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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2010-10-11MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2010-10-11
3. 2010-10-11Decrepit BirthThought Beyond InfinityAnd Time Beginsunique_leader
4. 2010-10-11ScannerGalactosVarious Artist: Doomsday Newsnoise
5. 2010-10-11SlayerSeasons in the AbyssSeasons in the Abyssdef_jam
6. 2010-10-11SabatonWehrmachtCoat Of Armsnuclearblast
7. 2010-10-11
8. 2010-10-11ManowarFighting the WorldFighting the Worldatco
9. 2010-10-11The AbsenceEraserEnemy Unboundmetalblade
10. 2010-10-11Population ReductionAmish Meth DealerEach Birth a New Disastertankcrimes
11. 2010-10-11MagrudergrindSmash Micros Like it's 1999Magrudergrind-Shitstorm split CDrobotic_empire
12. 2010-10-11Hero DestroyedIron LionThroesrelapse
13. 2010-10-11
14. 2010-10-11Black TuskRed Eyes, Black SkiesTaste The Sinrelapse
15. 2010-10-11Merciless DeathThe VictimSick Sanctitieshigh_roller
16. 2010-10-11MeshuggahSickeningNonenuclearblast
17. 2010-10-11The SickeningA Dish So SweetDeath Devastation Decayxtreem
18. 2010-10-11
19. 2010-10-11Mose GiganticusThe Left PathGift Horserelapse
20. 2010-10-11Return To EarthEdge Of ForeverAutomatametalblade
21. 2010-10-11DeathfistDemonsTo Hot To Burnpure_steel
22. 2010-10-11AcceptBlood Of The NationsBlood Of The Nationsnuclearblast
23. 2010-10-11NightfallAstron BlackAstron Black And The Thirty Tyrantsmetalblade
24. 2010-10-11
25. 2010-10-11PowergloveThe SimpsonsSaturday Morning Apocalypsee1_music
26. 2010-10-11Warrel DaneThe Day The Rats Went To WarPraises to the War Machinecenturymedia
27. 2010-10-11ExodusOpen SeasonFabulous Disastercombat
28. 2010-10-11GodhatePenance Of The WickedEqual In he Eyes Of Deathmetal_age
29. 2010-10-11Dementorthe False FaithThe Art Of Blasphemyrepulse
30. 2010-10-11
31. 2010-10-11MoonspellVampiriaWolfheartcenturymedia
32. 2010-10-11In This MomentAshesBeautiful Tragedycenturymedia
33. 2010-10-11Blood has been ShedFrom the OutsideI Dwell On Thoughts Of Youferret
34. 2010-10-11OverkillHello From the GutterUnder the Influencemegaforce
35. 2010-10-11Birds of PreyTurning Big Rocks Into Little RocksSulfur & Semenrelapse
36. 2010-10-11
37. 2010-10-11Blood for BloodSoullessSpit my Last Breathlost_disciple
38. 2010-10-11MadballLive or DieDemonstrate My Styleroadrunner
39. 2010-10-11Iron CrossCrucified For Our SinsCrucified For Our Sins
40. 2010-10-11Agnostic FrontOut For BloodCause For Alarmcombat
41. 2010-10-11Cruel HandCruel HandLock & Keybridge9
42. 2010-10-11
43. 2010-10-11IhsahnInvocationThe Adversarycandlelight
44. 2010-10-11InfernaeonFirst Of The FallenGenesis To Nemesisprosthetic
45. 2010-10-11SomnusThe AlchemistAwakening The Crownroot_of_all_evil
46. 2010-10-11EliteBinterlastBifrostno_colours
47. 2010-10-11DIORainbow In The DarkHoly Diver (live)eagle
48. 2010-10-11
49. 2010-10-11Cephalic CarnageCordyceps HumanisMisled By Certaintyrelapse
50. 2010-10-11This BeastPillage The Villagedemoself-released
51. 2010-10-11S.O.D.Celtic Frosted FlakesBigger Than The Devilnuclearblast
52. 2010-10-11Sam Black ChurchRe-aliveLet in Lifetaang
53. 2010-10-116L6special kIncendiowonderdrug
54. 2010-10-11
55. 2010-10-11ProcessionChants Of The NamelessDestroyers Of The Faithrelapse
56. 2010-10-11CultedBlack Cough, Black CoffinOf Death And Ritualrelapse
57. 2010-10-11Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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