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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2009-08-31MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2009-08-31
3. 2009-08-31Dead KennedysMTV Get off the AirFrankenchristalternative_tentacle
4. 2009-08-31Hummingbird Of DeathPass the Effing PopcornDemoswine
5. 2009-08-31Landmine Marathon25th HourWoundedlevel_plane
6. 2009-08-31Shoot To KillNorthAltar Of Pigsfrequency_deleted
7. 2009-08-31Municipal WasteWrong AnswerMassive Aggressiveearache
8. 2009-08-31
9. 2009-08-31Phantom LimbMurders 6Veins of Unholy Capacitynotcommon
10. 2009-08-31PristinaBrownKhe Sanhbombfarm
11. 2009-08-31NunslaughterBurn In HellHells Unholy Firerevenge_productions
12. 2009-08-31BehemothOv Fire and The VoidEvangelionmetalblade
13. 2009-08-31Endstille...Of DisorderVerfuhrerregain
14. 2009-08-31
15. 2009-08-31Wolves in the Throne RoomCleansingTwo Hunters
16. 2009-08-31UnanimatedThe Conquered Onein The Light Of Darknessregain
17. 2009-08-31
18. 2009-08-31PathogenPestilent InfestorBlasphemous Communionold_cemetery
19. 2009-08-31Black EmpirePredatorsBlack Angel/Black Empireold_cemetery
20. 2009-08-31TenetCrown of ThornsSovereigncenturymedia
21. 2009-08-31Amarna ReignDeceiverAtonementbadly_drawn
22. 2009-08-31
23. 2009-08-31EmmureYou Sunk My BattleshipFellonyvictory
24. 2009-08-31MegadethThis Day We Fight!Endgameroadrunner
25. 2009-08-31Lita FordPatrioticWicked Wonderland
26. 2009-08-31
27. 2009-08-31DIOKilling the DragonKilling the Dragonspitfire
28. 2009-08-31Eclipse EternalThe Dragon Has Come to Blot Out The StarsUbermench-Evolution Beyond the Speciesself-released
29. 2009-08-31Burnt By The SunF-UnitHeart Of Darknessrelapse
30. 2009-08-31AugurySkylessFragmentary Evidencenuclearblast
31. 2009-08-31Type O NegativeKill All the White PeopleBloody Kissesroadrunner
32. 2009-08-31
33. 2009-08-31Hail of BulletsDestroyerWarsaw Risingmetalblade
34. 2009-08-31Bolt Thrower7th offensiveHonor Valour Pridemetalblade
35. 2009-08-31the OceanEquinoxFluxionmetalblade
36. 2009-08-31Fear My ThoughtsSirens SingingThe Great Collapselifeforce
37. 2009-08-31
38. 2009-08-31SwashbuckleNo Prey, No PayBack To The Noosenuclearblast
39. 2009-08-31Job for a CowboyButcher the EnlightenedRuinationmetalblade
40. 2009-08-31CompostedFrom Cumrags to RichesSexual Transmission: Symplex Slamcephalic
41. 2009-08-31ArchitectI Am Becoming DeathGhosts of the Saltwater Machinesblackmarket_activities
42. 2009-08-31MeshuggahOrganic ShadowsNothingnuclearblast
43. 2009-08-31
44. 2009-08-31Ramming SpeedTrack 1Always Disgusted Never Surprisedpunks_before_profits
45. 2009-08-31CoalesceThe Plot Against My LoveOXrelapse
46. 2009-08-31Doomridersride or dieBlack Thunderdeathwishinc
47. 2009-08-31Valient ThorrI Hope that the Ghosts of the Dead Haunt Yr Soul ForeverImmortalizervolcano
48. 2009-08-31
49. 2009-08-31RazormazeAnnihilatorthe True Speed of Steelhold_true
50. 2009-08-31BloodsoakedMy Own GodSadistic Deeds... Grotesque Memoriescomatose
51. 2009-08-31AbdicateForged in RainRelinquish the Thronesevared
52. 2009-08-31Cliteaterthe Sin CollectorCliteater/Suppository splitno_escape
53. 2009-08-31
54. 2009-08-31GoratoryRice on SuedeRice on Suedeamputated_vein
55. 2009-08-31ExhumedLimb from LimbGore Metalrelapse
56. 2009-08-31General SurgeryArterial Spray ObsessionLeft Hand Pathologylistenable
57. 2009-08-31Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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