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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2019-03-18MinistryStigmataLand Of Rape And HoneyWarner Bros.
2. 2019-03-18
3. 2019-03-18Cannibal CorpseA Skull Full Of MaggotsEaten Back To Life
4. 2019-03-18HypocrisyFire in the SkyInto the AbyssNuclear Blast Records
5. 2019-03-18CrematoryThe Eyes Of SufferingTransmigration
6. 2019-03-18Iron HandOld HabitsUsurper Divine EPRedscroll Records
7. 2019-03-18
8. 2019-03-18Bastard SaplingSubterranean Rivers Of BloodInstinct Is ForeverGilead Media
9. 2019-03-18GorgutsConsidered Dead (Demo 1991)Demo Anthology
10. 2019-03-18MalignancyVaginal IncisorsMotivated by Hunger
11. 2019-03-18BenumbFlesh for FleshWithering Strands of HopeRelapse Records
12. 2019-03-18Outer HeavenEchoes From BeyondRealms Of Eternal DecayRelapse Records
13. 2019-03-18
14. 2019-03-18Cave InJuggernautUntil Your Heart StopsHydra Head
15. 2019-03-18Embrace the EndCarbombs and ConversationsListen or Pose (Abacus Records spring 2005)Abacus Recordings
16. 2019-03-18Kingdom of SorrowWith Barely a BreathBehind the Blackest TearsRelapse Records
17. 2019-03-18CandlemassAt The Gallows EndNightfall
18. 2019-03-18
19. 2019-03-18FALAISE3 - When The Sun Was Warming My HeartA Place I Don't Belong ToA Sad Sadness Song
20. 2019-03-18Malokarpatan02 Cesta podzemnými sálami KovovladaCesta podzemnými sálami KovovladaSun & Moon Records
21. 2019-03-18Martelo Negro04 Rameira NecromanteParthenogenesisHelldprod Records
22. 2019-03-18
23. 2019-03-18Toxik AttackLoucos Pelo Old SchoolEXTREME METAL ATTACK-ANNO XVI 2019 // Porto - PortugalHelldprod Records
24. 2019-03-18Sacrilegia02 Beyond the Fouler's SnareThe Triclavian AdventInvictus Productions
25. 2019-03-18Exumer03 Carnage RiderHostile DefianceMetal Blade Records
26. 2019-03-18
27. 2019-03-18American War MachineBullet in the HeadUnholy WarBridge Nine Records
28. 2019-03-18Sworn EnemySeeds of HateGamechangerM-Theory Audio
29. 2019-03-18Doombringer (Poland)Sworn to MaliceWalpurgis Fires LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
30. 2019-03-18WORMWITCHTwo WolvesHeaven That Dwells WithinProsthetic Records
31. 2019-03-18
32. 2019-03-18AgathodaimonWinterchildPhoenix
33. 2019-03-18Etherial WindsWinterSaved (EP)
34. 2019-03-18AshtarothAngel Of Lust, Angel Of DeathAngel Of Lust, Angel Of Death
35. 2019-03-18PeccatumI Breathe Without Access to AirBlackend, Vol. 4, Disc 2Metal Blade
36. 2019-03-18
37. 2019-03-18DantalionMy Last BreathAll Roads Lead to DeathXtreem Music
38. 2019-03-18BorknagarPanoramaWinter ThriceCentury Media Records
39. 2019-03-18Dark TranquillityVernal AwakeningTrail of Life Decayed
40. 2019-03-18Black BreathRazor To OblivionRazor To Oblivion EP
41. 2019-03-18
42. 2019-03-18SlugdgeSlave Goo WorldEsoteric Malacology
43. 2019-03-18Decaying ContinuumExpending Humanity WithinThe Burden of Entropy [Demo]
44. 2019-03-18Crown, The1999-Revolution 666Hell Is HereMetal Blade Records
45. 2019-03-18
46. 2019-03-18BLCKWVSBL
47. 2019-03-18NechochwenTraversing the Shades of DeathHeart of AkamonNordvis Produktion
48. 2019-03-18Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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