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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2017-02-20MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2017-02-20
3. 2017-02-20Dark TranquillityMonochromatic StainsDamage DoneCentury Media Records
4. 2017-02-20SoilworkNeurotica RampageA Predator's PortraitNuclear Blast
5. 2017-02-20SATANIC WARMASTERMacht & EhreBlack Metal Kommando / Gas Chamber (CD)Werewolf Records
6. 2017-02-20Stormtroopers of DeathSpeak English or Die!Live at BudokanSPV
7. 2017-02-20
8. 2017-02-20DismaChaos ApparitionTowards The Megalithself-released
9. 2017-02-20HatredBlessed By PossessionBlasphemous Deliverancedeity_down
10. 2017-02-20Malevolent CreationSlaughter Of InnocenceRetribution
11. 2017-02-20IngestedThe Heirs To Mankind's AtrocitiesThe Architect of ExtinctionCentury Media (Universal Music)
12. 2017-02-20Cattle DecapitationThe Burden of Seven BillionThe Anthropocene ExtinctionMetal Blade Records
13. 2017-02-20
14. 2017-02-20GonkulatorEnter Our HellSatan's Burial GroundFudge Worthy Records
15. 2017-02-20GroinchurntrackVarious Artists: Fudgeworthy Records CompilationFudgeworthy Records
16. 2017-02-20KILL THE CLIENTDig Two GravesSet for Extinction (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
17. 2017-02-20Human CompostPost Mortal PerversionsFrom The Grave They CrawlHorror Pain Gore Death Productions
18. 2017-02-20Blessed By A Broken HeartDeathwishFeel The PowerTooth & Nail
19. 2017-02-20Deceased2 Minutes to Midnight (Iron Maiden)Cadaver Traditions - CD2Hells Headbangers Records
20. 2017-02-20
21. 2017-02-20Violation WoundDead End GazeViolation Wound/Ruin SplitFudge Worthy Records
22. 2017-02-20CORPUS DIAVOLISSigns Of End TimesAtra LumenATMF
23. 2017-02-20Zombie AssaultMortuaryVideo NastyEclectic Productions
24. 2017-02-20Porta Daemonium03 The Blood of the Dark MadnessSerpent of Chaos LPBlood Harvest Records
25. 2017-02-20
26. 2017-02-20THE UNGUIDEDNighttakerBrotherhoodNapalm Records
27. 2017-02-20XANDRIACall Of DestinyTheater Of DimensionsNapalm Records
28. 2017-02-20Ymir's Blood2. 1589Ymir's BloodArchaic Sound
29. 2017-02-20
30. 2017-02-20CatalepticGrave PerilForwardArchaic Sound
31. 2017-02-20THE GREAT OLD ONES03 When the Stars AlignEODSeason of Mist
32. 2017-02-20RevocationCrumbling ImperiumGreat Is Our SinMetal Blade Records
33. 2017-02-20DecomposedSubmergedWitherChaos Records
34. 2017-02-20Full of HellThe Bed Is BurningRoots Of Earth Are Consuming My Home
35. 2017-02-20MasochristAmericaTwo-Thousand Years Of Pain
36. 2017-02-20PunchTime ApartHow Nothing Lasts 7"
37. 2017-02-20SvfferArrowsLies We Live
38. 2017-02-20
39. 2017-02-20COUGHCrooked SpineRitual AbuseRelapse Records
40. 2017-02-20DoroRevengeStrong And ProudNuclear Blast Records
41. 2017-02-20SodomElectrocutionPersecution Mania
42. 2017-02-20PestilenceDeify thy MasterConsuming ImpulseRoadrunner
43. 2017-02-20
44. 2017-02-20DeicideThey Are The Children Of The UnderworldOnce Upon the CrossRoadrunner Records
45. 2017-02-20InternecineCeremonies of Deceit (Effulgence Rituals)The Book of LambsHammerheart Records
46. 2017-02-20Scattered RemnantsAngelic RedemptionDestined to Fail
47. 2017-02-20BewitchedBorn Of FlamesDiabolical Desecration [Expanded]
48. 2017-02-20
49. 2017-02-20ImmolationThe Rapture of GhostsMajesty & DecayNuclear Blast GmbH
50. 2017-02-20Dismantle The CyborgSlow DecayDemo
51. 2017-02-20Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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