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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1385 playlist up with 57469 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2018-12-03MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2018-12-03
3. 2018-12-03DestructionSign Of FearRelease From Agony
4. 2018-12-03VenomTo Hell And BackBlack Metal
5. 2018-12-03WarhammerInfernal TempestCurse of the Absolute EclipseMetal Mind Productions
6. 2018-12-03MorgothUnreal ImaginationCursedCentury Media
7. 2018-12-03
8. 2018-12-03Deeds of FleshInfecting Them with FalsehoodInbreeding the AnthropophagiRepulse Records
9. 2018-12-03Godless TruthPerceive the MockeryArrogance of Supreme PowerAmputated Vein Records
10. 2018-12-03SargeistTwilight Breath of SatanLet the Devil InMoribund Records
11. 2018-12-03Drawn & QuarteredCyanide SacramentMerciless Hammer of Lucifer, Disc 1, Disc 1Moribund Records
12. 2018-12-03
13. 2018-12-03Grim ReaperSee You In HellSee You In Hell/Fear No EvilBMG Collectables
14. 2018-12-03ScannerWizard ForceHypertrace
15. 2018-12-03Malevolent CreationSupremacy Through AnnihilationWarkultNuclear Blast Records
16. 2018-12-03SlayerTormentorShow No Mercy
17. 2018-12-03
18. 2018-12-03BLOOD FEASTHunted, Stalked And SlainChopped, Sliced and Diced (CD, 12" MLP, TAPE)Hells Headbangers Records
19. 2018-12-03NEKROFILTHVomit DogWorm Ritual (CD, LP, TAPE)Hells Headbangers Records
20. 2018-12-03WITCHING HOUR (Germany)Behold Those Distant Skies...And Silent Grief Shadows the Passing Moon (CD, LP, TAPE)Hells Headbangers Records
21. 2018-12-03IN THE WOODS...Still yearningCease The DayDebemur Morti Productions
22. 2018-12-03
23. 2018-12-03DIRGEHOSEA 8 7Lost EmpyreanDebemur Morti Productions
24. 2018-12-03EXCALIBUR (Spain)Dentro de TiGeneracin MalditaFighter Records
25. 2018-12-03RAUHNCHT02. Unterm GipfelthronUnterm GipfelthronDebemur Morti Productions
26. 2018-12-03
27. 2018-12-03Dark Buddha Rising01 Transperson IThe Black TrilogySvart Records
28. 2018-12-03
29. 2018-12-03KataklysmSuicide RiverHeaven's VenomNuclear Blast
30. 2018-12-03Bolt ThrowerDark MilleniumRealm Of Chaos
31. 2018-12-03AmputoryUncleanOde to GoreXtreem Music
32. 2018-12-03GoratoryCream of FetusOrgasm Induced DiarrheaAmputated Vein Records
33. 2018-12-03
34. 2018-12-03YskelgrothMorbid DwellUnholy Primitive Nihilism
35. 2018-12-03HellhammerReaperDemon Entrailsmetalblade
36. 2018-12-03DeathPrimitive WaysLeprosy
37. 2018-12-03NecropsyDust Thou Art
38. 2018-12-03Unholy Primitive Nihilism
39. 2018-12-03DefeatistMarutaIn Praise of False Hope EP
40. 2018-12-03Cripple BastardsMass Medis (Indigesti)Frammenti Di Vita (Ep)
41. 2018-12-03Agony Terror SystemSuddenly... The Amputation!3 Way Split CD
42. 2018-12-03Pig DestroyerTrap Door ManHead CageRelapse Records
43. 2018-12-03Bastard GraveReborn In FilthWhat Lies BeyondPulverised Records
44. 2018-12-03RegurgitateSplattered BrainsEffortless Regurgitation...The Torture SessionsPower It Up
45. 2018-12-03WAR TORN NATIONCoroners Macabre FleshfeastRotting In Pestilence
46. 2018-12-03DropdeadI Will DefyDrop On
47. 2018-12-03YuppicideFuseDead Man WalkingWreck-Age
48. 2018-12-03
49. 2018-12-03WormreichRevelation IIWormcult RevelationsMoribund Records
50. 2018-12-03God's HateAdmission Of GuiltDivine Injustice
51. 2018-12-03Knocked LooseOblivions PeakLaugh TracksPure Noise Records
52. 2018-12-03XibalbaDiabloDiablo, Con Amor.. Adios.southernlord
53. 2018-12-03Jesus PieceCoward's WayS/T EP
54. 2018-12-03VeinErrorzoneErrorzone
55. 2018-12-03
56. 2018-12-03Bastard SaplingThe Killer In Us AllInstinct Is ForeverGilead Media
57. 2018-12-03AvengerNelje Zapomenout (Not Possible to Forget)Shadows of the Damned
58. 2018-12-03Infernal LegionYour Prayers Mean NothingYour Prayers Mean NothingMoribund Records
59. 2018-12-03DodsferdWastes of LifeWastes of LifeMoribund Records
60. 2018-12-03
61. 2018-12-03TristTicho Je SvobodouVečerní Samoty
62. 2018-12-03Swarm of the LotusAn Ocean of FireWhen White Becomes BlackAt A Loss Recordings
63. 2018-12-03Večerní Samoty
64. 2018-12-03Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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