Ass Hat
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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1381 playlist up with 57360 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2019-09-16MinistryStigmataLand Of Rape And HoneyWarner Bros.
2. 2019-09-16
3. 2019-09-16EyehategodTake as Needed for PainTake as Needed for PainCentury Media Records
4. 2019-09-16CableRunning Out of Roads to RideFailed ConvictThe End
5. 2019-09-16NeurosisThe Time Of The BeastsEnemy of the Sun
6. 2019-09-16TýrWhere Eagles DareValkyrjaMetal Blade Records
7. 2019-09-16
8. 2019-09-16RazorChallenge The EaglesMalicious Intent
9. 2019-09-16Nuclear AssaultWhen Freedom DiesHandle with CareCombat Records
10. 2019-09-16Blessed DeathCurse Of WeaponsDestined For Extinction
11. 2019-09-16CALL OF THE VOIDEndless Ritual AbuseDragged Down A Dead End PathRelapse Records
12. 2019-09-16
13. 2019-09-16AosothCommunion through PainAshes of AngelsAgonia Records
14. 2019-09-16BehemothHorns Ov BaphometZos Kia Cultus (Here And Beyond)Avantgarde Music
15. 2019-09-16Power TripVulturesDemo 2008
16. 2019-09-16
17. 2019-09-16TripleMurder03 - SacrificePre-Meditated (EP)Self-Released
18. 2019-09-16Tales of The Tomb3. The Sinful Messiah_Tales Of The Tomb_Volume ...Volume TwoSelf-Released
19. 2019-09-16WHITE WARD3 - Dead Heart ConfessionLove Exchange FailureDebemur Morti Productions
20. 2019-09-16FisterHow The Gods KillDecade of DepressionListenable Records
21. 2019-09-16
22. 2019-09-16Asagraum04 GuahaihoqueDawn of Infinite FireEdged Circle Productions
23. 2019-09-16Волчий Иl03 Забытая память прошлого (Forgotten Memory of the Past)Ремиссия духа (Spirit Remission)
24. 2019-09-16RAMViolence (Is Golden)The Throne WithinMetal Blade Records
25. 2019-09-16Goatess3. What Lies BeneathBlood and WineSvart Records
26. 2019-09-16
27. 2019-09-16GOATCRAFTThe Great MortalityYersinia PestisI, Voidhanger Records
28. 2019-09-16SheolPerpetual Descent Into She'olSepulchral Ruins Below The Temple 12" MLPIron Bonehead Productions
29. 2019-09-16Blinding Light, TheRoutine SeizureThe Ascension AttemptDeathwish Records
30. 2019-09-16Martyr ADBroken MouthThe Human Condition in Twelve FractionsFerret Old
31. 2019-09-16Extinction AgendaPatron Saint of ChainsawsThe Grace DefileExtinction Agenda
32. 2019-09-16
33. 2019-09-16PactThe Witchmother of Shade'sThe Infernal Hierarchies, Penetrating The Threshold Of NightMoribund Records
34. 2019-09-16GOAT SEMEN04 Warfare NoiseEgo Svm Satana (CD, LP)Hells Headbangers Records
35. 2019-09-16PyrexiaDemigodSermon of Mockery
36. 2019-09-16MarutaHand Of The OverseerForward Into Regression
37. 2019-09-16Squash BowelsBreaking Those Who Suspend To Talk...11 Years Of Obscene ExistenceObscene Productions
38. 2019-09-16DisgorgeBowl Of BowelsGorge This
39. 2019-09-16DeathnapSleep ParalysisDeathnap/Patent
40. 2019-09-16
41. 2019-09-16PATENTPatent - Canne de LardDeathnap/Patent
42. 2019-09-16SuffocationThe Warmth Within The Dark...Of The Dark LightNuclear Blast Records
43. 2019-09-16FornicatusSong of DyingOmnium Animalis Terminus
44. 2019-09-16Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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