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New site? Maybe some day.


this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1377 playlist up with 57237 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2024-03-25GorgutsMetempsukhosis...And Then Comes Lividity (Demo)
2. 2023-06-05GorgutsStiff And ColdConsidered Dead
3. 2023-02-27GorgutsDrifting RemainsConsidered Dead
4. 2022-06-27GorgutsHaematological Allergy...And Then Comes Lividity (Demo)
5. 2021-05-31GORGUTSGorguts - 06 Enemies of CompassionColored SandsSeason Of Mist
6. 2020-08-10GorgutsInflicted Maturity...And Then Comes Lividity (Demo)
7. 2020-06-22GorgutsRottenatomyConsidered Dead
8. 2019-04-08GorgutsBodily CorruptedConsidered Dead
9. 2019-03-18GorgutsConsidered Dead (Demo 1991)Demo Anthology
10. 2018-12-31GorgutsA Path Beyond PremonitionThe Erosion of SanityRoadrunner Records
11. 2017-06-26GorgutsHideous InfirmityThe Erosion of SanityRoadrunner Records
12. 2017-05-01GorgutsCondemned to ObscurityThe Erosion of SanityRoadrunner Records
13. 2017-03-06GorgutsStiff And ColdConsidered Dead
14. 2017-01-23GorgutsBodily CorruptedConsidered Dead
15. 2016-10-03GorgutsFrom Wisdom to HateFrom Wisdom To HateOlympic Recordings
16. 2016-09-19GorgutsThe Art of Sombre EcstasyObscuraOlympic Recordings
17. 2016-07-25GorgutsInoculated LifeConsidered Deadolympic
18. 2016-03-14GorgutsEarthly LoveObscuraolympic
19. 2016-01-25GorgutsCalamitous Mortification...And Then Comes Lividity (Demo)
20. 2015-02-23GorgutsNostalgiaObscuraolympic
21. 2015-01-12GorgutsUnexplaining the PastFrom Wisdom to Hateolympic
22. 2014-08-11GorgutsIllumincatusObscuraolympic
23. 2014-04-07GorgutsOphans of Sicknessthe Erosion of Sanityroadrunner
24. 2014-02-24GorgutsForgotten ArrowsColored Sandsseason_of_mist
25. 2013-12-16GorgutsEmber's VoiceColored Sandsseason_of_mist
26. 2013-11-25GorgutsColoured SandsColored Sandsseason_of_mist
27. 2013-11-04GorgutsForgotten ArrowsColored Sandsseason_of_mist
28. 2013-10-21GorgutsAn Ocean Of WisdomColored Sandsseason_of_mist
29. 2013-09-09GorgutsCloudedObscuraolympic
30. 2013-06-10GorgutsDisincarnatedConsidered Dead
31. 2011-09-26GorgutsOphans of Sicknessthe Erosion of Sanityroadrunner
32. 2010-10-04GorgutsThe Art Of Sombre EcstasyObscuraolympic
33. 2010-07-19Gorgutsthe Erosion of Sanitythe Erosion of Sanityroadrunner
34. 2010-05-03GorgutsEarthly LoveObscuraolympic
35. 2009-08-10GorgutsRottenatomyAnd Then Comes Lividity/Demo Anthologygaly
36. 2009-03-02Gorgutsthe Erosion of Sanitythe Erosion of Sanityroadrunner
37. 2008-09-08GorgutsUnexplaining the PastFrom Wisdom to Hateolympic
38. 2008-06-30Gorgutsthe Erosion of Sanitythe Erosion of Sanityroadrunner
39. 2007-12-24GorgutsOdors of Existencethe Erosion of Sanityroadrunner
40. 2006-08-07gorgutsthe erosion of sanity
41. 2006-06-26gorgutsa path deyond premonition
42. 2006-02-06gorgutshideous
43. 2006-01-23gorgutsearthly love
44. 2005-12-05gorgutsfrom wisdom to hate
45. 2004-06-14gorgutsEarthly Love
46. 2003-12-29gorgutsthe erosion of sanity
47. 2003-11-10gorgutsnostalgia
48. 2003-10-27gorgutsthe carnal state
49. 2002-12-10GorgutsHideous Infirmity
50. 2002-09-24Gorgutsthe Erosion of Sanity
51. 2002-02-26GorgutsObscura
52. 2001-10-09Gorgutsthe Erosion of Sanity
53. 2001-08-28GorgutsOphans of Sickness
54. 2001-08-28GorgutsOphans of Sickness
55. 2001-06-19GorgutsElusive Treasures
56. 2001-06-05Gorguts#6
57. 2001-05-08Gorguts#4
58. 2001-04-10Gorguts#1
59. 2001-04-03Gorguts#3
60. 2001-03-27GorgutsDas Maiyrum Das
61. 2001-03-13GorgutsBeilwe Through Mythos
62. 1999-07-26GorgutsThe Erosion of Sanity
63. 1999-05-31GorgutsHideous Infirmity
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