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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1385 playlist up with 57469 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2013-06-03MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2013-06-03
3. 2013-06-03Celtic FrostDawn Of MegiddoTo Mega Therioncombat
4. 2013-06-03ApocryphaFall Of The CrestThe Forgotten Scrollshrapnel
5. 2013-06-03Hallow's Evemetal merchantsVarious Artists - Speed Metalmetalblade
6. 2013-06-03
7. 2013-06-03LudicraPath Of AshVarious Artist - Metal Swimadult_swim
8. 2013-06-03VYGRThe Iron FrnaceThree Way Splitcreator_destructor
9. 2013-06-03Ave MariaShining ToxicChapter IAve Maria
10. 2013-06-03DarkthroneValkyrieThe Underground Resistancepeaceville
11. 2013-06-03
12. 2013-06-03ArkonaGoi, Rode, Goi!Decade Of Glory - livenapalm
13. 2013-06-03FinntrollNar Jattar MarscheraBlodsveptcenturymedia
14. 2013-06-03
15. 2013-06-03November's DoomJealous SunVarious Artists - Zosoroot_of_all_evil
16. 2013-06-03Satanic Goat RitualBorn Of Goat's BloodSplit - Satanic Goat Ritual/Warlock 666old_cemetery
17. 2013-06-03ObituaryCircle Of The TyrantsCause Of Deathroadrunner
18. 2013-06-03MorgionProcreation Of The WickedVarious Artists - In Memory Of Celtic Frostdwell
19. 2013-06-03
20. 2013-06-03Dew-ScentedSadistic SinnerInsurgentprosthetic
21. 2013-06-03Toxic HolocaustDeathmasterFrom The Ashes Of Nuclear Destructionrelapse
22. 2013-06-03HivesmasherAnd They Thought We'd ForgetGutter Choirblackmarket_activities
23. 2013-06-03In Utero CanibalismJudasSickmassacre
24. 2013-06-03
25. 2013-06-03CretinTooth And ClawFreakeryrelapse
26. 2013-06-03Ed GeinChristianity as Foreign PolicyJudas Goats & Dieseleatersblackmarket_activities
27. 2013-06-03The_NetworkBright light, big citiesno title
28. 2013-06-03StormlordUnder The Samnites' SpearsAt The Gates Of Utopiascarlet
29. 2013-06-03
30. 2013-06-03SammathBurn In The Fires Of HellTriumph Of Hatredfolter
31. 2013-06-03EmperorDepravedPrometheus - The Discipline of Fire and Demisecandlelight
32. 2013-06-03Beyond The ShoreGlass HousesGhostwatchermetalblade
33. 2013-06-03AbioticVermosapienSymbiosismetalblade
34. 2013-06-03Sam Black ChurchWe are the BastardsThat which does not kill us makes us strongeruntangled
35. 2013-06-03
36. 2013-06-03CrowbarThe Cemetary AngelsSever The Wicked Handcandlelight
37. 2013-06-03EnslavedHollow InsideMonumensionosmose
38. 2013-06-03RamlordTotal DoomStench Of Fallacyself-released
39. 2013-06-03DevastatorPazuzu, Demon of PlaguesConjuring Evilold_cemetery
40. 2013-06-03
41. 2013-06-03LardI Wanna be a Drug sniffing dogPure Chewing Satisfactionalternative_tentacle
42. 2013-06-03Children Of TechnologyNuclear Armed DogsIts Time To Face The Doomsdayhells_headbangers
43. 2013-06-03Witch CrossKiller DogsFit For Fighthells_headbangers
44. 2013-06-03MotorheadDogs Of WarSnake Bite Lovecmc_international
45. 2013-06-03
46. 2013-06-03ThorCatch A TigerKeeping The Dogs Away
47. 2013-06-03Flotsam and JetsamSmoked OutDriftmca
48. 2013-06-03Children of BodomSomebod Put Something In My DrinkBodom Covers
49. 2013-06-03Razor of OccamHomage To MartyrsHomage to Martyrsmetalblade
50. 2013-06-03
51. 2013-06-03SlayerEvil Has no BoundariesVarious Artists - Speed Metalmetalblade
52. 2013-06-03AttackerDownfallBattle at Helms Deepmetalblade
53. 2013-06-03CitiesCruel SeaAnnihilation Absolutemetalblade
54. 2013-06-03Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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