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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1377 playlist up with 57237 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2018-08-20MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2018-08-20
3. 2018-08-20HUNTRESS03_I Want To Fuck You To DeathStarbound BeastNapalm Records
4. 2018-08-20LeviathanRun ForeverDeepest Secrets Beneath
5. 2018-08-20WrathTest of FaithInsane SocietyMedusa Records
6. 2018-08-20BurzumEn Ring Til Aa HerskeDet Som Engang VarDead Ringer
7. 2018-08-20
8. 2018-08-20Life At ZeroBaptised In PissLife In Piss - Demo 2001
9. 2018-08-20Letters From The DeadBlue Eyed CorpseLive on WUNH
10. 2018-08-20TherionKings Of EdomSitra AhraNuclear Blast GmbH
11. 2018-08-20ThyrfingThe VoyagerVansinnesvisorHammerheart Records
12. 2018-08-20
13. 2018-08-20VYGRGalactic GarbageHypersleepCreator-Destructor
14. 2018-08-20WhorgasmHighway StarSmothered Remake RemodelRawkus Entertainment
15. 2018-08-20
16. 2018-08-20IntegrityFlames of the ImmortalSplit - Integrity & KriegRelapse Records
17. 2018-08-20Agoraphobic NosebleedQuestion of IntegrityAgorapocalypseRelapse Records
18. 2018-08-20EvocationParasitesApocalypticMetal Blade
19. 2018-08-20Unearthly TranceTriumphSplit - Primitive Man & Unearthly TranceRelapse Records
20. 2018-08-20GOAT WORSHIP05 WolfShore of the DeadXtreem Music
21. 2018-08-20
22. 2018-08-20HAUNT (U.S.)05 WanderlustBurst Into Flame (CD, LP, TAPE)Shadow Kingdom Records
23. 2018-08-20NecropsyAllienced With Darkness
24. 2018-08-20Cattle DecapitationMolested/DigestedHomovorethree_one_g
25. 2018-08-20Annotations of an AutopsyYears of DisgustBefore the Throne of InfectionPlastic Head Music
26. 2018-08-20
27. 2018-08-20UnleashedDissection LeftoversHell's UnleashedCentury Media
28. 2018-08-20Cannibal CorpseDisfiguredVileMetal Blade
29. 2018-08-20EstuaryDraining the DebtorTo Exist and EndureIbex Moon Records
30. 2018-08-20VaderThe Black EyeWelcome to the Morbid ReichNuclear Blast (Warner)
31. 2018-08-20
32. 2018-08-20SodomBack to WarTapping the VeinSteamhammer
33. 2018-08-20ImmortalGrim And DarkNorthern Chaos GodsNuclear Blast Records
34. 2018-08-20PYREFICATIVMOm Namah Shivaya(Path of the world)Living Temple Records
35. 2018-08-20THY FEEBLE SAVIOUR07 Destruction of the Holy SepulchreAnd Darkness Fell (CD, LP)Hells Headbangers Records
36. 2018-08-20
37. 2018-08-20VOIDHANGER04. High on HateDark Days Of The SoulAgonia Records
38. 2018-08-20ThyraneSacrifiresBlack Harmony
39. 2018-08-20Dragon LordTradition and FireRaptureSpitfire Records
40. 2018-08-20BehemothOf Sephirolic Transformalion and CarnalityBehemoth SatanicaDwell Ministries
41. 2018-08-20
42. 2018-08-20MorbidDisgusting SemlaA Tribute to the Black Emperors
43. 2018-08-20Sepsism06 Morbid ConsumptionTo Prevail In Disgust
44. 2018-08-20SHED THE SKIN06 Warband Under the BaphometHarrowing Faith (CD, LP)Hells Headbangers Records
45. 2018-08-20BanishedSkinnedDeliver Me Unto Pain
46. 2018-08-20
47. 2018-08-20WasteformRemnants Of...Designed By DisgustPathos Productions
48. 2018-08-20Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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