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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


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1. 2007-09-10MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2007-09-10SkinlessEnslavementForeshadowing Our Demiserelapse
3. 2007-09-10AngelcorpseAntichrist VanguardOf Lucifer and Lighteningosmose
4. 2007-09-10Cephalic CarnageDivination and VolitionXenosapienrelapse
5. 2007-09-10Through the Eyes of the DeadDead End RoadsMaliceprosthetic
6. 2007-09-10Deadwater DrowningSleepwalking with a Knifeepblackmarket_activities
7. 2007-09-10From a Second Story WindowIn a River Where You Least Expect It There Will Be FishNot one Word has Been Omittedblackmarket_activities
8. 2007-09-10the number 12 looks like youPaper Weight PigsMongreleyeball
9. 2007-09-10Bodies in the Gears of the ApparatusLubricated gloveSimian Hybrid Prototypethespew
10. 2007-09-10Despised IconSheltered ReminiscenceIlls of Modern Mancenturymedia
11. 2007-09-10Coliseumthe Fate of ManNo Salvationrelapse
12. 2007-09-10Municipal WasteBeer Pressurethe Art of Partyingearache
13. 2007-09-10Megadethpeace sellsThat one night (live in Buenos Aires)image
14. 2007-09-10High on FireTurkDeath is this Communionrelapse
15. 2007-09-10No Room for the LivingWeed PasteOnly the Dead with Survivemaine_extreme
16. 2007-09-10HimsaTimberSummon In Thundercenturymedia
17. 2007-09-10HurtlockerLet them dieEmbrace the Fallnapalm
18. 2007-09-10MehidaGuiltyBlood & Waternapalm
19. 2007-09-10RingwormNever Wasthe Venomous Grand Designvictory
20. 2007-09-10IntegrityRelease the FiendSeasons in the Size of Daysvictory
21. 2007-09-10Cut Throatfor youCut Throat/25 ta life splitrock_vegas
22. 2007-09-10The Red ChordOpen Eyed Beast AttackPrey for Eyesmetalblade
23. 2007-09-10Pig DestroyerPhantom LimbPhantom Limbrelapse
24. 2007-09-10SlayerDiscipleGod Hates us Allamerican
25. 2007-09-10EntombedAmokSerpent Saintscandlelight
26. 2007-09-10Dying Fetus... and the weak shall be crushedInfatuation with Malevolencecenturymedia
27. 2007-09-10HateSphereDamned below JudaSerpent Smiles and Killer Eyesspv
28. 2007-09-10AeonHate ThemRise to Dominatemetalblade
29. 2007-09-10Godless Risingthe Lair of CerberusBattle Lordsmoribund
30. 2007-09-10Dimmu Borgirthe Conspiracy UnfoldsIn Sorte Diabolinuclearblast
31. 2007-09-10NilePapyrus Containin the Spell to Preserve its Possessor from Attack from He Who is in the waterIthyphallicnuclearblast
32. 2007-09-10Nuclear Blast AllstarsTerrifiedInto the Lightnuclearblast
33. 2007-09-10TrelldonBy My WillTil Minneregain
34. 2007-09-10AvskyUntil Nothing RemainsMass Destructionhumanitys_plague
35. 2007-09-10Drawn and QuarteredFuneral Pyre of AnnihilationMerciless Hammer of Lucifermoribund
36. 2007-09-10AkercockeSummon the AntichristAntichristearache
37. 2007-09-10God DethronedBoiling BloodBloody Blasphemymetalblade
38. 2007-09-10GoatreignBoot to the Headself-titledwabana
39. 2007-09-10ObituaryFeel the PainXecutioner's Returncandlelight
40. 2007-09-10At The GatesUnder a serpent SunSlaughter of the Soulearache
41. 2007-09-10SerenityCircle of my 2nd lifeWords Untold and Dreams Unlivednapalm
42. 2007-09-10Sons of AzraelSweet Blasphemythe Conjuration of Vengeancemetalblade
43. 2007-09-10HacavitzMotlaition in QuetaltiKatunmoribund
44. 2007-09-10DraugerThrough the Dark until You Dievariousmoribund
45. 2007-09-10MasichistEve of Anti-Creationvariousmoribund
46. 2007-09-10Visions of Atlantisthe SecretTrinitynapalm
47. 2007-09-10EpicaDeah of a Dream - the Embrace that Smothers - part VIIthe Devine Conspiracynuclearblast
48. 2007-09-10KalmahBlack RoijaSwamplordcenturymedia
49. 2007-09-10Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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