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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1396 playlist up with 57861 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2012-10-01MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2012-10-01
3. 2012-10-01Judas PriestGenocideSad Wings of Destinyjanus
4. 2012-10-01HalfordMade In HellLive Insurrection (remastered)metal_god
5. 2012-10-01DioEat Your Heart OutLast In Linewarner_bros
6. 2012-10-01GorgorothUnchain my HeartIncipit Satannuclearblast
7. 2012-10-01
8. 2012-10-01DeathtaleBlood TrailApocalyptic Deadlineterrasoundrecords
9. 2012-10-01As the Sun SetsSearching For A Reason To Carry OnEach Individual Voice is Dead in the Silence
10. 2012-10-01SlayerHell AwaitsHell Awaitsmetalblade
11. 2012-10-01
12. 2012-10-01BaronessRays Of PinionRed Albumrelapse
13. 2012-10-01Ex DeoAlong The Appian WayCaligulanapalm
14. 2012-10-01Cannibal CorpsePerverse SufferingVilemetalblade
15. 2012-10-01
16. 2012-10-01KamikabeThe Process WithinAberration Of Manunique_leader
17. 2012-10-01ArkaikSoliloquies Of The War MachineMetamorphignitionunique_leader
18. 2012-10-01Behold... The ArctopusDisintegoreHorrorscensionblackmarket_activities
19. 2012-10-01NettleCarrierDemorielNettleCarrierindie
20. 2012-10-01PosthumScarecrowLights Outindie
21. 2012-10-01
22. 2012-10-01Hooded MenaceEffigies Of EvilEffigies Of Evilrelapse
23. 2012-10-01Serpentine PathObsoletionSerpentine Pathrelapse
24. 2012-10-01WeaponLiber LilithEmbers And Revelationrelapse
25. 2012-10-01
26. 2012-10-01Dead Kennedy'sChemical WarfareFresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetablesalternative_tentacles
27. 2012-10-01Earth CrisisHoliday In CambodiaLast Of The Saneroadrunner
28. 2012-10-01Dying FetusHopeless InsurrectionDecend Into Depravityrelapse
29. 2012-10-01WormedGeodesicPlanisphaeriummacabre_mentos
30. 2012-10-01
31. 2012-10-01Forgotten TombCold Summer...And Don't Deliver Us From Evil...agonia
32. 2012-10-01
33. 2012-10-01October FileFriendly FireVarious Artist - Candlelight USA Winter Samplercandlelight
34. 2012-10-01Gloomy GrimOctober - Cellar DwellerUnder the Spell of the Unlightanticulture
35. 2012-10-01October 31Voyage To InfinityVarious Artist - And The Scene Goes On... Vol. 2
36. 2012-10-01RaintimeDemied RecollectionTales From Sadness
37. 2012-10-01
38. 2012-10-01Ablaze My SorrowThe BattleIf Emotion Still Burnsno_fashion
39. 2012-10-01EvocationOn The Journey To HeavenEvoked From Demonic Depths - The Early Yearscenturymedia
40. 2012-10-01GraveDisembodied StepsEndless Procession Of Soulscenturymedia
41. 2012-10-01Flotsam and JetsamOctober ThornsWhen the Storm Comes Downmetalblade
42. 2012-10-01
43. 2012-10-01Between the Buried and MeLay Your Ghosts To RestThe Parallax II: Future Sequencemetalblade
44. 2012-10-01NileThe Fiends Who Come To Steal The Magick Of The DeceasedAt The Gate Of Sethunuclearblast
45. 2012-10-01GazaWhen They BegNo Absolutes In Human Sufferingblackmarket_activities
46. 2012-10-01Prostitute DisfigurementThe Corpse GardenLeft In Grisly Fashion
47. 2012-10-01Waking Kills The DreamOctoberDepending On Tomorrow
48. 2012-10-01
49. 2012-10-01Misfitsskulls12 Hits From Hell
50. 2012-10-01Black FlagDrinking and DrivingIn My Headsst
51. 2012-10-01IntegrityRiseSeasons in the Size of Daysvictory
52. 2012-10-01Drawn and QuarteredThrone Of Desolation (Befowling The Scriptures)Hail Infernal Darknessmoribund
53. 2012-10-01
54. 2012-10-01Type O NegativeHalloween In HeavenDead Againspv
55. 2012-10-01DantalionGloom And FailureAll Roads Lead to Deathxtreem
56. 2012-10-01BelfegorEternity Of GloomKingdom Of Glacial Palaces
57. 2012-10-01HelloweenRest In PeaceVisions of the Night
58. 2012-10-01Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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