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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1398 playlist up with 57934 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2024-10-21SodomRemember the FallenAgent OrangeSteamhammer/SPV
2. 2024-05-27SodomBaptism of FireAgent OrangeSteamhammer/SPV
3. 2023-12-04SodomSodomy and LustOne Night in Bangkok, Disc 2Steamhammer
4. 2023-10-09BENIGHTED IN SODOMRaised Southern BaptistCarrier of Poison ApplesI, Voidhanger Records
5. 2023-10-09SodomOutbreak Of EvilOne Night In Bangkok CD1
6. 2023-04-03SodomOccult PerpetratorGenesis XIX
7. 2022-04-11SodomThe Saw Is The LawOne Night In Bangkok CD1
8. 2022-02-14SodomI Am The WarOne Night In Bangkok CD1
9. 2021-10-18SodomGlock 'n' RollGenesis XIX
10. 2021-08-16SodomGlock 'n' RollGenesis XIX
11. 2021-06-07SODOMThrough Toxic VeinsIn War And PiecesSPV
12. 2020-11-16SodomThe Saw Is The LawBetter Off Dead
13. 2020-09-28Hellsodomy08 Mortem in ComfortMorbid CultSaturnal Records
14. 2020-08-03SodomDeathlike SilenceIn The Sign Of Evil + Obsessed By Cruelty
15. 2019-12-02BENIGHTED IN SODOMOpen Heart, Open GraveCarrier of Poison ApplesI, Voidhanger Records
16. 2019-11-18Hellsodomy05 From the Seed to the GraveMorbid CultSaturnal Records
17. 2019-07-29SodomRemember The FallenOne Night In Bangkok CD1
18. 2019-05-13SodomVictims Of DeathVictims Of Death
19. 2019-03-11SodomRemember the FallenAgent OrangeSteamhammer/SPV
20. 2018-12-10Sodom1000 Days In sodomIn The Name Of Satan
21. 2018-08-20SodomBack to WarTapping the VeinSteamhammer
22. 2017-10-09SodomOutbreak of EvilFinal Sign of EvilSteamhammer
23. 2017-08-14SodomCannibalEpitome Of Torture
24. 2017-02-20SodomElectrocutionPersecution Mania
25. 2016-12-05SodomEat Me!One Night in Bangkok, Disc 1Steamhammer
26. 2016-05-02SodomObsessed By CrueltyObsessed By Cruelty (SPV)Steamhammer
27. 2015-12-21SodomLet's Break The Law (Anti-Nowhere League cover)Various Artists - Punk For Metalheads
28. 2015-11-30SodomIron FistThe Big Teutonic 4Legacy
29. 2015-05-18SodomDeathlike SilenceObsessed By Crueltysteam_hammer
30. 2015-03-16SodomEat MeMarooned Live
31. 2014-08-18SodomTombstoneOn Night In Bangkoksteam_hammer
32. 2014-07-14SodomProselytism RealObsessed By Crueltyspv
33. 2014-05-26SodomNuclear WinterPersecution Mania
34. 2014-05-19SodomChrist PassionMortal Way Of Life
35. 2014-04-28SodomDeadlike SilenceObsessed By Crueltysteam_hammer
36. 2014-03-03SodomWanted DeadSodom
37. 2014-02-10SodomVolcanic SlutIn The Sign Of Evil + Obsessed By Crulty
38. 2013-12-30SodomProselytism RealObsessed By Crueltyspv
39. 2013-11-11SodomEquinoxObsessed By Crueltymetalblade
40. 2013-11-04SodomObsessed By CrueltyObsessed By Crueltyspv
41. 2013-10-28SodomProselytism RealObsessed By Crueltyspv
42. 2013-09-16SodomDevil's AttackVictim Of Death (demo)
43. 2013-02-25SodomAshes to Ashesthe Final Sign of Evilspv
44. 2012-12-24SodomAgent OrangeAgent Orangemetalblade
45. 2012-09-17SodomAgent OrangeOn Night In Bangkokspv
46. 2012-07-30SodomWitching MetalOn Night In Bangkokspv
47. 2012-07-16SodomBlasphemerOn Night In Bangkokspv
48. 2012-02-27SodomEat Me!On Night In Bangkokspv
49. 2011-10-03SodomBody PartsTapping The Veincenturymedia
50. 2011-06-20SodomFeigned Death ThroesIn War And Piecesspv
51. 2011-05-16SodomThrough Toxic VeinsIn War And Piecesspv
52. 2011-05-09SodomProselytism RealObsessed By Crueltymetalblade
53. 2011-04-18SodomStorm Raging UpIn War And Piecesspv
54. 2011-04-11SodomFeigned Death ThroesIn War And Piecesspv
55. 2011-04-04SodomThrough Toxic VeinsIn War And Piecesspv
56. 2011-01-24SodomNapalm In The MorningOn Night In Bangkokspv
57. 2011-01-03SodomChrist PassionPersecution Maniasteam_hammer
58. 2010-09-13SodomRemember The FallenOn Night In Bangkokspv
59. 2010-04-19SodomOutbreak Of Evilin the Sign of Evilmetalblade
60. 2010-04-12SodomAusgebombtAgent Orangesteam_hammer
61. 2010-03-01SodomProselytism RealObsessed By Crueltymetalblade
62. 2009-04-27SodomBlasphemerVarious Artist - Speed Metalmetalblade
63. 2009-04-20SodomDeathlike SilenceObsessed By Crueltymetalblade
64. 2008-12-08SodomWitching MetalIn the Sign of Evilmetalblade
65. 2008-09-08SodomChrist PasionPersecution Maniasteam_hammer
66. 2008-08-25SodomDeathlike SilenceObsessed By Crueltymetalblade
67. 2008-01-07SodomSons of Hellthe Final Sign of Evilspv
68. 2007-11-19SodomOutbreak of Evilin the Sign of Evilmetalblade
69. 2007-11-12SodomWitching Metalin the Sign of Evilmetalblade
70. 2007-11-05SodomBloody Corpsethe Final Sign of Evilspv
71. 2007-10-29SodomAshes to Ashesthe Final Sign of Evilspv
72. 2007-10-08SodomHatred of the Godsthe Final Sign of Evilspv
73. 2007-10-01SodomBlasphemerthe Final Sign of Evilspv
74. 2007-09-24SodomHatred of the Godsthe Final Sign of Evilspv
75. 2007-09-17SodomWitching Metalthe Final Sign of Evilspv
76. 2007-04-23sodomskinned alive
77. 2007-03-05sodomausgebombt
78. 2007-02-26sodomremember the fallen
79. 2007-01-22sodombombenhagel
80. 2006-11-13sodommagic dragon
81. 2006-08-07sodomthe city of god
82. 2006-06-19sodomlords of depravity
83. 2006-05-22sodomlords of depravity
84. 2006-05-08sodomcity of god
85. 2006-05-01sodombibles and guns
86. 2006-02-27sodomskinned alive
87. 2005-05-23sodomfuck the polic
88. 2005-04-18sodomDeathlike Silence
89. 2005-03-07sodomremember the fallen
90. 2004-12-20sodomeat me!
91. 2004-11-15sodomprocession to galgatha
92. 2004-07-12sodompretenders to the throne
93. 2004-06-14sodomchrist pasion
94. 2004-04-26sodomausgebombt
95. 2004-02-16sodomnapal in the morning
96. 2003-12-22sodomthe enemy inside
97. 2003-12-08sodomDeathlike Silence
98. 2003-11-24sodomNapalm In The Morning
99. 2003-10-05sodomi am the war (live)
100. 2003-09-29sodomausgebombt
101. 2003-09-22sodomreflection of ignorance
102. 2002-11-19SodomDeathlike Silence
103. 2002-07-02SodomLead Injection
104. 2002-04-23SodomBaptized by Fire
105. 2001-12-04SodomAmong the Weird Cong
106. 2001-10-23SodomMagik Dragon
107. 2001-05-22SodomBomenhage
108. 2000-10-17SodomOutbreak of Evil
109. 2000-10-17SodomOutbreak of Evil
110. 2000-09-25SodomSkinned Alive
111. 2000-05-01SodomBombenhagel
112. 2000-04-10SodomDeadlike Silence
113. 2000-01-03SodomVisual Buggery
114. 1999-12-20SodomWhat hell can create
115. 1999-12-13Sodomthe Wolf and the Lamb
116. 1999-11-30Sodomtombstone
117. 1999-11-22SodomAusgebombt
118. 1999-11-15SodomBook Burning
119. 1999-11-08SodomBlood trails
120. 1999-11-01Sodomthe Vice of Killing
121. 1999-10-25SodomWhat Hell can Create
122. 1999-10-11SodomBombenhagel
123. 1999-10-04SodomDeadlike Silence
124. 1999-08-23SodomDeadlines
125. 1999-08-21SodomBomberHagel
126. 1999-08-21SodomBomberHagel
127. 1999-06-07SodomNuclear Winter
128. 1997-06-23SodomDeadline
129. 1996-11-18SodomSinned Alive
130. 1996-09-30SodomSkinned Alive
131. 0000-00-00SodomEquinox
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