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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2014-04-07MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2014-04-07
3. 2014-04-07BongzillaStone A PigGatewayrelapse
4. 2014-04-07WeedeaterHammerhandleJason.. The Dragonsouthernlord
5. 2014-04-07SourveinHoly TransfusionBlack Fangscandlelight
6. 2014-04-07IndianThe Fate Before FateGuiltlessrelapse
7. 2014-04-07
8. 2014-04-07NoisemMortuaryAgony Defined
9. 2014-04-07The Black Dahlia MurderA Vulgar PictureMiasmametalblade
10. 2014-04-07GorgutsOphans of Sicknessthe Erosion of Sanityroadrunner
11. 2014-04-07CarcassKeep On Rotting In The Free WorldSwansongearache
12. 2014-04-07
13. 2014-04-07FilthRickySplit - Cock and Ball Torture/Filth/Downthroat/Negligent Collateral Collapse
14. 2014-04-07Harmony FaultFuneral Das Causes JustaBrazilian Goregrind
15. 2014-04-07Iron HandPhobiaUsurper Deviceredscroll
16. 2014-04-07Cannabis CorpseSickening PhotosynthesisThe Weedingtankcrimes
17. 2014-04-07Euphoric DefilementDysfunctionAscending To The Wormsunique_leader
18. 2014-04-07
19. 2014-04-07AlteriusSanctuaryDemo EPself-released
20. 2014-04-07The DripRise To FailureA Presentation OF Gruesome Poeticsrelapse
21. 2014-04-07Eternity BurningCrestfallen ShadowImmortal EpitaphEternity Burning
22. 2014-04-07Hand Of AzraelEl PyramideHand Of Azraelself-released
23. 2014-04-07TyrLord Of LiesRagnaroknapalm
24. 2014-04-07
25. 2014-04-07GodfleshBlack Boned AngelSelflessearache
26. 2014-04-07High SpiritsWhen The Lights Go DownYou Are Herehells_headbangers
27. 2014-04-07DeathrowIl Vento Del NordDismal Empyrean Solitude
28. 2014-04-07AmputatorBring Hell On EarthSplit: Satanic Forcefucked Annihilationold_cemetery
29. 2014-04-07
30. 2014-04-07God ForbidHabeeberOut Of Misery
31. 2014-04-07AbramelinHumble Abodeself-titledrepulse
32. 2014-04-07Deeds of FleshInfecting them with FalsehoodInbreeding The Anthropophagiunique_leader
33. 2014-04-07Malevolent CreationSacrificial AnnihilationThe Ten Commandmentsroadrunner
34. 2014-04-07
35. 2014-04-07ForbiddenSwineOmega Wavenuclearblast
36. 2014-04-07VoivodBrain ScanDimension Hatrossnoise
37. 2014-04-07MastodonBlood and ThunderLeviathanrelapse
38. 2014-04-07DungeonbatAngels In Tractionthe Stege of Edenstorming_sky_industries
39. 2014-04-07
40. 2014-04-07DeathPull the PlugLeprosycombat
41. 2014-04-07BaphometThrough Deviant Eyesthe Dead Shall Inheritpeaceville
42. 2014-04-07SacrificeBurned At The StakeTorment in Firecombat
43. 2014-04-07Lecherous nocturneArcheopteryxBehold Almighty Doctrineunique_leader
44. 2014-04-07
45. 2014-04-07ImpietyAdvent Of The Nuclear BaphomentAdvent Ofpulverised
46. 2014-04-07Sons of AzraelThe Left Hand PathScouting The Boneyardmetalblade
47. 2014-04-07Taste Hematic ChainsAmigdalaAmigdalaself-released
48. 2014-04-07SlayerRead Between The LiesSouth of Heavendef_jam
49. 2014-04-07MeshuggahSickeningNonenuclearblast
50. 2014-04-07
51. 2014-04-07PyrrhonInvisible InjuryThe Mother Of Virturerelapse
52. 2014-04-07Lightning Swords Of DeathPsychic WatersBaphometic Chaosiummetalblade
53. 2014-04-07GravewormBehind The Curtain Of DarknessAs The Angel Reach The Beauty
54. 2014-04-07MonstrosityDust to DustIn Daark Purityolympic
55. 2014-04-07
56. 2014-04-07Blessed DeathDestruction's EveDestined for Extinctionroadracer
57. 2014-04-07The AbsenceSummoning The DarknessFrom Your Gravemetalblade
58. 2014-04-07ToxikHeart AttackWorld Circusroadracer
59. 2014-04-07SatanCalculated ExecutionSuspended Sentencesteam_hammer
60. 2014-04-07
61. 2014-04-07SummoningThe Wondering FireOld Mornings Dawnnapalm
62. 2014-04-07Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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