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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2016-02-29MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2016-02-29
3. 2016-02-29AnthraxA Skeleton in the ClosetAmong the LivingMegaforce/Island
4. 2016-02-29ExciterRule With an Iron FistNew TestamentOsmose Productions
5. 2016-02-29Metal ChurchCannot Tell A LieBlessing In Disguise
6. 2016-02-29GOUGE03 03 I SMELL OF ROTTEN DEATHBeyond DeathHells Headbangers Records
7. 2016-02-29
8. 2016-02-29MessiahAlzheimers's DiseaseRotten Perish
9. 2016-02-29Lamb of GodIn Defense of Our Good NameAs the Palaces BurnProsthetic
10. 2016-02-29NightmareGhost in the MirrorThe AftermathAFM Records
11. 2016-02-29PhazmSo White, So Blue, So ColdAntebellum Death 'n' Roll, Disc 1The End
12. 2016-02-29
13. 2016-02-29Dead CongregationImmaculate PoisonPromulgation Of The Fall
14. 2016-02-29DungorthebAddictedWaiting for Silence
15. 2016-02-29MIDNIGHTBlack DamnationSatanic RoyaltyHells Headbangers Records
16. 2016-02-29IsacaarumThe Arsonist / Burning UniverseSplit
17. 2016-02-29
18. 2016-02-29MOONSORROWJumalten AikaJumalten AikaCentury Media Records
19. 2016-02-29PanopticonHåkan's songSplit - Panopticon & WaldgeflüsterNordvis Produktion
20. 2016-02-29
21. 2016-02-29Rapheumetas WellThe Epic of DarmakThe ExileTest Your Metal Records
22. 2016-02-29NecronomiconUnification of The Four PillarsAdvent of The Human GodSeason of Mist
23. 2016-02-29FleshgoreStop the PossessorDenial of the ScripturesXtreem Music
24. 2016-02-29DoppelgangerMirrorMemento MoriSelf-Released
25. 2016-02-29
26. 2016-02-29DESTROYER 66604 Hounds at ya BackWildfireSeason of Mist
27. 2016-02-29COFFINSTyrantSplit - COFFINS ILSARelapse Records
28. 2016-02-29In Thousand LakesThe ScaffoldThe Memories That BurnPathologically Explicit Recordings
29. 2016-02-29
30. 2016-02-29MAGRUDERGRINDThe OpportunistII (NA Promo)Relapse Records
31. 2016-02-29Flesh ParadeCoping With ItKill WhiteyRelapse Records
32. 2016-02-29All Pigs Must DiePulverizationGod Is WarSouthern Lord
33. 2016-02-29Clinging To The Trees of a Forest FireI Walked Away From The Human RaceSongs of Ill Hope and DesperationProsthetic Records
34. 2016-02-29MARUTASlaying JehovaRemain DystopianRelapse Records
35. 2016-02-29ConvergeTowing JehovahWhen Forever Comes CrashingEqual Vision Records
36. 2016-02-29DefeatistNameless GravesTyranny Of Decay
37. 2016-02-29
38. 2016-02-29UnsaneBlewLambhouseRelapse Records
39. 2016-02-29DREADPretzelAbominate Demo
40. 2016-02-29fogthe Storm unholyThrough the Eyes of Night
41. 2016-02-29RAGNAROKDominance & SubmissionPsychopathologyAgonia Records
42. 2016-02-29
43. 2016-02-29HaxenCryptic FireHaxenEternal Death Records
44. 2016-02-29HellSave Us From Those Who Would Save UsHuman RemainsNuclear Blast GmbH
45. 2016-02-29ImmolationFather, You're Not a FatherClose to a World BelowMetal Blade
46. 2016-02-29Baphomet's HornsBlessed By HellfireSatanic War Fucking Metalold_cemetery
47. 2016-02-29
48. 2016-02-29Morta SkuldFeast From WithinProlong The Agony
49. 2016-02-29LAST WISHBound and ShackeledTHE DARKEST FEAR
50. 2016-02-29Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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