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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1377 playlist up with 57237 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2016-04-25MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2016-04-25
3. 2016-04-25DeathwitchExecutioner 1999Monumental MutilationsNecropolis Records
4. 2016-04-25AutopsyTorn From the WombMental Funeral
5. 2016-04-25AbazagorathA City Visible but UnseenThe Satanic VersesEternal Death
6. 2016-04-25BahimironBlood of SodomDestroyers from the Western Skies (As Night Devours the Sun)
7. 2016-04-25
8. 2016-04-25Demilichthe Sun Drank the Weight of Water20th Adversary of EmptinessSvart Records
9. 2016-04-25AmpütatorWhen Your Children BurnSatanic Forcefucked Annihilation
10. 2016-04-25Cannibal CorpseHammer Smashed FaceTomb of the MutilatedMetal Blade Records
11. 2016-04-25RazorHigh Speed MetalMalicious Intent
12. 2016-04-25
13. 2016-04-25ROTTEN SOUND04 TrashmongerAbuse to SufferSeason of Mist
14. 2016-04-25Strong Intention03 Holes In The WallRazorblade Express (featuring Mike IX Williams of EYEHATEGOD)PATAC Records
15. 2016-04-25SuperchristMetropolisSouth Of Hell
16. 2016-04-25The Dillinger Escape Plan43% BurntRelapse Sampler 1999relapse
17. 2016-04-25OtepGhostflowersThe_AscensionCapitol
18. 2016-04-25
19. 2016-04-25King DiamondCome to the SabbathDangerous MeetingRoadrunner Records
20. 2016-04-25
21. 2016-04-25AbnormalitySynthetic PathogenesisMechanisms of OmniscienceMetal Blade Records
22. 2016-04-25I Am Noah03 Embrace The EndThe VerdictBastardized Recordings
23. 2016-04-25NecrosicSpawn of RadiationPutrid Decimation 12" MLPNuclear War Now! Productions
24. 2016-04-25Zealotry03 Cybernetic EucharistThe Last WitnessLavadome Productions
25. 2016-04-25
26. 2016-04-25Waxen03 Disembodied, ForgottenWeihung Auf SatanMoribund Records
27. 2016-04-25PhobocosmOrdealBringer Of DroughtDark Descent Record
28. 2016-04-25Doomsday CeremonyVoice of the DarknessBlack HeartGreyhaze Records
29. 2016-04-25SurvivalLiving in AmericaNo GriefMerdumgiriz Records
30. 2016-04-25
31. 2016-04-25Head of the Demon02 Armilus Rides... Again!Sathanas TrismegistosAjna Offensive
32. 2016-04-25KHANUSThe Daughters of FireRites Of FireI, Voidhanger Records
33. 2016-04-25Bog of the Infidel02 DeumAsleep in the Arms of SuicideEternal Death Records
34. 2016-04-25COFFIN LUST4. Chaos AbsoluteManifestation of Inner Darkness (CD, LP, TAPE)Hells Headbangers Records
35. 2016-04-25
36. 2016-04-25Amon AmarthOn a Sea of BloodJomsvikingMetal Blade Records
37. 2016-04-25Beyond CreationEarthborn EvolutionEarthborn Evolutionseason_of_mist
38. 2016-04-25Morbus 666Worms of SephirothIgnis Divine ImperiumMoribund Records
39. 2016-04-25WORMEDEukaryotic Hex SwarmKrighsuSeason of Mist
40. 2016-04-25GADGETPillars Of FilthThe Great Destroyer (NA Promo)Relapse Records
41. 2016-04-25
42. 2016-04-25Cadaveric Fumes02 Extatic ExtirpationDimensions Obscure 12" MLPBlood Harvest Records
43. 2016-04-25AgathodaimonFavourite SinIn Darknessnuclearblast
44. 2016-04-25GRAVES AT SEAThis Mental SentenceThe Curse That Is (NA Promo)Relapse Records
45. 2016-04-25Today Is the DayThis Machine Kills FascistsKiss the PigRelapse Records
46. 2016-04-25SourveinMermaidsAquatic OccultMetal Blade Records
47. 2016-04-25
48. 2016-04-25Unhuman DiseaseHoly Flames of PerditionDe Templi Autem Veteris SerpentisMoribund Records
49. 2016-04-25Empty VesselsAll Just GhostsSeizures Within ReasonSelf-Released
50. 2016-04-25Trap ThemDestructioneer ExtraordinaireSleepwell DeconstructorTrash Art!
51. 2016-04-25TOMBSObsidianAll Empires Fall (NA Promo)Relapse Records
52. 2016-04-25TelochObliterationThus Darkness SpakeSaturnal Records
53. 2016-04-25AgallochThe Astral DialogueThe Serpent & The Sphere
54. 2016-04-25Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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