Ass Hat
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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1381 playlist up with 57362 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2024-08-12DECEASED02 Children of the MorgueChildren of the Morgue (CD, LP, TAPE)Hells Headbangers Records
2. 2021-10-18DECEASED02 Pray For Death [Blessed Death]Thrash Times at Ridgemont High (CD)Hells Headbangers Records
3. 2020-11-30DECEASEDTo Serve the InsaneGhostly White (CD, LP, TAPE)Hells Headbangers Records
4. 2020-01-13DeceasedHere to Stay (Sheer Terror)Cadaver Traditions - CD1Hells Headbangers Records
5. 2019-03-04DECEASEDEndless WellGhostly White (CD, LP, TAPE)Hells Headbangers Records
6. 2018-12-24Brutally Deceased06 Ruthless CleansingSatanic Corpse CDDoomentia Records
7. 2018-11-26DECEASEDGerm of Distorted LoreGhostly White (CD, LP, TAPE)Hells Headbangers Records
8. 2018-11-12DECEASEDTo Serve the InsaneGhostly White (CD, LP, TAPE)Hells Headbangers Records
9. 2018-06-25DeceasedMorbid Shape in BlackBlueprints for MadnessRelapse Records
10. 2017-09-11DeceasedCalifornia Uber Alles (Dead Kennedys)Cadaver Traditions - CD1Hells Headbangers Records
11. 2017-02-20Deceased2 Minutes to Midnight (Iron Maiden)Cadaver Traditions - CD2Hells Headbangers Records
12. 2017-01-02Brutally Deceased05 Where No Gods DareSatanic Corpse CDDoomentia Records
13. 2016-10-24DeceasedBlack Metal (Venom)Cadaver Traditions - CD1Hells Headbangers Records
14. 2016-09-26Brutally DeceasedEpoch of Self-DenialSatanic Corpse CDDoomentia Records
15. 2016-05-16DeceasedWorld Peace (Cro-Mags)Cadaver Traditions - CD1Hells Headbangers Records
16. 2016-03-07DeceasedReaganomicsBehind the Mourner's VeilRelapse Records
17. 2015-09-21DeceasedDoomed By The Living Dead (Mercyful Fate)Cadaver Traditionshells_headbangers
18. 2015-09-14DeceasedDeathrider (Anthrax Cover)Cadaver Traditionshells_headbangers
19. 2015-06-15DeceasedBirth By RadiationLuck Of The Corpses
20. 2013-01-28DeceasedThe Hanging SoldierSupernatural Addictionhells_headbangers
21. 2012-12-31DeceasedFeasting On Skulls (1990 Demo)Luck OF Corpses
22. 2012-12-24DeceasedA Very Familiar StrangerSupernatural Addictionhells_headbangers
23. 2012-07-23DeceasedMind Vampiresthe Blueprints for Madnessrelapse
24. 2011-10-31DeceasedElly's DementiaSupernatural Addictionrelapse
25. 2011-09-19DeceasedSkin Crawling ProgressSurreal Overdosepatac
26. 2011-09-05DeceasedDeathrider (Anthrax Cover)Behind the Mourner's Veilrelapse
27. 2011-08-29DeceasedIn The Labratory Of Joyous GloomSurreal Overdosepatac
28. 2011-08-22DeceasedClonedSurreal Overdosepatac
29. 2011-08-15DeceasedVulture ShockSurreal Overdosepatac
30. 2011-07-25DeceasedKindred AssemlySurreal Overdosepatac
31. 2011-06-20DeceasedVulture ShockSurreal Overdosepatac
32. 2011-06-06DeceasedKindred AssemlySurreal Overdosepatac
33. 2010-11-15DeceasedThe Creek Of The Deadthe Blueprints for Madnessrelapse
34. 2010-09-13DeceasedThe Creek Of The Deadthe Blueprints for Madnessrelapse
35. 2010-04-12DeceasedMind Vampiresthe Blueprints for Madnessrelapse
36. 2009-11-09DeceasedNew Age Of Total WarfareBehind the Mourner's Veilrelapse
37. 2008-11-24DeceasedZombie AttackBehind the Mourner's Veilrelapse
38. 2008-02-18DeceasedInto the Bizarrethe Blueprints for Madnessrelapse
39. 2008-01-07DeceasedFearless Undead MachinesFearless Undead Machines (re-issue)notcommon
40. 2006-06-05deceasednew age of total warfare
41. 2005-12-05deceasednew age of total war
42. 2005-11-28deceasedzombie attack
43. 2005-11-07deceasedA Very Familiar Stranger
44. 2000-03-20Deceasedthe Promontion
45. 2000-03-13DeceasedA very Faliliar Stranger
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