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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1380 playlist up with 57334 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


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1. 2024-04-15WristmeetrazorXeroxed ReflectionDegenerationProsthetic Records
2. 2023-06-26Razormaze03 - Worshipping The VoidAnnihilatiaSlaney Records
3. 2023-03-27RazorTime BombExecution's SongViper Records
4. 2023-01-30Razormaze02 - The Slowest DeathAnnihilatiaSlaney Records
5. 2022-02-28RazorBurning BridgesShotgun Justice
6. 2021-12-13RazorOut of the GameViolent RestitutionSteamhammer
7. 2021-07-26RazormazeKing Of The SpeedSlave To The Maze
8. 2021-05-17RazorGreat White LieDecibels(Fast Mix)
9. 2020-11-09RazorEnd of the WarOpen Hostility
10. 2020-09-14Razor Of OccamBite Of DogmataHomage To MartyrsMetal Blade
11. 2020-08-31RazorViolence CondonedLive Toronto 1989
12. 2020-05-04RazorTake This TorchExecutioner's Song
13. 2019-11-11RazorHot MetalExecutioner's Songvyper
14. 2019-09-16RazorChallenge The EaglesMalicious Intent
15. 2019-05-13RazorEye of the StormViolent Restitution
16. 2019-01-21WRISTMEETRAZORCome On In, The Water's PinkMisery Never ForgetsProsthetic Records
17. 2018-11-05Razorevil invadersEvil Invadersvyper
18. 2018-07-23Razor Of OccamShadow Of The CrossHomage To MartyrsMetal Blade
19. 2018-07-23Pissing RazorsBetween Heaven and HellFields of DisbeliefMarket Square
20. 2018-03-19Razor Of OccamDay Of WrathHomage To MartyrsMetal Blade
21. 2017-12-04RazorTaste the FloorViolent RestitutionSteamhammer
22. 2017-09-11RazorUnited By HatredShotgun Justice
23. 2016-11-21RazorHigh Speed MetalMalicious Intentvyper
24. 2016-09-26RazorHot MetalExecutioner's Songviper
25. 2016-04-25RazorHigh Speed MetalMalicious Intent
26. 2016-04-18Razorevil invadersEvil Invadersvyper
27. 2016-02-15RazorCross Me FoolEvil Invadersvyper
28. 2016-02-08Razor Of OccamFlame BearersHomage To MartyrsMetal Blade
29. 2015-12-07RazorhypertensionViolent Restitutionroadrunner
30. 2015-08-31RazorCity Of DamnationExecutioner's Songviper
31. 2015-08-17RazorHot MetalArmed And Dangerous
32. 2015-08-03RazorViolence Condone (live)Shotgun Justice (reissue)relapse
33. 2015-06-01RazorAmerican LuckShotgun Justice
34. 2015-05-25RazorParricideShotgun Justice (reissue)relapse
35. 2015-04-06RazorSpeed MerchantsViolent Restitutionroadrunner
36. 2015-01-26RazorViolent RestitutionViolent Restitutionroadrunner
37. 2014-12-22RazorHypertensionViolent Restitutionroadrunner
38. 2014-08-18RazorInstant DeathEvil Invadersvyper
39. 2014-03-10RazorTake This TorchArmed And Dangerous
40. 2013-11-11RazorDeathraceExecutioner's Songviper
41. 2013-09-16RazormazeSink BelowAnnihilatiaSlaney Records
42. 2013-08-26RazormazeDemagogueAnnihilatiaSlaney Records
43. 2013-08-19RazormazeWorshipping The VoidAnnihilatiaSlaney Records
44. 2013-08-12RazormazeThe Slowest DeathAnnihilatiaSlaney Records
45. 2013-07-29RazorEvil InvadersEvil Invadersvyper
46. 2013-07-22RazormazeThe Slowest DeathAnnihilatiaSlaney Records
47. 2013-06-24RazorBelow The BeltViolent Restitutionroadrunner
48. 2013-06-03Razor of OccamHomage To MartyrsHomage to Martyrsmetalblade
49. 2012-12-31RazorCross Me FoolEvil Invadersviper
50. 2012-08-20RazorEnforcerViolent Restitutionroadrunner
51. 2012-04-23RazorMarch Of DeathExecutioner's Songviper
52. 2011-05-09RazorTear Me To PiecesMalicious Intentviper
53. 2011-05-09Razors in the nightThe SummersCarry On!self-released
54. 2011-02-14RazorViolent RestitutionViolent Restitutionroadrunner
55. 2011-02-14RazormazeKarma In/Karma OutMiseriesself-released
56. 2011-02-07RazormazeCreed Of AbsolutionMiseriesself-released
57. 2011-01-31RazormazeMiseries Of The FleshMiseriesself-released
58. 2010-12-06RazorTear Me To PiecesMalicious Intentviper
59. 2010-11-01RazorEnforcerViolent Restitutionroadrunner
60. 2010-08-09RazormazeAnnihilatorthe True Speed of Steelhold_true
61. 2010-06-28RazorBehind BarsViolent Restitutionroadrunner
62. 2010-05-24RazorThe Marshall ArtsViolent Restitutionroadrunner
63. 2010-05-17RazorHypertensionViolent Restitutionroadrunner
64. 2009-10-12RazormazeLobotomizedthe True Speed of Steelhold_true
65. 2009-09-21RazormazeAnnihilatorthe True Speed of Steelhold_true
66. 2009-08-31RazormazeAnnihilatorthe True Speed of Steelhold_true
67. 2009-08-10RazormazeSlave to the Mazethe True Speed of Steelhold_true
68. 2009-08-03RazormazeDawn Of The Shredthe True Speed of Steelhold_true
69. 2009-07-27RazormazeAnnihilatorthe True Speed of Steelhold_true
70. 2009-07-20RazormazeSlaughteroticathe True Speed of Steelhold_true
71. 2009-05-18Razor of OccamHeat of BattleHomage to Martyrsmetalblade
72. 2009-05-04Pissing RazorsCast Down the PlagueCast Down the Plaguenoise
73. 2009-04-27RazorHot MetalExecutioner's Songviper
74. 2009-04-06Razor of OccamHeat of BattleHomage to Martyrsmetalblade
75. 2009-03-30Razor of OccamDay of WrathHomage to Martyrsmetalblade
76. 2009-03-23Razor of OccamAltar of CorruptionHomage to Martyrsmetalblade
77. 2009-02-09RazorViolent RestitutionViolent Restitutionroadrunner
78. 2009-01-19RazormazeSlaughteroticaDawn of the Shred - radio samplerhold_true
79. 2008-12-08RazorTortured SkullEvil Invadersviper
80. 2008-09-22RazorOut of the GameViolent Restitutionroadrunner
81. 2008-03-31RazorTortured SkullEvil InvadersAttic
82. 2007-11-12RazorFast and LoudExecutioner's Songviper
83. 2007-11-05RazorI'll only Say it OnceViolent Restitutionroadrunner
84. 2007-05-21razorevil invaders
85. 2007-01-15razorbehind bars
86. 2006-10-23razortaste the floor
87. 2006-06-12razorhypertension
88. 2003-09-15pissing razorsevolution
89. 2003-09-09pissing razorsperseverance
90. 2003-09-02Pissing RazorsHanging on The Cross
91. 2003-07-15Pissing Razorstruth in Disguise
92. 2001-10-02Pissing RazorsCursed
93. 2001-09-25Pissing RazorsOpen the gates
94. 2001-09-18Pissing RazorsBorn to Serve
95. 2001-09-11Pissing RazorsJustice Denied
96. 2001-09-11Pissing RazorsJustice Denied
97. 2001-05-29Pissing RazorsSympathy
98. 2000-10-03Pissing RazorsYou'll Never know
99. 2000-09-12Pissing RazorsVexed
100. 2000-08-28Pissing RazorsYou'll never Know
101. 2000-08-21Pissing RazorsFork Tongue
102. 2000-07-03Pissing RazorsSympathy
103. 2000-05-08Pissing RazorsSurvival of Time
104. 1999-06-28Pissing RazorsSympathy
105. 1999-06-07Pissing Razorstrains of Thoughd
106. 1999-05-24Pissing RazorsUnderstand
107. 1999-05-17Pissing Razorssympathy
108. 1999-05-10Pissing RazorsCast down the plague
109. 1999-04-20Pissing RazorsCast down the Plague
110. 1999-04-13Pissing RazorsTruth in Disguise
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