Ass Hat
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New site? Maybe some day.


this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1381 playlist up with 57362 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2023-01-02MinistryStigmataLand Of Rape And HoneyWarner Bros.
2. 2023-01-02
3. 2023-01-02HypocrisyWarpathVirusNuclear Blast Records
4. 2023-01-02Gorephilia03 - Gorephila - Harmageddon of SoulsSevered MonolithDark Descent Records
5. 2023-01-02Dead Void03 Sadistic MindVolatile FormsDark Descent Records
6. 2023-01-02AsphyxIt Came From The SkiesIncoming DeathCentury Media Records
7. 2023-01-02
8. 2023-01-02Gutvoid03 Delivered To The Altar LichDurance of Lightless Horizons CD/LP/TAPEBlood Harvest Records
9. 2023-01-02CADAVERIC FUMESCrepuscular JourneyDimensions Obscure 12"MLPBlood Harvest Records
10. 2023-01-02OutreLet the earth be silentHollow EarthDebemur Morti Productions
11. 2023-01-02ImpietyIndomitable Fist of DeciusParamount EvilAgonia Records
12. 2023-01-02
13. 2023-01-02EntetyFraudulent Funeral MorticianCadaveric NecrogrindMercenary Musik
14. 2023-01-02
15. 2023-01-02AgathodaimonIll Of An Imaginary Guilt1998-Blacken The Angel
16. 2023-01-021349Mengele'sMassive Cauldron of ChaosSeason of Mist
17. 2023-01-02HateA Poor ChoiceDemo III
18. 2023-01-02OmnioidAbhorrent Deformative MitosisRegurgitated Inexistential PestilenceAmputated Vein Records
19. 2023-01-02
20. 2023-01-02Blood Spore02 Cede To The SaprophyteFungal Warfare Upon All Life CD/12" MLP/TAPEBlood Harvest Records
21. 2023-01-02Clergy Of The ImpossibleNew Dawn Fades (bloody bat stumps)Tree Eater Licky Licky
22. 2023-01-02NecrophobicBlack Moon RisingBloodfreezing
23. 2023-01-02Uada03 No Place HereDjinnEisenwald Records
24. 2023-01-02
25. 2023-01-02Amon AmarthSabbath Bloody SabbathVersus the World (Bonus CD)
26. 2023-01-02WarpathSpitting BloodDamnationSH Records
27. 2023-01-02Gnosis (Florida)04 Temple of the SeaThe Third-Eye Gate LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
28. 2023-01-02FORCE OF DARKNESS4. Kliphotic ProcreationAbsolute Verb of Chaos and Darkness (CD)Hells Headbangers
29. 2023-01-02
30. 2023-01-02Bolt ThrowerAll That RemainsRealm Of Chaos
31. 2023-01-02DeadspawnPestilence RebornPestilence RebornSelf-Released
32. 2023-01-02Ravenous Death02 Caverns of Freezing TortureVisions From the NetherworldMemento Mori
33. 2023-01-02AGONY FACEXIV - Ice, Smoke and HorsesCLX Stormy QuibblingsMy Kingdom Music
34. 2023-01-02AGONY FACEXIV - Ice, Smoke and HorsesCLX Stormy QuibblingsMy Kingdom Music
35. 2023-01-02
36. 2023-01-02Sepulchral VoiceIn the StormEvil Never Rests
37. 2023-01-02CHILDREN OF TECHNOLOGY10 GIVE ME GASOLINE OR GIVE ME DEATHApocalyptic Compendium - 10 Years in Chaos, Noise and Warfare (CD, TAPE)Hells Headbangers Records
38. 2023-01-02CephalectomyOmens of Elder CreationDark Waters Rise
39. 2023-01-02Ekpyrosis06 Morticians Of GodAsphyxiating DevotionMemento Mori
40. 2023-01-02
41. 2023-01-02Spectral LoreMercury (The Virtuous)SPECTRAL LORE MARE COGNITUM-WanderersI, Voidhanger Records
42. 2023-01-02Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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