack_Unholy god of the PastObsecrations To The HornedMoribund Records
22. 2024-01-29HRIZGOnce FallenDamnatio MemoriaeMoribund Records
23. 2024-01-08LUCIFERIAN RITES04_Luciferian Rites_Bats of Crimson WisdomOath of Midnight AshesMoribund Records
24. 2024-01-01CARNAL SAVAGERY05 - Carnal Savagery - Limb by LimbInto The Abysmal VoidMoribund Records
25. 2023-12-18AyatThousands Of Pissed Motherfuckers…Six Years Of Dormant HatredMoribund Records
26. 2023-10-30Nekro Drunkz29 Mummified In Pubic HairAbsolute FilthMoribund Records
27. 2023-10-02MOURNING MIST04 - MOURNING MIST True ValuesAmenMoribund Records
28. 2023-10-02AZAGHAL5. Portinvartija (Gatekeeper)MustamaaMoribund Records
29. 2023-10-02JUDAS ISCARIOT06_Judas Iscariot_Spill The Blood Of The LambHeaven in FlamesMoribund Records
30. 2023-08-21Triskelyon04-Triskelyon-IsHopeStillAliveArtificial Insanity - Sept 8Moribund Records
31. 2023-08-14AZAGHAL2. Mustamaa (Mordor)MustamaaMoribund Records
32. 2023-08-14Haeresiarchs of DisIntent the AuguryDenuntiatus CinisMoribund Records
33. 2023-06-19JUDAS ISCARIOT05_Judas Iscariot_In the Valley of Death, I Am Their KingTo Embrace the Corpses BleedingMoribund Records
34. 2023-06-05ADVERSVM02 ADVERSVM_EmanationVama MargaMoribund Records
35. 2023-05-29WAXEN04_Waxen_Your Kingdom will BleedDie Macht Von HassenMoribund Records
36. 2023-05-22JUDAS ISCARIOT03_Judas Iscariot_Eternal Bliss...Eternal DeathHeaven in FlamesMoribund Records
37. 2023-02-27ALEX NUNZIATIPossessed By Astral EntityBlack Space VoidMoribund Records
38. 2023-02-27Category VICategory VI - 3. The Vultures NeverFirecry - Out March 24thMoribund Records
39. 2023-02-20CARNAL SAVAGERY07 - Carnal Savagery - Revel In MadnessWorm EatenMoribund Records
40. 2022-11-21AzaghalKun Aurinko KuoliHelvetin Yhdeksän Piiriä (Nine Circles of Hell)Moribund Records 2016
41. 2022-10-31CARNAL SAVAGERY03 - Carnal Savagery - Edible CraniumWorm EatenMoribund Records
42. 2022-10-24ANTIPOPEEye of the StormRex MundiMoribund Records
43. 2022-10-17TRISKELYONBalance of TerrorDownfallMoribund Records
44. 2022-10-10ONWARDPicasso EyesOf Epoch and InfernoMoribund Records
45. 2022-09-26AzaghalKuoleman Kylmä IkuisuusPerkeleen Luoma / Kyy (Re-issue)Moribund Records
46. 2022-09-19VARDANNo Exit From The Forest Pt. 1No Exit from the ForestMoribund Records
47. 2022-09-12UNHUMAN DISEASEGuided by SatanInto Satan's Kingdom +BonusMoribund Records
48. 2022-08-08Drawn & QuarteredBloodbath of RenewalMerciless Hammer of Lucifer, Disc 1, Disc 1Moribund Records
49. 2022-08-01MALAMORTEThe Son Of The DevilOmenMoribund Records
50. 2022-07-25Drawn & QuarteredThe Ovens AwaitExtermination RevelryMoribund Records
51. 2022-07-04DodsferdThe Dead Have No Speech For...Wastes of LifeMoribund Records
52. 2022-07-04Alex NunziatiShe Is The EvilIl Mangiatore di PeccatiMoribund Records
53. 2022-05-23ViogressionFrom Dust3rd Stage Of DecayMoribund Records
54. 2022-05-02ViogressionDeath Dive3rd Stage Of DecayMoribund Records
55. 2022-05-02SargeistFrowning, ExistingSatanic Black DevotionMoribund Records
56. 2022-04-11Law of ContagionObsidian EyeOecumenical Rites for the AntichristMoribund Records
57. 2022-04-11Satan’s HostMaledictionThis Legacy Will Never DieMoribund Records
58. 2022-04-11AzaghalBlack Legions of SatanNemesisMoribund Records
59. 2022-04-04Carnal SavageryScent of DeathScent of DeathMoribund Records
60. 2022-03-28PactThe OracleGod Only KnowsMoribund Records
61. 2021-12-27Judas Iscariot... Then Mourns The Wanderer...Of Great EternityMoribund Records
62. 2021-12-20AyatMisogyny When We EmbraceSix Years Of Dormant HatredMoribund Records
63. 2021-10-18MoonHollow TranscendencePandimensional GnosisMoribund Records
64. 2021-09-06BelialVoices BeyondGods of the Pit IIMoribund Records
65. 2021-07-19Dark PsychosisProfane HallucinationsObsessed By ShadowsMoribund Records
66. 2021-07-19Lekamen Illusionen Kallet (LIK)Helgedomens DodsportarAvgrundspoetens FlammaMoribund Records
67. 2021-07-12I Shalt BecomeThe Funeral RainWanderingsMoribund Records
68. 2021-04-26Hildr ValkyrieWe Are HeathensRevealing the Heathen SunMoribund Records
69. 2021-04-26Judas Iscariot... For The Last Judgement Draweth Nigh...Of Great EternityMoribund Records
70. 2021-04-12Wind of the Black MountainsForce Fed into Blasphemy Pt. 2Summoned By ShadowsMoribund Records
71. 2021-03-15MalamorteReverendMass Cult SuicideMoribund Records
72. 2021-03-15Carnal SavageryEmbalmed CorpsesFiendishMoribund Records
73. 2021-02-22WyrdDeath Of The SunDeath Of The SunMoribund Records
74. 2021-01-18I Shalt BecomeThe Swarming of the LocustsPoisonMoribund Records
75. 2021-01-04BelialDeceasedGods of the Pit IIMoribund Records
76. 2020-11-30HrizgBroken ShieldAnthems to DecrepitudeMoribund Records
77. 2020-11-09Dark PsychosisBorn To LoseThe Edge Of NowhereMoribund Records
78. 2020-11-02OdemIlluminateTimeless Past AboveMoribund Records
79. 2020-10-12AzaghalRutonkantajaPerkeleen Luoma / Kyy (Re-issue)Moribund Records
80. 2020-10-05Satan's HostShperic DestinyArchidoxes of Evil + Bonus (Official Release)Moribund Records
81. 2020-09-28AvskyTrack 02ScornMoribund Records
82. 2020-09-07VardanDark And Desolated March Pt. 3Dark And Desolated MarchMoribund Records
83. 2020-09-07AzaghalHail the WhoreNemesisMoribund Records
84. 2020-08-31Lord MatzigkeitusPulsing Absorption of SicknessDrownMoribund Records
85. 2020-08-31Wind of the Black MountainsThe Rite of Darkness (Bathory cover) [Demo]Summoned By ShadowsMoribund Records
86. 2020-08-10Unhuman DiseaseThe Sinister CallingDalla Benedizione Del DiavoloMoribund Records
87. 2020-08-03Law of ContagionBlood VindicationWoeful Litanies from the Nether RealmsMoribund Records
88. 2020-08-03The ProjectionistSkeletal Shone the Vengeance of True EvilUnder the Cruel Glow of TerrorMoribund Records
89. 2020-07-06DodsferdYour Kingdom Was Built in a LieSpitting With Hatred the Insignificance of LifeMoribund Records
90. 2020-05-25Wind of the Black MountainsBleed for Thy SinsSummoned By ShadowsMoribund Records
91. 2020-05-18ProvocatorApocalyptic WarfareSatan, Chaos, Blood and TerrorMoribund Records
92. 2020-05-18OltretombaThe River in the middleTHE HORROR - Figure del TerroreMoribund Records
93. 2020-04-27The ProjectionistThe WeakeningThe Stench of AmalthiaMoribund Records
94. 2020-03-02Live Suffer DieTwin Witches of RuinA Voice from Beyond DeathMoribund Records
95. 2020-02-24Winds OF The Black MountainsSeduction Of EveBlack Sun Shall RiseMoribund Records
96. 2020-02-24Drawn & QuarteredEscape to CremationHail Infernal DarknessMoribund Records
97. 2020-01-13Wind of the Black MountainsBring Forth Demonic TortureSummoned By ShadowsMoribund Records
98. 2019-12-30Morbus 666Through Black Fog Burns the Eyes of the DevilIgnis Divine ImperiumMoribund Records
99. 2019-09-16PactThe Witchmother of Shade'sThe Infernal Hierarchies, Penetrating The Threshold Of NightMoribund Records
100. 2019-08-12AyatCollective Suicide In The Boudoir (Feeling Wonderful Tonight)Six Years Of Dormant HatredMoribund Records
101. 2019-08-12PactSuicide SigilThe Dragon Lineage of SatanMoribund Records
102. 2019-07-22Godless RisingSadistic Ritual CarnageBattle LordsMoribund Records
103. 2019-05-20MerrimackSubcutaneous Infection (Of Flesh and Its Decay)Of Entropy and Life DenialMoribund Records
104. 2019-03-11OltretombaEpitaph on the cenotaphTHE HORROR - Figure del TerroreMoribund Records
105. 2019-03-04I Shalt BecomeThe Finest Cut of the ScalpelPoisonMoribund Records
106. 2019-02-11ProvocatorGeneral Commander BaphometSatan, Chaos, Blood and TerrorMoribund Records
107. 2019-02-04Bleeding FistDeath Almighty DeathDeaths Old StenchMoribund Records
108. 2019-02-04Fear of EternityAtrocious PainSpirit Of SorrowMoribund Records
109. 2018-12-24SargeistPanzergodSatanic Black DevotionMoribund Records
110. 2018-12-03SargeistTwilight Breath of SatanLet the Devil InMoribund Records
111. 2018-12-03Drawn & QuarteredCyanide SacramentMerciless Hammer of Lucifer, Disc 1, Disc 1Moribund Records
112. 2018-12-03WormreichRevelation IIWormcult RevelationsMoribund Records
113. 2018-12-03Infernal LegionYour Prayers Mean NothingYour Prayers Mean NothingMoribund Records
114. 2018-12-03DodsferdWastes of LifeWastes of LifeMoribund Records
115. 2018-10-29HrizgThe Mystery Of The Dead StarsSoterionMoribund Records
116. 2018-10-22Godless RisingThrough the Flames of RageTrumpet of TriumphMoribund Records
117. 2018-10-22MerrimackSeraphic Conspiracy (Of the Angels and Their Mission)Of Entropy and Life DenialMoribund Records
118. 2018-09-24HacavitzRelentless SleepNEX NIHILMoribund Records
119. 2018-09-10Drawn & QuarteredEmbrace of DarknessExtermination RevelryMoribund Records
120. 2018-07-16Satan's HostMetal from Hell - 2011 version. Original appear...CELEBRATIONMoribund Records
121. 2018-06-25NortherNAlaskan IceDesolate Ways to Ultima ThuleMoribund Records
122. 2018-05-14LeviathanThe Bitter Emblem of DissolveThe Tenth Sub Level of SuicideMoribund Records
123. 2018-04-16NortherNFall Into WinterDesolate Ways to Ultima ThuleMoribund Records
124. 2018-04-16PactCradle of DecayEnigmatamoribund
125. 2018-03-19Satan's HostWitches Return - 2011 version. Original appeare...CELEBRATIONMoribund Records
126. 2018-03-05Infernal LegionMountain Of Human SacrificeUnder The Cloven HoofMoribund Records
127. 2018-01-15Morbus 666The Golden Scales of TiamatIgnis Divine ImperiumMoribund Records
128. 2017-12-25Provocator7. Black Star of LuciferAntikristusMoribund Records
129. 2017-11-20Vardan03_Vardan_Nostalgia p.1 IINostalgia - Archive Of Failures - Part IMoribund Records
130. 2017-11-20HacavitzCahuitl TlalticpacMetzli ObscuraMoribund Records
131. 2017-11-13AyatEvery time a child says 'I don't believe in Allah' there is a little Allah somewhere that falls down deadCarry on, CarrionMoribund Records
132. 2017-10-02In MemoriumThe Hourless SeasonFrom Misery...Comes DarknessMoribund Records
133. 2017-10-02Infernal LegionThe Immaculate DeceptionThe Spear of LonginusMoribund Records
134. 2017-09-25AzaghalQuetzalcoatlOmegaMoribund Records
135. 2017-09-11NadiwrathAnother Pimping WhoreNihilistic StenchMoribund Records
136. 2017-08-28DraugarInfernal Existence/Grey HorizonsWeathering the CurseMoribund Records
137. 2017-08-28Satan's HostInfernal VictoryGreat American ScapeGoat 666Moribund Records
138. 2017-08-21Drawn & QuarteredGenocide AdvocacyHail Infernal DarknessMoribund Records
139. 2017-08-14Morbus 666Through Black Fog Burns the Eyes of the DevilIgnis Divine ImperiumMoribund Records
140. 2017-08-07AyatThousands Of Pissed Motherfuckers…Six Years Of Dormant HatredMoribund Records
141. 2017-05-08Drawn and QuarteredA Final SolutionMerciless Hammer Of Lucifermoribund
142. 2017-04-10Drawn & QuarteredFuneral Pyres of AnnihilationMerciless Hammer of Lucifer, Disc 1, Disc 1Moribund Records
143. 2017-03-13MerrimackThe Birth of a Lifes Sacerdoce (Of Nascency and Intluctability)Of Entropy and Life DenialMoribund Records
144. 2017-02-06HrizgAnthem to DecrepitudeAnthems to DecrepitudeMoribund Records
145. 2016-11-14Cold Northern Vengeance05 The Darkness of Once WasMaelstromMoribund Records
146. 2016-11-14KillgasmFisting Your FaithA Stab in the Heart of ChristMoribund Records
147. 2016-10-31Hæresiarchs Of DisNightmare (Mercyful Fate Cover)Tria Prima DiabolicaMoribund Records
148. 2016-10-31AzaghalTransilvaniaHelvetin Yhdeksän Piiriä (Nine Circles of Hell)Moribund Records
149. 2016-10-31MortualiaOutWild, Wild Miserymoribund
150. 2016-10-31Nekro DrunkzInterred In TurdLavatory CarnageMoribund Records 2016
151. 2016-10-03I Shalt BecomeGhostsPoisonMoribund Records
152. 2016-09-19Cold Northern Vengeance02 Seeker of SecretsMaelstromMoribund Records
153. 2016-08-29SargeistNocturnal RevelationLet the Devil InMoribund Records
154. 2016-08-22MerrimackRedeem Restless Souls (Of Asmodai and His Takeover)Of Entropy and Life DenialMoribund Records
155. 2016-07-18SargeistEmpire of SufferingLet the Devil InMoribund Records
156. 2016-07-04DodsferdMillion Deaths InsideThe Great Depression Imoribund
157. 2016-06-27Drawn & QuarteredA Final SolutionMerciless Hammer of Lucifer, Disc 1, Disc 1Moribund Records
158. 2016-06-13Cold Northern VengeancePierced by the TreeMaelstromMoribund Records
159. 2016-04-25Waxen03 Disembodied, ForgottenWeihung Auf SatanMoribund Records
160. 2016-04-25Morbus 666Worms of SephirothIgnis Divine ImperiumMoribund Records
161. 2016-04-25Unhuman DiseaseHoly Flames of PerditionDe Templi Autem Veteris SerpentisMoribund Records
162. 2016-04-11Unhuman DiseaseInner Ascension to IncandescenceDe Templi Autem Veteris SerpentisMoribund Records
163. 2016-04-04Morbus 666Igniis Divine ImperiumIgnis Divine ImperiumMoribund Records
164. 2016-03-28SargeistGlorificationSatanic Black DevotionMoribund Records
165. 2016-03-14HacavitzTowards Black PestMetzli ObscuraMoribund Records
166. 2016-02-15BahimironBestial Raids of Antichrist DarknessRebel Hymns of Left Handed TerrorMoribund Records
167. 2015-11-30Cold Northern Vengeance05 The Darkness of Once WasMaelstromMoribund Records
168. 2015-11-23DodsferdThe Dead Have No Speech For...Wastes Of Lifemoribund
169. 2015-11-09HiemsPainted BlackCold Void Journey (The Forsaken Crimes)moribund
170. 2015-09-28Cold Northern VengeanceEye Of The sTormMaelstrommoribund
171. 2015-09-07Cold Northern VengeanceWaxing And WaningMaelstrommoribund
172. 2015-08-24Luciferian RitesRotten CreedWhen The Light Diesmoribund
173. 2015-08-17MoonModranihtRender Of The Veilsmoribund
174. 2015-06-22Nekro DrunkzHot For TrotsAbsolute Filthmoribund
175. 2015-06-08AyatThe Fine Art Of Arrogance Part One (The Icon and The Cattle)Six Years Of Dormant Hatredmoribund
176. 2015-06-01ProfeziaUnder A Pale Veil Of UnconciousnessBlack Misanthropic Elite - Moon Anthemmoribund
177. 2015-05-11WormreichMalign Paradigm (Deathspell Omega)Wormcult Revelationsmoribund
178. 2015-04-13KillgasmMiserable ExistenceA Stab In The Heart of Christmoribund
179. 2015-04-06KillgasmA Stab In The Heart of ChristA Stab In The Heart of Christmoribund
180. 2015-03-30Luciferian RitesRotten CreedWhen The Light Diesmoribund
181. 2015-03-30VardanIIIDespicable Broken Hopemoribund
182. 2015-02-23InfernusGrinding Christian FleshGrinding Christian Fleshmoribund
183. 2015-02-16Where Evil FollowsLifting The VeilPortable Darknessmoribund
184. 2015-02-02VardanPt 4The Night, The Lonelinessmoribund
185. 2015-01-26WendeJourney Of The Unseen Wrath 1The Third And The Noblemoribund
186. 2015-01-26AbhorCircle Of Stones 1Rituale Stramoniummoribund
187. 2014-10-20WormreichRevelation III: Devotion's Final WarWormcult Revelationsmoribund
188. 2014-07-07Empire Of AurigaThe SolarthroneAscending The Solar Thronemoribund
189. 2014-06-23KillgasmPlanet Earth Mass GraveA Stab In The Heart of Christmoribund
190. 2014-06-16HrizgWhen The Cryings Are For The WeakIndividualismmoribund
191. 2014-05-12WaxenWith Hatred Be DestroyedAgios Holokaustonmoribund
192. 2014-05-05WormreichCodex LvciferivmWormcult Revelationsmoribund
193. 2014-04-28HrizgNo Life After LifeIndividualismmoribund
194. 2014-04-28MortualiaThe Sinister ShineBlood Of The Hermitmoribund
195. 2014-04-14WormreichRevelation IV: Enim Satanas Meum SanguinemWormcult Revelationsmoribund
196. 2014-04-14WaxenAt War With Reason ItselfAgios Holokaustonmoribund
197. 2014-03-31KillgasmRevenge of the PanzergoatA Stab In The Heart of Christmoribund
198. 2014-03-31WaxenDestined For DivisionAgios Holokaustonmoribund
199. 2014-03-17WormreichCodex LvciferivmWormcult Revelationsmoribund
200. 2014-03-03DodsferdStupid Worthless SheepThe Parasitic Survival Of The Human Racemoribund
201. 2014-03-03Bleeding FistRevelation Of DegenesisDeaths Old Stenchmoribund
202. 2014-03-03PactThe Great Serpent Of TehomThe Infernal Hierarchies, Penetrating The Threshold Of Nightmoribund
203. 2014-03-03WormreichRevelation III: Devotion's Final WarWormcult Revelationsmoribund
204. 2014-02-17DodsferdCreator Of DiseaseThe Parasitic Survival Of The Human Racemoribund
205. 2014-02-17ProfeziaSacra TempestaOracolo Suicidamoribund
206. 2014-02-10VardanLuciferian AssaultThe Woods Is My Coffinmoribund
207. 2014-02-10Bleeding FistRevelation Of DegenesisDeaths Old Stenchmoribund
208. 2014-02-03Bleeding FistBrotherhood Of Chaos And DeathDeaths Old Stenchmoribund
209. 2014-01-13VardanGoatcraftThe Woods Is My Coffinmoribund
210. 2013-12-02Drawn and QuarteredAbyss Behind My GazeExtermination Revelrymoribund
211. 2013-10-14Drawn and QuarteredOn The Death FarmReturn Of The Black Deathmoribund
212. 2013-09-30Drawn and QuarteredBlood Of A Million MartyrsHail Infernal Darknessmoribund
213. 2013-09-16Drawn and QuarteredWorshippers Of Total DeathExtermination Revelrymoribund
214. 2013-07-29HacavitzMost UncleanMetzli Obscuramoribund
215. 2013-07-01SargeistEmpire Of SufferingLet The Devil Inmoribund
216. 2013-01-21SargeistSatanic Black DevotionSatanic Black Devotionmoribund
217. 2013-01-21Godless RisingDamnation Of Angelic SoulsTrumpet Of Triumphmoribund
218. 2012-12-31AzaghalPohjoisen Valkoinen KuolemaNemesismoribund
219. 2012-10-01Drawn and QuarteredThrone Of Desolation (Befowling The Scriptures)Hail Infernal Darknessmoribund
220. 2012-07-30AzaghalVihasta Ja VeritoistaNemesismoribund
221. 2012-06-18NecroclastEnter the OparitnThe Plaguemoribund
222. 2012-06-11SargeistFrowning, ExistingSatanic Black Devotionmoribund
223. 2012-04-30Infernal LegionThe Immaculate DeceptionThe Spear Of Longinusmoribund
224. 2012-03-26PactThe Middle PillarThe Dragon Linage Of Satanmoribund
225. 2012-03-19AzaghalBlack Legion Of SatanNemesismoribund
226. 2012-03-19AbhorHearing Without FearAb Luna Lucenti, Ab Noctua Protectimoribund
227. 2012-03-19Infernal LegionDisregard For The AfterlifeThe Spear Of Longinusmoribund
228. 2012-03-05AzaghalIn Deathlike SilenceNemesismoribund
229. 2012-03-05PactDreamless DeathThe Dragon Linage Of Satanmoribund
230. 2012-02-06Infernal LegionDawn Of The Last DayThe Spear Of Longinusmoribund
231. 2012-01-09ThrallMass ExtinctionVermin To The Earthmoribund
232. 2012-01-02ThrallMass ExtinctionVermin To The Earthmoribund
233. 2011-12-26DraugerWage a Final BattleWeathering the Cursemoribund
234. 2011-12-26Infernal LegionDawn Of The Last DayThe Spear Of Longinusmoribund
235. 2011-12-19BahimironGoathorned Messiah Of The 7 GatesRebel Hymns Of Left Handed Terrormoribund
236. 2011-12-19ThrallDisease's Maining CaressVermin To The Earthmoribund
237. 2011-12-19AbhorScent Of SulphurAb Luna Lucenti, Ab Noctua Protectimoribund
238. 2011-12-12Nocturnal FearWorld War 3Excessive Crueltymoribund
239. 2011-11-28Infernal LegionThe Immaculate DeceptionThe Spear Of Longinusmoribund
240. 2011-11-28ChasmaShadowbendDeclarations Of The Grand Artificermoribund
241. 2011-11-21ThrallVermin To The EarthVermin To The Earthmoribund
242. 2011-11-21BahimironThrones Of OblivionRebel Hymns Of Left Handed Terrormoribund
243. 2011-11-21Satan's HostFor The Love Of SatanCELEDRATION - For The Love Of Satan - 25th Anniversary Albummoribund
244. 2011-11-21Infernal LegionDawn Of The Last DayThe Spear Of Longinusmoribund
245. 2011-10-31Infernal LegionThe Immaculate DeceptionThe Spear Of Longinusmoribund
246. 2011-10-24AbhorGolden PathAb Luna Lucenti, Ab Noctua Protectimoribund
247. 2011-09-12Godless RisingUngodly IncantationsTrumpet Of Triumphmoribund
248. 2011-08-29Nocturnal FearHuman ShieldExcessive Crueltymoribund
249. 2011-08-08Nocturnal FearWorld War 3Excessive Crueltymoribund
250. 2011-07-25Nocturnal FearWorld War 3Excessive Crueltymoribund
251. 2011-07-04Satan's HostBlack Hilted KnifeBy The Hands Of The Devilmoribund
252. 2011-06-27HrizgShadowshieldInfernomoribund
253. 2011-06-20HrizgArs GeotiaInfernomoribund
254. 2011-06-13Satan's HostBlack Hilted KnifeBy The Hands Of The Devilmoribund
255. 2011-05-30Drawn and QuarteredBloodbath of RenewalMerciless Hammer of Lucifermoribund
256. 2011-05-02Satan's HostDemontiaBy The Hands Of The Devilmoribund
257. 2011-02-21HiemsScum DestroyerWorship Or Diemoribund
258. 2011-02-14AyatCollective Suicide In The Boudoir (Feeling Wonderful Tonight)Six Years Of Dormant Hatredmoribund
259. 2011-01-31AyatCurses! Curses! And Never Sleep...Six Years Of Dormant Hatredmoribund
260. 2011-01-31SargeistBurning Voice Of AdorationLet The Devil Inmoribund
261. 2011-01-24SargeistNocturnal RevelationLet The Devil Inmoribund
262. 2011-01-24NadiwrathAnother Pimping WhoreNihilistic Stenchmoribund
263. 2011-01-03NadiwrathWinter NightsNihilistic Stenchmoribund
264. 2010-12-27Haeresiarchs Of DisNice Days They FellDenuntiatus Cinismoribund
265. 2010-11-29AyatNecronarcos (Tame You Death)Six Years Of Dormant Hatredmoribund
266. 2010-11-29SargeistBurning Voice Of AdorationLet The Devil Inmoribund
267. 2010-11-22Haeresiarchs Of DisIntent CanticleDenuntiatus Cinismoribund
268. 2010-11-22SargeistBurning Voice Of AdorationLet The Devil Inmoribund
269. 2010-11-15SargeistFrom The Black Coffin LairLet The Devil Inmoribund
270. 2010-11-15AyatThe Fine Art Of Arrogance Part One (The Icon and The Cattle)Six Years Of Dormant Hatredmoribund
271. 2010-09-06I Shalt BecomeGhostsPoisonmoribund
272. 2010-08-16I Shalt BecomeNo Quarter At The SommePoisonmoribund
273. 2010-07-05HacavitzHablan Los MuertosMetzli Obscuramoribund
274. 2010-07-05Drawn and QuarteredUntil The Cease to BleedReturn Of The Black Deathmoribund
275. 2010-06-21Godless RisingDamnation Of Angelic SoulsTrumpet Of Triumphmoribund
276. 2010-06-14Godless RisingDamnation Of Angelic SoulsTrumpet Of Triumphmoribund
277. 2010-06-07HacavitzMost UncleanMetzli Obscuramoribund
278. 2010-06-07Godless RisingThrough The Flames Of RageTrumpet Of Triumphmoribund
279. 2010-05-31HacavitzSulfur WindsMetzli Obscuramoribund
280. 2010-05-31AzaghalQuetzacoatlOmegamoribund
281. 2010-05-31Godless RisingDevour The CrossTrumpet Of Triumphmoribund
282. 2010-05-31Bleeding FistMessiah (Hellhammer Cover)Macabrum Bestia Ex Abyssusmoribund
283. 2010-05-24Godless RisingAn Eternity In HellTrumpet Of Triumphmoribund
284. 2010-05-17HacavitzTowards Black PestMetzli Obscuramoribund
285. 2010-05-17Bleeding FistAnd I Devour It, The LightMacabrum Bestia Ex Abyssusmoribund
286. 2010-05-10Bleeding FistDefender Of Satan's HonorMacabrum Bestia Ex Abyssusmoribund
287. 2010-05-10Godless RisingWhere Is Your God Now?Trumpet Of Triumphmoribund
288. 2010-05-03Blood CultCult of the PlainsWe Are the Cult Of the Plainsmoribund
289. 2010-04-26Blood CultLudi CerialesWe Are the Cult Of the Plainsmoribund
290. 2010-04-12Blood CultIllinoisan AltarWe Are the Cult Of the Plainsmoribund
291. 2010-04-12AvskyScornScornmoribund
292. 2010-03-29Blood CultCult of the PlainsWe Are the Cult Of the Plainsmoribund
293. 2010-03-29AvskyDead EndScornmoribund
294. 2010-03-15AvskyAs The Mountains CollapseScornmoribund
295. 2010-03-08AvskyScornScornmoribund
296. 2010-03-08Blood CultSeedsWe Are the Cult Of the Plainsmoribund
297. 2009-01-05HacavitzOld RancorVenganzamoribund
298. 2008-11-03MerrimackInsemination of Procreation and Its ConsequencesOf Eternity and Life Denialmoribund
299. 2008-06-09Godless RisingBeyond the Gates, We DesecrateBattle Lordsmoribund
300. 2008-05-26NecroclastEnter the Opacitythe Cultmoribund
301. 2008-04-28MerrimackRedeem Restless Souls of Asmodai and His TakeoverOf Eternity and Life Denialmoribund
302. 2008-03-24AzaghalTuhkaan KirjoitettuOmegamoribund
303. 2008-03-24NecroclastNecroclastthe Cultmoribund
304. 2008-03-17AzaghalPirun VertaOmegamoribund
305. 2008-03-10AzaghalQuetzacoatlOmegamoribund
306. 2008-03-03Satan's HostPyromancy the Art of FireGreat American ScapeGoatmoribund
307. 2008-02-25GrimbaneTyrannize ChristiansLet The Empires Fallmoribund
308. 2008-02-25Satan's HostHail SatanGreat American ScapeGoatmoribund
309. 2008-02-18NecroclastVulturesthe Cultmoribund
310. 2008-02-11NecroclastFacelessthe Cultmoribund
311. 2008-02-04Satan's HostBurning the Born AgainBurning the Born Again... (a new Philosophy)moribund
312. 2008-01-28MerrimackRedeem Restless Souls of Asmodai and His TakeoverOf Eternity and Life Denialmoribund
313. 2007-12-24MerrimackRedeem Restless Souls of Asmodai and His TakeoverOf Eternity and Life Denialmoribund
314. 2007-12-10Drawn and QuarteredBloodbath of RenewalMerciless Hammer of Lucifermoribund
315. 2007-10-29DraugerWage a Final BattleWeathering the Cursemoribund
316. 2007-10-15Godless RisingBattle LordsBattle Lordsmoribund
317. 2007-10-15HacavitzRex FunebreKatunmoribund
318. 2007-10-15Drawn and QuarteredFaith in DecayMerciless Hammer of Lucifermoribund
319. 2007-10-08HacavitzRide the NebutahKatunmoribund
320. 2007-10-08Satan's HostA New PhilosophyBurning the Born Again... (a new Philosophy)moribund
321. 2007-10-01HacavitzSummoning Self-DestructionKatunmoribund
322. 2007-10-01Satan's HostA Darkmoon GatheringBurning the Born Again... (a new Philosophy)moribund
323. 2007-09-24Satan's HostBurning the Born AgainBurning the Born Again... (a new Philosophy)moribund
324. 2007-09-17Godless RisingBeyond the Gates, We DesecrateBattle Lordsmoribund
325. 2007-09-10Godless Risingthe Lair of CerberusBattle Lordsmoribund
326. 2007-09-10Drawn and QuarteredFuneral Pyre of AnnihilationMerciless Hammer of Lucifermoribund
327. 2007-09-10HacavitzMotlaition in QuetaltiKatunmoribund
328. 2007-09-10DraugerThrough the Dark until You Dievariousmoribund
329. 2007-09-10MasichistEve of Anti-Creationvariousmoribund
330. 2007-09-03Drawn and QuarteredA Final SolutionMerciless Hammer of Lucifermoribund
331. 2007-08-27Godless RisingHeathens RageBattle Lordsmoribund
332. 2007-08-20Godless RisingBeyond the Gates, We DesecrateBattle Lordsmoribund
333. 2007-08-13Godless RisingConflict from WithinBattle Lordsmoribund
334. 2007-08-06Godless RisingAncient Grave LandsBattle Lordsmoribund
335. 2007-08-06I Shalt BecomeFuneral Raincompmoribund
336. 2007-08-06Drawn and QuarteredFaith in DecayMerciless Hammer of Lucifermoribund
337. 2007-07-30Godless RisingSadistic Ritual CarnageBattle Lordsmoribund
338. 2007-07-30Drawn and QuarteredSodomy and HeresayMerciless Hammer of Lucifermoribund
339. 2007-07-30HacavitzReghum Satani (In League with Satan we Ride)Katunmoribund
340. 2007-07-23Godless Risingthe Lair of CerberusBattle Lordsmoribund
341. 2007-07-23Drawn and QuarteredBloodbath of RenewalMerciless Hammer of Lucifermoribund
342. 2007-07-23HacavitzSummoning Self-DestructionKatunmoribund
343. 2007-07-23Krohmthe WaningMoribund Records compmoribund
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