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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2020-06-22MinistryStigmataLand Of Rape And HoneyWarner Bros.
2. 2020-06-22
3. 2020-06-22Eyehategod.001%Confederacy of Ruined LivesPessimiser/Theo
4. 2020-06-22UlcerateThe Hollow IdolsThe Destroyers of All
5. 2020-06-22Blood Incantation02 ChaoplasmStarspawnDark Descent Records
6. 2020-06-22HexvesselDrugged Up On The UniverseWhen We Are DeathCentury Media Records
7. 2020-06-22
8. 2020-06-22StarkweatherBitterfrostCroatoanCandlelight Records
9. 2020-06-22CandiriaBloodWhat Doesn't Kill You...Type A Records
10. 2020-06-22Dillinger Escape Plan, TheCrystal MorningOption ParalysisSeason of Mist
11. 2020-06-22EngineerHollow VesselThe DregsBlackmarket Activities
12. 2020-06-22
13. 2020-06-22GroundzeroTo Imagine DivineHealing LeprosySociety Of The Wrench Records
14. 2020-06-22DevastatorFour EmperorsThe SummoningOld Cemetery Records
15. 2020-06-22THE HOLY FLESH03 03 - Emissary IIIEmissary & VesselCaligari Records
16. 2020-06-22MorgothSubmissionOdiumCentury Media
17. 2020-06-22
18. 2020-06-22Eisenkult03 Deprecatio...gedenken wir der FisnternisPurity Through Fire
19. 2020-06-22HERXHEIMBranded by PentagramIncised ArrivalI, Voidhanger Records
20. 2020-06-22MYSTRASStorm the Walls of MystrasCastles Conquered and ReclaimedI, Voidhanger Records
21. 2020-06-22
22. 2020-06-22CAEDES CRUENTA (gre)Εκεί Όπου Τραγουδά Η Νεκροκεφαλή (There Where the Brainhead Sings)Ερείπια Ψυχών (Ruins of Souls)Helter Skelter Productions
23. 2020-06-22The Funeral Orchestra02 Flesh InfiltrationsNegative Evocation Rites LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
24. 2020-06-22Nekus03 Necromancer's Death ChantDeath Nova Upon the Barren Harvest CD/12" MLP/TAPEBlood Harvest Records
25. 2020-06-22
26. 2020-06-22The Moon And The NightspiritA Mindenség HívásaAetherProphecy Productions
27. 2020-06-22Cemetery Fog3 Embrace of the DarknessTowards the Gates 12" MLPIron Bonehead Productions
28. 2020-06-22
29. 2020-06-22CinzasIIIDemo IPurodium Rekords
30. 2020-06-22Black TormentUnholy Hymns to the Triumph of EvilSatanic HolocaustOld Cemetery Records
31. 2020-06-22ARCHSPIRE03 03 - Remote Tumour SeekerRelentless MutationSeason of Mist
32. 2020-06-22MARE COGNITUMMare Cognitum - Mars (The Warrior)Wanderers-SPECTRAL LORE and MARE COGNITUMI, Voidhanger Records
33. 2020-06-22
34. 2020-06-22EntrailsMidnight CoffinObliterationMetal Blade Records
35. 2020-06-22GorgutsRottenatomyConsidered Dead
36. 2020-06-22Splattered MermaidsStrategic DismembermentReforged In Gore
37. 2020-06-22COMPOST PILEUntimely DeathDemo 1995
38. 2020-06-22
39. 2020-06-22DismemberAnd So Is LifeLike An Ever Flowing StreamKarmageddon
40. 2020-06-22KATAKLYSMwhirlwind of withered blossomsThe Temple of Knowledge [Bonus Tracks]Nuclear Blast Records
41. 2020-06-22NailcrownSoulbloomCoronation1523103 Records DK2
42. 2020-06-22RevengeAttack the EnslaverTriumph.Genocide.Antichrist
43. 2020-06-22
44. 2020-06-22Vomiting IntestineFirst BloodPsychopatic Murderous Brutality (EP)
45. 2020-06-22PathologyEviscerated Human TorsoIncisions of Perverse DebaucheryComatose Music
46. 2020-06-22PyaemiaBlood Spewed In My FaceCranial Blowout
47. 2020-06-22VileSeveredStench Of The Deceased
48. 2020-06-22Saprogenic EntrailsSaprogenic Entrails - Carcinogen Diagnosis (Live)carcass grinder / impregnate trichomonas / unholy grave / saprogenic entrails / voltifobia
49. 2020-06-22
50. 2020-06-22Quiet RiotLet's Get CrazyMetal Health
51. 2020-06-22WildfireSummer LightningSummer Lightning
52. 2020-06-22StormwindThunder & LightningTaken By StormCastle Music America
53. 2020-06-22TankardThunder And LightningAlcoholic Metal
54. 2020-06-22
55. 2020-06-22OstrogothLords Of ThunderEcstasy And Danger
56. 2020-06-22HexxBeware The DarknessNo Escape
57. 2020-06-22ONSLAUGHTDeath MetalPower From Hell
58. 2020-06-22Mekong DeltaThe Principle of DoubtThe Principle Of Doubt
59. 2020-06-22
60. 2020-06-22Mercyful FateCorpse Without SoulLive At Aardschok Dag 1983
61. 2020-06-22Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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