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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1376 playlist up with 57200 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2015-07-27MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2015-07-27
3. 2015-07-27MegadethPublic Enemy #1Th1rt3n
4. 2015-07-27VolcanoHolocaustBloody Vengeancegreyhaze
5. 2015-07-27MasacreDonde Habital el MalBrutal Aggre666ionxtreem
6. 2015-07-27NasumVowssplit - NASUM&AUTORITAR&CARDIOID&DENAK&SLIGHT SLAPPERS&IRRITATEhostile_regression
7. 2015-07-27Artificial BrainMagnetic GravityButchering Cosmic Giantsself-released
8. 2015-07-27
9. 2015-07-27Parasitic ExtirpationMegalomanic Visions of Grandiose DesignPutrid Crownsevared
10. 2015-07-27DysenteryOblivionFragmentscomatose
11. 2015-07-27DrippingDisembowlment of the ThroneBring The Sufferingnecroharmonic
12. 2015-07-27The CrownBlack LightningHell is Heremetalblade
13. 2015-07-27Godless Truthdriven to lacerateArrogance of Supreme Poweramputated_vein
14. 2015-07-27DehumanCrypts of BloodGraveyard Of Edenkaotoxin
15. 2015-07-27
16. 2015-07-27DarkthroneIconoclasm Sweeps CappadociaSoulside Journey
17. 2015-07-27The SkullSick Of It AllFor Those Which Are AsleepTee Pee
18. 2015-07-27
19. 2015-07-27DeathwhiteSuffer AbandonmentSolitary MartyrSelf-Released
20. 2015-07-27VesperiaIron SagaThe Iron TempestsSelf-Released
21. 2015-07-27On TopGo CrazyToplessToil Records
22. 2015-07-27
23. 2015-07-27KreatorRiot of ViolenceLive Kreationspv
24. 2015-07-27SolsticeSuck My DickSolstice
25. 2015-07-27UtumnoThe Light Of DayAcross The Horizon
26. 2015-07-27VomitoryTerrorize Brutalize SodomizeTerrorize Brutalize Sodomizemetalblade
27. 2015-07-27
28. 2015-07-27ConvergeYear of the SwineWhen Forever Comes Crashingevr
29. 2015-07-27KnutThe WhipBastardiserhydrahead
30. 2015-07-27Black FlagGimmie Gimmie GimmieEverything went Blacksst
31. 2015-07-27The Dillinger Escape Plandamaged I & II (black flag cover)Various Artists - Black On Black - Tribute to Black Flaginitial
32. 2015-07-27The Taste of Silvera wave and its signNecrimalionhold_true
33. 2015-07-27Unholy trinityChasing the DragonThe Grundar Sessions
34. 2015-07-27Jack Burton Vs David Lo PanCandice And Martha and the After School Special About Estacy (Teenage Suicide Don't Do it)There Are No Breakdowns in Black Metal
35. 2015-07-27Trap ThemDay Twenty Three: Invertopia/Day Thirty: Class WarmthSeizure in Barren Praisedeathwishinc
36. 2015-07-27
37. 2015-07-27Dying FetusGrotesque ImpalementInfatuation with Malevolencecenturymedia
38. 2015-07-27CatalepsyObituary Feardemo 87
39. 2015-07-27Fractured InsanityMass AwakelessMass Awakelessxtreem
40. 2015-07-27GwarThe Road BehindAmerica Must Be Destroyed
41. 2015-07-27
42. 2015-07-27SepulturaScreams From Behind The ShadowsSchizophreniaracercar
43. 2015-07-27Dominus XulThe Ancient Initiator (Bringer Of Light)To The Glory Of The Ancient Onesxtreem
44. 2015-07-27BenightedCollection Of Dead PortraitsCarnivore Sublimeseason_of_mist
45. 2015-07-27Unholy GhostDecimatedTorrential Reignolympic
46. 2015-07-27
47. 2015-07-27YskelgrothAscension To The NaughtUnholy Primitive Nihilismregimental
48. 2015-07-27SkyforgerCurse of the WitchKurbadsmetalblade
49. 2015-07-27WitchavenConflagrationTerrorstormmetalhit_dot_com
50. 2015-07-27AborymHorrenda Peccata ChristiKali-Yurga Bizarreworld_war_iii
51. 2015-07-27
52. 2015-07-27Karyn Crisis' Gospel Of The WitchesThe Sword And The StoneSalem's Woundscenturymedia
53. 2015-07-27Rigor MortisWizard Of GoreRigor Mortis
54. 2015-07-27AbramelinGrave Ideals (Nekromaniac)Abramelinrepulse
55. 2015-07-27Cryptic TalesLike In The Darkest Stormy NightsVII Dogmata Of Mercy
56. 2015-07-27Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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