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End Ass Hat

New site? Maybe some day.


this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1377 playlist up with 57237 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2024-09-09GATECREEPERSterilizedSonoran DepravationRelapse Records
2. 2024-08-26Primitive ManNakedSplit - Primitive Man & Unearthly TranceRelapse Records
3. 2024-08-19Birds of PreyTurning Big Rocks into Little RocksSulfur and SemenRelapse Records
4. 2024-08-12Mammoth GrinderBlazing BurstCosmic CryptRelapse Records
5. 2024-08-12IntegrityScorched EarthSplit-Integrity & KriegRelapse Records
6. 2024-08-05ABYSMAL DAWNPixilated IgnoranceLeveling the Plane of Existence (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
7. 2024-07-15Dying FetusOne Shot, One KillStop at NothingRelapse Recods
8. 2024-07-01Kingdom of SorrowWith Barely a BreathBehind the Blackest TearsRelapse Records
9. 2024-06-17GRUESOMEForces Of DeathDimensions of HorrorRelapse Records
10. 2024-06-10Dying FetusWhen The Trend EndsMake Them Beg For DeathRelapse Records
11. 2024-05-27Flesh ParadeCoping With ItKill WhiteyRelapse Records
12. 2024-05-20CoffinsEverlasting SpiralSinister OathRelapse Records
13. 2024-05-13ExhumedLimb from LimbGore MetalRelapse Records
14. 2024-05-13Cephalic CarnageObserver to the Obliteration of Planet EarthContaminated 3.0, Disc 1Relapse Records
15. 2024-05-13OBLITERATIONGoat Skull CrownBlack Death HorizonRelapse Records
16. 2024-05-06Outer HeavenUnspeakable AuraInfinite Psychic DepthsRelapse Records
17. 2024-05-06Final GaspBotched RitualMourning MoonRelapse Records
18. 2024-05-06Iron MonkeyOff SwitchSpleen & GoadRelapse Records
19. 2024-05-06CoffinsForced DisorderSinister OathRelapse Records
20. 2024-04-29Genocide PactDecimation GridOrder of TormentRelapse Records
21. 2024-04-29Mammoth GrinderLocusts NestCosmic CryptRelapse Records
22. 2024-04-29Inter ArmaViolet SeizuresNew HeavenRelapse Records
23. 2024-04-01Negligent Collateral CollapseEnergy of NucleusVarious Artists - Czech AssaultRelapse Records
24. 2024-03-25ULCERATEThere Are No SavioursShrines of ParalysisRelapse Records
25. 2024-03-11Pig DestroyerLoathsomePhantom LimbRelapse Records
26. 2024-03-11Agoraphobic NosebleedLives Ruined Through SexHonky ReductionRelapse Records
27. 2024-03-11NeurosisThe DoorwayTimes of GraceRelapse Records
28. 2024-03-04IRON REAGANIn Greed We TrustThe Tyranny of Will (NA Promo)Relapse Records
29. 2024-02-26NileUnas Slayer of the GodsIn Their Darkened ShrinesRelapse Records
30. 2024-02-19DisfearA Thousand ReasonsMisanthropic GenerationRelapse Records
31. 2024-02-19Outer HeavenDrained Of LifeInfinite Psychic DepthsRelapse Records
32. 2024-01-22NUM SKULLPirate's NightRitually Abused - ReissueRelapse Records
33. 2024-01-22ExhumedNativity Obscene - A Nursery ChymeAnatomy Is DestinyRelapse Records
34. 2024-01-08ColiseumThe Fate of MenNo SalvationRelapse Records
35. 2023-12-25Outer HeavenDrained Of LifeInfinite Psychic DepthsRelapse Records
36. 2023-12-25End ReignChaos Masked As OrderThe Way Of All Flesh Is DecayRelapse Records
37. 2023-12-04ULCERATEExtinguished LightShrines of ParalysisRelapse Records
38. 2023-12-04MARUTAStride Endlessly Through Scorched EarthRemain Dystopian (NA Promo)Relapse Records
39. 2023-11-27ObituaryMy Will To LiveDying of EverythingRelapse Records
40. 2023-10-30End ReignThe Night Creeps Upon MeThe Way Of All Flesh Is DecayRelapse Records
41. 2023-10-30MorticianCharred CorpsesZombie ApocalypseRelapse Records
42. 2023-09-25PRIMITIVE MANLoatheHome Is Where The Hatred IsRelapse Records
43. 2023-09-11ExhumedRapid Unplanned DisassemblyBeyond the Dead EPRelapse Records
44. 2023-08-28IncantationHomunculus (Spirit Made Flesh) IXUnholy DeificationRelapse Records
45. 2023-08-07Rumpelstiltskin GrinderUnleash the TrollBuried in the Front YardRelapse Records
46. 2023-08-07GadgetBlack LightThe Funeral MarchRelapse Records
47. 2023-07-24Poison RuïnFrozen BloodHärvestRelapse Records
48. 2023-07-24TrollerInto DustDrainRelapse Records
49. 2023-07-24Uphill BattleForked TongueUphill BattleRelapse Records
50. 2023-07-17End ReignSerpent MessiahThe Way Of All Flesh Is DecayRelapse Records
51. 2023-07-17Outer HeavenLiquified MindInfinite Psychic DepthsRelapse Records
52. 2023-07-17ABYSMAL DAWNIn Service Of TimeLeveling the Plane of Existence (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
53. 2023-07-10GruesomeChoke On It (Death Cover)Fragments of Psyche EPRelapse Records
54. 2023-06-12Flesh ParadeMonsieur LebeauxKill WhiteyRelapse Records
55. 2023-05-29Inter Arma03 CitadelSulphur EnglishRelapse Records
56. 2023-05-29Full of HellBurning MyrrhWeeping ChoirRelapse Records
57. 2023-05-22Primitive ManInevitableCausticRelapse Records
58. 2023-05-22EXHUMEDSickenedNecrocracyRelapse Records
59. 2023-05-22REVOCATIONNumbing AgentsS/TRelapse Records
60. 2023-04-17ObituaryWeaponize The HateDying of EverythingRelapse Records
61. 2023-03-20End, TheDear MartyrWithin DividiaRelapse Records
62. 2023-03-13MorticianRabidChainsaw DismembermentRelapse Records
63. 2023-03-06ExhumedCasket KrusherGore MetalRelapse Records
64. 2023-02-20TrappistNo Corporate BeerAncient Brewing TacticsRelapse Records
65. 2023-02-20OriginDisease Called ManContaminated 3.0, Disc 1Relapse Records
66. 2023-01-16Misery IndexFed To The WolvesHeirs To ThieveryRelapse Records
67. 2023-01-16ObituaryWithout A ConscienceDying of EverythingRelapse Records
68. 2023-01-09Rotten SoundYellow PainAbuse to SufferRelapse Records
69. 2022-12-05Burnt by the SunLizard-Skin BarbieBurnt by the SunRelapse Records
70. 2022-11-21Dillinger Escape Plan, TheAbe the CopUnder the Running BoardRelapse Records
71. 2022-11-21SumerlandsEdge Of The KnifeDreamkillerRelapse Records
72. 2022-10-31MorticianZombie ApocalypseZombie ApocalypseRelapse Records
73. 2022-10-17Unearthly TranceDecrepitudeThe TridentRelapse Records
74. 2022-10-03Agoraphobic NosebleedCenter of the HiveThe Poacher DiariesRelapse Records
75. 2022-10-03Dying FetusAt What Expense?Descend into DepravityRelapse Records
76. 2022-09-12Unearthly TranceYou Get What You WantThe TridentRelapse Records
77. 2022-09-12Outer HeavenEchoes From BeyondRealms Of Eternal DecayRelapse Records
78. 2022-08-15ObscuraConvergenceDiluviumRelapse Records
79. 2022-08-15ExhumedSlave to the CasketSlaughtercultRelapse Records
80. 2022-08-08GRUESOMERaped by DarknessDimensions of HorrorRelapse Records
81. 2022-08-08DEATHLeft To DieSpiritual Healing (Reissue)Relapse Records
82. 2022-08-08End, TheThe Scent of EleganceWithin DividiaRelapse Records
83. 2022-08-08Outer HeavenWhat Lies BeneathRealms Of Eternal DecayRelapse Records
84. 2022-08-01Outer HeavenTortured WindsRealms Of Eternal DecayRelapse Records
85. 2022-07-25HOODED MENACE (ADD 9/4)In the Dead We DwellEffigies of EvilRelapse Records
86. 2022-07-25AntigamaTypes of WasteResonanceRelapse Records
87. 2022-07-18PIG DESTROYERValley of the GeysersBook Burner (ADD 10/15)Relapse Records
88. 2022-07-11UlcerateDead OceansThe Destroyers of AllRelapse Records
89. 2022-07-11GruesomeA Waste of LifeTwisted PrayersRelapse Records
90. 2022-07-04Circle of AnimalsNo FaithDestroy the Light (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
91. 2022-06-27End, TheEntirety in InfancyTransfer Trachea Reverberations from PointRelapse Records
92. 2022-06-13NeurosisThe Last You'll KnowTimes of GraceRelapse Records
93. 2022-06-06Pig DestroyerGirl in a Slayer JacketPhantom LimbRelapse Records
94. 2022-06-06BenumbThat Which Is Set in StoneBy Means of UpheavalRelapse Records
95. 2022-05-23PRIMITIVE MANDownfallHome Is Where The Hatred IsRelapse Records
96. 2022-05-23Cephalic CarnageHybridExploiting DysfunctionRelapse Records
97. 2022-05-23PYRRHONSleeper AgentThe Mother of Virtues (NA Promo)Relapse Records
98. 2022-05-09ExhumedUnder the KnifeAnatomy Is DestinyRelapse Records
99. 2022-05-09Daylight DiesI WaitNo ReplyRelapse Records
100. 2022-04-25Rotten SoundDead RemainsNapalmRelapse Records
101. 2022-04-04THE DRIPCatalystA Presentation of Gruesome Poetics (NA Promo)Relapse Records
102. 2022-03-28DYING FETUSSubjected To A BeatingReign SupremeRelapse Records
103. 2022-03-14MindrotAnguishDawningRelapse Records
104. 2022-02-28ObscuraOribital ElementsCosmogenesisRelapse Records
105. 2022-02-28Rotten SoundBrainlordNapalmRelapse Records
106. 2022-02-07Agoraphobic NosebleedHung from the Rising SunAgorapocalypseRelapse Records
107. 2022-02-07Outer HeavenDecaying RealmsRealms Of Eternal DecayRelapse Records
108. 2022-01-31End, TheThe Moth and IElementaryRelapse Records
109. 2022-01-24ExhumedIn the Mouth of HellHorrorRelapse Records
110. 2022-01-17End, TheThe Asphyxiation of Lisa-ClaireTransfer Trachea Reverberations from PointRelapse Records
111. 2022-01-10ExhumedNaked, Screaming, and Covered in BloodHorrorRelapse Records
112. 2021-12-20TOMBSPassagewaysPath of Totality (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
113. 2021-12-06Outer HeavenTortured WindsRealms Of Eternal DecayRelapse Records
114. 2021-11-29DEATHZombie RitualVivus! (Radio Promo - ADDS 2/21)Relapse Records
115. 2021-11-22RED FANGHank is DeadMurder the Mountains (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
116. 2021-09-27Inevitable EndFirstborn of All DeadThe Severed InceptionRelapse Records
117. 2021-09-27Outer HeavenPutrid DwellingsRealms Of Eternal DecayRelapse Records
118. 2021-09-27Pig DestroyerArmy of CopsHead CageRelapse Records
119. 2021-09-20NasumStormshieldHelveteRelapse Records
120. 2021-09-20Outer HeavenBloodspireRealms Of Eternal DecayRelapse Records
121. 2021-09-20GatecreeperRuthlessDesertedRelapse Records
122. 2021-09-06MorticianSlaughterhouseZombie ApocalypseRelapse Records
123. 2021-08-23GruesomeA Mind DecayedTwisted HorrorRelapse Records
124. 2021-08-09HORSEBACKThe Golden HornThe Gorgon TongueRelapse Records
125. 2021-08-09PRIMITIVE MANAntietamScornRelapse Records
126. 2021-07-26GENERAL SURGERYCauterization FrenzyA Collection of Depravation (Radio Promo - ADDS 3/20)Relapse Records
127. 2021-07-26TOMBSPath Of TotalityPath of Totality (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
128. 2021-07-19GATECREEPERRotting As OneSonoran DepravationRelapse Records
129. 2021-07-19Iron ReaganBurn for ThisSplit - Iron Reagan & GatecreeperRelapse records
130. 2021-07-19Red FangArrowsArrowsRelapse Records
131. 2021-07-05CRIPPLE BASTARDSAgony of a Reformed BandSenza Impronte (Radio Promo - ADDS 5/1)Relapse Records
132. 2021-07-05NOISEARBlackoutSubvert the Dominant Paradigm (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
133. 2021-07-05ROTTEN SOUNDRitualCursed (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
134. 2021-06-28Dillinger Escape PlanClip the Apex... Accept InstructionCalculating InfinityRelapse Records
135. 2021-06-28CoalesceSometimes Selling out Is Waking Up0:12 Revolution in Just ListeningRelapse Records
136. 2021-06-28OBSCURAFractal DimensionAkróasis (NA Promo)Relapse Records
137. 2021-06-28NeurosisUnder the SurfaceTimes of GraceRelapse Records
138. 2021-06-14ABYSMAL DAWNRapture RenownedLeveling the Plane of Existence (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
139. 2021-06-14RevocationChaos of FormsChaos of Forms (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
140. 2021-06-14DYING FETUSUnchallenged Hate (Napalm Death)History Repeats... (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
141. 2021-06-07Dillinger Escape Plan, TheSick on SundayIre WorksRelapse Records
142. 2021-06-07GruesomeA Waste of LifeTwisted PrayersRelapse Records
143. 2021-06-07BRUTAL TRUTHSimple MathEnd Time (radio promo - ADDS Sept. 27)Relapse Records
144. 2021-06-07KILL THE CLIENTPrimetime DogmaSet for Extinction (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
145. 2021-06-07TOXIC HOLOCAUSTAgony Of The DamnedConjure and Command (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
146. 2021-05-31PRIMITIVE MANStretched ThinScornRelapse Records
147. 2021-05-31COUGHDead Among the RosesStill They PrayRelapse Records
148. 2021-05-31OBSCURASeptuagintOmnivium (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
149. 2021-05-31GENERAL SURGERYMortuary WarsA Collection of Depravation (Radio Promo - ADDS 3/20)Relapse Records
150. 2021-05-31ABYSMAL DAWNBlacken The SkyFrom Ashes (Reissue) (Radio Promo - ADDS Jan. 9)Relapse Records
151. 2021-04-19Mammoth GrinderDivine LossCosmic CryptRelapse Records
152. 2021-04-12Genghis TronPyroceneDream WeaponRelapse Records
153. 2021-04-05IntegrityDie With Your Boots OnHowling, For The Nightmare Shall ConsumeRelapse Records
154. 2021-03-29Cephalic CarnageInvertus Indica (The Marijuana Convictions)Exploiting DysfunctionRelapse Records
155. 2021-03-29ObscuraInfinite RotationCosmogenesisRelapse Records
156. 2021-03-29RWAKEOr DieXenoglossalgiaRelapse Records
157. 2021-03-22MorticianSlaughterhouseZombie ApocalypseRelapse Records
158. 2021-03-15Inter Arma02 A Waxen SeaSulphur EnglishRelapse Records
159. 2021-03-08MorticianIsland of the DeadChainsaw DismembermentRelapse Records
160. 2021-03-01Primitive ManSugar HoleCausticRelapse Records
161. 2021-02-22DisfearDemons, Demons, DemonsMisanthropic GenerationRelapse Records
162. 2021-02-15BRUTAL TRUTHWarm Embrace Of PovertyEnd Time (radio promo - ADDS Sept. 27)Relapse Records
163. 2021-01-25SPAWN OF POSSESSIONBodiless SleeperIncurso (Radio Promo - ADDS 3/6)Relapse Records
164. 2021-01-11IRON REAGANIn Greed We TrustThe Tyranny of Will (NA Promo)Relapse Records
165. 2021-01-04Pig DestroyerPreacher CrawlingProwler in the YardRelapse Records
166. 2021-01-04WINDHANDWoodbineSomaRelapse Records
167. 2020-12-28End, TheEntirety in InfancyTransfer Trachea Reverberations from PointRelapse Records
168. 2020-12-28MorticianHell on EarthZombie ApocalypseRelapse Records
169. 2020-12-21Rumpelstiltskin GrinderGrab a Shovel (We've Got Bodies to Bury)Buried in the Front YardRelapse Records
170. 2020-12-14ExhumedNo Presents for ChristmasPlatters of Splatter, Disc 1Relapse Records
171. 2020-12-07Flesh ParadeHow About Some Good StuffKill WhiteyRelapse Records
172. 2020-11-30GATECREEPERRotting As OneSonoran DepravationRelapse Records
173. 2020-11-09Rumpelstiltskin GrinderDethroning the Tyrant, Pt. 3Living for Death, Destroying the RestRelapse Records
174. 2020-10-19Primitive ManTepidCausticRelapse Records
175. 2020-09-28GatecreeperSweltering MadnessDesertedRelapse Records
176. 2020-09-21MorticianTelepathic TerrorDomain of DeathRelapse Records
177. 2020-09-21BenumbRise from SquanderBy Means of UpheavalRelapse Records
178. 2020-08-31IntegrityDie With Your Boots OnHowling, For The Nightmare Shall ConsumeRelapse Records
179. 2020-08-31Bongzilla666lb. BongsessionGatewayRelapse Records
180. 2020-08-24GRUESOMETrapped In HellSavage Land (NA Promo)Relapse Records
181. 2020-08-03GRUESOMEClosed CasketSavage Land (NA Promo)Relapse Records
182. 2020-08-03Agoraphobic NosebleedThe Fourth Day of SodomAltered States of America, Disc 1Relapse Records
183. 2020-07-27Pig DestroyerMapplethorpe GreyProwler in the YardRelapse Records
184. 2020-07-20NecrophagistEpitathEpitaphRelapse Records
185. 2020-07-20DEATHVacant PlantesHuman - 2 Disc Reissue (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
186. 2020-07-20GRUESOMETrapped In HellSavage Land (NA Promo)Relapse Records
187. 2020-06-29Cephalic CarnageCryptosporidiumExploiting DysfunctionRelapse Records
188. 2020-05-18ABYSMAL DAWNSalting The EarthFrom Ashes (Reissue) (Radio Promo - ADDS Jan. 9)Relapse Records
189. 2020-05-18GatecreeperBarbaric PleasuresDesertedRelapse Records
190. 2020-05-18Flesh ParadeWorthlessKill WhiteyRelapse Records
191. 2020-05-18IRON REAGANBored to DeathThe Tyranny of Will (NA Promo)Relapse Records
192. 2020-05-11Dillinger Escape Plan, TheAbe the CopUnder the Running BoardRelapse Records
193. 2020-05-11Buried Inside[Untitled]Spoils of FailureRelapse Records
194. 2020-05-04GRUESOMETrapped In HellSavage Land (NA Promo)Relapse Records
195. 2020-05-04MorticianExtra Uterine PregnancyDomain of DeathRelapse Records
196. 2020-04-27ULCERATEChasm Of FireShrines of ParalysisRelapse Records
197. 2020-04-27CALL OF THE VOIDBlack IceAgeless (NA Promo)Relapse Records
198. 2020-04-20Burnt by the SunBoston Tea-Bag PartySoundtrack to the Personal RevolutionRelapse Records
199. 2020-04-20Buried InsideTime as AbjectionChronoclastRelapse Records
200. 2020-04-20GENERAL SURGERYUnruly Dissection MarathonA Collection of Depravation (Radio Promo - ADDS 3/20)Relapse Records
201. 2020-04-20DYING FETUSTwisted Truth (Pestilence)History Repeats... (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
202. 2020-04-20HAEMORRHAGEDoctors Of MalpracticeHospital CarnageRelapse Records
203. 2020-04-20BenumbAbundant Knowledge, Infinite StupidityWithering Strands of HopeRelapse Records
204. 2020-04-20NOTHINGOur PlagueTired Of TomorrowRelapse Records
205. 2020-03-09Unearthly TranceThe Air Exits/The Sea Accepts MeThe TridentRelapse Records
206. 2020-03-02Burnt by the SunThe Fish Under the Sea DanceBurnt by the SunRelapse Records
207. 2020-03-02RINGWORMDie Like a PigHammer of the Witch (NA Promo)Relapse
208. 2020-03-02Buried InsideTime as IdealogyChronoclastRelapse Records
209. 2020-03-02DEATHVacant PlanetsHuman - 2 Disc Reissue (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
210. 2020-02-17GruesomeGangrene (Demo)Fragments of Psyche EPRelapse Records
211. 2020-02-10PIG DESTROYERThe DiplomatBook Burner (ADD 10/15)Relapse Records
212. 2020-02-03PYRRHONImplant FeverThe Mother of Virtues (NA Promo)Relapse Records
213. 2020-01-06Pig DestroyerArmy of CopsHead CageRelapse Records
214. 2019-12-30OPPROBRIUMHunger For PowerSerpent Temptation (Reissue)Relapse Records
215. 2019-12-23ObscuraInfinite RotationCosmogenesisRelapse Records
216. 2019-12-16DeathOpen Casket (live)Spiritual Healing (Reissue)Relapse Records
217. 2019-12-02GRUESOMEHellboundDimensions of HorrorRelapse Records
218. 2019-12-02PYRRHONWhite FlagThe Mother of Virtues (NA Promo)Relapse Records
219. 2019-11-25GatecreeperBoiled OverDesertedRelapse Records
220. 2019-11-25Full of HellAngels Gather HereWeeping ChoirRelapse Records
221. 2019-10-07GatecreeperEverlastingDesertedRelapse Records
222. 2019-10-07Iron ReaganTake the FallSplitRelapse records
223. 2019-10-07ExhumedSlaughter ManiacHorrorRelapse Records
224. 2019-10-07Dillinger Escape Plan, TheAbe the CopUnder the Running BoardRelapse Records
225. 2019-10-07VictimsThe Birth Of TragedyThe Horse And Sparrow TheoryRelapse Records
226. 2019-10-07CherubsTigers In The SkyImmaculada HighRelapse Records
227. 2019-10-07TorcheSlideAdmissionRelapse Records
228. 2019-09-30ExhumedThe Red DeathHorrorRelapse Records
229. 2019-09-30GatecreeperFrom The AshesDesertedRelapse Records
230. 2019-09-30Coffins4. Impuritious MindsBeyond the Circular DemiseRelapse Records
231. 2019-09-16CALL OF THE VOIDEndless Ritual AbuseDragged Down A Dead End PathRelapse Records
232. 2019-09-09RINGWORMHammer of the WitchHammer of the Witch (NA Promo)Relapse
233. 2019-09-09MonolordThe Last LeafNo ComfortRelapse Records
234. 2019-09-02ULCERATEYield To NaughtShrines of ParalysisRelapse Records
235. 2019-09-02Primitive ManCommerceCausticRelapse Records
236. 2019-09-02Brutal TruthKill Trend SuicideGoodbye Cruel World, Disc 2Relapse Records
237. 2019-08-26DEATHSuicide MachineHuman - 2 Disc Reissue (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
238. 2019-08-19DevourmentNarcissistic ParaphiliaObscene MajestyRelapse Records
239. 2019-08-19PIG DESTROYERWolfs Blood (Misfits Cover)‘Blind, Deaf and Bleeding’ EPRelapse Records
240. 2019-08-12Primitive ManDisfiguredCausticRelapse Records
241. 2019-08-05PYRRHONEternity in a BreathThe Mother of Virtues (NA Promo)Relapse Records
242. 2019-08-05Inter Arma02 A Waxen SeaSulphur EnglishRelapse Records
243. 2019-08-05IntegrityDie With Your Boots OnHowling, For The Nightmare Shall ConsumeRelapse Records
244. 2019-07-29MorticianIntro/Mortal MassacreMortal MassacreRelapse Records
245. 2019-07-29CretinCreepy CrawliesFreakeryRelapse Records
246. 2019-07-29COFFINSHere Comes PerditionThe FleshlandRelapse Records
247. 2019-07-22MorticianDrowned in Your BloodChainsaw DismembermentRelapse Records
248. 2019-07-15Luddite CloneCircle TemplateThe Arsonist and the ArchitectRelapse Records
249. 2019-07-08INTER ARMAAn Archer in the EmptinessParadise GallowsRelapse Records
250. 2019-07-08Blood DusterNorthcoteStr8 Outta NorthcoteRelapse Records
251. 2019-07-08Flesh ParadeCoping With ItKill WhiteyRelapse Records
252. 2019-07-08Cephalic CarnageZuno GyakusastsuLucid IntervalRelapse Records
253. 2019-07-01GruesomeSavage Land (Demo)Fragments of Psyche EPRelapse Records
254. 2019-06-17CoalesceWild Ox MoanOxRelapse Records
255. 2019-06-10HaemorrhageBathed In BileWe Are The GoreRelapse Records
256. 2019-05-27ExpulsionMask of FearNightmare FutureRelapse Records
257. 2019-05-20Devil Master02 Nightmares in the Human CollapseSatan Spits on Children of LightRelapse Records
258. 2019-05-20NileI Whisper in the Ear of the DeadIn Their Darkened ShrinesRelapse Records
259. 2019-05-20Full of HellRainbow CoilWeeping ChoirRelapse Records
260. 2019-05-13Full of HellAria of Jeweled TearsWeeping ChoirRelapse Records
261. 2019-05-13RingwormI Want to Tear the World ApartDeath Becomes My VoiceRelapse Records
262. 2019-05-13Mammoth GrinderDivine LossCosmic CryptRelapse Records
263. 2019-05-06NasumThe Final SleepHelveteRelapse Records
264. 2019-05-06Pig DestroyerTerminal ItchHead CageRelapse Records
265. 2019-05-06Inter Arma04 Howling LandsSulphur EnglishRelapse Records
266. 2019-05-06TrappistThe Patron SaintsAncient Brewing TacticsRelapse Records
267. 2019-04-29RWAKEIt Was Beautiful But Now It's SourRest (radio promo - ADDS Sept. 27)Relapse Records
268. 2019-04-29RingwormDead to MeDeath Becomes My VoiceRelapse Records
269. 2019-04-22Dying FetusDie With IntegrityWrong One to Fuck WithRelapse Records
270. 2019-04-22MastodonTrilobiteRemissionRelapse Records
271. 2019-04-22CRETINWe Live in a CaveStrangerRelapse Records
272. 2019-04-22Birds of PreyWhere Black Lungs Don't BreatheSulfur and SemenRelapse Records
273. 2019-04-22NasumDoombringerHelveteRelapse Records
274. 2019-04-08PYRRHONSleeper AgentThe Mother of Virtues (NA Promo)Relapse Records
275. 2019-04-08GRUESOMEDimensions of HorrorDimensions of HorrorRelapse Records
276. 2019-04-08Outer HeavenVortex Of ThoughtRealms Of Eternal DecayRelapse Records
277. 2019-04-08WindhandHalcyonEternal ReturnRelapse Records
278. 2019-03-18BenumbFlesh for FleshWithering Strands of HopeRelapse Records
279. 2019-03-18Outer HeavenEchoes From BeyondRealms Of Eternal DecayRelapse Records
280. 2019-03-18Kingdom of SorrowWith Barely a BreathBehind the Blackest TearsRelapse Records
281. 2019-03-04AmorphisThe CastawayTales From the Thousand LakesRelapse Records
282. 2019-03-04IncantationIncorporeal DespairProfane NexusRelapse Records
283. 2019-02-25DEATHTogether as OneHuman - 2 Disc Reissue (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
284. 2019-02-18GATECREEPERPatriarchal GripSonoran DepravationRelapse Records
285. 2019-02-18INTER ARMAThe Paradise GallowsParadise GallowsRelapse Records
286. 2019-01-21PRIMITIVE MANBag ManHome Is Where The Hatred IsRelapse Records
287. 2019-01-14COUGHDead Among the RosesStill They PrayRelapse Records
288. 2019-01-07Soilent GreenTheory of Pride in TragedyConfrontationRelapse Records
289. 2019-01-07Genocide PactPain ReprisalOrder of TormentRelapse Records
290. 2019-01-07Iron MonkeyThe Rope9-13Relapse Records
291. 2019-01-07INDIANThe End Of TruthGuiltless (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
292. 2018-12-31Outer HeavenSacrificial EvolutionRealms Of Eternal DecayRelapse Records
293. 2018-12-31IncantationEnchantment Of EvilOnward To GolgothaRelapse
294. 2018-12-31End, TheThe Scent of EleganceWithin DividiaRelapse Records
295. 2018-12-31THE DRIPRise to FailureA Presentation of Gruesome Poetics (NA Promo)Relapse Records
296. 2018-12-31Pig DestroyerThe Last SongHead CageRelapse Records
297. 2018-12-24ExhumedNo Presents for ChristmasPlatters of Splatter, Disc 1Relapse Records
298. 2018-12-24Mammoth GrinderMolotovCosmic CryptRelapse Records
299. 2018-12-10GatecreeperWar Has BegunSplitRelapse records
300. 2018-12-03Pig DestroyerTrap Door ManHead CageRelapse Records
301. 2018-11-26Pig DestroyerCircle RiverHead CageRelapse Records
302. 2018-11-12INTER ARMADestroyerSky BurialRelapse Records
303. 2018-11-12Primitive ManVictimCausticRelapse Records
304. 2018-11-12Cripple BastardsSguardo NeutroLa Fine Cresce Da DentroRelapse Records
305. 2018-10-29Cripple BastardsLa Memoria Del DoloreLa Fine Cresce Da DentroRelapse Records
306. 2018-10-22GruesomeInhumaneTwisted PrayersRelapse Records
307. 2018-10-15Outer HeavenMulticellular SavageryRealms Of Eternal DecayRelapse Records
308. 2018-10-15WindhandFirst To DieEternal ReturnRelapse Records
309. 2018-10-15Pig DestroyerThe Torture FieldsHead CageRelapse Records
310. 2018-10-08IntegrityScorched EarthSplit - Integrity & KriegRelapse Records
311. 2018-10-08WindhandGrey GardenEternal ReturnRelapse Records
312. 2018-10-08Pig DestroyerSnuff Film at ElevenProwler in the YardRelapse Records
313. 2018-10-01GruesomeA Waste of LifeTwisted PrayersRelapse Records
314. 2018-10-01Outer HeavenPulsating SwarmRealms Of Eternal DecayRelapse Records
315. 2018-09-24Pig DestroyerArmy of CopsHead CageRelapse Records
316. 2018-09-17Primitive ManNakedSplit - Primitive Man & Unearthly TranceRelapse Records
317. 2018-09-17GruesomeFatal IllusionsTwisted PrayersRelapse Records
318. 2018-09-17WrongPustuleFeel GreatRelapse records
319. 2018-09-17PIG DESTROYERDeny Everything (Circle Jerks Cover)‘Blind, Deaf and Bleeding’ EPRelapse Records
320. 2018-09-10MorgionAll the Glory...SolinariRelapse Records
321. 2018-09-10Today Is the DayKiss the PigKiss the PigRelapse Records
322. 2018-09-10GATECREEPERSterilizedSonoran DepravationRelapse Records
323. 2018-09-03HorsebackTyrant SymmetryThe Invisible MountainRelapse Records
324. 2018-08-27Pig DestroyerConcrete BeastHead CageRelapse Records
325. 2018-08-27WEEKEND NACHOSBlack EarthWorthlessRelapse Records
326. 2018-08-20IntegrityFlames of the ImmortalSplit - Integrity & KriegRelapse Records
327. 2018-08-20Agoraphobic NosebleedQuestion of IntegrityAgorapocalypseRelapse Records
328. 2018-08-20Unearthly TranceTriumphSplit - Primitive Man & Unearthly TranceRelapse Records
329. 2018-08-13End, TheOpalescence, No. 1Transfer Trachea Reverberations from PointRelapse Records
330. 2018-08-13MindrotDissipationSoulRelapse Records
331. 2018-08-06ObscuraEthereal SkiesDiluviumRelapse Records
332. 2018-08-06SPAWN OF POSSESSIONThe EvangelistIncursoRelapse Records
333. 2018-08-06Rumpelstiltskin GrinderDethroning the Tyrant, Pt. 2Living for Death, Destroying the RestRelapse Records
334. 2018-08-06Burnt by the SunYou Will MoveBurnt by the SunRelapse Records
335. 2018-08-06PIG DESTROYEREveBook Burner (ADD 10/15)Relapse Records
336. 2018-08-06Cephalic CarnagePseudoLucid IntervalRelapse Records
337. 2018-08-06IntegritySons of SatanSplit - Integrity & KriegRelapse Records
338. 2018-08-06Primitive ManNakedSplit - Primitive Man & Unearthly TranceRelapse Records
339. 2018-08-06GENERAL SURGERYDeadhouseA Collection of Depravation (Radio Promo - ADDS 3/20)Relapse Records
340. 2018-08-06HAEMORRHAGEFlesh-Devouring PandemiaHospital CarnageRelapse Records
341. 2018-08-06CRETINThe Beast and the Drowning BucketStrangerRelapse Records
342. 2018-08-06ROTTEN SOUNDAddictCursed (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
343. 2018-08-06GruesomeCrusade of BrutalityTwisted PrayersRelapse Records
344. 2018-07-30SERPENTINE PATHDisfigured ColossusEmanationsRelapse Records
345. 2018-07-30GATECREEPERStrongholdSonoran DepravationRelapse Records
346. 2018-07-30Abysmal DawnPixilated IgnoranceLeveling The Plane Of ExistenceRelapse Records
347. 2018-07-23Fuck the FactsTaken from the NestStigmata High-FiveRelapse Records
348. 2018-07-23Leng Tch'eIngest/DissentThe Process of EliminationRelapse Records
349. 2018-07-23INTER ARMAThe Long Road HomeSky BurialRelapse Records
350. 2018-07-23PRIMITIVE MANAstral SleepScornRelapse Records
351. 2018-07-23UlcerateBurning SkiesThe Destroyers of AllRelapse Records
352. 2018-07-23SkinlessLine of DissentSavageryRelapse records
353. 2018-07-23GruesomeAt Death's DoorTwisted PrayersRelapse Records
354. 2018-07-23Daylight DiesUnending WavesNo ReplyRelapse Records
355. 2018-07-16Fuck the FactsWhat's Left BehindStigmata High-FiveRelapse Records
356. 2018-07-16ObscuraMortification of the Vulgar SunDiluviumRelapse Records
357. 2018-07-09ObscuraEkpyrosisDiluviumRelapse Records
358. 2018-07-09PYRRHONBalkanizedThe Mother of Virtues (NA Promo)Relapse Records
359. 2018-07-09MumakilBlack SheepBehold the FailureRelapse Records
360. 2018-07-09ULCERATEChasm Of FireShrines of ParalysisRelapse Records
361. 2018-07-02MUMAKILLet The World BurnFlies WIll StarveRelapse Records
362. 2018-06-25ObscuraDiluviumDiluviumRelapse Records
363. 2018-06-25YobIn ReverieOur Raw HeartRelapse Records
364. 2018-06-25DeceasedMorbid Shape in BlackBlueprints for MadnessRelapse Records
365. 2018-06-18PRIMITIVE MANAntietamScornRelapse Records
366. 2018-06-11IlsaOld MaidCorpse FortressRelapse records
367. 2018-06-11INTER ARMATransfigurationParadise GallowsRelapse Records
368. 2018-06-11GruesomeFateTwisted PrayersRelapse Records
369. 2018-06-04FacedowninshitAssociation of Known UndesirablesNPONRelapse Records
370. 2018-05-28Inevitable EndCollapse in ReverseThe Severed InceptionRelapse Records
371. 2018-05-28PRIMITIVE MANStretched ThinScornRelapse Records
372. 2018-05-21GruesomeLethal LegacyTwisted PrayersRelapse Records
373. 2018-05-14SkinlessSkull SessionSavageryRelapse records
374. 2018-05-07GatecreeperDead InsideIron Reagan & Gatecreeper- SplitRelapse records
375. 2018-05-07IlsaCosmos AntinomosCorpse FortressRelapse records
376. 2018-04-30RINGWORMInnocent BloodSnake ChurchRelapse Records
377. 2018-04-30DisfearIn ExodusLive the StormRelapse Records
378. 2018-04-30NileUnas Slayer of the GodsIn Their Darkened ShrinesRelapse Records
379. 2018-04-02IntegrityString Up My TeethHowling, For The Nightmare Shall ConsumeRelapse Records
380. 2018-03-26DYING FETUSUnleashed Upon Mankind (Bolt Thrower)History Repeats... (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
381. 2018-03-19PIG DESTROYERDepression (Black Flag Cover)Blind, Deaf and BleedingRelapse Records
382. 2018-03-12SEVEN SISTERS OF SLEEPPreyEzekiel's Hags (NA Promo)Relapse Records
383. 2018-03-12CALL OF THE VOIDAbominationDragged Down A Dead End PathRelapse Records
384. 2018-03-05Fuck the FactsCarve Your Heart OutStigmata High-FiveRelapse Records
385. 2018-03-05End, TheSonnetTransfer Trachea Reverberations from PointRelapse Records
386. 2018-02-12IntegrityI Am The SpellHowling, For The Nightmare Shall ConsumeRelapse Records
387. 2018-02-12HAEMORRHAGEAmputation ProtocolHospital CarnageRelapse Records
388. 2018-02-12GruesomeChoke On It (Death Cover)Fragments of Psyche EPRelapse Records
389. 2018-02-05Genocide PactSpawn of SufferingOrder of TormentRelapse Records
390. 2018-02-05Mammoth GrinderServant of the Most HighCosmic CryptRelapse Records
391. 2018-02-05Burnt by the SunDow Jones and the Temple of DoomSoundtrack to the Personal RevolutionRelapse Records
392. 2018-01-29Cult LeaderGutter GodsUseless AnimalRelapse Records
393. 2018-01-29TAU CROSSMidsummerTau Cross (NA Promo)Relapse Records
394. 2018-01-22MAGRUDERGRINDSacrificial HireII (NA Promo)Relapse Records
395. 2018-01-22Flesh ParadeWorthlessKill WhiteyRelapse Records
396. 2018-01-22Mammoth GrinderHuman Is ObsoleteCosmic CryptRelapse Records
397. 2018-01-22Genocide PactAscendancy AbsolvedOrder of TormentRelapse Records
398. 2018-01-15GADGETThe 02666 HeritageThe Great Destroyer (NA Promo)Relapse Records
399. 2018-01-01Dillinger Escape Plan43% BurntCalculating InfinityRelapse Records
400. 2018-01-01IntegrityDie With Your Boots OnHowling, For The Nightmare Shall ConsumeRelapse Records
401. 2018-01-01ATRIARCHCollapseAn Unending Pathway (NA Promo)Relapse Records
402. 2017-12-25DeathLeprosyLeprosyRelapse Records
403. 2017-12-25Car BombHis EyesCentraliaRelapse Records
404. 2017-12-18ExhumedNo Presents for ChristmasPlatters of Splatter, Disc 1Relapse Records
405. 2017-12-18Pig DestroyerAlexandriaPhantom LimbRelapse Records
406. 2017-12-11GRAVES AT SEAWaco 177The Curse That Is (NA Promo)Relapse Records
407. 2017-12-11DEATHSuicide MachineHuman - 2 Disc Reissue (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
408. 2017-12-11THE DRIPBygones Only Burn OnceA Presentation of Gruesome Poetics (NA Promo)Relapse Records
409. 2017-12-04KILL THE CLIENTPostmortem ExonerationSet for Extinction (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
410. 2017-12-04MorticianBloodcravingMortal MassacreRelapse Records
411. 2017-12-04Iron MonkeyDestroyer9-13Relapse Records
412. 2017-11-27IntegrityDie With Your Boots OnHowling, For The Nightmare Shall ConsumeRelapse Records
413. 2017-11-27UlcerateDead OceansThe Destroyers of AllRelapse Records
414. 2017-11-20OBSCURASermon of the Seven SunsAkróasis (NA Promo)Relapse Records
415. 2017-11-20Integrity7 Reece MewsHowling, For The Nightmare Shall ConsumeRelapse Records
416. 2017-11-20SEVEN SISTERS OF SLEEPSacred ProstituteEzekiel's Hags (NA Promo)Relapse Records
417. 2017-11-20Primitive ManSugar HoleCausticRelapse Records
418. 2017-11-13Primitive ManSterilityCausticRelapse Records
419. 2017-11-13THE DRIPBygones Only Burn OnceA Presentation of Gruesome Poetics (NA Promo)Relapse Records
420. 2017-11-13SEVEN SISTERS OF SLEEPGutterEzekiel's Hags (NA Promo)Relapse Records
421. 2017-11-13Iron Monkey9-139-13Relapse Records
422. 2017-11-13CALL OF THE VOIDThe HiveAgeless (NA Promo)Relapse Records
423. 2017-11-13BurstCripple GodLazarus BirdRelapse Records
424. 2017-11-06Hooded MenaceIn The Dead We DwellEffigies Of Evilrelapse
425. 2017-10-30IntegrityUnholy Salvation of Sabbatai ZeviHowling, For The Nightmare Shall ConsumeRelapse Records
426. 2017-10-30MorticianHell on EarthZombie ApocalypseRelapse Records
427. 2017-10-23Primitive ManMy WillCausticRelapse Records
428. 2017-10-23IntegritySerpent of the CrossroadsHowling, For The Nightmare Shall ConsumeRelapse Records
429. 2017-10-16Buried Inside5 [Untitled]Spoils of FailureRelapse Records
430. 2017-10-16ExhumedLifelessDeath RevengeRelapse Records
431. 2017-10-16Iron MonkeyOmegaMangler9-13Relapse Records
432. 2017-10-09Cephalic CarnageCryptosporidiumExploiting DysfunctionRelapse Records
433. 2017-10-09DisfearThe FurnaceLive the StormRelapse Records
434. 2017-10-02CALL OF THE VOIDNapalm LungsDragged Down A Dead End PathRelapse Records
435. 2017-10-02THE DRIPLash in, Lash outA Presentation of Gruesome Poetics (NA Promo)Relapse Records
436. 2017-10-02GruesomeClosed Casket (Demo)Fragments of Psyche EPRelapse Records
437. 2017-09-25IntegrityHymn For The Children of the Black FlameHowling, For The Nightmare Shall ConsumeRelapse Records
438. 2017-09-18WRONGStasisWrong (NA Promo)Relapse Records
439. 2017-09-18Pig DestroyerTickets to the Car CrashProwler in the YardRelapse Records
440. 2017-09-04IntegrityBurning Beneath the Devils CrossHowling, For The Nightmare Shall ConsumeRelapse Records
441. 2017-09-04MUMAKILCockroachesFlies WIll StarveRelapse Records
442. 2017-09-04In FlamesBiosphere (Rare Track)War DanceRelapse Records
443. 2017-08-28Integrity7 Reece MewsHowling, For The Nightmare Shall ConsumeRelapse Records
444. 2017-08-28Dying FetusPanic Amongst the HerdWrong One to Fuck WithRelapse Records
445. 2017-08-28SkinlessDeviation Will Not Be ToleratedTrample the Weak, Hurdle the DeadRelapse Records
446. 2017-08-28IncantationExtinguishing SalvationInfernal StormRelapse Records
447. 2017-08-28Flesh ParadeCoping With ItKill WhiteyRelapse Records
448. 2017-08-21CALL OF THE VOIDTheory of MindDragged Down A Dead End PathRelapse Records
449. 2017-08-21Dying FetusWeaken The StructureWrong One to Fuck WithRelapse Records
450. 2017-08-14CALL OF THE VOIDBreeding GroundsDragged Down A Dead End PathRelapse Records
451. 2017-08-14Brutal TruthK.A.P.Goodbye Cruel World, Disc 1Relapse Records
452. 2017-08-14Today Is the DayThis Machine Kills FascistsKiss the PigRelapse Records
453. 2017-08-07Tau CrossPillar of FirePillar of FireRelapse Records
454. 2017-08-07AtriarchVoidDead as TruthRelapse Records
455. 2017-08-07CryptopsySlit Your GutsWar DanceRelapse Records
456. 2017-07-31GRUESOMEPsychic TwinSavage Land (NA Promo)Relapse Records
457. 2017-07-31TOMBSBlack Hole Of SummerPath of Totality (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
458. 2017-07-24Car BombHypnotic WormCentraliaRelapse Records
459. 2017-07-24Pig DestroyerTask MasterBenumb/Pig DestroyerRelapse Records
460. 2017-07-24NOISEARGlobal WarningSubvert the Dominant Paradigm (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
461. 2017-07-24CALL OF THE VOIDTruth In BoneAgeless (NA Promo)Relapse Records
462. 2017-07-24RWAKEXenoglossalgiaXenoglossalgiaRelapse Records
463. 2017-07-24SACRILEGEA Violation of Something SacredBehind The Realms of Madness (Reissue)Relapse Records
464. 2017-07-17MorticianIntro/Mortal MassacreMortal MassacreRelapse Records
465. 2017-07-17GruesomeSavage Land (Demo)Fragments of Psyche EPRelapse Records
466. 2017-07-17ExpulsionMask of FearNightmare FutureRelapse Records
467. 2017-07-10Ex-EyeXenolith: The AnvilEx EyeRelapse Records
468. 2017-07-10Dying FetusDie With IntegrityWrong One to Fuck WithRelapse Records
469. 2017-07-10IntegrityDie With Your Boots OnHowling, For The Nightmare Shall ConsumeRelapse Records
470. 2017-07-10Agoraphobic NosebleedThe Fourth Day of SodomAltered States of America, Disc 1Relapse Records
471. 2017-07-10Cephalic CarnageZuno GyakusastsuLucid IntervalRelapse Records
472. 2017-07-03Misery IndexTraitorsTraitorsRelapse Records
473. 2017-07-03Kingdom of SorrowThe Death We OweBehind the Blackest TearsRelapse Records
474. 2017-07-03ObituaryBraveObituaryRelapse Records
475. 2017-07-03IRON REAGANPatriotic ShockThe Tyranny of Will (NA Promo)Relapse Records
476. 2017-07-03BurstMonumentPrey on LifeRelapse Records
477. 2017-06-19OriginSociocideOriginRelapse Records
478. 2017-06-19THE DRIPCatalystA Presentation of Gruesome Poetics (NA Promo)Relapse Records
479. 2017-06-05DisfearDemons, Demons, DemonsMisanthropic GenerationRelapse Records
480. 2017-05-29SiegeDrop DeadDrop DeadRelapse
481. 2017-05-22SiegeConformDrop DeadRelapse
482. 2017-05-22ExhumedThe Matter of SplatterAnatomy Is DestinyRelapse Records
483. 2017-05-22SPAWN OF POSSESSIONBodiless SleeperIncurso (Radio Promo - ADDS 3/6)Relapse Records
484. 2017-05-08Pig DestroyerTrojan WhoreProwler in the YardRelapse Records
485. 2017-05-08ROTTEN SOUNDMachineryCursed (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
486. 2017-05-01Agoraphobic NosebleedLandfills of ExtinctThe Poacher Diariesrelapse
487. 2017-05-01ObituaryTurned To StoneObituaryRelapse Records
488. 2017-05-01PYRRHONThe Parasite in WinterThe Mother of Virtues (NA Promo)Relapse Records
489. 2017-04-24Hooded MenaceSummoned Into Euphoric MadnessEffigies Of Evilrelapse
490. 2017-04-10ObituaryIt LivesObituaryRelapse Records
491. 2017-04-10Today Is the DayKiss the PigKiss the PigRelapse Records
492. 2017-04-03GruesomeFragments of PsycheFragments of Psyche EPRelapse Records
493. 2017-04-03ObituaryLesson In VengeanceObituaryRelapse Records
494. 2017-04-03THE DRIPBygones Only Burn OnceA Presentation of Gruesome Poetics (NA Promo)Relapse Records
495. 2017-03-27GruesomeChoke On It (Death Cover)Fragments of Psyche EPRelapse Records
496. 2017-03-27Abysmal DawnGrotesque Modern ArtProgrammed to ConsumeRelapse Records
497. 2017-03-13ObituaryKneel Before MeObituaryRelapse Records
498. 2017-03-06MorticianMass MutilationChainsaw DismembermentRelapse Records
499. 2017-02-20KILL THE CLIENTDig Two GravesSet for Extinction (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
500. 2017-02-20COUGHCrooked SpineRitual AbuseRelapse Records
501. 2017-02-13Car BombCellophane StilettoCentraliaRelapse Records
502. 2017-02-13Cephalic CarnageParalyzed by FearExploiting DysfunctionRelapse Records
503. 2017-02-06Dying FetusJustifiable HomicideDestroy the OppositionRelapse Records
504. 2017-02-06Flesh ParadeLighten UpKill WhiteyRelapse Records
505. 2017-01-23BurstRainPrey on LifeRelapse Records
506. 2017-01-09Burnt by the SunThe Great America Dream MachineHeart of DarknessRelapse Records
507. 2017-01-09BLACK ANVILAs WasAs WasRelapse Records
508. 2017-01-09Inevitable EndEmbracing the OriginThe Severed InceptionRelapse Records
509. 2017-01-09CultedSpirituosaOf Death and RitualRelapse Records
510. 2017-01-09IncantationRotting Spiritual EmbodimentOnward To GolgothaRelapse
511. 2017-01-02INTER ARMAPrimordial WoundParadise GallowsRelapse Records
512. 2017-01-02GRUESOMEForces Of DeathDimensions of HorrorRelapse Records
513. 2016-12-26INVERLOCHFrom The Eventide PoolDistance Collapsed (NA Promo)Relapse Records
514. 2016-12-26DEATHTogether As OneSpiritual Healing (Reissue)Relapse Records
515. 2016-12-26ABYSMAL DAWNServants To Their KneesFrom Ashes (Reissue)Relapse Records
516. 2016-11-28UlcerateCold BecomingThe Destroyers of AllRelapse Records
517. 2016-11-28TRUE WIDOWThe Trapper and the TrappedAVVOLGERERelapse Records
518. 2016-11-21PIG DESTROYERBetray (Minor Threat Cover)‘Blind, Deaf and Bleeding’ EPRelapse Records
519. 2016-11-21ULCERATEThere Are No SavioursShrines of ParalysisRelapse Records
520. 2016-11-21OBLITERATIONAscendance (Sol Invictus)Black Death HorizonRelapse Records
521. 2016-10-31DisfearFiery FatherLive the StormRelapse Records
522. 2016-10-24Cephalic CarnageEndless Cycle of ViolenceXenosapienRelapse Records
523. 2016-10-17OBITUARYTen Thousand Ways To DieTen Thousand Ways To DieRelapse Records
524. 2016-10-17DYING FETUSFade Into Obscurity (Dehumanized)History Repeats... (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
525. 2016-10-10GATECREEPERRotting As OneSonoran DepravationRelapse Records
526. 2016-10-10ABYSMAL DAWNOne Percent IncompleteObsolescenceRelapse Records
527. 2016-10-03CALL OF THE VOIDBlack IceAgeless (NA Promo)Relapse Records
528. 2016-10-03Agoraphobic NosebleedCrap CannonFrozen Corpse Stuffed With DopeRelapse Records
529. 2016-09-26CALL OF THE VOIDThe Liar's HeartDragged Down A Dead End PathRelapse Records
530. 2016-09-26BRAIN TENTACLESGassedBrain TentaclesRelapse Records
531. 2016-09-26BurstVortexPrey on LifeRelapse Records
532. 2016-09-26Brian PosehnMore Metal Then You (radio edit)Fart & Wiener JokesRelapse
533. 2016-09-19GRUESOMESeven DoorsDimensions of HorrorRelapse Records
534. 2016-09-19ExhumedGrotesque Putrified BrainsPlatters of Splatter, Disc 2Relapse Records
535. 2016-09-19Burnt by the SunMortimerSoundtrack to the Personal RevolutionRelapse Records
536. 2016-09-19Blood DusterMetal as FuckStr8 Outta NorthcoteRelapse Records
537. 2016-09-12High On FireWaste of TiamatDeath Is This Communionrelapse
538. 2016-09-12ObscuraDesolate SpheresCosmogenesisRelapse Records
539. 2016-09-12INTER ARMAAn Archer in the EmptinessParadise GallowsRelapse Records
540. 2016-09-12RINGWORMDestroy Or CreateSnake ChurchRelapse Records
541. 2016-09-05RwakeCrooked RiversVoices of OmensRelapse Records
542. 2016-08-29COUGHHaunter of the DarkStill They PrayRelapse Records
543. 2016-08-29TombsMerrimackWinterhoursRelapse Records
544. 2016-08-15BurstWe Are DustLazarus BirdRelapse Records
545. 2016-08-15GRUESOMEAmputationDimensions of HorrorRelapse Records
546. 2016-08-15NecrophagistStabwoundEpitaphRelapse Records
547. 2016-08-15Cephalic CarnageCryptosporidiumExploiting DysfunctionRelapse Records
548. 2016-08-15Dillinger Escape PlanThe Running BoardCalculating Infinityrelapse
549. 2016-08-08the Dillinger Escape PlanThe Mullet BurdenContaminated 3.0, Disc 1Relapse Records
550. 2016-08-08Burnt by the SunThere Will Be BloodHeart of DarknessRelapse Records
551. 2016-08-08RINGWORMBrotherhoood Of The Midnight SunSnake ChurchRelapse Records
552. 2016-08-08BreachBlack SabbathVenomRelapse Records
553. 2016-08-01RINGWORMInnocent BloodSnake ChurchRelapse Records
554. 2016-08-01Toxic HolocaustNuke the CrossAn Overdose of Death...Relapse Records
555. 2016-07-25Red FangCrows in SwineWhales and LeechesRelapse Records
556. 2016-07-25LORD DYINGAn Open Sore (Feat. Aaron Beam of Red Fang)Poisoned Altars (NA Promo)Relapse Records
557. 2016-07-25GRUESOMERaped by DarknessDimensions of HorrorRelapse Records
558. 2016-07-25RINGWORMThe Black Light Of A Living GhostSnake ChurchRelapse Records
559. 2016-07-25INTER ARMAThe Summer DronesParadise GallowsRelapse Records
560. 2016-07-25ExhumedAll Guts, No GloryAll Guts, No Gloryrelapse
561. 2016-07-18NasumPreview of HellHelveteRelapse Records
562. 2016-07-18WRONGFake BrainWrong (NA Promo)Relapse Records
563. 2016-07-11MagrudergrindRejecting The Militant PromiseMagrudergrindrelapse
564. 2016-07-11Flesh ParadeWorthlessKill WhiteyRelapse Records
565. 2016-07-11NOISEARFradulentSubvert the Dominant Paradigm (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
566. 2016-07-04SERPENTINE PATHClawsEmanationsRelapse Records
567. 2016-06-27DisruptDown My ThroatUnrestRelapse Records
568. 2016-06-27NasumTime to DischargeHelveteRelapse Records
569. 2016-06-27KILL THE CLIENTConflict WithinSet for Extinction (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
570. 2016-06-27NeurosisFalling Unknowna Sun that never Setsrelapse
571. 2016-06-20BurstCrystal AsunderPrey on LifeRelapse Records
572. 2016-06-20Pig DestroyerJunkyard GodProwler in the YardRelapse Records
573. 2016-06-13DisfearDeadweightLive the StormRelapse Records
574. 2016-06-06GRUESOMESavage LandSavage Land (NA Promo)Relapse Records
575. 2016-06-06Toxic HolocaustNuke the CrossAn Overdose of Death...Relapse Records
576. 2016-05-30BongzillaGatewayGatewayRelapse Records
577. 2016-05-23MagrudergrindAbuse Of Philanthropic Self GainMagrudergrindrelapse
578. 2016-05-23GRUESOMETrapped In HellSavage Land (NA Promo)Relapse Records
579. 2016-05-23REVOCATIONEntombed By WealthS/TRelapse Records
580. 2016-05-23Cephalic CarnageRegalos de MotaConforming to AbnormalityRelapse
581. 2016-05-16PIG DESTROYERBetray (Minor Threat Cover)‘Blind, Deaf and Bleeding’ EPRelapse Records
582. 2016-05-16Dillinger Escape Plan4th Grade DropoutCalculating Infinityrelapse
583. 2016-05-16Brutal TruthBite the HandGoodbye Cruel World, Disc 2Relapse Records
584. 2016-05-16WEEKEND NACHOSFake Political SongApology (NA Promo)Relapse Records
585. 2016-05-09GRUESOMEGangreneSavage Land (NA Promo)Relapse Records
586. 2016-05-02Cephalic CarnageAnalyticalConforming to AbnormalityRelapse
587. 2016-05-02The Dillinger Escape PlanDestro's SecretCalculating Infinityrelapse
588. 2016-05-02WRONGHum DrumWrongRelapse Records
589. 2016-04-25The Dillinger Escape Plan43% BurntRelapse Sampler 1999relapse
590. 2016-04-25GADGETPillars Of FilthThe Great Destroyer (NA Promo)Relapse Records
591. 2016-04-25GRAVES AT SEAThis Mental SentenceThe Curse That Is (NA Promo)Relapse Records
592. 2016-04-25Today Is the DayThis Machine Kills FascistsKiss the PigRelapse Records
593. 2016-04-25TOMBSObsidianAll Empires Fall (NA Promo)Relapse Records
594. 2016-04-04RegurgitateBloody EjaculationEffortless Regurgitation...The Torture Sessionsrelapse
595. 2016-04-04NasumJust Another HogHelveteRelapse Records
596. 2016-04-04AGORAPHOBIC NOSEBLEEDNot A DaughterArcRelapse Records
597. 2016-03-28DisfearAn Arrogant BreedMisanthropic GenerationRelapse Records
598. 2016-03-28GADGETDown And OutThe Great Destroyer (NA Promo)Relapse Records
599. 2016-03-28GRAVES AT SEATempestThe Curse That IsRelapse Records
600. 2016-03-28TOMBSLast Days of SunlightAll Empires Fall (NA Promo)Relapse Records
601. 2016-03-21Car BombBest IntentionsCentraliaRelapse Records
602. 2016-03-14OBSCURAThe MonistAkróasis (NA Promo)Relapse Records
603. 2016-03-07DeceasedReaganomicsBehind the Mourner's VeilRelapse Records
604. 2016-03-07IlsaCult Of The ThroneSplit - COFFINS ILSARelapse Records
605. 2016-03-07GADGETDedicationThe Great DestroyerRelapse Records
606. 2016-03-07Joel GrindPeacekeeperSplit - DAVIE ALLAN/JOEL GRINDRelapse Records
607. 2016-03-07MastodonMarch of the Fire AntsRemissionRelapse Records
608. 2016-03-07OBSCURAOde to the SunAkróasis (NA Promo)Relapse Records
609. 2016-02-29COFFINSTyrantSplit - COFFINS ILSARelapse Records
610. 2016-02-29MAGRUDERGRINDThe OpportunistII (NA Promo)Relapse Records
611. 2016-02-29Flesh ParadeCoping With ItKill WhiteyRelapse Records
612. 2016-02-29MARUTASlaying JehovaRemain DystopianRelapse Records
613. 2016-02-29UnsaneBlewLambhouseRelapse Records
614. 2016-02-22MAGRUDERGRINDUnit 731II (NA Promo)Relapse Records
615. 2016-02-22OBSCURATen SepirothAkróasis (NA Promo)Relapse Records
616. 2016-02-22OBITUARYVisions In My HeadInked In BloodRelapse Records
617. 2016-02-15BLACK TUSKBorn of StrifePillars of AshRelapse Records
618. 2016-02-15SEVEN SISTERS OF SLEEPPlateauEzekiel's HagsRelapse Records
619. 2016-02-08DEATHSee Through DreamsHuman (Reissue)Relapse Records
620. 2016-02-08ConvergeLocust ReignThe Poacher Diariesrelapse
621. 2016-02-01AGORAPHOBIC NOSEBLEEDDeathbedArc (NA Promo)Relapse Records
622. 2016-02-01OBSCURACelestial SpheresOmnivium (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
623. 2016-02-01Pig DestroyerDead CarnationsTerrifyer, Disc 1Relapse Records
624. 2016-01-25Cephalic CarnageAbraxas of FilthMisled by CertaintyRelapse Records
625. 2016-01-25HAEMORRHAGEFomite FetishHospital CarnageRelapse Records
626. 2016-01-25MorticianMartin the VampireDomain of DeathRelapse Records
627. 2016-01-11OBSCURAOcean GatewaysOmnivium (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
628. 2015-12-21Agoraphobic NosebleedThe Fifth Day of SodomAltered States of America, Disc 1Relapse Records
629. 2015-12-14GRUESOMEGruesomeSavage Land (NA Promo)Relapse Records
630. 2015-12-14Hooded MenaceASHEN WITH SOLEMN DECAYDarkness Drips Forthrelapse
631. 2015-12-14Burnt by the SunDon KnottsSoundtrack to the Personal RevolutionRelapse Records
632. 2015-12-14Gore Beyond NecropsyHorrendous Nazi InfectionNoise a Go-GoRelapse Records
633. 2015-11-30GENERAL SURGERYFoetal MushA Collection of Depravation (Radio Promo - ADDS 3/20)Relapse Records
634. 2015-11-30Soilent GreenShe Cheated on You TwiceA Deleted Symphony for the Beaten Downrelapse
635. 2015-11-23SacrilegeAt Death's DoorBehind The Realms Of Madness (Reissue)relapse
636. 2015-11-09The Great TyrantClosing InThe Trouble with Being Bornrelapse
637. 2015-10-26MorticianSilent Night, Bloody NightChainsaw Dismembermentrelapse
638. 2015-10-26Necrophagistthe Stillborn OneEpitaphrelapse
639. 2015-10-19NeurosisEnd Of The HarvestTimes of Gracerelapse
640. 2015-10-19MastodonI Am AhabLeviathanrelapse
641. 2015-10-19Publicist UKI Wish You'd Never Gone To SchoolForgive Yourselfrelapse
642. 2015-10-05GruesomeDemonizedSavage Landrelapse
643. 2015-10-05Hooded MenaceElysium Of Dripping DeathDarkness Drips Forthrelapse
644. 2015-10-05MorticianIsland of the DeadChainsaw Dismembermentrelapse
645. 2015-09-28Christian MistressOpen RoadTo Your Deathrelapse
646. 2015-09-21Christian MistressStronger Than BloodTo Your Deathrelapse
647. 2015-09-07WindhandCrypt KeyGrief's Infernal Flowerrelapse
648. 2015-08-31MorticianLord Of The DeadChainsaw Dismembermentrelapse
649. 2015-08-24PyrrhonImplant FeverThe Mother Of Virturerelapse
650. 2015-08-24Agoraphobic NosebleedRemoving Locator ToothAltered States Of America (disc 1)relapse
651. 2015-08-17MagrudergrindRise And Fall Of Empires PastMagrudergrindrelapse
652. 2015-08-17NoisearDeformed By SocietySubvert The Dominant Paradigmrelapse
653. 2015-08-10Soilent GreenLast One In The Noosea Deleted Symphony for the Beaten Downrelapse
654. 2015-08-10Pig Destroyerhymmsplit: Pig Destroyer/Benumbrelapse
655. 2015-08-10BenumbFather To The FatherlessWithering Strands of Hoperelapse
656. 2015-08-10ExhumedIn The Name Of GoreAnatomy is Destinyrelapse
657. 2015-08-03RazorViolence Condone (live)Shotgun Justice (reissue)relapse
658. 2015-08-03RegurgitateEffortless Regurgitation Of Bright Red BloodEffortless Regurgitation... the Torture Sessionrelapse
659. 2015-07-20GorerottedCut, Gut, Beaten, EatenMutilated in Minutesrelapse
660. 2015-07-20CoffinsThe Unhallowed TideThe Fleshlandrelapse
661. 2015-07-13ExhumedThis axe was made to GrindSlaughtercultrelapse
662. 2015-07-06DarkaneJuly 1999Rusted Angelrelapse
663. 2015-07-06Fuck the FactsThe Path Pf Most ResistanceDesire Will Rotrelapse
664. 2015-07-06BongzillaAmerijuanicanAmerijuanicanrelapse
665. 2015-07-06BurstThe Foe SublimePrey on Liferelapse
666. 2015-06-29SkinlessFuneral CurseOnly The Ruthless Remainrelapse
667. 2015-06-29MarutaErode (feat JR Hayes of Pig Destroyer)Remain Dystopianrelapse
668. 2015-06-29Pig DestroyerJupiter's EyePhantom Limbrelapse
669. 2015-06-29Cephalic CarnageDying will be the Death of MeAnomaliesrelapse
670. 2015-06-22The Dillinger Escape PlanAbe The CopUnder the Running Boardsrelapse
671. 2015-06-22RegurgitateMalignant TumourEffortless Regurgitation... the Torture Sessionrelapse
672. 2015-06-15SkinlessFlamethrowerOnly The Ruthless Remainrelapse
673. 2015-06-15DeathBorn DeadLeprosy (Re-issue)relapse
674. 2015-06-15GruesomeSavage LandSavage Landrelapse
675. 2015-06-08Tau CrossPrisonTau Crossrelapse
676. 2015-06-08Flesh ParadeJust a littleKill Whiteyrelapse
677. 2015-06-08MarutaAbsolutistRemain Dystopianrelapse
678. 2015-06-08ValkyrieGolden AgeShadowsrelapse
679. 2015-06-01Num SkullOff With Your HeadRitually Abused (reissue)relapse
680. 2015-06-01MarutaThe Void WithinRemain Dystopianrelapse
681. 2015-06-01SkinlessSkinlessOnly The Ruthless Remainrelapse
682. 2015-06-01Tau CrossMidsummerTau Crossrelapse
683. 2015-06-01Rotten SoundAloneCursedrelapse
684. 2015-05-25Agoraphobic NosebleedHung from the Rising SunAgorapocalypserelapse
685. 2015-05-25NeurosisTimes of GraceTimes of Gracerelapse
686. 2015-05-25RazorParricideShotgun Justice (reissue)relapse
687. 2015-05-18BurstCrystal AssunderPrey on Liferelapse
688. 2015-05-18GruesomeTrapped In HellSavage Landrelapse
689. 2015-05-11GruesomeClosed CasketSavage Landrelapse
690. 2015-04-20BongzillaKash Under GlassAmerijuanicanrelapse
691. 2015-04-20GruesomeHideousSavage Landrelapse
692. 2015-04-20Soilent GreenDaydreaming The Color Of Blooda Deleted Symphony for the Beaten Downrelapse
693. 2015-04-06NileSerpent Headed MaskAmongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Karelapse
694. 2015-04-06General SurgeryNephroblastomaA Collection Of Depravationrelapse
695. 2015-04-06CoughCrippled WizardRitual Abuserelapse
696. 2015-04-06MinskOnward Procession IV. Return, The HeirThe Crash And The Drawrelapse
697. 2015-04-06Kill the ClientVicious SlaughterSet For Extinctionrelapse
698. 2015-03-30ExhumedHorrendous Member DismembermentPlatteres Of Splatterrelapse
699. 2015-03-30DekapitatorRun with the PackThe Storm Before The Calmrelapse
700. 2015-03-16CretinStrangerStrangerrelapse
701. 2015-03-16Soilent Green12 Oz ProphetConfrontationrelapse
702. 2015-03-09Agoraphobic NosebleedCloved In TwainHonkey Reductionrelapse
703. 2015-03-09IndianDirectionalFrom All Purityrelapse
704. 2015-03-02AtriarchAllfatherAn Unending Pathwayrelapse
705. 2015-02-23TorcheMinionsRestarterrelapse
706. 2015-02-23ExhumedLimb from LimbGore Metal: A Necrospectiverelapse
707. 2015-02-23Call Of The VoidLong KnivesAgelessrelapse
708. 2015-02-16AtriarchVeilAn Unending Pathwayrelapse
709. 2015-02-16TombsSeanceSavage Goldrelapse
710. 2015-02-16Primitive ManDownfallHome Is Where The Hatred Isrelapse
711. 2015-02-09Call Of The VoidThe Sun ChaserAgelessrelapse
712. 2015-02-09ExhumedSepulchral SlaughterGore Metal: A Necrospectiverelapse
713. 2015-02-09RwakeStairwellXenoglossalgia: The Last Stage Of Awarenessrelapse
714. 2015-02-09BenumbNo RegretSoul Of The Martyrrelapse
715. 2015-01-26Lord DyingA Wound Outside Of TimePoisoned Altarsrelapse
716. 2015-01-19ExhumedDinner Time in the MorgueSlaughtercultrelapse
717. 2015-01-19RegurgitateCorpse AllergyEffortless Regurgitation... the Torture Sessionrelapse
718. 2015-01-12RegurgitateCavernous SoresSickening Blissrelapse
719. 2015-01-12CretinHoney And VenomStrangerrelapse
720. 2015-01-05The EndDear MartyrWithin Dividiarelapse
721. 2015-01-05Dying FetusBorn In A Casket (Cannibal Corpse)History Repeatsrelapse
722. 2014-12-29TombsAshesSavage Goldrelapse
723. 2014-12-29NileBlack Seeds of VengeanceBlack Seeds of Vengeancerelapse
724. 2014-12-29Spawn of PossessionServitude Of SoulsIncursorelapse
725. 2014-12-29Leng tch'eMarasmusMarasmusrelapse
726. 2014-12-22Cephalic CarnageBlack Metal SabbathLucid Intervalrelapse
727. 2014-12-22CretinGhost Of Teeth And HairStrangerrelapse
728. 2014-12-22Pig DestroyerMassMass Volumerelapse
729. 2014-12-15RegurgitateRevel in Mentral ExcrementsEffortless Regurgitation... the Torture Sessionrelapse
730. 2014-12-08Abysmal DawnHuman ObsolecenceObsolescncerelapse
731. 2014-12-08Nilethe Howling of the JinnAmongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Karelapse
732. 2014-12-01CretinSandwich For The Attic AngelStrangerrelapse
733. 2014-12-01Abysmal DawnDevouring The Essence Of GodObsolescncerelapse
734. 2014-12-01ColumnsWhat You've Done Is GonePlease Exploderelapse
735. 2014-11-24ExhumedQuagmire Of FleshPlatteres Of Splatterrelapse
736. 2014-11-24Dying FetusGore Hog (Broken Hope)History Repeatsrelapse
737. 2014-11-24Cephalic CarnagePower And ForceMisled By Certaintyrelapse
738. 2014-11-17The Dillinger Escape Plan4th Grade DropoutCalculating Infinityrelapse
739. 2014-11-17Burnt By The SunShooter McGavinSoundtrack to the Personal Revolutionrelapse
740. 2014-11-17ColumnsOur CreationPlease Exploderelapse
741. 2014-11-10Hooded MenaceCrumbling SanityEffigies Of Evilrelapse
742. 2014-11-03AtriarchRevenantAn Unending Pathwayrelapse
743. 2014-11-03Abysmal DawnBy My DemonsObsolescncerelapse
744. 2014-11-03ObituaryViolent By NatureInked In Bloodrelapse
745. 2014-11-03Dying FetusYour Treachery Will Die With YouDecend Into Depravityrelapse
746. 2014-11-03Agoraphobic NosebleedThe Sixth Day Of Sodom: Boston Hardcore CaligulaAltered States Of America (disc 1)relapse
747. 2014-10-27Cephalic CarnageAnalyticalConformaing to Abnormalityrelapse
748. 2014-10-27Abysmal DawnInanimateObsolescncerelapse
749. 2014-10-27AtriarchRotAn Unending Pathwayrelapse
750. 2014-10-20Abysmal DawnPerpetual DormancyLeveling The Plane Of Existencerelapse
751. 2014-10-06Pig DestroyerVolumesMass Volumerelapse
752. 2014-10-06DeathPrimitive Ways (Live At Backstreets)Leprosy (Re-issue)relapse
753. 2014-10-06Hooded MenaceCurses Scribed In GoreEffigies Of Evilrelapse
754. 2014-09-22RegurgitateCarnal CacophonyEffortless Regurgitation... the Torture Sessionrelapse
755. 2014-09-15Iron ReaganThe Living SkillThe Tyranny Of Willrelapse
756. 2014-09-15ObliterationGoat Skull CrownBlack Death Horizonrelapse
757. 2014-09-15Agoraphobic NosebleedBovine CaligulaFrozen Corpse Stuffed with Doperelapse
758. 2014-09-15Uphill BattleThe Stench is Spreadingself-titledrelapse
759. 2014-09-15Dying FetusUnleased Upon Mankind (Bolt Thrower)History Repeatsrelapse
760. 2014-09-08MortalsSeries Of DecayCursed To See The Futurerelapse
761. 2014-09-08MyrkurLatvian GeguroMyrkurrelapse
762. 2014-09-08Iron ReaganIn Greed We TrustThe Tyranny Of Willrelapse
763. 2014-09-08Abysmal DawnA Remission of LifeProgrammed to Consumerelapse
764. 2014-09-01Rotten SoundWarSpecies At Warrelapse
765. 2014-09-01Abysmal DawnLeveling The Plane Of ExistenceLeveling The Plane Of Existencerelapse
766. 2014-08-25MastodonCrusher DestroyerRemission (Reissue)relapse
767. 2014-08-25Lord DyingDescend Into ExternalSummon The Faithlessrelapse
768. 2014-08-25MagrudergrindExcommunicatedMagrudergrindrelapse
769. 2014-08-18ColumnsThe God ClausePlease Exploderelapse
770. 2014-08-18Buried InsideTime As CommodityChronoclastrelapse
771. 2014-08-18NasumPatheticShiftrelapse
772. 2014-08-11NecrophagistSevenEpitaphrelapse
773. 2014-08-04Black AnvilRedemption Through BloodHail Deathrelapse
774. 2014-08-04Serpentine PathDisfigured ColossusEmanationsrelapse
775. 2014-07-28NasumSometimes Dead Is BetterHuman 2.0relapse
776. 2014-07-21NileRamses Bringer of WarAmongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Karelapse
777. 2014-07-14ObscuraCosmogenesisCosmogenesisrelapse
778. 2014-07-14IncantationProfanationOnward to Golgotharelapse
779. 2014-07-14TombsEdge Of DarknessSavage Goldrelapse
780. 2014-06-30PentagramLast Days HereFirst Daze Here 1972-76relapse
781. 2014-06-23Black AnvilMy Hate Is PureHail Deathrelapse
782. 2014-06-23DeathOpen CasketLeprosy (Re-issue)relapse
783. 2014-06-23HaemorrhageHypochondriacHospital Carnagerelapse
784. 2014-06-23Agoraphobic NosebleedGlass TornadoAgoraphobic Nosebleed/Converge Splitrelapse
785. 2014-06-16Serpentine PathHouse Of WorshipEmanationsrelapse
786. 2014-06-16TombsPortraitsSavage Goldrelapse
787. 2014-06-16Black AnvilRedemption Through BloodHail Deathrelapse
788. 2014-06-16Brutal TruthTurmoilEvolution Through Revolutionrelapse
789. 2014-06-09PyrrhonInvisible InjuryThe Mother Of Virturerelapse
790. 2014-06-02Pig DestroyerThe Machete TwinsPhantom Limbrelapse
791. 2014-06-02Burnt By The SunSoundtrack to the worst movie ever madeSoundtrack to the Personal Revolutionrelapse
792. 2014-06-02Dying FetusPissing In The MainstreamDestroy the Oppositionrelapse
793. 2014-05-26Hooded MenaceCurses Scribed In GoreEffigies Of Evilrelapse
794. 2014-05-26IncantationProfanationOnward to Golgotharelapse
795. 2014-05-26The DripBlack ScreenA Presentation OF Gruesome Poeticsrelapse
796. 2014-05-19Today is the DayKiss the PigKiss the Pigrelapse
797. 2014-05-19Dying FetusAtrocious by NatureDecend Into Depravityrelapse
798. 2014-05-12RingwormOne Of Us Is Going To Have To Die...Hamer Of The Witchrelapse
799. 2014-05-12NilePestelence and IniquityAmongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Karelapse
800. 2014-05-05IncantationDevoured DeathOnward to Golgotharelapse
801. 2014-04-14MastodonWe Built This Come DeathLifesbloodrelapse
802. 2014-04-14Pig DestroyerBaltimore StranglerBook Burnerrelapse
803. 2014-04-14The DripSirenA Presentation OF Gruesome Poeticsrelapse
804. 2014-04-14NasumGargoyles And GrotesqueHuman 2.0relapse
805. 2014-04-14RingwormPychic VampireHamer Of The Witchrelapse
806. 2014-04-07BongzillaStone A PigGatewayrelapse
807. 2014-04-07IndianThe Fate Before FateGuiltlessrelapse
808. 2014-04-07The DripRise To FailureA Presentation OF Gruesome Poeticsrelapse
809. 2014-04-07MastodonBlood and ThunderLeviathanrelapse
810. 2014-04-07PyrrhonInvisible InjuryThe Mother Of Virturerelapse
811. 2014-03-31ObscuraUniverse MomentumCosmogenesisrelapse
812. 2014-03-31PyrrhonSleeper AgentThe Mother Of Virturerelapse
813. 2014-03-31Nux VomicaReelingNux Vomicarelapse
814. 2014-03-24RingwormI Recommend AmputationHamer Of The Witchrelapse
815. 2014-03-17Burnt By The SunSoundtrack to the worst movie ever madeSoundtrack to the Personal Revolutionrelapse
816. 2014-03-10BurstCity CloakedLazarus Birdrelapse
817. 2014-03-10RingwormLeave Your Skin At The DoorHamer Of The Witchrelapse
818. 2014-03-03Flesh ParadeFat and GristleKill Whiteyrelapse
819. 2014-03-03Cripple BastardsFumo PassivoNero In Metastasirelapse
820. 2014-03-03IndianRapeFrom All Purityrelapse
821. 2014-02-24ObscuraIncarnatedCosmogenesisrelapse
822. 2014-02-24Cripple BastardsRegime ArtificialeNero In Metastasirelapse
823. 2014-02-24NothingSomersaultGuilty Of Everythingrelapse
824. 2014-02-17Cephalic CarnageObserver to the Obilteration of Planet EarthExploiting Dysfunctionrelapse
825. 2014-02-17CoughCrippled WizardRitual Abuserelapse
826. 2014-02-17ObliterationGoat Skull CrownBlack Death Horizonrelapse
827. 2014-02-17HorsebackNorth Star Struck (Plagued Version)A Plague Of Knowingrelapse
828. 2014-02-10NileChatper od Obeisance Before Giving Breath To The Inert One In The Presence Of The Crescent Shaped HornsAnnihilation of the Wickedrelapse
829. 2014-02-10IndianRhetoric Of NoFrom All Purityrelapse
830. 2014-02-03Burnt By The SunBoston Tea-bag PartySoundtrack to the Personal Revolutionrelapse
831. 2014-01-20IndianThe Impetus BleedsFrom All Purityrelapse
832. 2014-01-13SkinlessPool of StoolForeshadowing Our Demiserelapse
833. 2014-01-13IncantationProfanationOnward to Golgotharelapse
834. 2014-01-06ObliterationGoat Skull CrownBlack Death Horizonrelapse
835. 2014-01-06Pig DestroyerValley Of The GeysersBook Burnerrelapse
836. 2014-01-06RevocationNumbing AgentsRevocationrelapse
837. 2013-12-30CoalesceThrough Sparrows I RestOXEPrelapse
838. 2013-12-30Car BombH5N1Centraliarelapse
839. 2013-12-30Cold WorkerFlesh WorldThe Doomsayer's Callrelapse
840. 2013-12-30ObliterationTransient PassageBlack Death Horizonrelapse
841. 2013-12-30CoffinsDishumanThe Fleshlandrelapse
842. 2013-12-30Dying FetusUnleased Upon Mankind (Bolt Thrower)History Repeatsrelapse
843. 2013-12-30DisfearTestamentLive the Stormrelapse
844. 2013-12-23DeathCosmic SeaHuman (Reissue)relapse
845. 2013-12-23ObscuraChoir of SpiritsCosmogenesisrelapse
846. 2013-12-23ExhumedNo Presents for ChristmasPlatteres Of Splatterrelapse
847. 2013-12-23NasumCorrosionHuman 2.0relapse
848. 2013-12-23Uphill BattleStill BornWreck of Nervesrelapse
849. 2013-12-23Lord DyingIn A Frightful State Of Gnawed DismembermentSummon The Faithlessrelapse
850. 2013-12-09ExhumedNo Presents for ChristmasPlatteres Of Splatterrelapse
851. 2013-12-09Cough/WindhandAmaranthReflection Of The Negativerelapse
852. 2013-12-02ObliterationBlack Death HorizonBlack Death Horizonrelapse
853. 2013-12-02Toxic HolocaustDeny The TruthChemistry Of Consciousnessrelapse
854. 2013-12-02Burnt By The SunLizard-Skin Barbieself-titledrelapse
855. 2013-12-02Today is the DayBee's Wax and Star WarsKiss the Pigrelapse
856. 2013-12-02RevocationThe Gift You GaveRevocationrelapse
857. 2013-11-25ExhumedDysmorphicNecrocracyrelapse
858. 2013-11-25Bastard NoiseHorned Beetle ConflictAxion Of Post Inhumanityrelapse
859. 2013-11-25Weekend NachosWolvesStillrelapse
860. 2013-11-18ExhumedForged in Fire (Formed in Flame)Slaughtercultrelapse
861. 2013-11-18ObliterationTransient PassageBlack Death Horizonrelapse
862. 2013-11-18Toxic HolocaustDeny The TruthChemistry Of Consciousnessrelapse
863. 2013-11-18MorticianZombie ApocalypseZombie Apocalypserelapse
864. 2013-11-18FleshlessSlaughterhause (mortician)Czech Assault - various artistsrelapse
865. 2013-10-21General SurgeryLab RatsA Collection Of Depravationrelapse
866. 2013-10-14DevourmentHeaving AcidConceived In Sewagerelapse
867. 2013-10-07Cephalic CarnageObserver to the Obilteration of Planet EarthExploiting Dysfunctionrelapse
868. 2013-09-30Soilent GreenSwallowholea Deleted Symphony for the Beaten Downrelapse
869. 2013-09-30CoalesceThe Blind EyeOXrelapse
870. 2013-09-23CretinDaddy's Little GirlFreakeryrelapse
871. 2013-09-23Dead HorsePeaceful DeathPeaceful Death And Pretty Flowersrelapse
872. 2013-09-23Abysmal DawnTwilight's FallenProgrammed to Consumerelapse
873. 2013-09-23Cephalic CarnageCryptosporidiumExploiting Dysfunctionrelapse
874. 2013-09-09Exhumed(So Passes) The Glory Of DeathNecrocracyrelapse
875. 2013-09-02ExhumedDysmorphicNecrocracyrelapse
876. 2013-09-02Leng tch'eScene SceneryThe Process Of Eliminationrelapse
877. 2013-09-02RevocationScattering The FlockRevocationrelapse
878. 2013-08-26Primitive ManI Can't ForgetScornrelapse
879. 2013-08-26RevocationFrackedRevocationrelapse
880. 2013-08-19CoffinsDishumanThe Fleshlandrelapse
881. 2013-08-19BattlecrossThe Will To OvercomeWar Of Willrelapse
882. 2013-08-19Lord DyingSummoning The FaithlessSummon The Faithlessrelapse
883. 2013-08-19MagrudergrindBuild To BlastMagrudergrindrelapse
884. 2013-08-19Black TuskInternal/ExternalTend No Woundsrelapse
885. 2013-08-12Buried InsideTime As ImperialismChronoclastrelapse
886. 2013-08-12HowlJezebelFull Of Hellrelapse
887. 2013-08-12Black TuskIn Days Of WoeTend No Woundsrelapse
888. 2013-08-12True WidowNumb HandCircumambulationrelapse
889. 2013-08-12CoffinsNo SaviourThe Fleshlandrelapse
890. 2013-08-05HaemorrhageResuscitation ManoeuvresHospital Carnagerelapse
891. 2013-08-05UnkindLakiPelon Juuretrelapse
892. 2013-08-05Black TuskEnemy Of ReasonTend No Woundsrelapse
893. 2013-08-05True WidowFour TeethCircumambulationrelapse
894. 2013-08-05RegurgitateFrenzy Fecal MunchingEffortless Regurgitation... the Torture Sessionrelapse
895. 2013-07-29Haemorrhage911 (Emergency Slaughter)Hospital Carnagerelapse
896. 2013-07-29Hooded MenaceIn The Dead We DwellEffigies Of Evilrelapse
897. 2013-07-22CoffinsHellbringerThe Fleshlandrelapse
898. 2013-07-22Lord DyingGreed Is Your HorseSummon The Faithlessrelapse
899. 2013-07-22Soilent GreenA Scream Trapped Under WaterConfrontationrelapse
900. 2013-07-15MumakilArmy Of FreaksFlies Will Starverelapse
901. 2013-07-15Call Of The VoidAbominationDragged Down A Dead End Pathrelapse
902. 2013-07-08CoffinsThe Colossal HoleThe Fleshlandrelapse
903. 2013-07-08BattlecrossFlesh & BoneWar Of Willrelapse
904. 2013-07-08UnkindVihan LapsetPelon Juuretrelapse
905. 2013-07-01Call Of The VoidEndless Ritual AbuseDragged Down A Dead End Pathrelapse
906. 2013-07-01MumakilBuilt Of LiesFlies Will Starverelapse
907. 2013-06-24AmorphisMagic And MayhemTales From A Thousand Lakesrelapse
908. 2013-06-24MumakilFresh Meat For The GrinderFlies Will Starverelapse
909. 2013-06-17MumakilDesigned To FailFlies Will Starverelapse
910. 2013-06-17Dying FetusFrom Womb To WasteReign Supremerelapse
911. 2013-06-17Call Of The VoidAbominationDragged Down A Dead End Pathrelapse
912. 2013-06-10Today is the DayMartial LawIn The Eyes OF Godrelapse
913. 2013-06-10NileOpening of the MouthAmongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Karelapse
914. 2013-06-10ASGScrappy's TripBlood Driverelapse
915. 2013-06-10HowlDemonicBloodlinesrelapse
916. 2013-06-10Call Of The VoidBottom FeederDragged Down A Dead End Pathrelapse
917. 2013-06-10Toxic HolocaustWe Bring Em HellFrom The Ashes Of Nuclear Destructionrelapse
918. 2013-06-10Pig DestroyerWolfs BloodBlind, Deaf, and Bleeding EPrelapse
919. 2013-06-03Toxic HolocaustDeathmasterFrom The Ashes Of Nuclear Destructionrelapse
920. 2013-06-03CretinTooth And ClawFreakeryrelapse
921. 2013-05-27RevocationDismantle The DictatorExistence Is Futilerelapse
922. 2013-05-27WeaponGrotesque Craven PortalEmbers And Revelationrelapse
923. 2013-05-20Pig DestroyerMapplethorpe GreyVarious Artist: Contaminated 5.0relapse
924. 2013-05-13HaemorrhageSplatter NurseHospital Carnagerelapse
925. 2013-05-13Murder ConstructDead HopeResultsrelapse
926. 2013-05-13Flesh ParadeBackstabberKill Whiteyrelapse
927. 2013-04-15Toxic HolocaustArmy Of OneFrom The Ashes Of Nuclear Destructionrelapse
928. 2013-04-15Cretindaddy's little girlFreakeryrelapse
929. 2013-04-08Cough/WindhandAmaranthReflection Of The Negativerelapse
930. 2013-04-08Toxic HolocaustDeath CampsFrom The Ashes Of Nuclear Destructionrelapse
931. 2013-04-08MastodonMegalodonLeviathanrelapse
932. 2013-04-08Dying FetusPissing In The MainstreamDestroy the Oppositionrelapse
933. 2013-04-01ConvergeLocust Reignthe Poacher Diariesrelapse
934. 2013-04-01BlockheadsBastardsThis World Is Deadrelapse
935. 2013-03-25DevourmentFifty Ton War MachineConceived In Sewagerelapse
936. 2013-03-18Inevitable EndEmbracing the OriginThe Severed Inceptionrelapse
937. 2013-03-18CoalesceWild Ox MoanOXrelapse
938. 2013-03-18DevourmentHeaving AcidConceived In Sewagerelapse
939. 2013-03-11BlockheadsCrisis Is Killing The WeakThis World Is Deadrelapse
940. 2013-03-11RevocationFields of PredationEmpire of the Obscenerelapse
941. 2013-03-11DevourmentToday We Die, Tomorrow We KillConceived In Sewagerelapse
942. 2013-03-04NileRamses Bringer of WarAmongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Karelapse
943. 2013-03-04DevourmentConceived In SewageConceived In Sewagerelapse
944. 2013-03-04IncantationEnchantment Of EvilOnward to Golgotharelapse
945. 2013-02-18BlockheadsPro-LifersThis World Is Deadrelapse
946. 2013-02-18PrimatePrideDraw Back A Stumprelapse
947. 2013-02-18Rotten SoundThe SolutionSpecies At Warrelapse
948. 2013-02-18Pig DestroyerWho Are You? (Void Cover)Blind, Deaf, and Bleeding EPrelapse
949. 2013-02-11Agoraphobic NosebleedHang the PopeFrozen Corpse Stuffed with Doperelapse
950. 2013-02-11Pig DestroyerDeny Everything (Circle Jerks)Blind, Deaf, and Bleeding EPrelapse
951. 2013-02-11BlockheadsFinal AriseThis World Is Deadrelapse
952. 2013-02-11Rotten SoundThe GameSpecies At Warrelapse
953. 2013-02-11PrimateMarch Of The CurmudgeonDraw Back A Stumprelapse
954. 2013-02-04MorticianHell on EarthZombie Apocalypserelapse
955. 2013-02-04FleshlessSlaughterhause (mortician)Czech Assault - various artistsrelapse
956. 2013-02-04Nasumthe Black SwarmHuman 2.0relapse
957. 2013-02-04BlockheadsBorn Among BastardsThis World Is Deadrelapse
958. 2013-01-28Pig DestroyerBetray (Minor Threat Cover)Blind, Deaf, and Bleeding EPrelapse
959. 2013-01-28Rotten SoundCauseSpecies At Warrelapse
960. 2013-01-28PrimateHellhoundDraw Back A Stumprelapse
961. 2013-01-21The EndOpalenscence.IITransfer Trachearelapse
962. 2013-01-21Fuck The Factscarve your heart outStigmata High-Fiverelapse
963. 2013-01-21Pig DestroyerDepression (Black Flag Cover)Blind, Deaf, and Bleeding EPrelapse
964. 2013-01-21DarkaneConvictedRusted Angelrelapse
965. 2013-01-21BenumbOnce And Never AgainWithering Strands of Hoperelapse
966. 2013-01-14ObscuraChoir of SpiritsCosmogenesisrelapse
967. 2013-01-14Murder ConstructFeign IgnoranceResultsrelapse
968. 2013-01-14Pig DestroyerEveBook Burnerrelapse
969. 2013-01-07Buried InsideTime As CommodityChronoclastrelapse
970. 2012-12-31Hooded MenaceEffigies Of EvilEffigies Of Evilrelapse
971. 2012-12-31Pig DestroyerKamikaze HeartBook Burnerrelapse
972. 2012-12-31WeaponDisavowing Each In AumEmbers And Revelationrelapse
973. 2012-12-24Abysmal DawnIn The Hands Of DeathFrom Ashesrelapse
974. 2012-12-24Buried InsideTime As A Surrogate ReligionChronoclastrelapse
975. 2012-12-24Hooded MenaceSummoned Into Euphoric MadnessEffigies Of Evilrelapse
976. 2012-12-24Cephalic CarnageLucid IntervalLucid Intervalrelapse
977. 2012-12-17Pig DestroyerThe BugBook Burnerrelapse
978. 2012-12-17Agoraphobic NosebleedMachine GunFrozen Corpse Stuffed with Doperelapse
979. 2012-12-17AmorphisBlack Winter DayTales From A Thousand Lakesrelapse
980. 2012-12-17Fuck The FactsLa Dermier ImageVarious Artists: Relapse Contamination Tour 2006relapse
981. 2012-12-10Pig DestroyerValley Of The GeysersBook Burnerrelapse
982. 2012-11-26Hooded MenaceIn The Dead We DwellEffigies Of Evilrelapse
983. 2012-11-26WeaponThe First Witness Of LuciferEmbers And Revelationrelapse
984. 2012-11-26Pig DestroyerKing Of ClubsBook Burnerrelapse
985. 2012-11-19WeaponVanguard Of The Morning StarEmbers And Revelationrelapse
986. 2012-11-19NeurosisThe DoorwayTimes of Gracerelapse
987. 2012-11-12Pig DestroyerBurning PalmBook Burnerrelapse
988. 2012-11-12Throat PlungerJacked Up On China White/SteroidsSlimewave Vol 5relapse
989. 2012-11-05Hooded MenaceVortex MacabreEffigies Of Evilrelapse
990. 2012-10-29MorticianThe CraziesChainsaw Dismembermentrelapse
991. 2012-10-22WeaponLiber LilithEmbers And Revelationrelapse
992. 2012-10-22Pig DestroyerBaltimore StranglerBook Burnerrelapse
993. 2012-10-22Hooded MenaceSummoned Into Euphoric MadnessEffigies Of Evilrelapse
994. 2012-10-15Pig DestroyerValley Of The Geysers Book Burnerrelapse
995. 2012-10-08Skinlessthe OptimistForeshadowing Our Demiserelapse
996. 2012-10-08Murder ConstructFeign IgnoranceResultsrelapse
997. 2012-10-08WeaponEmbers And RevelationsEmbers And Revelationrelapse
998. 2012-10-01BaronessRays Of PinionRed Albumrelapse
999. 2012-10-01Hooded MenaceEffigies Of EvilEffigies Of Evilrelapse
1000. 2012-10-01Serpentine PathObsoletionSerpentine Pathrelapse
1001. 2012-10-01WeaponLiber LilithEmbers And Revelationrelapse
1002. 2012-10-01Dying FetusHopeless InsurrectionDecend Into Depravityrelapse
1003. 2012-09-24Abysmal DawnSolitude's DemiseFrom Ashesrelapse
1004. 2012-09-24BurstIrisPrey on Liferelapse
1005. 2012-09-24Murder ConstructDead HopeResultsrelapse
1006. 2012-09-17RevocationSummon The SpawnEmpire of the Obscenerelapse
1007. 2012-09-17The Dillinger Escape PlanMonticelloThe Dillinger Escape Planrelapse
1008. 2012-09-17Murder ConstructMercy, MercyResultsrelapse
1009. 2012-09-10Murder ConstructThe Next LifeResultsrelapse
1010. 2012-09-10Agoraphobic NosebleedNarcoterrorist MeglomaniacAltered States Of America (disc 1)relapse
1011. 2012-09-10Dying FetusFrom Womb To WasteReign Supremerelapse
1012. 2012-09-10Spawn of PossessionWhere Angels Go Demons FollowIncursorelapse
1013. 2012-09-03The County Medical Examinersmaturating decompositional gasOlidous Operettasrelapse
1014. 2012-09-03MorticianCannibalizedDomain Of Deathrelapse
1015. 2012-09-03BaronessA Horse Called GolGothaBlue Recordrelapse
1016. 2012-08-27Murder ConstructGold DiggerResultsrelapse
1017. 2012-08-20Birds of PreyBleed, Blister, CumSulfur & Semenrelapse
1018. 2012-08-20El CacoAutopsyHatred, Love, & Diagramsrelapse
1019. 2012-08-13InverlochShadows Of The FlameDusk Subsiderelapse
1020. 2012-08-13Pig DestroyerIntimate SlaveryProwler in the Yardrelapse
1021. 2012-08-13Dying FetusSubject To A BeatingReign Supremerelapse
1022. 2012-08-06BenumbMonetary GainSoul Of The Martyrrelapse
1023. 2012-08-06MantasLegion Of DoomDeath By Metalrelapse
1024. 2012-07-23Dying FetusSubject To A BeatingReign Supremerelapse
1025. 2012-07-23DeceasedMind Vampiresthe Blueprints for Madnessrelapse
1026. 2012-07-16Spawn of PossessionSpiritual DecepitionIncursorelapse
1027. 2012-07-16RevocationNo FuneralChaos Of Formsrelapse
1028. 2012-07-16Dying FetusIn The TrenchesReign Supremerelapse
1029. 2012-07-09Dying FetusRevisionist PastReign Supremerelapse
1030. 2012-07-09Abysmal DawnSolitude's DemiseFrom Ashesrelapse
1031. 2012-07-09MantasEvil DeadDeath By Metalrelapse
1032. 2012-07-02Burnt By The SunBoston Tea-bag PartySoundtrack to the Personal Revolutionrelapse
1033. 2012-07-02Dying FetusFrom Womb To WasteReign Supremerelapse
1034. 2012-07-02MantasDeath By MetalDeath By Metalrelapse
1035. 2012-07-02Leng tch'ePatriotic PleasureThe Process Of Eliminationrelapse
1036. 2012-07-02OriginLethal Manipulation (the Bonecrusher Cronicles)Originrelapse
1037. 2012-06-18Abysmal DawnWicked ImpulseFrom Ashesrelapse
1038. 2012-06-11Cephalic CarnageAnalyticalConformaing to Abnormalityrelapse
1039. 2012-06-1116Ants In My Blood StreamDeep Cuts From Dark Cloudsrelapse
1040. 2012-06-11Flesh ParadeWorthlessKill Whiteyrelapse
1041. 2012-06-04Abysmal DawnBlacken The SkyFrom Ashesrelapse
1042. 2012-06-04Cripple BastardsAgony Of Reformed BandSenza Impronterelapse
1043. 2012-06-04HorsebackArjunaHalf Bloodrelapse
1044. 2012-06-04ExhumedAll Guts, No GloryAll Guts, No Gloryrelapse
1045. 2012-06-04General SurgeryScalpel InfestationA Collection Of Depravationrelapse
1046. 2012-06-04Soilent Green12 Oz ProphetConfrontationrelapse
1047. 2012-05-28Cretindaddy's little girlFreakeryrelapse
1048. 2012-05-21NasumWrathShiftrelapse
1049. 2012-05-14ObscuraOrbital ElementsCosmogenesisrelapse
1050. 2012-05-14General SurgeryDecomposerA Collection Of Depravationrelapse
1051. 2012-05-07Spawn of PossessionBodiless SleeperIncursorelapse
1052. 2012-05-07Dying FetusAbsolute DefianceKilling on Adrenalinerelapse
1053. 2012-05-07Burnt By The SunYou Will Moveself-titledrelapse
1054. 2012-04-30AlchemistAnticipation Of A HighTripsisrelapse
1055. 2012-04-30Spawn of PossessionSpiritual DecepitionIncursorelapse
1056. 2012-04-16Burnt By The SunBoston Tea-bag PartySoundtrack to the Personal Revolutionrelapse
1057. 2012-04-16CoalesceSometimes Selling out Is Waking Up0:12 Revolution In Just Listeningrelapse
1058. 2012-04-16The Dillinger Escape PlanJim FearCalculating Infinityrelapse
1059. 2012-04-16Fuck the FactsCarve Your Heart OutStigmata High-Fiverelapse
1060. 2012-04-16ExhumedThrough Cadaver EyesAll Guts, No Gloryrelapse
1061. 2012-04-09General SurgeryThe League Of Extraordinary Grave RobersA Collection Of Depravationrelapse
1062. 2012-04-02Spawn of PossessionDeus AvertatIncursorelapse
1063. 2012-04-02Black AnvilTen Talons DeepTime Insults the Mindrelapse
1064. 2012-04-02DisfearGet it OffLive the Stormrelapse
1065. 2012-03-26Black AnvilDethroned EmperorTime Insults the Mindrelapse
1066. 2012-03-26Spawn of PossessionBodiless SleeperIncursorelapse
1067. 2012-03-26General SurgeryCauterization FrenzyA Collection Of Depravationrelapse
1068. 2012-03-19Misery IndexTraitorsTraitorsrelapse
1069. 2012-03-05NeurosisHidden FacesGiven To The Risingrelapse
1070. 2012-02-20RegurgitateCocoon Of FilthSickening Blissrelapse
1071. 2012-02-13Imperial FoeticideThe Seat Of Waves Of Lownes$Various Artists - Czech Assaultrelapse
1072. 2012-02-06Pig DestroyerCheerleader CorpsesProwler in the Yardrelapse
1073. 2012-02-06NeurosisEyeThrough Silver in Bloodrelapse
1074. 2012-01-30ObscuraChoir of SpiritsCosmogenesisrelapse
1075. 2012-01-30Fuck the FactsDriftDie Miserablerelapse
1076. 2012-01-16SuffocationDemise Of The CloneSouls to Denyrelapse
1077. 2012-01-16DeathFlattening Of EmotionsHuman (Reissue)relapse
1078. 2012-01-09DisruptFor What?Unrestrelapse
1079. 2012-01-09Brutal TruthButcherEnd Timerelapse
1080. 2012-01-09CretinCreepy CrawliesFreakeryrelapse
1081. 2012-01-09MorticianHacked up for BarbequeMortal Massacrerelapse
1082. 2012-01-09Weekend NachosBlack EarthWorthlessrelapse
1083. 2011-12-26Cephalic CarnageHybridExploiting Dysfunctionrelapse
1084. 2011-12-26Dying FetusRohypnelHistory Repeatsrelapse
1085. 2011-12-26RevocationCradle RobberChaos Of Formsrelapse
1086. 2011-12-26Negligent Collateral CollapseOn The Return Trip HomeCzech Assault -Various Artistsrelapse
1087. 2011-12-19Inevitable EndFirstborn of All DeadThe Severed Inceptionrelapse
1088. 2011-12-12DeathSuicide MachineHuman (Reissue)relapse
1089. 2011-12-12Rumpelstiltskin GrinderUnleash The TrollBuried in the Front Yardrelapse
1090. 2011-12-12DisfearFiery FatherLive the Stormrelapse
1091. 2011-11-28Fuck the FactsDriftDie Miserablerelapse
1092. 2011-11-28The Dillinger Escape Planthe Mullet BurdenUnder the Running Boardsrelapse
1093. 2011-11-21Weekend NachosJock PowerviolenceWorthlessrelapse
1094. 2011-11-21Brutal TruthButcherEnd Timerelapse
1095. 2011-11-21DisfearIn ExodusLive the Stormrelapse
1096. 2011-11-21RevocationThe WatchersChaos Of Formsrelapse
1097. 2011-11-07Brutal TruthLotteryEnd Timerelapse
1098. 2011-11-07ExhumedConsuming ImpulseAnatomy is Destinyrelapse
1099. 2011-10-31Pig DestroyerDeathtripperPhantom Limbrelapse
1100. 2011-10-31Black TuskBring Me DarknessSet The Dialrelapse
1101. 2011-10-31MorticianHell on EarthZombie Apocalypserelapse
1102. 2011-10-31DeceasedElly's DementiaSupernatural Addictionrelapse
1103. 2011-10-31RegurgitateDevoured By GhoulsSickening Blissrelapse
1104. 2011-10-24RevocationCretinChaos Of Formsrelapse
1105. 2011-10-17Fuck the FactsCensus BankDie Miserablerelapse
1106. 2011-10-17ObscuraOrbital ElementsCosmogenesisrelapse
1107. 2011-10-17RevocationBeloved HorrifiedChaos Of Formsrelapse
1108. 2011-10-17Pig DestroyerLost CauseTerrifyerrelapse
1109. 2011-10-17Brutal TruthOld World OrderEnd Timerelapse
1110. 2011-10-10Fuck the FactsAloneDie Miserablerelapse
1111. 2011-10-10Brutal TruthEnd TimeEnd Timerelapse
1112. 2011-10-10Weekend NachosBlack EarthWorthlessrelapse
1113. 2011-10-10Dying FetusGore Hog (Broken Hope)History Repeatsrelapse
1114. 2011-10-03RwakeAn Invisible ThreadRestrelapse
1115. 2011-10-03RevocationCradle RobberChaos Of Formsrelapse
1116. 2011-09-26Dying FetusUnchallenged Hate (Napalm Death)History Repeatsrelapse
1117. 2011-09-26Brutal TruthEnd TimeEnd Timerelapse
1118. 2011-09-26Fuck the FactsLifelessDie Miserablerelapse
1119. 2011-09-26RevocationHarlotChaos Of Formsrelapse
1120. 2011-09-26Rotten SoundPlanCursedrelapse
1121. 2011-09-19RevocationDethronedChaos Of Formsrelapse
1122. 2011-09-12ExhumedIn The Name Of GoreAnatomy is Destinyrelapse
1123. 2011-09-12DeathLack of ComprehensionHuman (Reissue)relapse
1124. 2011-09-12RevocationConjuring The CataclysmChaos Of Formsrelapse
1125. 2011-09-12Toxic HolocaustRevelationsConjure And Commandrelapse
1126. 2011-09-05DeathFlattening Of EmotionsHuman (Reissue)relapse
1127. 2011-09-05DeceasedDeathrider (Anthrax Cover)Behind the Mourner's Veilrelapse
1128. 2011-08-29RevocationNo FuneralChaos Of Formsrelapse
1129. 2011-08-29DeathGod of Thunder (Bonus Track)Human (Reissue)relapse
1130. 2011-08-29Dying FetusFade Into Obscurity (Dehumanized)History Repeatsrelapse
1131. 2011-08-22RevocationDethronedChaos Of Formsrelapse
1132. 2011-08-22Dying FetusUnchallenged Hate (Napalm Death)History Repeatsrelapse
1133. 2011-08-22Toxic HolocaustI Am DiseaseConjure And Commandrelapse
1134. 2011-08-22Weekend NachosFrostbittenWorthlessrelapse
1135. 2011-08-15Dying FetusTwisted TruthHistory Repeatsrelapse
1136. 2011-08-15Abysmal DawnIn Service Of TimeLeveling The Plane Of Existencerelapse
1137. 2011-08-15ExhumedCasketkrusherGore Metalrelapse
1138. 2011-08-15RevocationCradle RobberChaos Of Formsrelapse
1139. 2011-08-15TombsBloodlettersPath Of Totalityrelapse
1140. 2011-08-15Toxic HolocaustJudgement Awaits YouConjure And Commandrelapse
1141. 2011-08-15Throat PlungerJacked Up On China White/SteroidsSlimewave Vol 5relapse
1142. 2011-08-08Dying FetusBorn In A Casket (Cannibal Corpse)History Repeatsrelapse
1143. 2011-08-08BloodiestObituaryDescentrelapse
1144. 2011-08-08Hail HornetGifted HorseDisperse The Curserelapse
1145. 2011-08-08Toxic HolocaustI Am DiseaseConjure And Commandrelapse
1146. 2011-08-08HemdaleOverflowVarious Artists - Relapse Sampler 1999relapse
1147. 2011-08-01Rotten SoundExploitCursedrelapse
1148. 2011-08-01Dying FetusFade Into Obscurity (Dehumanized)History Repeatsrelapse
1149. 2011-07-25HaemorrhageTomor DonorHospital Carnagerelapse
1150. 2011-07-25Rotten SoundSelfCursedrelapse
1151. 2011-07-25ObscuraCelestial SpheresOmniviumrelapse
1152. 2011-07-25Dying FetusUnleased Upon Mankind (Bolt Thrower)History Repeatsrelapse
1153. 2011-07-25Toxic HolocaustAgony Of The DamnedConjure And Commandrelapse
1154. 2011-07-11Red FangInto The EyeMurder The Mountainsrelapse
1155. 2011-07-11UnsaneScrapeLambhouserelapse
1156. 2011-07-04HaemorrhageFomite FleshHospital Carnagerelapse
1157. 2011-07-04Black TuskFixed In The IcedPassage Through Purgatoryrelapse
1158. 2011-07-04ObscuraOcean GatewaysOmniviumrelapse
1159. 2011-07-04FleshlessPerverted IntentionGrind Godrelapse
1160. 2011-07-04Weekend NachosBlack EarthWorthlessrelapse
1161. 2011-06-27Abysmal DawnIn Service Of TimeLeveling The Plane Of Existencerelapse
1162. 2011-06-27OriginPortalInformis Infinitas Inhumanitasrelapse
1163. 2011-06-27Black TuskMind Moves SomethingPassage Through Purgatoryrelapse
1164. 2011-06-27Flesh ParadeCoping with itKill Whiteyrelapse
1165. 2011-06-27Imperial FoeticideThe Story ContinuesVarious Artists - Czech Assaultrelapse
1166. 2011-06-20Agoraphobic NosebleedPentagram ConstellationAgoraphobic Nosebleed/Converge Splitrelapse
1167. 2011-06-20BloodiestObituaryDescentrelapse
1168. 2011-06-20IndianGuiltyGuiltlessrelapse
1169. 2011-06-20Weekend NachosJock PowerviolenceWorthlessrelapse
1170. 2011-06-20BurstThe Foe SublimePrey on Liferelapse
1171. 2011-06-20HaemorrhageOpen Heart ButcheryHospital Carnagerelapse
1172. 2011-06-20ExhumedVagatarianPlatteres Of Splatterrelapse
1173. 2011-06-20Inevitable EndEscaping The Black HoleThe Oculusrelapse
1174. 2011-06-13Abysmal DawnPerpetual DormancyLeveling The Plane Of Existencerelapse
1175. 2011-06-13Flesh ParadeWorthlessKill Whiteyrelapse
1176. 2011-06-13Inevitable EndZenThe Oculusrelapse
1177. 2011-06-13CretinDaddy's Little GirlFreakeryrelapse
1178. 2011-06-06ObscuraOcean GatewaysOmniviumrelapse
1179. 2011-06-06TombsPath Of TotalityPath Of Totalityrelapse
1180. 2011-05-30HaemorrhageAmputation ProtocolHospital Carnagerelapse
1181. 2011-05-30NoisearThe Perpetual Downfall Of ManSubvert The Dominant Paradigmrelapse
1182. 2011-05-30Inevitable EndWhile Surpassing EtherThe Oculusrelapse
1183. 2011-05-30ObscuraSeptuagintOmniviumrelapse
1184. 2011-05-30Rotten SoundAddictCursedrelapse
1185. 2011-05-30MorticianThe Hatchet MurdersDomain Of Deathrelapse
1186. 2011-05-23HaemorrhageOpen Heart ButcheryHospital Carnagerelapse
1187. 2011-05-23Rotten SoundHollowCursedrelapse
1188. 2011-05-23ObscuraVelocityOmniviumrelapse
1189. 2011-05-16Rotten SoundSelfCursedrelapse
1190. 2011-05-16ObscuraEuclidean ElementsOmniviumrelapse
1191. 2011-05-16Inevitable EndThe OculusThe Oculusrelapse
1192. 2011-05-09Toxic HolocaustNuke the CrossAn Overdose of Death...relapse
1193. 2011-05-02NoisearStress PandemicSubvert The Dominant Paradigmrelapse
1194. 2011-05-02Pig DestroyerThumbsuckerTerrifyerrelapse
1195. 2011-05-02NecrophagistDiminished To bEpitaphrelapse
1196. 2011-04-18SkinlessFrom Sacrifice to SurvivalFrom Sacrifice to Survivalrelapse
1197. 2011-04-18Disfearthe FurnaceLive the Stormrelapse
1198. 2011-04-18Agoraphobic NosebleedGraveworkBestial Machineryrelapse
1199. 2011-04-18The Dillinger Escape PlanCleopatra's SlingThe Dillinger Escape Planrelapse
1200. 2011-04-11BongzillaKeefmasterGatewayrelapse
1201. 2011-04-11ExhumedThe Matter Of SplatterAnatomy is Destinyrelapse
1202. 2011-04-11IncantationUnited in RepungenceDiabolical Conquestrelapse
1203. 2011-04-11Abysmal DawnManufactured HumanityLeveling The Plane Of Existencerelapse
1204. 2011-03-28DisfearFiery FatherLive the Stormrelapse
1205. 2011-03-28RabbitsBurn, Sun, BurnLower Formsrelapse
1206. 2011-03-28Daylight DiesI waitNo Replyrelapse
1207. 2011-03-28Abysmal DawnPixilated IgnoranceLeveling The Plane Of Existencerelapse
1208. 2011-03-21MindrotInternal IsolationDrawingrelapse
1209. 2011-03-14Abysmal DawnManufactured HumanityLeveling The Plane Of Existencerelapse
1210. 2011-03-07Abysmal DawnPerpetual DormancyLeveling The Plane Of Existencerelapse
1211. 2011-02-28Abysmal DawnRapture RenownedLeveling The Plane Of Existencerelapse
1212. 2011-02-28ExhumedSlave to the CasketSlaughtercultrelapse
1213. 2011-02-28NoisearInfomation Highway To HellSubvert The Dominant Paradigmrelapse
1214. 2011-02-21Disfearthe HornsMisanthropic Generationrelapse
1215. 2011-02-21Abysmal DawnPixilated IgnoranceLeveling The Plane Of Existencerelapse
1216. 2011-02-21NoisearGlobal WarningSubvert The Dominant Paradigmrelapse
1217. 2011-02-07MorticianHell on EarthZombie Apocalypserelapse
1218. 2011-02-07BaronessA Horse Called GolGothaBlue Recordrelapse
1219. 2011-01-31ExhumedOpen the AbscessGore Metalrelapse
1220. 2011-01-31Agoraphobic NosebleedBaby CannonBestial Machineryrelapse
1221. 2011-01-24Kill the ClientPrimetime DogmaSet For Extinctionrelapse
1222. 2011-01-17NasumStormshieldHelveterelapse
1223. 2011-01-10Coalescecowards.com0:12 Revolution In Just Listeningrelapse
1224. 2011-01-10SkinlessDeviation Will Not Be ToleratedTrample The Weak, Hurdle The Deadrelapse
1225. 2011-01-10Black AnvilWith Transparent BloodTriumviraterelapse
1226. 2011-01-03Kill the ClientPandemicSet For Extinctionrelapse
1227. 2011-01-03NasumFuryShiftrelapse
1228. 2011-01-03Imperial FoeticideFailureVarious Artists - Czech Assaultrelapse
1229. 2011-01-03IncantationProfanationOnward to Golgotharelapse
1230. 2010-12-27IncantationApocalyptic Destroythe Infernal Stormrelapse
1231. 2010-12-20Black AnvilDead And LeftTriumviraterelapse
1232. 2010-11-29Black AnvilWhat Is Life If Not Now!Triumviraterelapse
1233. 2010-11-22CoalesceWild Ox MoanOXrelapse
1234. 2010-11-22Kill the ClientTargets In Straight JacketsSet For Extinctionrelapse
1235. 2010-11-22TitanSweet DreamsSweet Dreamsrelapse
1236. 2010-11-22CretinDaddy's Little GirlFreakeryrelapse
1237. 2010-11-22Hero DestroyedThe Last SupperThroesrelapse
1238. 2010-11-15Cephalic CarnageAbraxas Of FilthMisled By Certaintyrelapse
1239. 2010-11-15DeceasedThe Creek Of The Deadthe Blueprints for Madnessrelapse
1240. 2010-11-15Kill the ClientNo LeadersSet For Extinctionrelapse
1241. 2010-11-08Circle Of AnimalsNo FaithDestroy The Lightrelapse
1242. 2010-11-08Black AnvilThe Evil Of All RootsTriumviraterelapse
1243. 2010-11-08Dying FetusBorn in SodomDestroy the Oppositionrelapse
1244. 2010-11-01Cephalic CarnageA King And A ThiefMisled By Certaintyrelapse
1245. 2010-11-01Kill the ClientPandemicSet For Extinctionrelapse
1246. 2010-11-01Black AnvilWe Own YouTriumviraterelapse
1247. 2010-11-01CoughCrippled WizardRitual Abuserelapse
1248. 2010-10-25MorticianWasteland of DeathDomain Of Deathrelapse
1249. 2010-10-25GorerottedMutilated in Minutes, Severed In SecondsMutilated in Minutesrelapse
1250. 2010-10-25UnsaneUrge To KillLambhouserelapse
1251. 2010-10-25Black TuskTwist The KnifeTaste The Sinrelapse
1252. 2010-10-25Nilethe Howling of the JinnAmongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Karelapse
1253. 2010-10-25MorgionCanticleSolinarirelapse
1254. 2010-10-18NileAnnihilation Of The WickedAnnihilation of the Wickedrelapse
1255. 2010-10-18Cephalic CarnageRaped By OrbsMisled By Certaintyrelapse
1256. 2010-10-11Hero DestroyedIron LionThroesrelapse
1257. 2010-10-11Black TuskRed Eyes, Black SkiesTaste The Sinrelapse
1258. 2010-10-11Mose GiganticusThe Left PathGift Horserelapse
1259. 2010-10-11Birds of PreyTurning Big Rocks Into Little RocksSulfur & Semenrelapse
1260. 2010-10-11Cephalic CarnageCordyceps HumanisMisled By Certaintyrelapse
1261. 2010-10-11ProcessionChants Of The NamelessDestroyers Of The Faithrelapse
1262. 2010-10-11CultedBlack Cough, Black CoffinOf Death And Ritualrelapse
1263. 2010-10-04HorsebackTyrant SymmetryInvisible Mountainrelapse
1264. 2010-10-04ProcessionDestroyers Of The FaithDestroyers Of The Faithrelapse
1265. 2010-10-04CultedDissentOf Death And Ritualrelapse
1266. 2010-10-04Kingdom of SorrowFrom Heroes To DustBehind The Blackest Tearsrelapse
1267. 2010-10-04Cephalic CarnageAbraxas Of FilthMisled By Certaintyrelapse
1268. 2010-10-04BurstRainPrey on Liferelapse
1269. 2010-09-27Black TuskWay Of Horse And BowTaste The Sinrelapse
1270. 2010-09-27Hero DestroyedThe Last SupperThroesrelapse
1271. 2010-09-27Cephalic CarnageDimensional Modulation TransmographyMisled By Certaintyrelapse
1272. 2010-09-27Misery IndexMeet RealityDiscordiarelapse
1273. 2010-09-20MorticianMauled Beyond RecognitionChainsaw Dismembermentrelapse
1274. 2010-09-20Shape of DispairAngels Of DistressAngels Of Distressrelapse
1275. 2010-09-20MindrotForlornForlornrelapse
1276. 2010-09-13DeceasedThe Creek Of The Deadthe Blueprints for Madnessrelapse
1277. 2010-09-13RevocationRe-AnimaniacExistence Is Futilerelapse
1278. 2010-09-06OriginMental TormentOriginrelapse
1279. 2010-08-23ObscuraUniverse MomentumCosmogenesisrelapse
1280. 2010-08-23NileI Whisper In The Ear Of The DeadIn Their Darken Shrinesrelapse
1281. 2010-08-02Abysmal DawnGrotesque Modern ArtProgrammed to Consumerelapse
1282. 2010-08-02NeurosisA Chronology For SurvivalSouls At Zerorelapse
1283. 2010-08-02HowlYou Jackals BewareFull Of Hellrelapse
1284. 2010-07-26AmorphisTo Fathers CabinTales From A Thousand Lakesrelapse
1285. 2010-07-19Misery IndexHeirs To ThieveryHeirs To Thieveryrelapse
1286. 2010-07-19Rotten SoundSuffer The Children (napalm death)Napalmrelapse
1287. 2010-07-19Cephalic CarnageBlack Metal SabbathLucid Intervalrelapse
1288. 2010-07-19Buried InsideTime As A Surrogate ReligionChronoclastrelapse
1289. 2010-07-12BurstIrisPrey on Liferelapse
1290. 2010-07-12car_bombBest IntentionsCentraliarelapse
1291. 2010-07-12Rotten SoundBrainlordNapalmrelapse
1292. 2010-07-05Toxic HolocaustEndless ArmageddonAn Overdose of Death...relapse
1293. 2010-07-05NeurosisThe DoorwayTimes of Gracerelapse
1294. 2010-07-05The EndOpalenscence.IITransfer Trachearelapse
1295. 2010-06-28Dying FetusBringing Back the GloryGrotesque Impalementrelapse
1296. 2010-06-28OriginDisease Called ManOriginrelapse
1297. 2010-06-28Pig DestroyerSheet Metal GirlProwler in the Yardrelapse
1298. 2010-06-28DisfearLive the StormLive the Stormrelapse
1299. 2010-06-28Rotten SoundDead RemainsNapalmrelapse
1300. 2010-06-28HowlYou Jackals BewareFull Of Hellrelapse
1301. 2010-06-28NileSerpent Headed MaskAmongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Karelapse
1302. 2010-06-21Brutal TruthKill Trend SuicideGoodbye Cruel Worldrelapse
1303. 2010-06-21Toxic HolocaustNuke the CrossAn Overdose of Death...relapse
1304. 2010-06-21Misery IndexPlague Of ObjectsHeirs To Thieveryrelapse
1305. 2010-06-14CretinTooth And ClawFreakeryrelapse
1306. 2010-06-14Misery IndexYou LoseHeirs To Thieveryrelapse
1307. 2010-06-14HowlJezebelFull Of Hellrelapse
1308. 2010-06-07Rotten SoundBrainlordNapalmrelapse
1309. 2010-06-07Cold WorkerDeath Smiles At MeThe Contaminated Voidrelapse
1310. 2010-06-07Misery IndexThe Seventh CavalryHeirs To Thieveryrelapse
1311. 2010-05-31NasumDefragmentationHuman 2.0relapse
1312. 2010-05-31Cephalic CarnageHybridExploiting Dysfunctionrelapse
1313. 2010-05-31Rotten SoundMissing LinkNapalmrelapse
1314. 2010-05-31Misery IndexFed To The WolvesHeirs To Thieveryrelapse
1315. 2010-05-31HowlHorns Of SteelFull Of Hellrelapse
1316. 2010-05-31NileRamses Bringer of WarAmongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Karelapse
1317. 2010-05-24Pig DestroyerTowering FleshTerrifyerrelapse
1318. 2010-05-24Rotten SoundDead RemainsNapalmrelapse
1319. 2010-05-24Necrophagistthe Stillborn OneEpitaphrelapse
1320. 2010-05-24ObscuraIncarnatedCosmogenesisrelapse
1321. 2010-05-24HowlHeavenlessFull Of Hellrelapse
1322. 2010-05-24Misery IndexHeirs To ThieveryHeirs To Thieveryrelapse
1323. 2010-05-24NileSarcophagusIn Their Darken Shrinesrelapse
1324. 2010-05-17Rotten SoundSuffer The Children (napalm death)Napalmrelapse
1325. 2010-05-17Misery IndexThe Carrion CallHeirs To Thieveryrelapse
1326. 2010-05-17HowlYou Jackals BewareFull Of Hellrelapse
1327. 2010-05-03Blood DusterPorn Store StifiCuntrelapse
1328. 2010-04-19Dying FetusKill your mother, rape your dogKilling on Adrenalinerelapse
1329. 2010-04-12DeceasedMind Vampiresthe Blueprints for Madnessrelapse
1330. 2010-04-05Dying FetusConceived Into EnslavementDecend Into Depravityrelapse
1331. 2010-04-05DekapitatorToxic SanctuaryBefore the Calmrelapse
1332. 2010-03-29Cephalic CarnageBlack Metal SabbathLucid Intervalrelapse
1333. 2010-03-15Rumpelstiltskin GrinderBeware the Thrash BrigadeLiving For Death, Destroying The Restrelapse
1334. 2010-03-01Birds of Preyfilthfarm of washington stateWeight of the Woundrelapse
1335. 2010-03-01CoalesceTo My RuinOXEPrelapse
1336. 2010-02-22MastodonI Am AhabLeviathanrelapse
1337. 2010-02-22BurstWhere the Wave BrokeOrigorelapse
1338. 2010-02-15Misery IndexTheocracyTraitorsrelapse
1339. 2010-02-15MorticianChainsaw DismembermentChainsaw Dismembermentrelapse
1340. 2010-02-15Intervalle BizarreBlood PsalmVarious Artists: Check Assaultrelapse
1341. 2010-02-15CoalesceJesus... 20000:12 Revolution In Just Listeningrelapse
1342. 2010-02-08MastodonWorkhorseRemissionrelapse
1343. 2010-02-08MorticianHell on EarthZombie Apocalypserelapse
1344. 2010-02-01Graves of ValorSuffocation of the Last KingSalarian Gaterelapse
1345. 2010-01-25Soilent GreenClockwork Of Innocencea Deleted Symphony for the Beaten Downrelapse
1346. 2010-01-18BurstHomeboundOrigorelapse
1347. 2010-01-11NileCast Down the HereticAnnihilation of the Wickedrelapse
1348. 2010-01-04CoalesceAbsent In DeathOXEPrelapse
1349. 2010-01-04Pig DestroyerTickets To The Car CrashProwler in the Yardrelapse
1350. 2009-12-28BaronessA Horse Called GolGothaBlue Recordrelapse
1351. 2009-12-28Cold WorkerDeath Smiles At MeThe Contaminated Voidrelapse
1352. 2009-12-28MumakilGet Waste or DieBehold the Failurerelapse
1353. 2009-12-28Man Must DieIt Comes In Threesno Tolerance For Imperfectionrelapse
1354. 2009-12-21Buried Insidethe Fallacy of Wild life ConservationSuspect Symmetryrelapse
1355. 2009-12-21Black AnvilDethroned EmperorTime Insults the Mindrelapse
1356. 2009-12-21BurstCrystal AssunderPrey on Liferelapse
1357. 2009-12-21CoalesceJoyless In LifeOXEPrelapse
1358. 2009-12-14CoalesceThrough Sparrows I RestOXEPrelapse
1359. 2009-12-14RevocationAcross Forests and FjordsExistence Is Futilerelapse
1360. 2009-12-07RevocationEnter The HallExistence Is Futilerelapse
1361. 2009-12-07Black AnvilOn This Day DeathTime Insults the Mindrelapse
1362. 2009-12-07Dying FetusBorn in SodomDestroy the Oppositionrelapse
1363. 2009-12-07CoalesceThe Blind EyeOXEPrelapse
1364. 2009-11-30RevocationThe Tragedy Of Modern AgesExistence Is Futilerelapse
1365. 2009-11-30Black AnvilMargin For TerrorTime Insults the Mindrelapse
1366. 2009-11-30BurstFlight's EndOrigorelapse
1367. 2009-11-23Black AnvilDethroned EmperorTime Insults the Mindrelapse
1368. 2009-11-23BaronessThe Sweetest CurseBlue Recordrelapse
1369. 2009-11-23MastodonBlood And ThunderLeviathanrelapse
1370. 2009-11-16RevocationDismantle The DictatorExistence Is Futilerelapse
1371. 2009-11-16Black AnvilDethroned EmperorTime Insults the Mindrelapse
1372. 2009-11-16CoalesceTo My RuinOXEPrelapse
1373. 2009-11-16Disfearthe FurnaceLive the Stormrelapse
1374. 2009-11-16Nasumthe Black SwarmHuman 2.0relapse
1375. 2009-11-16Pig DestroyerTrojan WhoreProwler in the Yardrelapse
1376. 2009-11-09RevocationThe Brain ScramblersExistence Is Futilerelapse
1377. 2009-11-09BaronessA Horse Called GolGothaBlue Recordrelapse
1378. 2009-11-09DeceasedNew Age Of Total WarfareBehind the Mourner's Veilrelapse
1379. 2009-10-26the County Medical ExaminersBlunt Force FlightOlidous Operettasrelapse
1380. 2009-10-26Dying FetusShepherd's CommandmentDecend Into Depravityrelapse
1381. 2009-10-26Black AnvilAnd You Thought You Knew Pain!Time Insults the Mindrelapse
1382. 2009-10-26RevocationDismantle The DictatorExistence Is Futilerelapse
1383. 2009-10-26BaronessSwollen and HaloBlue Recordrelapse
1384. 2009-10-26CoalesceWild Ox MoanOXrelapse
1385. 2009-10-26Burnt By The SunThere Will Be BloodHeart Of Darknessrelapse
1386. 2009-10-19Dying FetusA What Expense?Decend Into Depravityrelapse
1387. 2009-10-19RevocationExistence Is FutileExistence Is Futilerelapse
1388. 2009-10-19Burnt By The SunInner StationHeart Of Darknessrelapse
1389. 2009-10-19BaronessA Horse Called GolGothaBlue Recordrelapse
1390. 2009-10-19Black AnvilMargin For TerrorTime Insults the Mindrelapse
1391. 2009-10-12RevocationLeviathan AwaitsExistence Is Futilerelapse
1392. 2009-10-12Dying FetusAtrocious by NatureDecend Into Depravityrelapse
1393. 2009-10-12Burnt By The SunF-UnitHeart Of Darknessrelapse
1394. 2009-10-12Black Anvil777Time Insults the Mindrelapse
1395. 2009-10-05The Dillinger Escape PlanSandbox MagicianUnder the Running Boardsrelapse
1396. 2009-10-05Dying FetusConceived Into EnslavementDecend Into Depravityrelapse
1397. 2009-10-05Black AnvilRelease the KrakenTime Insults the Mindrelapse
1398. 2009-10-05Flesh ParadeMonsieur LebeauxKill Whiteyrelapse
1399. 2009-10-05RevocationRe-AnimaniacExistence Is Futilerelapse
1400. 2009-10-05Man Must DieIt Comes In Threesno Tolerance For Imperfectionrelapse
1401. 2009-10-05HowlKings That Stealself-titledrelapse
1402. 2009-10-05Burnt By The SunThe Wolves Are RunningHeart Of Darknessrelapse
1403. 2009-10-05BaronessThe BirthingRed Albumrelapse
1404. 2009-09-28RevocationThe Brain ScramblersExistence Is Futilerelapse
1405. 2009-09-28Dying FetusShepherd's CommandmentDecend Into Depravityrelapse
1406. 2009-09-28Burnt By The SunThere Will Be BloodHeart Of Darknessrelapse
1407. 2009-09-21Burnt By The Sunthe Great American Dream MachineHeart Of Darknessrelapse
1408. 2009-09-21Dying FetusConceived Into EnslavementDecend Into Depravityrelapse
1409. 2009-09-21Black AnvilMargin For TerrorTime Insults the Mindrelapse
1410. 2009-09-21BurstRainPrey on Liferelapse
1411. 2009-09-21Buried InsideTime As A Surrogate ReligionChronoclastrelapse
1412. 2009-09-14Black AnvilTen Talons DeepTime Insults the Mindrelapse
1413. 2009-09-14Burnt By The SunInner StationHeart Of Darknessrelapse
1414. 2009-09-14Man Must DieHide the Knivesno Tolerance For Imperfectionrelapse
1415. 2009-09-07Burnt By The SunA Party to the Unsound MethodHeart Of Darknessrelapse
1416. 2009-09-07CoalesceWild Ox MoanOXrelapse
1417. 2009-08-31Burnt By The SunF-UnitHeart Of Darknessrelapse
1418. 2009-08-31CoalesceThe Plot Against My LoveOXrelapse
1419. 2009-08-31ExhumedLimb from LimbGore Metalrelapse
1420. 2009-08-24Burnt By The SunRust I Future PrimativeHeart Of Darknessrelapse
1421. 2009-08-24Cephalic CarnageCryptosporidiumExploiting Dysfunctionrelapse
1422. 2009-08-24NileBlack Seeds of VengeanceBlack Seeds of Vengeancerelapse
1423. 2009-08-17DarkaneRape of MankindRusted Angelrelapse
1424. 2009-08-17HowlOmaself-titledrelapse
1425. 2009-08-17Burnt By The SunThere Will Be BloodHeart Of Darknessrelapse
1426. 2009-08-17Dying FetusInsidious RepressionWar of Attritionrelapse
1427. 2009-08-17leng tch'eGlamourgirl ConcubineThe Process Of Eliminationrelapse
1428. 2009-08-17Man Must DieIt Comes In Threesno Tolerance For Imperfectionrelapse
1429. 2009-08-17SkinlessDeviation Will Not Be ToleratedTrample The Weak, Hurdle The Deadrelapse
1430. 2009-08-10Man Must DieKill It Skin It Wear Itno Tolerance For Imperfectionrelapse
1431. 2009-08-10HowlKings That Stealself-titledrelapse
1432. 2009-08-03CoalesceIn My Wake, For My OwnOXrelapse
1433. 2009-07-27DekapitatorToxic SanctuaryBefore the Calmrelapse
1434. 2009-07-27NasumTime to DischargeHelveterelapse
1435. 2009-07-27CoalesceWild Ox MoanOXrelapse
1436. 2009-07-20Coalescethe Villain We Won't DenyOXrelapse
1437. 2009-07-20Graves of ValorSic Semper TyrannisSalarian Gaterelapse
1438. 2009-07-13MastodonGhosts of KareliaCrack the Skyerelapse
1439. 2009-07-06CoalesceDesigned to Break a ManOXrelapse
1440. 2009-07-06Graves of ValorBridles of IncitatusSalarian Gaterelapse
1441. 2009-07-06BurstRainPrey on Liferelapse
1442. 2009-06-29Toxic HolocaustNuke the CrossAn Overdose of Death...relapse
1443. 2009-06-29Brutal TruthOn the HuntEvolution Through Revolutionrelapse
1444. 2009-06-22CoalesceQuestions to Root Out FoolsOXrelapse
1445. 2009-06-22VoivodEarthacheInfinirelapse
1446. 2009-06-22the County Medical ExaminersBlunt Force FlightOlidous Operettasrelapse
1447. 2009-06-22Graves of ValorSuffocation of the Last KingSalarian Gaterelapse
1448. 2009-06-22Birds of PreyAsthe Owl Closes Inthe Hell Preachersrelapse
1449. 2009-06-15MinskThree MoonsWith Echoes in the Movement of Stonerelapse
1450. 2009-06-15CoalesceWild Ox MoanOXrelapse
1451. 2009-06-15Agoraphobic NosebleedHung from the Rising SunAgorapocalypserelapse
1452. 2009-06-15DisfearDeadweightLive the Stormrelapse
1453. 2009-06-08Dying FetusFornication TerroristsKilling on Adrenalinerelapse
1454. 2009-06-08High on FireTurkDeath is this Communionrelapse
1455. 2009-06-08Graves of ValorSic Semper TyrannisSalarian Gaterelapse
1456. 2009-06-01MinskThree MoonsWith Echoes in the Movement of Stonerelapse
1457. 2009-06-01Graves of ValorSuffocation of the Last KingSalarian Gaterelapse
1458. 2009-06-01AntigamaPreachers PrayWarningrelapse
1459. 2009-05-25Agoraphobic NosebleedTimelord Two (Paradoxical Reaction)Agorapocalypserelapse
1460. 2009-05-25Graves of ValorPestilenceSalarian Gaterelapse
1461. 2009-05-18Pig DestroyerHypervioletProwler in the Yardrelapse
1462. 2009-05-18Agoraphobic Nosebleed100 Dead RabbitsBestial Machineryrelapse
1463. 2009-05-11NasumFear is Your WeaponShiftrelapse
1464. 2009-05-11MumakilState of WarBehold the Failurerelapse
1465. 2009-05-11Dying Fetusthe Ancient RivalryWar of Attritionrelapse
1466. 2009-05-11MorticianDrilling for BrainsHouse By the Cenetaryrelapse
1467. 2009-05-04Rumpelstiltskin GrinderGrab a Shovel (We've got bodies to bury)Buried in the Front Yardrelapse
1468. 2009-05-04MastodonBurning ManRemissionrelapse
1469. 2009-05-04High on FireRazor HoofSurrounded By Thievesrelapse
1470. 2009-05-04Dying FetusWe are Your EnemyKilling on Adrenalinerelapse
1471. 2009-05-04Birds of Preythe Excavationthe Hell Preachersrelapse
1472. 2009-05-04Brutal TruthEvolution Through RevolutionEvolution Through Revolutionrelapse
1473. 2009-05-04Flesh ParadeFat and GristleKill Whiteyrelapse
1474. 2009-05-04ObscuraIncarnatedCosmogenesisrelapse
1475. 2009-05-04Buried InsideIIISpoils of Failurerelapse
1476. 2009-04-20MastodonGhosts of KareliaCrack the Skyerelapse
1477. 2009-04-20MumakilBrothers in SlaveryBehold the Failurerelapse
1478. 2009-04-20Dying FetusGrotesque ImpalementInfatuation with Malevolencerelapse
1479. 2009-04-20Brutal TruthAfterwoldEvolution Through Revolutionrelapse
1480. 2009-04-20Agoraphobic NosebleedTimelord Two (Paradoxical Reaction)Agorapocalypserelapse
1481. 2009-04-13Brutal TruthSugardaddyEvolution Through Revolutionrelapse
1482. 2009-04-13Agoraphobic NosebleedHung from the Rising SunAgorapocalypserelapse
1483. 2009-04-13Uphill BattleTear Everything DownWreck of Nervesrelapse
1484. 2009-04-13Inevitable EndPerserving IncitmentThe Severed Inceptionrelapse
1485. 2009-04-13MastodonQuintessenceCrack the Skyerelapse
1486. 2009-04-13MumakilWhip RewardBehold the Failurerelapse
1487. 2009-04-13ExhumedOpen the AbscessGore Metalrelapse
1488. 2009-04-13AntigamaJealousyWarningrelapse
1489. 2009-04-06Dying FetusOne Shot, One KillStop At Nothingrelapse
1490. 2009-04-06Inevitable EndFirstborn of All DeadThe Severed Inceptionrelapse
1491. 2009-04-06Obscurathe Anticosmic OverloadCosmogenesisrelapse
1492. 2009-04-06Agoraphobic NosebleedAgorapocalypse NowAgorapocalypserelapse
1493. 2009-04-06Brutal TruthWar is GoodEvolution Through Revolutionrelapse
1494. 2009-04-06MastodonOblivionObliviounrelapse
1495. 2009-04-06MumakilWish You the WorstBehold the Failurerelapse
1496. 2009-03-30MumakilPigs on FireBehold the Failurerelapse
1497. 2009-03-30TombsStory of a RoomWinterhoursrelapse
1498. 2009-03-23MumakilWithout GriefBehold the Failurerelapse
1499. 2009-03-23Buried InsideIISpoils of Failurerelapse
1500. 2009-03-23TombsMerrimackWinterhoursrelapse
1501. 2009-03-23Inevitable EndDreamsight SynopsisThe Severed Inceptionrelapse
1502. 2009-03-16Buried InsideVSpoils of Failurerelapse
1503. 2009-03-16Bongzillatri-pack mastersAmerijuanicanrelapse
1504. 2009-03-16Inevitable EndCollapse in RevereseThe Severed Inceptionrelapse
1505. 2009-03-16Necrophagistthe Stillborn OneEpitaphrelapse
1506. 2009-03-09Buried InsideISpoils of Failurerelapse
1507. 2009-03-09MastodonShadows That MoveLifesbloodrelapse
1508. 2009-03-09AntigamaWarWarningrelapse
1509. 2009-03-09Uphill BattleLingering ExistenceWreck of Nervesrelapse
1510. 2009-03-09ObscuraCosmogenesisCosmogenesisrelapse
1511. 2009-03-09Inevitable EndEmbracing the OriginThe Severed Inceptionrelapse
1512. 2009-03-09OriginSociocideOriginrelapse
1513. 2009-03-09TombsMerrimackWinterhoursrelapse
1514. 2009-03-09BaronessThe BirthingRed Albumrelapse
1515. 2009-03-02ObscuraNoospheresCosmogenesisrelapse
1516. 2009-03-02Buried InsideIVSpoils of Failurerelapse
1517. 2009-03-02AntigamaJealousyWarningrelapse
1518. 2009-02-23Buried InsideIISpoils of Failurerelapse
1519. 2009-02-23AntigamaWarWarningrelapse
1520. 2009-02-23Rumpelstiltskin GrinderBeware the Thrash BrigadeLiving For Death, Destroying The Restrelapse
1521. 2009-02-23Misery IndexTheocracyTraitorsrelapse
1522. 2009-02-23ColiseumFuneral LineNo Salvationrelapse
1523. 2009-02-16ObscuraChoir of SpiritsCosmogenesisrelapse
1524. 2009-02-16Rumpelstiltskin GrinderNothing Defeats the SkullLiving For Death, Destroying The Restrelapse
1525. 2009-02-16TombsThe DivideWinterhoursrelapse
1526. 2009-02-09Rumpelstiltskin GrinderBeware the Thrash BrigadeLiving For Death, Destroying The Restrelapse
1527. 2009-02-09ObscuraInfinite RotationCosmogenesisrelapse
1528. 2009-02-09TombsThe Great SilenceWinterhoursrelapse
1529. 2009-02-09NilePestelence and IniquityAmongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Karelapse
1530. 2009-02-09Pig DestroyerCemetary RoadPhantom Limbrelapse
1531. 2009-02-0216Throw in the TowelBridges to Burnrelapse
1532. 2009-02-02TombsBeneath the Toxic JungleWinterhoursrelapse
1533. 2009-02-02ObscuraUniverse MomentumCosmogenesisrelapse
1534. 2009-02-02Rumpelstiltskin GrinderSewers of DoomLiving For Death, Destroying The Restrelapse
1535. 2009-01-26Rumpelstiltskin GrinderBrainwasher C 1655Living For Death, Destroying The Restrelapse
1536. 2009-01-19SkinlessOverlordTrample The Weak, Hurdle The Deadrelapse
1537. 2009-01-19Rumpelstiltskin GrinderBeware the Thrash BrigadeLiving For Death, Destroying The Restrelapse
1538. 2009-01-1916Skin & BoneBridges to Burnrelapse
1539. 2009-01-19Red HarvestAEPSick Transit Gloria Mundirelapse
1540. 2009-01-12SkinlessBattle Perpetual WillFrom Sacrifice to Survivalrelapse
1541. 2009-01-12ConvergeLocust Reignthe Poacher Diariesrelapse
1542. 2009-01-12BurstWe are DustLazarus Birdrelapse
1543. 2009-01-05Nasumthe Final SleepHelveterelapse
1544. 2009-01-05The Endthe Scent of EleganceWithin Dividiarelapse
1545. 2008-12-29Agoraphobic NosebleedCenter of the HiveAgoraphobic Nosebleed/Converge Splitrelapse
1546. 2008-12-29Necrophagistthe Stillborn OneEpitaphrelapse
1547. 2008-12-29MorticianHell on EarthZombie Apocalypserelapse
1548. 2008-12-22DekapitatorRun with the PackBefore the Calmrelapse
1549. 2008-12-22BurstMonumentPrey on Liferelapse
1550. 2008-12-15The Dillinger Escape Planthe Mullet BurdenUnder the Running Boardsrelapse
1551. 2008-11-24DisfearDeadweightLive the Stormrelapse
1552. 2008-11-24car_bombHypnotic WormCentraliarelapse
1553. 2008-11-24Today is the DayKiss the PigKiss the Pigrelapse
1554. 2008-11-24DeceasedZombie AttackBehind the Mourner's Veilrelapse
1555. 2008-11-24BongzillaGreenthumbGatewayrelapse
1556. 2008-11-24High on Firethe Face of OblivionBlessed Black Wingsrelapse
1557. 2008-11-17Misery IndexAmerican IdolatryTraitorsrelapse
1558. 2008-11-03OriginFiniteAntithesisrelapse
1559. 2008-11-03Misery IndexTheocracyTraitorsrelapse
1560. 2008-11-03Nasumthe Professional LegueHuman 2.0relapse
1561. 2008-11-03Neurosisthe Last you'l KnowTimes of Gracerelapse
1562. 2008-10-27Misery IndexThrown into the SunTraitorsrelapse
1563. 2008-10-27ColiseumFall of the PigsNo Salvationrelapse
1564. 2008-10-27Fuck the Factsthe StormDisgorge Mexicorelapse
1565. 2008-10-27BaronessThe BirthingRed Albumrelapse
1566. 2008-10-20Toxic HolocaustEndless ArmageddonAn Overdose of Death...relapse
1567. 2008-10-20Kingdom of SorrowNo ClassLead the Ghosts Astrayrelapse
1568. 2008-10-20Burnt By The SunYou will Moveself-titledrelapse
1569. 2008-10-13Toxic HolocaustNuke the CrossAn Overdose of Death...relapse
1570. 2008-10-13Misery Indexthe ArbiterTraitorsrelapse
1571. 2008-10-06MastodonBurning manRemissionrelapse
1572. 2008-10-06Misery IndexTraitorsTraitorsrelapse
1573. 2008-10-06DisfearDeadweightLive the Stormrelapse
1574. 2008-10-06Fuck the FactsBordersDisgorge Mexicorelapse
1575. 2008-10-06Toxic HolocaustFuture ShockAn Overdose of Death...relapse
1576. 2008-10-06Necrophagistthe Stillborn OneEpitaphrelapse
1577. 2008-09-29Pig DestroyerDeathtripperPhantom Limbrelapse
1578. 2008-09-29Fuck the FactsState of PanicDisgorge Mexicorelapse
1579. 2008-09-29Misery IndexRuling Class CancelledTraitorsrelapse
1580. 2008-09-29Toxic HolocaustIn the Name of ScienceAn Overdose of Death...relapse
1581. 2008-09-29BurstI Exterminate the ILazarus Birdrelapse
1582. 2008-09-22Toxic HolocaustGravelordAn Overdose of Death...relapse
1583. 2008-09-22BurstI Hold VertigoLazarus Birdrelapse
1584. 2008-09-15Toxic HolocaustFuture ShockAn Overdose of Death...relapse
1585. 2008-09-15BurstCripple GodLazarus Birdrelapse
1586. 2008-09-15Nilethe Howling of the JinnAmongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Karelapse
1587. 2008-09-15Cephalic CarnageLucid IntervalLucid Intervalrelapse
1588. 2008-09-08RegurgitateDisgorging FoetusEffortless Regurgitation... the Torture Sessionrelapse
1589. 2008-09-08Toxic HolocaustNuke the CrossAn Overdose of Death...relapse
1590. 2008-09-08Hero Destroyedin the Nooseself-titledrelapse
1591. 2008-09-01Toxic HolocaustIn the Name of ScienceAn Overdose of Death...relapse
1592. 2008-09-01Agenda of SwineGethsemaneWaves of Human Sufferingrelapse
1593. 2008-09-01Hero DestroyedCode of Armsself-titledrelapse
1594. 2008-09-01Fuck the FactsApathy is a Karma KillerDisgorge Mexicorelapse
1595. 2008-08-25Hero DestroyedTexas Heart Shotself-titledrelapse
1596. 2008-08-25Fuck the FactsAs Empires Expand and CollapseDisgorge Mexicorelapse
1597. 2008-08-25Toxic HolocaustNuke the CrossAn Overdose of Death...relapse
1598. 2008-08-25Kingdom of SorrowGrieve a LifetimeLead into Demiserelapse
1599. 2008-08-25Agoraphobic NosebleedBitch's Handbag full of moneyFrozen Corpse Stuffed with Doperelapse
1600. 2008-08-18Agenda of SwineEnd of All EndsWaves of Human Sufferingrelapse
1601. 2008-08-18Fuck the FactsBordersDisgorge Mexicorelapse
1602. 2008-08-18Abysmal DawnTwilight's FallenProgrammed to Consumerelapse
1603. 2008-08-11Dying FetusPissing of the MainstreamDestroy the Oppositionrelapse
1604. 2008-08-11Fuck the FactsAbsence and DespiteDisgorge Mexicorelapse
1605. 2008-08-11Coliseumthe Fate of ManNo Salvationrelapse
1606. 2008-08-04Disfearthe Final of ChaptersMisanthropic Generationrelapse
1607. 2008-08-04Agenda of SwineAmongst the ForgottenWaves of Human Sufferingrelapse
1608. 2008-08-04Hero DestroyedCause for Cancerself-titledrelapse
1609. 2008-08-04Fuck the FactsState of PanicDisgorge Mexicorelapse
1610. 2008-08-04Dying FetusBorn in SodomDestroy the Oppositionrelapse
1611. 2008-07-28Abysmal Dawnthe DiscentProgrammed to Consumerelapse
1612. 2008-07-28Hero DestroyedFlashersself-titledrelapse
1613. 2008-07-28Flesh ParadeCoping with ItKill Whiteyrelapse
1614. 2008-07-21Exhumedin the Name of GoreAnatomy is Destinyrelapse
1615. 2008-07-21Fuck the Factsthe StormDisgorge Mexicorelapse
1616. 2008-07-21Misery IndexSensory DeprivationDiscordiarelapse
1617. 2008-07-21NeurosisThe DoorwayTimes of Gracerelapse
1618. 2008-07-21MastodonBlood and ThunderLeviathanrelapse
1619. 2008-07-14Abysmal DawnGrotesque Modern ArtProgrammed to Consumerelapse
1620. 2008-07-14Dying FetusIntentional ManslaughterKilling on Adrenalinerelapse
1621. 2008-07-07NasumFuryShiftrelapse
1622. 2008-07-07Uphill BattleRipped off Faceself-titledrelapse
1623. 2008-06-30Hero DestroyedCause for Cancerself-titledrelapse
1624. 2008-06-30Abysmal DawnCompulsory ResurrectionProgrammed to Consumerelapse
1625. 2008-06-23BaronessWonderlustRed Albumrelapse
1626. 2008-06-23Agenda of SwineDespised from InceptionWaves of Human Sufferingrelapse
1627. 2008-06-23Flesh ParadeFat and GristleKill Whiteyrelapse
1628. 2008-06-16Agenda of SwineDecimation of World Trade Through OrganizationWaves of Human Sufferingrelapse
1629. 2008-06-16Cold Workerthe Last Bitter TwistRotting Paradiserelapse
1630. 2008-06-16OriginWrath of VishnuAntithesisrelapse
1631. 2008-06-09Pig DestroyerGrave DancerTerrifyerrelapse
1632. 2008-06-09Abysmal DawnTwilight's FallenProgrammed to Consumerelapse
1633. 2008-06-09Agenda of SwineAmongst the ForgottenWaves of Human Sufferingrelapse
1634. 2008-06-02Abysmal DawnA Remission of LifeProgrammed to Consumerelapse
1635. 2008-06-02Cold WorkerParadox LostRotting Paradiserelapse
1636. 2008-05-26Abysmal Dawnthe DiscentProgrammed to Consumerelapse
1637. 2008-05-26OriginConsuming MiseryAntithesisrelapse
1638. 2008-05-26Cold WorkerBlack Dog SyndromeRotting Paradiserelapse
1639. 2008-05-19Pig DestroyerThought Crime SpreePhantom Limbrelapse
1640. 2008-05-19OriginAlgorithmAntithesisrelapse
1641. 2008-05-19Genghis TronBoard Up the HouseBoard up the Houserelapse
1642. 2008-05-19Abysmal DawnCompulsory ResurrectionProgrammed to Consumerelapse
1643. 2008-05-19Cold WorkerCitizen of the Cyclopean MazeRotting Paradiserelapse
1644. 2008-05-12Flesh ParadeCoping with itKill Whiteyrelapse
1645. 2008-05-12OriginFiniteAntithesisrelapse
1646. 2008-05-12Agoraphobic NosebleedBitch's Handbag full of moneyFrozen Corpse Stuffed with Doperelapse
1647. 2008-05-12Abysmal DawnGrotesque Modern ArtProgrammed to Consumerelapse
1648. 2008-05-12Cold Workerthe Last Bitter TwistRotting Paradiserelapse
1649. 2008-05-05Necrophagistthe Stillborn OneEpitaphrelapse
1650. 2008-05-05Cold WorkerCitizen of the Cyclopean MazeRotting Paradiserelapse
1651. 2008-05-05Abysmal DawnTwilight's FallenProgrammed to Consumerelapse
1652. 2008-05-05Originthe AppaullingAntithesisrelapse
1653. 2008-04-28OriginThe Beyond WithinAntithesisrelapse
1654. 2008-04-28JuciferBlackpowderL'Autrichiennerelapse
1655. 2008-04-28Dying FetusGrotesque ImpalementInfatuation with Malevolencerelapse
1656. 2008-04-28DekapitatorEye of the Storm-earthscorcherBefore the Calmrelapse
1657. 2008-04-28Soilent GreenAfter Thought of a Geniusa Deleted Symphony for the Beaten Downrelapse
1658. 2008-04-21Genocide SS IIFirestormWe are Born of Haterelapse
1659. 2008-04-21OriginConsuming MiseryAntithesisrelapse
1660. 2008-04-21BurstCrystal AssunderPrey on Liferelapse
1661. 2008-04-21Incantationheaven departedthe Infernal Stormrelapse
1662. 2008-04-14OriginAlgorithmAntithesisrelapse
1663. 2008-04-14DisfearIn ExodusLive the Stormrelapse
1664. 2008-04-07OriginUbiquitousAntithesisrelapse
1665. 2008-04-07DisfearDeadweightLive the Stormrelapse
1666. 2008-04-07Rumpelstiltskin GrinderGrab a Shovel (We've got bodies to bury)Buried in the Front Yardrelapse
1667. 2008-04-07Kingdom of SorrowWith Unspoken WordsLead into Demiserelapse
1668. 2008-04-07Genghis TronEndless TeethBoard up the Houserelapse
1669. 2008-04-07Pig Destroyerjennifer-cheerleader corpsesProwler in the Yardrelapse
1670. 2008-04-07Skinlessthe OptimistForeshadowing Our Demiserelapse
1671. 2008-03-24Birds of PreyMentoring the MongoloidsSulfur & Semenrelapse
1672. 2008-03-24DisfearDeadweightLive the Stormrelapse
1673. 2008-03-24Nilethe Blessed DeadIn Their Darken Shrinesrelapse
1674. 2008-03-24OriginFiniteAntithesisrelapse
1675. 2008-03-17DisfearMaps of WarLive the Stormrelapse
1676. 2008-03-17DisruptReality DistortionUnrestrelapse
1677. 2008-03-17Kingdom of SorrowFree the FallenLead into Demiserelapse
1678. 2008-03-17MastodonBlood and ThunderLeviathanrelapse
1679. 2008-03-10Flesh ParadeCoping with itKill Whiteyrelapse
1680. 2008-03-10Misery IndexconquistadoresDiscordiarelapse
1681. 2008-03-10Genghis TronCity on a HillBoard up the Houserelapse
1682. 2008-03-10DisfearLive the StormLive the Stormrelapse
1683. 2008-03-10Kingdom of SorrowGrieve a LifetimeLead into Demiserelapse
1684. 2008-03-03DisfearGet it OffLive the Stormrelapse
1685. 2008-03-03Kingdom of SorrowHear This Prayer For HerLead into Demiserelapse
1686. 2008-03-03Birds of PreyLice HaloSulfur & Semenrelapse
1687. 2008-03-03ExhumedSlaughtercultSlaughtercultrelapse
1688. 2008-03-03DisruptHuman GarbageUnrestrelapse
1689. 2008-03-03Pig DestroyerNaked TreesProwler in the Yardrelapse
1690. 2008-02-25Kingdom of SorrowGrieve a LifetimeLead into Demiserelapse
1691. 2008-02-25Cephalic CarnageCounting the DaysAnomaliesrelapse
1692. 2008-02-25Vverevvolf GrehvYear ZeroZombie Aestheticrelapse
1693. 2008-02-25DisfearIn ExodusLive the Stormrelapse
1694. 2008-02-25NasumWrathShiftrelapse
1695. 2008-02-25High on FireKhanrad's WallDeath is this Communionrelapse
1696. 2008-02-18Kingdom of SorrowFree the FallenLead into Demiserelapse
1697. 2008-02-18Cephalic CarnageDying will be the Death of MeAnomaliesrelapse
1698. 2008-02-18DisfearMaps of WarLive the Stormrelapse
1699. 2008-02-18Birds of PreyMurder the Homeless/Burn the Upper ClassSulfur & Semenrelapse
1700. 2008-02-18The Dillinger Escape PlanNong Eye GongIre Worksrelapse
1701. 2008-02-18DeceasedInto the Bizarrethe Blueprints for Madnessrelapse
1702. 2008-02-18Genghis TronEndless TruthBoard up the Houserelapse
1703. 2008-02-11Kingdom of SorrowLead Into DemiseLead into Demiserelapse
1704. 2008-02-11Disfearthe FurnaceLive the Stormrelapse
1705. 2008-02-11MorticianBrutally MutilatedMortal Massacrerelapse
1706. 2008-02-11RegurgitateDevoured by GhoulsSickening Blissrelapse
1707. 2008-02-11Genghis TronRecurision/I Won't Come Back AliveBoard up the Houserelapse
1708. 2008-02-11Birds of PreyMentoring the MongoloidsSulfur & Semenrelapse
1709. 2008-02-11Skinlessfrom Sacrifice to SurvivalFrom Sacrifice to Survivalrelapse
1710. 2008-02-11MastodonCrusher DestroyerRemissionrelapse
1711. 2008-02-11The Dillinger Escape PlanWhen Acting As A WaveIre Worksrelapse
1712. 2008-02-04Disfearthe CageLive the Stormrelapse
1713. 2008-02-04Birds of PreyBleed, Blister, CumSulfur & Semenrelapse
1714. 2008-02-04Kingdom of SorrowBegging for the TruthLead into Demiserelapse
1715. 2008-02-04BurstCrystal AssunderPrey on Liferelapse
1716. 2008-01-28Birds of PreyWhere Black Lungs Don't BreatheSulfur & Semenrelapse
1717. 2008-01-28DisfearTestamentLive the Stormrelapse
1718. 2008-01-28Cephalic CarnageCryptosporidiumExploiting Dysfunctionrelapse
1719. 2008-01-28Pig DestroyerSheet Metal GirlProwler in the Yardrelapse
1720. 2008-01-28ExhumedCarnal EpitaphSlaughtercultrelapse
1721. 2008-01-28BenumbSufferWithering Strands of Hoperelapse
1722. 2008-01-28Nilethe Black FlameBlack Seeds of Vengeancerelapse
1723. 2008-01-21SuffocationSubconsciously EnslavedSouls to Denyrelapse
1724. 2008-01-21Nilethe Black FlameBlack Seeds of Vengeancerelapse
1725. 2008-01-21Birds of PreyShow Him the GroundSulfur & Semenrelapse
1726. 2008-01-21DisfearFeiry FatherLive the Stormrelapse
1727. 2008-01-21The Dillinger Escape PlanBlack BubblegumIre Worksrelapse
1728. 2008-01-14BursthomeboundOrigorelapse
1729. 2008-01-07High on FireRumors of WarDeath is this Communionrelapse
1730. 2008-01-07Dying FetusPurged of my Worldly BeingInfatuation with Malevolencerelapse
1731. 2008-01-07The Dillinger Escape PlanFix Your FaceIre Worksrelapse
1732. 2007-12-24Burstfor the sublimePrey on Liferelapse
1733. 2007-12-17BurstSculpt the LivesPrey on Liferelapse
1734. 2007-12-17FleshlessDefy the FearCzech Assault - various artistsrelapse
1735. 2007-12-17Pig DestroyerScarlet HourglassTerrifyerrelapse
1736. 2007-12-17Brutal TruthSpare ChangeGoodbye Cruel Worldrelapse
1737. 2007-12-17Dying FetusKilling on AdrenalineKilling on Adrenalinerelapse
1738. 2007-12-17High on FireTurkDeath is this Communionrelapse
1739. 2007-12-03IncantationUnheavenly SkiesDiabolical Conquestrelapse
1740. 2007-11-26High on FireDeath is this CommunionDeath is this Communionrelapse
1741. 2007-11-19The Dillinger Escape PlanLurchIre Worksrelapse
1742. 2007-11-05Cretindaddy's little girlFreakeryrelapse
1743. 2007-11-05car_bombhis eyesCentraliarelapse
1744. 2007-11-05OriginDisease called manOriginrelapse
1745. 2007-11-05MorticianIsland of the DeadChainsaw Dismembermentrelapse
1746. 2007-10-29Cephalic CarnageEndless Cycle of ViolenceXenosapienrelapse
1747. 2007-10-29ColiseumWhite ReligionNo Salvationrelapse
1748. 2007-10-22Negligent Collateral CollapseRuntime ErrorCzech Assault -Various Artistsrelapse
1749. 2007-10-15AlchemistNothing in No TimeTripsisrelapse
1750. 2007-10-15Pig DestroyerWaist Deep in AshPhantom Limbrelapse
1751. 2007-10-15BaronessGradRed Albumrelapse
1752. 2007-10-08DekapitatorScreams from the HolocaustBefore the Calmrelapse
1753. 2007-10-08High on FireDiiDeath is this Communionrelapse
1754. 2007-10-08Burstthe foe sublimePrey on Liferelapse
1755. 2007-10-01BaronessAlephRed Albumrelapse
1756. 2007-10-01Cephalic Carnagethe Isle of CaliforniaLucid Intervalrelapse
1757. 2007-10-01NeurosisStones from the Skya Sun that never Setsrelapse
1758. 2007-09-24AlchemistWrapped in GuiltTripsisrelapse
1759. 2007-09-24High on FireWaste of TiamatDeath is this Communionrelapse
1760. 2007-09-24BaronessCockroach en fleur/WonderlustRed Albumrelapse
1761. 2007-09-24ColiseumProfetasNo Salvationrelapse
1762. 2007-09-17DekapitatorRun with the PackBefore the Calmrelapse
1763. 2007-09-17ColiseumSeven CitiesNo Salvationrelapse
1764. 2007-09-17High on FireRumors of WarDeath is this Communionrelapse
1765. 2007-09-17Soilent GreenLater Daysa Deleted Symphony for the Beaten Downrelapse
1766. 2007-09-10SkinlessEnslavementForeshadowing Our Demiserelapse
1767. 2007-09-10Cephalic CarnageDivination and VolitionXenosapienrelapse
1768. 2007-09-10Coliseumthe Fate of ManNo Salvationrelapse
1769. 2007-09-10High on FireTurkDeath is this Communionrelapse
1770. 2007-09-10Pig DestroyerPhantom LimbPhantom Limbrelapse
1771. 2007-09-03ColiseumFuneral LineNo Salvationrelapse
1772. 2007-09-03Cephalic Carnagethe Omega PointXenosapienrelapse
1773. 2007-08-27Cephalic CarnageVaporizedXenosapienrelapse
1774. 2007-08-27Pig DestroyerThought Crime SpreePhantom Limbrelapse
1775. 2007-08-27ColiseumWhite ReligionNo Salvationrelapse
1776. 2007-08-27BaronessWailing Winter WindRed Albumrelapse
1777. 2007-08-27Dekapitatorthe Storm before the CalmBefore the Calmrelapse
1778. 2007-08-20DekapitatorToxic SanctuaryBefore the Calmrelapse
1779. 2007-08-20Pig DestroyerGirl in the Slayer JacketPhantom Limbrelapse
1780. 2007-08-20Agoraphobic NosebleedBed of FliesAgoraphobic Nosebleed/Converge Splitrelapse
1781. 2007-08-20ColiseumDefeaterNo Salvationrelapse
1782. 2007-08-20BaronessThe BirthingRed Albumrelapse
1783. 2007-08-20BurstRainPrey on Liferelapse
1784. 2007-08-06ExhumedLimb from LimbSlaughtercultrelapse
1785. 2007-08-06Skinlessthe OptimistForeshadowing Our Demiserelapse
1786. 2007-08-06MorticianChainsaw DismembermentChainsaw Dismembermentrelapse
1787. 2007-08-06Cephalic CarnageMoltingAnomaliesrelapse
1788. 2007-08-06Pig DestroyerLoathsomePhantom Limbrelapse
1789. 2007-08-06Buried Insidetime as ideologyChronoclastrelapse
1790. 2007-07-30DekapitatorScreams from the HolocaustBefore the Calmrelapse
1791. 2007-07-30Pig DestroyerCemetary RoadPhantom Limbrelapse
1792. 2007-07-23Pig DestroyerJupiter's EyePhantom Limbrelapse
1793. 2007-07-23The Dillinger Escape Planthe Mullet BurdenUnder the Running Boardsrelapse
1794. 2007-07-23Dekapitatorthe Call the CombatBefore the Calmrelapse
1795. 2007-07-23Cephalic CarnageLet them hate so long as they fearAnomaliesrelapse
1796. 2007-07-16Agoraphobic NosebleedCrap CannonFrozen Corpse Stuffed with Doperelapse
1797. 2007-07-16Pig DestroyerGirl in the Slayer JacketPhantom Limbrelapse
1798. 2007-07-16DekapitatorEarthscorcherBefore the Calmrelapse
1799. 2007-07-16Disfearthe HornsMisanthropic Generationrelapse
1800. 2007-07-09Cephalic CarnageTouched by an AngelXenosapienrelapse
1801. 2007-07-09Pig DestroyerDeathtripperPhantom Limbrelapse
1802. 2007-07-09DekapitatorRun with the PackBefore the Calmrelapse
1803. 2007-07-02Pig DestroyerLoathsomePhantom Limbrelapse
1804. 2007-07-02Dekapitatorthe Call the CombatBefore the Calmrelapse
1805. 2007-07-02Cephalic CarnageHeptarchyXenosapienrelapse
1806. 2007-06-25Pig DestroyerHethens TemplePhantom Limbrelapse
1807. 2007-06-18Pig Destroyer4th degree burnsPhantom Limbrelapse
1808. 2007-06-18Cephalic CarnageEndless cycle of violenceXenosapienrelapse
1809. 2007-06-18DisfearRat RaceMisanthropic Generationrelapse
1810. 2007-06-11skinlessdeviation will not be toleratedTrample The Weak, Hurdle The Deadrelapse
1811. 2007-06-11Pig Destroyerlesser animalPhantom Limbrelapse
1812. 2007-06-11Cephalic CarnageG.lobal O.verhal D.eviceXenosapienrelapse
1813. 2007-06-04Cephalic CarnageEndless Cycle of ViolenceXenosapienrelapse
1814. 2007-06-04Pig DestroyerThought Crime SpreePhantom Limbrelapse
1815. 2007-05-28Cephalic Carnagethe Omega PointXenosapienrelapse
1816. 2007-05-21BurstRainPrey on Liferelapse
1817. 2007-05-21Cephalic CarnageTouched by an AngelXenosapienrelapse
1818. 2007-05-14Cephalic CarnageLet them hate so long as they fearAnomaliesrelapse
1819. 2007-05-07Cephalic CarnageMoltingAnomaliesrelapse
1820. 2007-03-19car_bombhis eyesCentraliarelapse
1821. 2007-03-19buried insideTime As A Surrogate ReligionChronoclastrelapse
1822. 2007-03-12car_bombhis eyesCentraliarelapse
1823. 2007-03-05car_bombridCentraliarelapse
1824. 2007-02-26Flesh ParadeWorthlessKill Whiteyrelapse
1825. 2007-02-26car_bombcelophene stileitoCentraliarelapse
1826. 2007-02-19car_bombpieces of youCentraliarelapse
1827. 2007-02-12car_bombhis eyesCentraliarelapse
1828. 2007-02-12Disfearan arrogant breedMisanthropic Generationrelapse
1829. 2007-02-05car_bombbest intentionsCentraliarelapse
1830. 2007-01-29car_bombbest intentionsCentraliarelapse
1831. 2007-01-29buried insideTime As A Surrogate ReligionChronoclastrelapse
1832. 2007-01-22car_bombgum under the tableCentraliarelapse
1833. 2007-01-08Cephalic CarnagehybridExploiting Dysfunctionrelapse
1834. 2007-01-01Burstwhere the wave brokeOrigorelapse
1835. 2006-12-25Necrophagistthe Stillborn OneEpitaphrelapse
1836. 2006-12-18morticianhell on earthZombie Apocalypserelapse
1837. 2006-12-18origindisease called manOriginrelapse
1838. 2006-11-27flesh paradecoping with itKill Whiteyrelapse
1839. 2006-11-20BurstRainPrey on Liferelapse
1840. 2006-10-23flesh paradefat & gristleKill Whiteyrelapse
1841. 2006-10-16BurstseverOrigorelapse
1842. 2006-10-02Birds of Preybuttfucked with a shotgun barrelWeight of the Woundrelapse
1843. 2006-09-25incantationdisciples of blasphemous reprisalDiabolical Conquestrelapse
1844. 2006-09-18Birds of Preyfront lawn filled with family membersWeight of the Woundrelapse
1845. 2006-09-04morticianhell on earthZombie Apocalypserelapse
1846. 2006-09-04Birds of Preymangled by mongoloidsWeight of the Woundrelapse
1847. 2006-08-28Birds of Preylandfill burialWeight of the Woundrelapse
1848. 2006-08-28flesh paradefat and gristleKill Whiteyrelapse
1849. 2006-08-21buried insideTime As A Surrogate ReligionChronoclastrelapse
1850. 2006-08-14pig destroyerjenifer-cheerleader corpsesProwler in the Yardrelapse
1851. 2006-08-14Birds of Preyfilthfarm of washington stateWeight of the Woundrelapse
1852. 2006-07-17Birds of Preylandfill burialWeight of the Woundrelapse
1853. 2006-07-17cretindirt eaterFreakeryrelapse
1854. 2006-07-10Necrophagistthe Stillborn OneEpitaphrelapse
1855. 2006-07-10Birds of Preybuttfucked with a shotgunWeight of the Woundrelapse
1856. 2006-06-19cretincreepy crawliesFreakeryrelapse
1857. 2006-06-05misery indexconquistadoresDiscordiarelapse
1858. 2006-05-29misery indexconquistadoresDiscordiarelapse
1859. 2006-05-22cretindaddy's little girlFreakeryrelapse
1860. 2006-05-22disfearweakMisanthropic Generationrelapse
1861. 2006-05-15cretincook the cupcakeFreakeryrelapse
1862. 2006-05-08cretinobject of utilityFreakeryrelapse
1863. 2006-05-01Necrophagistthe Stillborn OneEpitaphrelapse
1864. 2006-05-01cretinuni-titFreakeryrelapse
1865. 2006-04-24Necrophagistonly ash remainsEpitaphrelapse
1866. 2006-04-24cretinwalking a midgetFreakeryrelapse
1867. 2006-04-17cretinuncle percyFreakeryrelapse
1868. 2006-04-17Cephalic Carnagedying will be the death of meAnomaliesrelapse
1869. 2006-03-27morticianhell on earthZombie Apocalypserelapse
1870. 2006-03-20cretindaddy's little girlFreakeryrelapse
1871. 2006-03-20flesh paradebackstaberKill Whiteyrelapse
1872. 2006-03-13cretincook the cupcakeFreakeryrelapse
1873. 2006-03-13Burstwhere the wave brokeOrigorelapse
1874. 2006-03-13negligent collateral collapseruntime errorCzech Assault -Various Artistsrelapse
1875. 2006-02-27BurststormwielderOrigorelapse
1876. 2006-02-27Necrophagistthe Stillborn OneEpitaphrelapse
1877. 2006-02-20Cephalic Carnagelucid intervalLucid Intervalrelapse
1878. 2006-02-20Burstflight's endOrigorelapse
1879. 2006-02-13BurstseverOrigorelapse
1880. 2006-02-06NecrophagistepitaphEpitaphrelapse
1881. 2006-01-30BursthomeboundOrigorelapse
1882. 2006-01-23BurststormwielderOrigorelapse
1883. 2006-01-16Necrophagistthe Stillborn OneEpitaphrelapse
1884. 2006-01-16BurstseverOrigorelapse
1885. 2006-01-09flesh paradefat and gristleKill Whiteyrelapse
1886. 2005-12-26Cephalic CarnageDying will be the Death of MeAnomaliesrelapse
1887. 2005-11-28pig destroyernaked treesProwler in the Yardrelapse
1888. 2005-11-21exhumedlimb from limbSlaughtercultrelapse
1889. 2005-11-07flesh paradegristle and fatKill Whiteyrelapse
1890. 2005-10-10Necrophagistthe Stillborn OneEpitaphrelapse
1891. 2005-08-22origindisease called manOriginrelapse
1892. 2005-08-22Cephalic CarnagehybridExploiting Dysfunctionrelapse
1893. 2005-08-22Necrophagistthe Stillborn OneEpitaphrelapse
1894. 2005-08-22flesh paradebackstabberKill Whiteyrelapse
1895. 2005-08-08exhumedlimb from limbSlaughtercultrelapse
1896. 2005-08-01origindisease called manOriginrelapse
1897. 2005-07-18Necrophagistonly ash remainsEpitaphrelapse
1898. 2005-06-13negligent collateral collapseruntime errorCzech Assault -Various Artistsrelapse
1899. 2005-05-30negligent collateral collapseChain Reaction Domino AKA Termic FiverCzech Assault -Various Artistsrelapse
1900. 2005-05-23NecrophagistsevenEpitaphrelapse
1901. 2005-05-23Cephalic Carnagedying will be the death of meAnomaliesrelapse
1902. 2005-04-25buried insideTime As A Surrogate ReligionChronoclastrelapse
1903. 2005-04-18flesh paradetrackKill Whiteyrelapse
1904. 2005-04-11Cephalic Carnagedying will be the death of meAnomaliesrelapse
1905. 2005-04-11flesh paradeworthlessKill Whiteyrelapse
1906. 2005-04-11morticianhell on earthZombie Apocalypserelapse
1907. 2005-04-04buried insideTime As A Surrogate ReligionChronoclastrelapse
1908. 2005-03-28buried insidetime as abjectiveChronoclastrelapse
1909. 2005-03-21buried insideTime As A Surrogate ReligionChronoclastrelapse
1910. 2005-03-07Cephalic Carnagedying will be the death of meAnomaliesrelapse
1911. 2005-03-07buried insidetime as ideologyChronoclastrelapse
1912. 2005-02-28buried insidetime as ideologyChronoclastrelapse
1913. 2005-02-21buried insidetime as imperialismChronoclastrelapse
1914. 2005-02-14buried insidetime as ideologyChronoclastrelapse
1915. 2005-02-07buried insidetime as a commodityChronoclastrelapse
1916. 2005-01-31buried insidetime as a commodityChronoclastrelapse
1917. 2005-01-24buried insidetime as abjectionChronoclastrelapse
1918. 2005-01-17buried insideTime As A Surrogate ReligionChronoclastrelapse
1919. 2005-01-17nasumwrathShiftrelapse
1920. 2005-01-10buried insidetime as ideologyChronoclastrelapse
1921. 2005-01-10exhumedvagatarianSlaughtercultrelapse
1922. 2004-12-27flesh paradecoping with itKill Whiteyrelapse
1923. 2004-12-06originvomit you outOriginrelapse
1924. 2004-11-29Necrophagistignominious and paleEpitaphrelapse
1925. 2004-11-22nasumwrathShiftrelapse
1926. 2004-11-22NecrophagistsevenEpitaphrelapse
1927. 2004-11-15flesh paradefat and gristleKill Whiteyrelapse
1928. 2004-11-15NecrophagistPower thru darknessEpitaphrelapse
1929. 2004-11-08Necrophagistonly ash remainsEpitaphrelapse
1930. 2004-11-01Necrophagistthe Stillborn OneEpitaphrelapse
1931. 2004-10-25Necrophagistsymbiotic in theoryEpitaphrelapse
1932. 2004-10-18BurstCrystal AssunderPrey on Liferelapse
1933. 2004-10-18NecrophagistsevenEpitaphrelapse
1934. 2004-10-11Necrophagistonly ash remainsEpitaphrelapse
1935. 2004-10-04NecrophagiststabwoundEpitaphrelapse
1936. 2004-09-27Necrophagistonly ask remainsEpitaphrelapse
1937. 2004-09-13NecrophagistEpitaphrelapse
1938. 2004-09-06Necrophagistdimished to bEpitaphrelapse
1939. 2004-08-30Necrophagistignominious & paleEpitaphrelapse
1940. 2004-08-23NecrophagistepitaphEpitaphrelapse
1941. 2004-08-16Necrophagistthe Stillborn OneEpitaphrelapse
1942. 2004-07-26flesh paradehow about some good stuffKill Whiteyrelapse
1943. 2004-07-12suffocationsubconsciously enslavedSouls to Denyrelapse
1944. 2004-05-31origindisease called manOriginrelapse
1945. 2004-05-24suffocationsould to denySouls to Denyrelapse
1946. 2004-05-17fleshlessdefy the fearCzech Assault - various artistsrelapse
1947. 2004-04-26flesh paradekill whityKill Whiteyrelapse
1948. 2004-04-19pig destroyersheet metal girlProwler in the Yardrelapse
1949. 2004-04-12flesh paradeworthlessKill Whiteyrelapse
1950. 2004-04-05suffocationSubconsciously EnslavedSouls to Denyrelapse
1951. 2004-04-05flesh paradefat and gristleKill Whiteyrelapse
1952. 2004-03-22flesh paradebackstabberKill Whiteyrelapse
1953. 2004-03-15suffocationSubconsciously EnslavedSouls to Denyrelapse
1954. 2004-03-15Burstsculpt the livesPrey on Liferelapse
1955. 2004-03-08Cephalic Carnagelucid intervalLucid Intervalrelapse
1956. 2004-03-01flesh paradecoping with itKill Whiteyrelapse
1957. 2004-02-23Cephalic Carnagelucid intervalLucid Intervalrelapse
1958. 2004-02-09Cephalic Carnagelucid intervalLucid Intervalrelapse
1959. 2004-02-02Cephalic Carnagelucid intervalLucid Intervalrelapse
1960. 2004-01-19pig destroyertrojan whoreProwler in the Yardrelapse
1961. 2004-01-05BurstmonumentPrey on Liferelapse
1962. 2003-12-29flesh paradecoping with itKill Whiteyrelapse
1963. 2003-12-29Burstundying (prey on life)Prey on Liferelapse
1964. 2003-12-22BurstRainPrey on Liferelapse
1965. 2003-12-22negligent collateral collapseruntime errorCzech Assault -Various Artistsrelapse
1966. 2003-12-15BurstvortexPrey on Liferelapse
1967. 2003-12-08flesh paradekill whiteyKill Whiteyrelapse
1968. 2003-11-24BurstCrystal AssunderPrey on Liferelapse
1969. 2003-11-10morticianhell on earthZombie Apocalypserelapse
1970. 2003-11-10BurstirisPrey on Liferelapse
1971. 2003-11-03BurstCrystal AssunderPrey on Liferelapse
1972. 2003-10-27BurstRainPrey on Liferelapse
1973. 2003-10-20Burstthe foe sublimePrey on Liferelapse
1974. 2003-10-13Burstfor the sublimePrey on Liferelapse
1975. 2003-10-05Cephalic Carnagelucid IntervalLucid Intervalrelapse
1976. 2003-10-05Burstsculpt the livesPrey on Liferelapse
1977. 2003-09-02DisfearAn Arrogant BreedMisanthropic Generationrelapse
1978. 2003-08-26Cephalic Carnagelucid intervalLucid Intervalrelapse
1979. 2003-08-26DisfearRat RaceMisanthropic Generationrelapse
1980. 2003-08-19DisfearRat RaceMisanthropic Generationrelapse
1981. 2003-08-12Disfearan arrogant breedMisanthropic Generationrelapse
1982. 2003-08-05OriginDisease called ManOriginrelapse
1983. 2003-08-05Disfearthe HornsMisanthropic Generationrelapse
1984. 2003-08-05Pig DestroyerCheerleader corpsesProwler in the Yardrelapse
1985. 2003-05-20Pig destroyerCheerleader CorpsesProwler in the Yardrelapse
1986. 2003-05-13Flesh ParadeFat and GristleKill Whiteyrelapse
1987. 2003-03-18Cephalic CarnageLucid IntervalLucid Intervalrelapse
1988. 2003-03-11Flesh ParadeJust a littleKill Whiteyrelapse
1989. 2003-02-11Negligent Collateral CollapseChain Reaction Domino AKA Termic FiverCzech Assault -Various Artistsrelapse
1990. 2003-02-04Pig DestroyerMapplethorpe GreyProwler in the Yardrelapse
1991. 2003-01-21FleshlessDefy the FearCzech Assault - various artistsrelapse
1992. 2003-01-14OriginVomit you OutOriginrelapse
1993. 2002-12-24Cephalic CarnageLucid IntervalLucid Intervalrelapse
1994. 2002-12-17Cephalic CarnageLucid IntervalLucid Intervalrelapse
1995. 2002-12-10Cephalic CarnageLucid IntervalLucid Intervalrelapse
1996. 2002-12-01Cephalic CarnageLucid IntervalLucid Intervalrelapse
1997. 2002-11-19Flesh ParadeMonsieur LebeauxKill Whiteyrelapse
1998. 2002-11-12Cephalic CarnageLucid IntervalLucid Intervalrelapse
1999. 2002-10-22Flesh ParadeBackstabberKill Whiteyrelapse
2000. 2002-10-22Cephalic CarnageHybridExploiting Dysfunctionrelapse
2001. 2002-10-22Pig DestroyerSheet Metal GirlProwler in the Yardrelapse
2002. 2002-08-27Cephalic CarnageLucid IntervalLucid Intervalrelapse
2003. 2002-07-30Pig DestroyerCheerleader CorpsesProwler in the Yardrelapse
2004. 2002-07-30Flesh ParadeCoping with itKill Whiteyrelapse
2005. 2002-05-28Pig DestroyerSheet metal GirlProwler in the Yardrelapse
2006. 2002-05-21Cephalic CarnageHybridExploiting Dysfunctionrelapse
2007. 2002-05-07Pig DestroyerTrojan WhoreProwler in the Yardrelapse
2008. 2002-05-07Cephalic CarnageHybridExploiting Dysfunctionrelapse
2009. 2002-04-30FleshlessDefy the fearCzech Assault - various artistsrelapse
2010. 2001-12-04OriginDisease Called ManOriginrelapse
2011. 2001-11-20Pig DestroyerTrojan WhoreProwler in the Yardrelapse
2012. 2001-10-16OriginDisease called manOriginrelapse
2013. 2001-09-04MorticianHell on EarthZombie Apocalypserelapse
2014. 2001-09-04MorticianHell on EarthZombie Apocalypserelapse
2015. 2001-07-24Pig DestroyerNaked TreesProwler in the Yardrelapse
2016. 2001-07-24OriginConvictionsOriginrelapse
2017. 2001-07-24Pig DestroyerNaked TreesProwler in the Yardrelapse
2018. 2001-07-24OriginConvictionsOriginrelapse
2019. 2001-07-17Cephalic CarnageHybridExploiting Dysfunctionrelapse
2020. 2001-07-03Pig DestroyerSheet Metal GirlProwler in the Yardrelapse
2021. 2001-05-29OriginDisease called ManOriginrelapse
2022. 2001-05-22Cephalic CarnageHybridExploiting Dysfunctionrelapse
2023. 2001-05-08Cephalic CarnageHybridExploiting Dysfunctionrelapse
2024. 2001-04-17OriginDiease CAlled ManOriginrelapse
2025. 2001-03-13OriginVomit You OutOriginrelapse
2026. 2001-02-27