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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2020-08-03MinistryStigmataLand Of Rape And HoneyWarner Bros.
2. 2020-08-03
3. 2020-08-03KYOTYNine
4. 2020-08-03The CarrierA Stranger to MyselfBlind to What is Right
5. 2020-08-03DefeaterBlessed BurdenTravelsTopshelf Recordings
6. 2020-08-03AmorphisBattle For LightThe Beginning Of TimesNuclear Blast GmbH
7. 2020-08-03
8. 2020-08-03Rites of Thy DegringoladeAbove the HighestThe Blade Philosophical LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
9. 2020-08-03My Dying BrideThe Scarlet GardenSongs of Darkness, Words of LightPeaceville/Snapper
10. 2020-08-03Thy Dying Light06 Ritual AltarThy Dying LightPurity Through Fire
11. 2020-08-03General SurgeryMortified fleshErosive Offals (Malignant Necrotomy)
12. 2020-08-03Last Days of HumanityBloodsplatteredChainsawslaughtSounds of Rancid Juice Sloshing Around Your Coffin
13. 2020-08-03
14. 2020-08-03Gutvoid02 Entranced By A Frozen DawnAstral Bestiary CD/12" MLP/TAPEBlood Harvest Records
15. 2020-08-03Aleynmord01 Spores of PossessionThe Blinding LightAOP Records
16. 2020-08-03DUNWICH04 - Wooden HeartTail-Tied HeartsCaligari Records
17. 2020-08-03
18. 2020-08-03SELBST04 Silent Soul ThroesRelatos De AngustiaDebemur Morti Productions
19. 2020-08-03GOATVULVA22 Procreation of Black GoatGoatvulva (CD, LP, TAPE)Hells Headbangers Records
20. 2020-08-03ARS MAGNA UMBRAEOn The Wings of Divine FiresApotheosisI, Voidhanger Records
21. 2020-08-03GOD'S BASTARDGod Raise The SeaLast Standing Village (EP)I, Voidhanger Records
22. 2020-08-03
23. 2020-08-03HAD02 Ler i dødelig smerte (Laughing in deadly pain)MLPMe Saco Un Ojo Records
24. 2020-08-03INTOXICATED (Florida)3-Grab The RopeWalled EPSeeing Red Records
25. 2020-08-03Homicide4 Enemy of the StateLeft For DeadSelf-Released
26. 2020-08-03Law of ContagionBlood VindicationWoeful Litanies from the Nether RealmsMoribund Records
27. 2020-08-03
28. 2020-08-03The ProjectionistSkeletal Shone the Vengeance of True EvilUnder the Cruel Glow of TerrorMoribund Records
29. 2020-08-03Hate TheoryFrom Scans to ScarsHate Theory
30. 2020-08-03EyehategodRuptured Heart TheoryDopesickCentury Media
31. 2020-08-03
32. 2020-08-03DecayingThe Ardennes OffensiveThe Last Days Of War
33. 2020-08-03AcheronI am HeathenThe Final ConflictDispleased Records - via Metalhit
34. 2020-08-03This Is HellLast Days CampaignMisfortunesTrust Kill
35. 2020-08-03DischargeInfectedEnd Of DaysNuclear Blast Records
36. 2020-08-03Machinist!Teen WolfBlack List EP
37. 2020-08-03
38. 2020-08-03FallujahAlone With YouThe Flesh Prevails
39. 2020-08-03Defaced, TheExit Body on MassKarma In BlackNuclear Blast Records
40. 2020-08-03GRUESOMEClosed CasketSavage Land (NA Promo)Relapse Records
41. 2020-08-03KetzerWhite EyesStarlessMetal Blade Records
42. 2020-08-03Starless
43. 2020-08-03So PittedWoeneoSub Pop Records
44. 2020-08-03AscariasisElevenOcean of Colour [EP]
45. 2020-08-03Amputation SpreeMessiahThree / Inferno
46. 2020-08-03Water TortureExposureWater Torture/thedowngoing Split EP
47. 2020-08-03Agoraphobic NosebleedThe Fourth Day of SodomAltered States of America, Disc 1Relapse Records
48. 2020-08-03
49. 2020-08-03Spartan WarriorAssassinSpartan Warrior
50. 2020-08-03AssassinReligionHoly Terror Demo
51. 2020-08-03Virgin SteeleStay On TopAge Of Consent
52. 2020-08-03
53. 2020-08-03ManowarDark AvengerBattle Hymns [Japan Tocp-8441]
54. 2020-08-03OmenBring Out The BeastBattle CryMetal Blade
55. 2020-08-03Poison MoshSlaughterer of DoomPicture of Massacre
56. 2020-08-03
57. 2020-08-03SodomDeathlike SilenceIn The Sign Of Evil + Obsessed By Cruelty
58. 2020-08-03ONSLAUGHTSkull CrusherPower From HellBack on Black
59. 2020-08-03ProphecySuicideUnforseen Future Demo
60. 2020-08-03Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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