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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1398 playlist up with 57934 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2017-04-10MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2017-04-10
3. 2017-04-10Celtic FrostEternal SummerTo Mega Therioncombat
4. 2017-04-10Cult of LunaThe WatchtowerThe BeyondEarache
5. 2017-04-10AutopsySeeds Of The DoomedMacabre EternalPeaceville
6. 2017-04-10Cattle DecapitationAlone at the LandfillKarma. Bloody. KarmaMetal Blade Records
7. 2017-04-10
8. 2017-04-10BloodbathSo You DieResurrection Through CarnageCentury Media
9. 2017-04-10Fit For An AutopsyMother Of The YearHellboundeOne Entertainment
10. 2017-04-10General SurgeryCauterization FrenzyGeneral Surgery & The County Medical Examiners
11. 2017-04-10Drawn & QuarteredFuneral Pyres of AnnihilationMerciless Hammer of Lucifer, Disc 1, Disc 1Moribund Records
12. 2017-04-10BewitchedCremation of the CrossAtrocities in A-Minor [EP]
13. 2017-04-10
14. 2017-04-10ApophysMiscreantsPrime IncursionMetal Blade Records
15. 2017-04-10NecrophagistTo Breathe in a CasketOnset of PutrefactionWillowtip Records
16. 2017-04-10
17. 2017-04-10ImmolationThrown To The FireAtonementNuclear Blast Records
18. 2017-04-10ObituaryIt LivesObituaryRelapse Records
19. 2017-04-10Amon AmarthRisen From the Sea (2000)The CrusherMetal Blade
20. 2017-04-10SlayerPostmortemReign in Bloodamerican
21. 2017-04-10
22. 2017-04-10XibalbaCon AmorDiablo, Con Amor.. Adios.
23. 2017-04-10SlapshotKill Your ParentsDigital WarfareKnockout Entertainment
24. 2017-04-10IntegritySeason Decided FateSeasons in the Size of DaysVictory Records
25. 2017-04-10American NightmareShoplifting In A Ghost TownBackground Musicbridge9
26. 2017-04-10New LowsThe Pounding And The HolleringHarvest of the CarcassDeathwish Inc.
27. 2017-04-10Mind EraserWithdrawl SymptomsThe Prodigal Son Brings Death
28. 2017-04-10Agoraphobic NosebleedBed of FliesThe Poacher Diaries
29. 2017-04-10
30. 2017-04-10ZyklonChaos DeathcultWorld Ov WormsCandlelight Records
31. 2017-04-10FINSTERFORSTAuf die Zwölf#YOLONapalm Records
32. 2017-04-10ArvasConsumer Of FilthBlack Satanic MysticismATMF
33. 2017-04-10Crimson GloryLove And DreamsStrange And Beautiful
34. 2017-04-10AN AUTUMN FOR CRIPPLED CHILDRENYou Have Been In The Shadows For So LongEternalWickerman Records
35. 2017-04-10
36. 2017-04-10Infernal CurseThe End Upon UsThe End Upon Us MLP
37. 2017-04-10CrucifyreKiss The GoatInfernal Earthly DivinePulverised Records
38. 2017-04-10Today Is the DayKiss the PigKiss the PigRelapse Records
39. 2017-04-10Throes of DawnThe HermitBinding of the SpiritWounded Love (Avantgarde)
40. 2017-04-10Backstabbers IncIf You Can See the End, It's Already OverKamikaze MissionsTrash Art!
41. 2017-04-10Ookla the MokNoise of DayBless Her Little Black Heart
42. 2017-04-10
43. 2017-04-10VehemenceThe Last Fantasy of ChristGod Was CreatedMetal Blade
44. 2017-04-10Human MasticationBizarre Museum Of Eviscerated WhoresGrotesque Mastication of Putrid InnardsSevared Records - via Metalhit
45. 2017-04-10BenedictionAshen EpitaphGrotesque/Ashen EpitaphNuclear Blast Records
46. 2017-04-10MalignancySkeletal IntegrityInhuman GrotesqueriesPlastic Head Music
47. 2017-04-10
48. 2017-04-10DeteriorotEternal DarknessIn Ancient BeliefsWorld War III Music
49. 2017-04-10WinterEternal FrostInto DarknessSouthern Lord
50. 2017-04-10TherionEnter The Depths Of Eternal DaBeyond Sanctorum
51. 2017-04-10Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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