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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1398 playlist up with 57934 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2014-12-29MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2014-12-29
3. 2014-12-29MegadethWake Up DeadRude Awakening
4. 2014-12-29Savage GraceInto The FireMaster Of Disguise
5. 2014-12-29Liege LordKill The King (Rainbow)Master Controlmetalblade
6. 2014-12-29WarlordMrs. VictoriaDeliver Us
7. 2014-12-29
8. 2014-12-29EntrailsThe Cemetery HorrorsRaging Deathmetalblade
9. 2014-12-29HeadrotThis Is Not A TestGulpting The Remainspathos
10. 2014-12-29GorealityPsychotic DementiaPerverse Depraved Indifferencepathos
11. 2014-12-29LeukorrheaRipped Five Ways From SundayDenied Existence
12. 2014-12-29
13. 2014-12-29ThanatosWorld JihadGlobal Purificationcenturymedia
14. 2014-12-29Shed The SkinSkaphe Of Christ/Rebirth Through BrimstoneRebirth Through Brimstonehells_headbangers
15. 2014-12-29Apostle Of SolitudePush Mortal CoilOf Woe And Woundscruz_del_sur
16. 2014-12-29CrowbarAgeless DecaySymmetry In Blackuniveral
17. 2014-12-29Drown Retarded ChildrenGentile ConfoundDemented Continuumdeath_deaf
18. 2014-12-29CarcassGenital GrinderSymphonies of Sicknessearache
19. 2014-12-29
20. 2014-12-29ScapesUnseen InfiniteOne:Unseen:OneNihil Ultra
21. 2014-12-29AthanatosUnholy UnionUnholy Union EPnuclear_war_now
22. 2014-12-29Aversion CrownVectorsTyrantnuclearblast
23. 2014-12-29Doomed And DisgustingTorture ChamberSatan's Nightmarenuclear_war_now
24. 2014-12-29Youth FuneralI RememberSee You When I See Youtwelve_gauge
25. 2014-12-29Zero DownLeche di TigreNo Limit To The Evilminotauro
26. 2014-12-29
27. 2014-12-29NeuraxisXenobioticTruth Beyond.../Imagery/Passages Into Forlornearache
28. 2014-12-29Parasitic ExtirpationSpiralingPutrid Crownsevared
29. 2014-12-29Miasmal2013Cursed Redeemercenturymedia
30. 2014-12-29AbnormityMechanical MaggotsIrreversible Disintegration
31. 2014-12-29
32. 2014-12-29Deadwater DrowningBliss From A Dead Embraceepblackmarket_activities
33. 2014-12-29The Red ChordUpper DeckerClientsmetalblade
34. 2014-12-29CandiriaWithout WaterIdentity 7: Deadly Sinscenturymedia
35. 2014-12-29MadballTight RopeNYHCgangstyle
36. 2014-12-29Agnostic FrontFriend Or FoeUnited Blood
37. 2014-12-29Rude AwakeningErisionDemo 2011self-released
38. 2014-12-29100 DemonsSufferIn The Eyes Of The Lordgoodlife
39. 2014-12-29
40. 2014-12-29CentinexLuciferian MoonBloodhuntrepulse
41. 2014-12-29DismemberSkin Her AliveLike and Ever Flowing Streamnuclearblast
42. 2014-12-29Pestilencethe Process of SuffocationConsuming Impulseroadrunner
43. 2014-12-29CankerOpus Death (Demo 91)Physicalxtreem
44. 2014-12-29
45. 2014-12-29AhabTombstone CarousalThe Divinity Of Oceansnapalm
46. 2014-12-29BurzumEa, Lord Of The DeepsBurzum
47. 2014-12-29TombsAshesSavage Goldrelapse
48. 2014-12-29NileBlack Seeds of VengeanceBlack Seeds of Vengeancerelapse
49. 2014-12-29
50. 2014-12-29Inaminate ExistenceBioluminescent PhotophoresA Never End Cycle Of Atonment
51. 2014-12-29Spawn of PossessionServitude Of SoulsIncursorelapse
52. 2014-12-29AuguryOrphans of LivingFragmentary Evidencenuclearblast
53. 2014-12-29ArchspireSeven Crowns And The Oblivion ChainThe Lucid Collectiveseason_of_mist
54. 2014-12-29Beyond CreationThe AxiomEarthborn Evolutionseason_of_mist
55. 2014-12-29
56. 2014-12-29GorelordNecrophilac Orgy in Entrails & CumForce Fed on Human Fleshbaphoment
57. 2014-12-29SuffocationSynthetically RevivedHuman Wastenuclearblast
58. 2014-12-29TraumatomyWretched Antropogenous SimulacrumTanscendental Evisceration Of Necrogenetic Beasts
59. 2014-12-29Circle of Dead ChildrenReturn To WaterStarving The Vultures
60. 2014-12-29SacrocurseSulphur BlessingSulphur Blessinghells_headbangers
61. 2014-12-29
62. 2014-12-29Winter SolsticeMalice In WonderlandThe Fall Of Romemetalblade
63. 2014-12-29Dead To FallGuillotine Dream (Slow Drug)The Phoenix Theoryvictory
64. 2014-12-29At The GatesDeath And The LabyrinthAt War Wtih Realitycenturymedia
65. 2014-12-29ConvergeTrespassesAll We Love We Leave Behindepitaph
66. 2014-12-29BlasphemyEmperor Of The Black AbyssGods Of War/Blood Upon The Alter
67. 2014-12-29
68. 2014-12-29SkyforgerNight Of The Winter SolsticeSmigall's Warchant
69. 2014-12-29Woods Of DesolationAll The Starts Faded AwayAs The Stars
70. 2014-12-29ThergothonEverlastingStream From The Heavens
71. 2014-12-29The Old Dead TreeWhat's Done Is DoneThe Water Fields
72. 2014-12-29Faith No MoreSurprise You're Dead!The Real Thingepic
73. 2014-12-29
74. 2014-12-29
75. 2014-12-29OtygBackahastenSagovindars Boning
76. 2014-12-29SidiousRevealed In Profance SplendourRevealed In Profance Splendourkaotoxin
77. 2014-12-29You And In The WayBe My BloodWhen Life Comes To Death
78. 2014-12-29Leng tch'eMarasmusMarasmusrelapse
79. 2014-12-29CianideForsaken DoomGods Of Deathhells_headbangers
80. 2014-12-29
81. 2014-12-29Forest StreamWinter SolsticeTears Of Mortal Solitudeearache
82. 2014-12-29Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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