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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1389 playlist up with 57599 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2022-11-21MinistryStigmataLand Of Rape And HoneyWarner Bros.
2. 2022-11-21
3. 2022-11-21AcmeBasterdiserTo Reduce the Choir to One SoloistEdison Records
4. 2022-11-21KnutWood OutBastardiserHydra Head
5. 2022-11-21CursedR.I.P.TwoGoodfellow Records
6. 2022-11-21NailsAbandon All LifeAbandon All LifeSouthern Lord
7. 2022-11-21Dillinger Escape Plan, TheAbe the CopUnder the Running BoardRelapse Records
8. 2022-11-21
9. 2022-11-21Krater (Germany)07 No Place for YouVenenareEisenwald Records
10. 2022-11-21LuzbelEsta Noche Es NuestraMetal Caido Del Cielo (EP)WEA International
11. 2022-11-21Lazarus ADRevolutionThe OnslaughtMetal Blade
12. 2022-11-21BAT06 Ritual FoolWings of Chains (CD, LP, TAPE)Hells Headbangers Records
13. 2022-11-21
14. 2022-11-21Anaal NathrakhScreaming of the UnbornHell Is Empty, and All the Devils Are HereMetal Blade Records
15. 2022-11-21City of CaterpillarAnd You're Wondering How a Top Floor Could Replace HeavenCity of Caterpillar
16. 2022-11-21Majority RuleIt's Too LateEmergency NumbersMagic Bullet
17. 2022-11-21
18. 2022-11-21Wasp MotherBoringSelf-Loathing
19. 2022-11-21Nihilist Death CultNihilist Death Cult - 5 Death To All TyrantsDeath To All Tyrants - Out Dec 2ndSelf-Released
20. 2022-11-21Dehiscence04 Against Your WillColonyChaos Records
21. 2022-11-21
22. 2022-11-21SumerlandsEdge Of The KnifeDreamkillerRelapse Records
23. 2022-11-21Sacrilegion (USA)02 Puritanical DementiaFrom Which Nightmares CrawlChaos Records
24. 2022-11-21Opus Arise03 Opus Arise - AntimatterThe Network - Out Dec 2ndSelf-Released
25. 2022-11-21Doodseskader04 - Less Of EverythingYear OneIsolation Records
26. 2022-11-21
27. 2022-11-21Karg02 EBBE//FLUTResignationAOP Records
28. 2022-11-21ESKHATON (Australia)02 KhaossuaryHorracle (CD, 12" MLP)Hells Headbangers Records
29. 2022-11-21Licht des Urteils03 Color Out of SpaceUhraamoPurity Through Fire
30. 2022-11-21
31. 2022-11-21Gutvoid03 Pilgrimage To The Necropolis RuinAstral Bestiary CD/12" MLP/TAPEBlood Harvest Records
32. 2022-11-21Visceral DisgorgeNecrocoprophagiaIngesting PutridityAmputated Vein Records
33. 2022-11-21Godless TruthInstructed to DegradeArrogance of Supreme PowerAmputated Vein Records
34. 2022-11-21MidnightFrothing FoulnessLet There Be WitcheryMetal Blade Records
35. 2022-11-21The Acacia StrainOnlyIt Comes in Waves
36. 2022-11-21
37. 2022-11-21SexcrementTrucker BombedSloppy SecondsComatos Music
38. 2022-11-21Fuse of OrderKing of CrustNobody Leaves at 72Metal Mountain Records
39. 2022-11-21ENCENATHRAKH {usa}AkerthCD 2015 ��encenathrakh��
40. 2022-11-21WormrotPublic Display Of InfectionDirge
41. 2022-11-21AzaghalKun Aurinko KuoliHelvetin Yhdeksän Piiriä (Nine Circles of Hell)Moribund Records 2016
42. 2022-11-21
43. 2022-11-21VinterseaBefallenIlluminated
44. 2022-11-21Jagged VisionEuthanasiaDeath Is This World
45. 2022-11-21StarkweatherShroudInto the Wire EPEdison
46. 2022-11-21HalphasBones and DustThe Infernal Path into OblivionFolter Records
47. 2022-11-21South of Heaven
48. 2022-11-21SlayerMandatory SuicideSouth of Heaven
49. 2022-11-21Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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