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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1398 playlist up with 57934 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2017-08-21MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2017-08-21
3. 2017-08-21Bastard SaplingMy Spine Will Be My NooseInstinct Is ForeverGilead Media
4. 2017-08-21Morta SkuldSacrificial RiteSacrificial Rite / Amulet of the ConqueringVile Music
5. 2017-08-21DeicideRepent To DieLegionRoadrunner Records
6. 2017-08-21ImmolationInternal DecadenceDawn of PossessionMetal Mind Productions
7. 2017-08-21
8. 2017-08-21BruteMuktiAutophagiaAghor Gore Moksha
9. 2017-08-21HivesmasherEn Route to MeatlandGutter Choirblackmarket_activities
10. 2017-08-21Ancient FilthHard BoiledEverything In The Void Cassette
11. 2017-08-21SvfferUnjust PrevailEmpathist
12. 2017-08-21CALL OF THE VOIDTheory of MindDragged Down A Dead End PathRelapse Records
13. 2017-08-21Lock UpThrough The Eyes Of My Shadow SelfNecropolis TransparentNuclear Blast GmbH
14. 2017-08-21
15. 2017-08-21MardukInfernal EternalHeaven Shall Burn...When We Are GatheredRegain Records
16. 2017-08-21PEST04 Devil's markThe Crowning HorrorAgonia Records
17. 2017-08-21TriptykonA Thousand LiesA Thousand LiesCentury Media Records
18. 2017-08-21GoatwhoreProvoking the Ritual of DeathCarving Out the Eyes of GodMetal Blade
19. 2017-08-21EyehategodQuitter's OffensiveEyehategod
20. 2017-08-21
21. 2017-08-21EarthlingObedience and DecaySpinning In The Void
22. 2017-08-21
23. 2017-08-21NorthSilverfeatherThrough Raven's EyesProsthetic Records
24. 2017-08-21TombsNovember WolvesThe Grand AnnihilationMetal Blade Records
25. 2017-08-21StortregnNegative TheologyEvocation Of Light
26. 2017-08-21NunslaughterNunslaughterRitual Of Darkness (demo)hells_headbangers
27. 2017-08-21Only Living WitnessVoice Of DisrepairProne Mortal Formcenturymedia
28. 2017-08-21
29. 2017-08-21Twitching TonguesDisharmonyDisharmonyMetal Blade Records
30. 2017-08-21Cave InCrossbearerBeyond HypothermiaHydra Head Records
31. 2017-08-21Evergreen TerraceThe Smell of SummerSincerity Is an Easy Disguise in This BusinessEulogy Recordings
32. 2017-08-21Drawn & QuarteredGenocide AdvocacyHail Infernal DarknessMoribund Records
33. 2017-08-21
34. 2017-08-21Frostmoon EclipseLet The World BurnGathering the DarknessISO666 releases
35. 2017-08-21Dark FuneralAs I AscendWhere Shadows Forever ReignCentury Media Records
36. 2017-08-21ThyraneBlack Atmospheric MadnessSymphonies of InfernalityWoodcut Records
37. 2017-08-21DraconianOn Sunday They Will Kill the WorldThe Burning HaloNapalm Records
38. 2017-08-21MithotynShadows of the PastDeathmeister, Vol. 1Metal Blade
39. 2017-08-21
40. 2017-08-21EntrallStonedThroes Of FireSelf-Released
41. 2017-08-21OriginTruthslayerUnparalleled UniverseNuclear Blast Records
42. 2017-08-21Dying FetusWeaken The StructureWrong One to Fuck WithRelapse Records
43. 2017-08-21Ossuary Insane04 The Olde Ragged CrossDemonize the Flesh LPBlood Harvest Records
44. 2017-08-21
45. 2017-08-21AsphyxLast One on EarthLast One on EarthCentury Media
46. 2017-08-21Immortal SufferingEntangled Upon LiesInsatanity & Immortal Suffering split CD
47. 2017-08-21Abosranie BogomAnal EclipseCOPROcessor
48. 2017-08-21InhumateUndergroundNo.6 - War Dance
49. 2017-08-21WarzoneKicked in the HeadFight for JusticeVictory Records
50. 2017-08-21Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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