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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2013-12-02MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2013-12-02
3. 2013-12-02ObliterationBlack Death HorizonBlack Death Horizonrelapse
4. 2013-12-02Drawn and QuarteredAbyss Behind My GazeExtermination Revelrymoribund
5. 2013-12-02Merciless DeathRitual Of The Black Host 2Sick Sanctitieshigh_roller
6. 2013-12-02Toxic HolocaustDeny The TruthChemistry Of Consciousnessrelapse
7. 2013-12-02
8. 2013-12-02WatainAll That May BleedThe Wild Huntcenturymedia
9. 2013-12-02CzarFuming RotterNo One Is Alone If No One Is Alivecracknation
10. 2013-12-02HelixWhite Lace And Black LeatherNo Rest For The Wickedcapitol
11. 2013-12-02BolzerEntranced By The WolfshookAurairon_bonehead
12. 2013-12-02UnbridledMy Wife Is A Serial KillerDeathcore Glamourhard as hell records
13. 2013-12-02
14. 2013-12-02EisregenFamilienbandeTodestagemassacre
15. 2013-12-02ColiseumDisappear From SightSister Faithtemporary_residence
16. 2013-12-02MidnightServant To No OneComplete And Total Hellhells_headbangers
17. 2013-12-02Broken HopeCloningLoathingearache
18. 2013-12-02
19. 2013-12-02Eternal SufferingDrown In The Candles FlameRecollections Of Tragedy & Miserypathos
20. 2013-12-02Rivers Of NihilPlace Of SerpentsThe Conscious Seed Of Lightmetalblade
21. 2013-12-02Inherit DiseaseDigital RaptureVisceral Transcendenceunique_leader
22. 2013-12-02AbacinateRife With The Stench And SqualarA Kings Thirst for the Frosty Brewgutter_christ
23. 2013-12-02
24. 2013-12-02A Canorous QuintetLand Of The LostThe Only Pure HateGestrichen
25. 2013-12-02Abyssmal SorrowCavernous Sorrow And WorthlesnessLament
26. 2013-12-02Napalm DeathBedtime StoryLeaders Not Followers: Part 2centurymedia
27. 2013-12-02Burnt By The SunLizard-Skin Barbieself-titledrelapse
28. 2013-12-02
29. 2013-12-02Today is the DayBee's Wax and Star WarsKiss the Pigrelapse
30. 2013-12-02KnutMergeBastardiserhydrahead
31. 2013-12-02Non Compos MentisBeauty QueenSmile When you Hatewonderdrug
32. 2013-12-02Between the Buried and MeMordecaiSilent Circusvictory
33. 2013-12-02
34. 2013-12-02AbortedClinical ColostomyGoremageddoncenturymedia
35. 2013-12-02ConvergeConduitWhen Forever Comes Crashingevr
36. 2013-12-02RevocationThe Gift You GaveRevocationrelapse
37. 2013-12-02Megadethhanger 18Rust in Peacecapitol
38. 2013-12-02ExodusAnd Then There Were NoneLet There be Bloodimportant
39. 2013-12-02
40. 2013-12-02Maze Of TerrorDamed To Eternal PyreSkullcrusherself-released
41. 2013-12-02SlayerGuilty Of Being WhiteUndisputed Attitude
42. 2013-12-02His Hero Is GoneLeashFifteen Counts Of Arsonprank
43. 2013-12-02Sea MonsterSgt. StrikerDeath, Taxes, And Sea MonsterWinged Disk Records
44. 2013-12-02BanishmentObscure BenevolenceCleansing the Infirmlacerated_enemy
45. 2013-12-02
46. 2013-12-02Malevolent CreationPremature BurialThe Ten Commandmentspavement
47. 2013-12-02Edge Of SanityImpulsive NecroplasmaNothing But Death Remains
48. 2013-12-02Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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