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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2018-07-16MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2018-07-16
3. 2018-07-16Fuck the FactsWhat's Left BehindStigmata High-FiveRelapse Records
4. 2018-07-16Ed GeinChristianity as Foreign PolicyJudas Goats and DieseleatersMetal Blade
5. 2018-07-16HivesmasherUnwingedAscension into Dismal Stagesvacant_seas
6. 2018-07-16InsomniumCollapsing WordsShadows Of The Dying SunCentury Media Records
7. 2018-07-16MythicThe OracleThe Immortal Realm (demo)
8. 2018-07-16
9. 2018-07-16ImmortalWhere Mountains RiseNorthern Chaos GodsNuclear Blast Records
10. 2018-07-16DarkthroneWeakling AvengerPlaguewielder
11. 2018-07-16EmperorWrath Of The TyrantEmperor / Wrath Of The Tyrant
12. 2018-07-16SatyriconSuffering the TyrantsVolcanoRed Ink
13. 2018-07-16
14. 2018-07-16Bane of ExistenceCankerousHumanity's. Splintered. Salvation
15. 2018-07-16Odious SanctionPunishment of LifePsychotically Enraged
16. 2018-07-16SpaceslugThe Great Pylon ColliderTime Travel Dilemma
17. 2018-07-16
18. 2018-07-16Obscure EvilTribes Of UethSplit 10" EPBlood Harvest Records
19. 2018-07-16CinzasIIDemo IPurodium Rekords
20. 2018-07-16CreaturesCREATURES - II - 02 - What Would Rick Sanchez DoIIOld Haunt Records
21. 2018-07-16NACHASH03 ASTRAL SACRIFICEPhantasmal Trinunity (CD, LP, TAPE)Shadow Kingdom Records
22. 2018-07-16
23. 2018-07-16PYREFICATIVMEmanations From the Drakonian Vessel(Path of the world)Living Temple Records
24. 2018-07-16Dying FetusGrotesque ImpalementGrotesque Impalement
25. 2018-07-16PleuriticUnholy IncantationTemple of Satan
26. 2018-07-16GorezoneDriven by Cells of BigotryBrutalities of Modern DominationXtreem Music
27. 2018-07-16Prostitute DisfigurementThe corpse gardenProstitute Disfigurement - Left In Grisly Fashion
28. 2018-07-16Sturmgewehr 666TerrorizeChallenging CrossReich Cowards
29. 2018-07-16Witch TombServantWitch Tomb - Martyrvore
30. 2018-07-16
31. 2018-07-16Euphoric DefilementFracments of the ParadigmAscending To the WormsUnique Leader Records
32. 2018-07-16Satan's HostMetal from Hell - 2011 version. Original appear...CELEBRATIONMoribund Records
33. 2018-07-16OppressorThrough Their EyesElements of CorrosionSerious Entertainment
34. 2018-07-16XerxesSummer Storms/Winter LeavesOur Home is a DeathbedNo Sleep Records
35. 2018-07-16
36. 2018-07-16AlgolMysterious PentagramEntering The Woods Of Enchantment
37. 2018-07-16NecromancerBrutal Murder In downtown HotelTombstone Epitaph
38. 2018-07-16Yog Sothots07. Slasher NoiseDemo 87
39. 2018-07-16Aeon of HorusArrogantly Opposing RealityThe Embodiment of Darkness and Light
40. 2018-07-16
41. 2018-07-16ObscuraMortification of the Vulgar SunDiluviumRelapse Records
42. 2018-07-16Od'SaheDream ov the Dragon - Kha Bog MorokPhilosophy ov Self-destructionBlack Plague Records - via Metalhit
43. 2018-07-16ReincarnationThe Way of All Flesh (MCD '95)Seed of Hate (MCD)Xtreem Music
44. 2018-07-16Blood Red ThroneThe Light The HateSouls Of Damnation
45. 2018-07-16
46. 2018-07-16Heathen LifecodeChaos ContinuumBlaskphemization Through IntoleranceOld Cemetery Records
47. 2018-07-16Anaal NathrakhDo Not SpeakDomine Non Es DignusSeason of Mist
48. 2018-07-16Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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