Ass Hat
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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1398 playlist up with 57934 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2022-01-31MinistryStigmataLand Of Rape And HoneyWarner Bros.
2. 2022-01-31
3. 2022-01-31RudraMalevolent CreedThe Aryan Crusade
4. 2022-01-31Lazarus ADRevolutionThe OnslaughtMetal Blade
5. 2022-01-31Embryonic CryptopathiaVirulent Head WreckageUterine Excretor Of CarcinovomitBestial Onslaught Productions
6. 2022-01-31ONSLAUGHTLord Of EvilPower From Hell
7. 2022-01-31
8. 2022-01-31AutopsyKeeper of DecayActs of the UnspeakablePeaceville Records
9. 2022-01-31ImpaledBlood BathThe Dead Shall Dead Remain
10. 2022-01-31SkinlessTampon LollipopsProgression Towards Evil
11. 2022-01-31DismemberEuropa BurnsDismemberRegain Records
12. 2022-01-31
13. 2022-01-31the GrotesqueryReturn to the House of GrotesqueCurse of the Skinless Bride
14. 2022-01-31KalmahBird Of Ill OmenSwampsong [Japan Bonus Track]King
15. 2022-01-31OratorEmperor (Disposable Youth)Kallipolishttps
16. 2022-01-31XternityNecromantic ProphecyFrom Endless Depravity
17. 2022-01-31
18. 2022-01-31CAVEATCaveat - Alchemy - 04 Black MirrorAlchemy - Out Feb 11thSelf-Released
19. 2022-01-31TYMO04 EstrogenocideThe Art Of A Maniac - Out Feb 5thSelf-Released
20. 2022-01-31
21. 2022-01-31DissectionWhere Dead Angels LieStorm of the Light's BaneNuclear Blast Records
22. 2022-01-31Imperial DomainWhere Life and Death CollideIn the Ashes of the Fallen
23. 2022-01-31Slaying Of DeathFlowing FireSpiritual Orphans
24. 2022-01-31Decent CriminalDeviantBloomDodgeball Records
25. 2022-01-31
26. 2022-01-31Etherial WindsInto The SereneSaved (EP)
27. 2022-01-31SACRIFIXION03 Drowning In A NightmareShower Me in Death (7" EP)Hells Headbangers Records
28. 2022-01-31End, TheThe Moth and IElementaryRelapse Records
29. 2022-01-31VeinEnd EternalErrorzone
30. 2022-01-31
31. 2022-01-31BahtNeden?In My Veins
32. 2022-01-31Thy Art Is MurderDead SunHateNuclear Blast GmbH
33. 2022-01-31VamacharaBeyond ReachHereafter
34. 2022-01-31Into AnotherUnreleased LP
35. 2022-01-31
36. 2022-01-31CephalectomyShroud of MysticismDark Waters Rise
37. 2022-01-31Angel CorpsePhallelujahExterminate
38. 2022-01-31Virgin SteeleNecropolis (He Answers Them With Death)The Black Light BacchanaliaSPV-Steamhammer
39. 2022-01-31The Great Old OnesOf DementiaCosmicismSeason of mist
40. 2022-01-31
41. 2022-01-31Wharflurch03 Abandoning RealityPsychedelic Realms Ov HellPersonal Records
42. 2022-01-31DaemoonThe Night Of Embers
43. 2022-01-31FornicatusOmnium Animalis TerminusOmnium Animalis Terminus
44. 2022-01-31Heretic Cult RedeemerDestiny of DeathHeretic Cult Redeemer LPIron Bonehead Productions
45. 2022-01-31
46. 2022-01-31AssassinAll Your LoveAssassin
47. 2022-01-31Death AngelConfusedFrolic Through the ParkEnigma Records
48. 2022-01-31ElegyDrive Into The DeepBetter Than Bells Demo
49. 2022-01-31Wild DogsNever Gonna StopWild Dogs
50. 2022-01-31
51. 2022-01-31Agent SteelRagerUnstoppable Force
52. 2022-01-31WombatGot To Do Something NowWombat
53. 2022-01-31Mekong DeltaShivas ReturnMekong Delta
54. 2022-01-31MortificationElectron NarcosisDemo 1989
55. 2022-01-31
56. 2022-01-31ObituaryImmortal VisionsSlowly We Rot [CD]
57. 2022-01-31RavenHung Drawn & QuarteredAll For One
58. 2022-01-31VengeanceLove Lies BleedingWe Have Ways To Make You Rock
59. 2022-01-31
60. 2022-01-31DeathrowBeyond the lightRaging Steel [2008 reissue]
61. 2022-01-31BulldozerThe ExorcismThe Day Of Wrath
62. 2022-01-31Holy MosesRoadcrewQueen of Siam [2005 Remaster]
63. 2022-01-31Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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