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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1389 playlist up with 57599 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2021-06-07MinistryStigmataLand Of Rape And HoneyWarner Bros.
2. 2021-06-07
3. 2021-06-07SlayerCriminally InsaneReign in Bloodamerican
4. 2021-06-07PsyopusBoogeymanOdd SensesMetal Blade
5. 2021-06-07Dillinger Escape Plan, TheSick on SundayIre WorksRelapse Records
6. 2021-06-07
7. 2021-06-07Seven Days of SamsaraForget Your Pain and Cut to the RefrainSDOS 1998 - 2018
8. 2021-06-07Blood Has Been ShedTimepieceI Dwell on Thoughts of Youself-released
9. 2021-06-07CynicThe Circle's GoneFocusRoadrunner Records
10. 2021-06-07Pretty Little FlowerHave The Will To Stand AlonePulverizing Lethal Force
11. 2021-06-07Gruesome Stuff RelishSpaghetti TerrorTeenage Giallo Grind
12. 2021-06-07RITUALIZATIONAve DominusThe Vision Of Fading MankindAgonia Records
13. 2021-06-07
14. 2021-06-07Stygian Temple02 Soli Deo GloriaIn the Sign of the Five AnglesThe Sinister Flame
15. 2021-06-07BlightBefore the Monolith (Under the Lens of Fanaa)Temple of WoundsSvart Records
16. 2021-06-07SODOMThrough Toxic VeinsIn War And PiecesSPV
17. 2021-06-07
18. 2021-06-07No Hope For The LostYu YevonThe Pilgrimage - Out April 9thSelf-Released
19. 2021-06-07NEKER03 - Too FierceSlowerTime To Kill Records
20. 2021-06-07
21. 2021-06-07DeathSecret FaceHumanCombat Records
22. 2021-06-07Bolt ThrowerDestructive InfinityWarmasterRelativity Records
23. 2021-06-07Acid DeathMy DestinationPieces Of Mankind
24. 2021-06-07CenotaphMultipurpose Utilization from Lustly Shreddeds Scummy V*****Puked Genital PurulencyHammer Muzik
25. 2021-06-07
26. 2021-06-07SuffocationMass ObliterationHuman Waste
27. 2021-06-07Deeds Of FleshCarnivorous WaysTrading Pieces
28. 2021-06-07DismemberCase # ObsceneIndecent&Obscene/Pieces Digipak
29. 2021-06-07GruesomeA Waste of LifeTwisted PrayersRelapse Records
30. 2021-06-07
31. 2021-06-07MagrudergrindPieces Of Glass Stuck In YourSixty Two Trax Of Thrash (Coll
32. 2021-06-07RibspreaderBeneath the cenotaphThe Kult of The Pneumatic Kill
33. 2021-06-07NECROPSY DEFECATIONChainsaw ExcoriationCD 2019 ��flesh gore pieces of cannibalistic ritual altars��
34. 2021-06-07TYRANT (U.S.)06 Pieces of MineHereafterShadow Kingdom Records
35. 2021-06-07
36. 2021-06-07ImmortalGates To BlashyrkhNorthern Chaos GodsNuclear Blast Records
37. 2021-06-07MatalobosMacabreArte Macabro
38. 2021-06-07LeviticusAll Is CalmI Shall Conquer
39. 2021-06-07Re-ArmedDive WithinIgnis AeternumBlack Lion Records
40. 2021-06-07
41. 2021-06-07Grave DesecratorStained by BloodInsultHells Headbangers Records
42. 2021-06-07Malevolent CreationSlaughterhouseInvidious DominionNuclear Blast GmbH
43. 2021-06-07BRUTAL TRUTHSimple MathEnd Time (radio promo - ADDS Sept. 27)Relapse Records
44. 2021-06-07KILL THE CLIENTPrimetime DogmaSet for Extinction (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
45. 2021-06-07
46. 2021-06-07CrowpathCrowpath - One With Filth - 09-septic_monarchOne With Filth
47. 2021-06-07TOXIC HOLOCAUSTAgony Of The DamnedConjure and Command (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
48. 2021-06-07Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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