Ass Hat
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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1377 playlist up with 57237 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2019-08-12MinistryStigmataLand Of Rape And HoneyWarner Bros.
2. 2019-08-12
3. 2019-08-12EXCEEDslin n nonethe blood in on your hands
4. 2019-08-12WargasmBullets & BladesWhy Play Around?
5. 2019-08-12Criminal ElementSuicide by CopGuilty as ChargedLacerated Enemy Records - via Metalhit
6. 2019-08-12Vital RemainsBattle GroundForever UndergroundOsmose Productions
7. 2019-08-12
8. 2019-08-12AyatCollective Suicide In The Boudoir (Feeling Wonderful Tonight)Six Years Of Dormant HatredMoribund Records
9. 2019-08-12PactSuicide SigilThe Dragon Lineage of SatanMoribund Records
10. 2019-08-12Deathcult (Switzerland)07 The Sick WithinBeasts of FaithInvictus Productions
11. 2019-08-12Abyssal (UK)Under the Wretched Sun of HattinNovit enim Dominus qui sunt eius DLPIron Bonehead Productions
12. 2019-08-12
13. 2019-08-12CaliginositySuicide SeductionIn Celebration of the SerpentBlack Plague Records - via Metalhit
14. 2019-08-12EindigTer AardeThe First Step Towards Suicide
15. 2019-08-12
16. 2019-08-12SLAUGHTBBATH03 Cavern of MisanthropyAlchemical Warfare (CD, LP, TAPE)Hells Headbangers Records
17. 2019-08-12Alcoholocaust (Portugal)Blasfémia TotalNecro Apocalipse BestialHelldprod Records
18. 2019-08-12GreveI Svarta Solens MagiNidingsdåd utav det UråldrigaPurity Through Fire
19. 2019-08-12Cemetery Lights02 HadesThe Underworld LP/CD/TAPENuclear War Now! Productions
20. 2019-08-12
21. 2019-08-12Killswitch EngageI Am Broken TooAtonementMetal Blade Records
22. 2019-08-12CemicanItlach In MictlantecuhtliIn Ohtli Teoyohtica In MiquiztliM-Theory Audio
23. 2019-08-12Mavorim03 Geeint im KampfAasfresserPurity Through Fire
24. 2019-08-12Sacred ReichSalvationAwakeningMetal Blade Records
25. 2019-08-12
26. 2019-08-12Astralium2 - THE JOURNEYLand Of Eternal Dreams’ - Out Aug 23, 2019Rockshots Records
27. 2019-08-12Everfrost04 - Actraiser'Winterider' - Out Sept 6th, 2019 - Rockshots RecordsRockshots Records
28. 2019-08-12SOPHIST3. Sophist - A Captive of Saturn's Scythe‘Betrothal To The StoneSelf-Released
29. 2019-08-12
30. 2019-08-12AhabO Father SeaThe Divinity Of OceansNapalm Records
31. 2019-08-12Burning WitchCommunionGoatsnake/Burning WitchHydra Head
32. 2019-08-12Primitive ManDisfiguredCausticRelapse Records
33. 2019-08-12
34. 2019-08-12MucopusLoad RagUndimensional
35. 2019-08-12FleshlessDoomed Glorification of BlasphemyGrindgodObscene Productions
36. 2019-08-12NyctophobicSeeds Of MorbidityNegligenced Respect
37. 2019-08-12BeheadedHorde of the Stolen SunRecounts of DisembodimentMighty Music
38. 2019-08-12
39. 2019-08-12ImmolationInto Everlasting FireDawn of PossessionMetal Mind Productions
40. 2019-08-12morbid saintLock up Your ChildrenSpectrum of DeathGrind Core
41. 2019-08-12Od'SaheAn Astral Suicide - The Wonderpath ov Curse, Plague n' LeprosyPhilosophy ov Self-destructionBlack Plague Records - via Metalhit
42. 2019-08-12
43. 2019-08-12Internal BleedingInhuman 99Driven to ConquerCrash Music, Inc.
44. 2019-08-12Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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