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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1381 playlist up with 57362 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2024-05-27Atvena's WakeA Hero's HolocaustHermetica
2. 2023-09-25Vermineux02 In Holocaust to the Natural Darkness [Vlad Tepes cover]Split EP-Vermineux / PrieuréPurity Through Fire
3. 2023-01-16SARAM04 Extreme Holocaust...Lima Hell! (LP)Werewolf Records
4. 2022-02-14Demonic RageSulphuric Congregation Towards the Holocaust of All Sacred and HolyVenomous Wine From Putrid Bodies LPIron Bonehead Productions
5. 2021-10-18Corpsefucking ArtPURE HOLOCAUSTZOMBIEFUCKSevared Records - via Metalhit
6. 2021-03-22Corpsefucking ArtPURE HOLOCAUSTZOMBIEFUCKSevared Records - via Metalhit
7. 2020-06-15NecrophagiaCannibal HolocaustHere Lies Necrophagia; 35 Years of Death MetalSeason of mist
8. 2020-02-17ImpietyVientos de HolocaustoTerroreign (Apocalyptic Armageddon Command)Agonia Records - via Metalhit
9. 2019-06-24Am I BloodSegregated HolocaustAgitation
10. 2018-05-14Decibel DemonFinal HolocaustDeclassifiedBrutal Records
11. 2018-04-16MIDNIGHTHolocaustic DeafeningSatanic RoyaltyHells Headbangers Records
12. 2018-04-09WatainHolocaust DawnThe Wild HuntCentury Media Records
13. 2017-06-26DarkthroneSummer of the Diabolical HolocaustUnder a Funeral Moon
14. 2016-07-04EnochianHolocaustSplit
15. 2016-04-04ImmortalStorming Through Red Clouds And HolocaustwindsPure Holocaust
16. 2016-04-04GOAT SEMEN02 HolocaustoEgo Svm Satana (CD, LP)Hells Headbangers Records
17. 2015-11-30Cut UpBrain Cell HolocaustForensic NightmaresMetal Blade Records
18. 2015-11-02SavatageHolocaustSirenscombat
19. 2015-07-27VolcanoHolocaustBloody Vengeancegreyhaze
20. 2014-11-17ImmortalStorming Through Red Clouds And HolocaustwindsPure Holocaust
21. 2014-04-21BlasphemophagherHolocaust Summing of Nuclear StormNuclear Empire of Apocalypsenuclear_war_now
22. 2014-02-17Warfare NoiseNuclear HolocaustVarious ArtistsGreyhaze
23. 2013-07-01DarkthroneSummer Of Diabolical HolocaustUnder A Funeral Moon
24. 2013-05-06Bestial Mockerythe Esctasy of HolocaustGospell of the Insaneosmose
25. 2013-04-01Coprophalic AsphyxiaHolocaustDecimation Of Humanity
26. 2012-08-13Hail of BulletsTokyo Napalm HolocaustOn Divine Windsmetalblade
27. 2012-04-09MidnightHolocaustic DeafeningSatanic Royaltyhells_headbangers
28. 2011-01-17Hail of BulletsTokyo Napalm HolocaustOn Divine Windsmetalblade
29. 2010-12-20MagrudergrindEmo HolocaustMagrudergrind-Shitstorm split CDrobotic_empire
30. 2010-11-29Hail of BulletsTokyo Napalm HolocaustOn Divine Windsmetalblade
31. 2010-11-29BehemothModern HolocaustZos Kia Cultusolympic
32. 2010-07-05Am I BloodSegregated HolocaustAgitationnuclearblast
33. 2010-01-18The CrownDeath Metal HolocaustCrowned in Terrormetalblade
34. 2009-12-14ImpietyVientos De HolocaustoTerroreign (Apocalyptic Armageddon Command)agonia
35. 2009-11-30IgnorancePhoto HolocaustWorld of Wastearrest
36. 2009-09-21IgnorancePhoto HolocaustWorld of Wastearrest
37. 2009-07-06BlasphemophagherHolocaust Summing of Nuclear StormNuclear Empire of Apocalypsenuclear_war_now
38. 2008-07-28Black TormentSatanic HolocaustSatanic Holocaustold_cemetery
39. 2007-10-08DekapitatorScreams from the HolocaustBefore the Calmrelapse
40. 2007-10-08Bestial Mockerythe Esctasy of HolocaustGospell of the Insaneosmose
41. 2007-08-13Behold... The ArctopusAlcoholocaustNano-Nucleonix Cyborg Summoningblackmarket_activities
42. 2007-07-30DekapitatorScreams from the HolocaustBefore the Calmrelapse
43. 2006-05-08magrudergrindemo holocaust
44. 2005-04-04Martyrvorewitch of death/holocaustterror
45. 2004-05-10abortedthe holocaust incarnate
46. 2003-01-14the CrownDeath Metal Holocaust
47. 2002-10-22the Hope ConspiracyHolocaust
48. 2002-05-21The CrownDeath metal Holocaust
49. 2000-04-17GoatwhoreNocturnal Holocaust
50. 1996-10-07Iced EarthAngels Holocaust
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