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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1398 playlist up with 57934 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2012-09-24MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2012-09-24
3. 2012-09-24WrathHell Is HereNothing To Fearmedusa
4. 2012-09-24Abysmal DawnSolitude's DemiseFrom Ashesrelapse
5. 2012-09-24GorodSailing Into The EarthA Perfect Absolutionunique_leader
6. 2012-09-24CandlemassThe Lights Of ThebePsalms For The Deadnapalm
7. 2012-09-24
8. 2012-09-24Admiral Sir Cloudesley ShovellThe Last RunDon't Hear It... Fear It!rise
9. 2012-09-24Swarm of the LotusBurn Autumn BurnWhen White Becomes Blackat_a_loss
10. 2012-09-24BurstIrisPrey on Liferelapse
11. 2012-09-24ConvergeNo HeroesNo Heroesepitaph
12. 2012-09-24
13. 2012-09-24AmputatedProjectile Beer VomitWading Through Rancid Offalsevared
14. 2012-09-24AbnormalityA Chaos ReservedContaminating The Hive Mindsevared
15. 2012-09-24Embryioric DepravityAcephelous TransmutationMalignant Opus Of Inherited Depravities
16. 2012-09-24
17. 2012-09-24Forgotten TombDeprived...And Don't Deliver Us From Evil...agonia
18. 2012-09-24PathologyAsphyxiation Through ConsumptionThe Time Of Great Purificationvictory
19. 2012-09-24Acid WitchWitchtanic HellucinationsWitchtanic Hellucinationshells_headbangers
20. 2012-09-24Witch CrossKiller DogsFit For Fighthells_headbangers
21. 2012-09-24
22. 2012-09-24RagnarokDemon In My ViewMaledictionagonia
23. 2012-09-24The SorrowBuried In The DeepMisery Escapenapalm
24. 2012-09-24Between the Buried and MeExtremophile EliteThe Parallax II: Future Sequencemetalblade
25. 2012-09-24Downfall Of GaiaDrowning By Wing BeatsSuffocating In The Swarm Of Cranesmetalblade
26. 2012-09-24
27. 2012-09-24S-CoreSwallowed WillInto The DeepestNoiseheadrecords
28. 2012-09-24FinsterforstFremdRastlosnapalm
29. 2012-09-24ParagonIron WillForce Of Destructionnapalm
30. 2012-09-24SkalmoldGleipnirBorn Lokanapalm
31. 2012-09-24VargFrei Wie Der WindGuten TagNoiseArt
32. 2012-09-24
33. 2012-09-24ScissorfightGranite State DestroyerNew Hampshiretortuga
34. 2012-09-24Non Compos MentisBeauty QueenSmile When you Hatewonderdrug
35. 2012-09-24Murder ConstructDead HopeResultsrelapse
36. 2012-09-24GraveFlesh EpistleEndless Procession Of Soulscenturymedia
37. 2012-09-24
38. 2012-09-24GoreventGory The BodyMaligant Opus Of Inherited Depravity
39. 2012-09-24Burial RitualLubricated With VomitExterminating The Massesself-released
40. 2012-09-24CarcassMalignant DefecationSymphonies of Sicknessearache
41. 2012-09-24Intervalle BizarreWalking CorpseIntervalle Bizarre vs. Malignancy
42. 2012-09-24Malignancygenital hemangiomaPromo 2005self-released
43. 2012-09-24
44. 2012-09-24Flagitious Idiosyncrasy in the DilapidationEliminationFID/Insect Warfare Splitsix_weeks
45. 2012-09-24NunslaughterRitual Of DarknessDemo Slaughter CD1hells_headbangers
46. 2012-09-24November's DoomDark World BurdenThe Pale Haunt Departureend
47. 2012-09-24Dragged Into SunlightBuried With LeechesHatred For Mankindprosthetic
48. 2012-09-24
49. 2012-09-24WhiplashEssence Of EvilInsult to Injureroadracer
50. 2012-09-24OverkillEliminationElimination singlemegaforce
51. 2012-09-24PiledriverThe ExecutionerStay Uglycobra
52. 2012-09-24WargasmSudden DeathWhy Play Around?profile
53. 2012-09-24
54. 2012-09-24Savage GraceTrial By FireVarious Artist - The Best Of Metal Blade IImetalblade
55. 2012-09-24Fates WarningThe ApparationVarious Artist - The Best Of Metal Blade IIImetalblade
56. 2012-09-24Dead EndPhantom NationVarious Artist - The Best Of Metal Blademetalblade
57. 2012-09-24OmenRudy EyesVarious Artist - The Best Of Metal Blademetalblade
58. 2012-09-24
59. 2012-09-24PestilenceBacterial SurgeryMalleus Maleficarumroadblock
60. 2012-09-24VenomSatanachristPossessedcombat
61. 2012-09-24Paradox700 Years OnHeresyroadracer
62. 2012-09-24PowermadBlind Leading the BlindThe Maddness Beginsreprise
63. 2012-09-24
64. 2012-09-24Lizzy BordenLorde Of The FliesVisual Liesmetalblade
65. 2012-09-24Every Mother's NightmareBad On LoveEvery Mother's Nightmarearista
66. 2012-09-24Flotsam and JetsamI Live, You DieVarious Artists - Metal Massacre VIImetalblade
67. 2012-09-24ObituaryStinkpussSlowly We Rotroadracer
68. 2012-09-24
69. 2012-09-24DoroMission Of MercyForce Majeuremercury
70. 2012-09-24DBCThe Genesis ExplosionUniversecombat
71. 2012-09-24King DiamondHalloweenFatal Portraitroadrunner
72. 2012-09-24Iron Maidenthe Number of the Beastthe Number of the Beastemi
73. 2012-09-24Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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