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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1377 playlist up with 57237 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


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1. 2024-05-06Grave Upheaval04 II-IV(untitled) DLP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
2. 2024-04-15Demoncy07 Hidden Path to the Forest BeyondFaustian Dawn LPCDNuclear War Now! Productions
3. 2023-01-02Gnosis (Florida)04 Temple of the SeaThe Third-Eye Gate LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
4. 2022-07-25Impurity (Brazil)02 Anti-DominicalVomiting Blasphemies Over The World - split LPNuclear War Now! Productions
5. 2022-03-21Doombringer (Poland)Samhain MelancholiaWalpurgis Fires LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
6. 2022-02-14Revenge (Canada)05 Blood DivisionAttack.Blood.Revenge LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
7. 2021-09-13Caveman Cult05 Plunder and BondageBlood and Extinction CD/LP/TAPENuclear War Now! Productions
8. 2021-08-30Sarcofagus02 Deadly GameEnvoy of Death LPNuclear War Now! Productions
9. 2021-08-23Antediluvian03 How the Watchers Granted the Humans Sex MagickThe Divine Punishment CD/LP/TAPENuclear War Now! Productions
10. 2021-08-23Genocídio03 Pact of BloodThe Grave LPNuclear War Now! Productions
11. 2021-07-26Ixtlahuac04 Nahuallotl(Magia) NegraTeyacanilitztli Nahualli LPNuclear War Now! Productions
12. 2021-07-19Gnosis03 Excite the TempestOmens From the Dead Realm LP/TAPENuclear War Now! Productions
13. 2021-07-19Vassago04 Fire of SatanStorm of Satan LP/TAPENuclear War Now! Productions
14. 2021-07-12Imperator (Poland)Ancient RaceThe Time Before Time LP/CD/TAPENuclear War Now! Productions
15. 2021-05-31Morbosidad06 Condena y CastigoCorona de Epidemia LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
16. 2021-05-24Nocturnus06 B,C, - A.D.The Science of HorrorNuclear War Now Productions
17. 2021-05-24Doom Snake Cult05 DoomLove Sorrow Doom LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
18. 2021-05-17Abominator05 Sepulchral VomitBarbaran War Worship CD/DLPNuclear War Now! Productions
19. 2021-05-17Xibalba Itzaes08 Itzam Cab Ain KatunAh Dzam Poop Ek DLPNuclear War Now! Productions
20. 2021-05-17Phobia (Norway)03 The Last Settlement of RagnarokSlaughterhouse Tapes CDNuclear War Now! Productions
21. 2021-05-10Xibalba ItzaesThe Storm of GiaiaAh Tza Xibalba ItzaesNuclear War Now! Productions
22. 2021-05-10Cemetery LightsNecrophilosophLemuralia TAPENuclear War Now! Productions
23. 2021-03-22Doombringer (Poland)Samhain MelancholiaWalpurgis Fires LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
24. 2021-02-01Xibalba (Mexico)03 In Deamones ImperiumAh Dzam Poop Ek DLPNuclear War Now! Productions
25. 2021-02-01Darvulia02 Hivers Noirs Des Anciens AgesMysticisme Macabre LPNuclear War Now! Productions
26. 2021-01-18Evil (Japan)03 怨殺 RevengePossessed by Evil LP/CD/TAPENuclear War Now! Productions
27. 2020-11-02Pneuma Hagion02 SummoningVoidgazer LPNuclear War Now! Productions
28. 2020-11-02Blasphamagoatachrist06 The Final Blood OrgyBastardizing the Purity LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
29. 2020-10-05Apochryphal Revelation06 ConstantinePrimeval Devilish Wisdom LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
30. 2020-08-10Amputation (Norway)02 Slaughtered in the Arms of GodSlaughtered in the Arms of God LPNuclear War Now! Productions
31. 2020-08-03Rites of Thy DegringoladeAbove the HighestThe Blade Philosophical LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
32. 2020-07-27Siege Column05 Funeral FiendDarkside Legions LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
33. 2020-07-20Prosanctus Inferi04 Hypnotic Blood ArtHypnotic Blood Art LP/TAPENuclear War Now! Productions
34. 2020-07-13Doomed and Disgusting06 Murder in the DarkSatan's Nightmare LPNuclear War Now! Productions
35. 2020-07-06Cnotaphe02 Aux cieux antrieursMonte Verit LPNuclear War Now! Productions
36. 2020-06-22The Funeral Orchestra02 Flesh InfiltrationsNegative Evocation Rites LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
37. 2020-06-08666 (Norway)03 Lucifer666 LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
38. 2020-05-04DDSKVAD1 - Rike I RuinerKrnike INuclear War Now! Productions
39. 2020-05-04TEMPLAR (Finland)02 - Flaming Metal SupremacyKnights of Nuclear Hell Decibelfucking the Charred Remains of the ChristNuclear War Now! Productions
40. 2020-04-27Blasphamagoatachrist03 Black Nuclear ShadowsBastardizing the Purity LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
41. 2020-04-27Witches Hammer04 Within the HallsDamnation Is My Salvation LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
42. 2020-03-02Cnotaphe06 Ne m'oubliezMonte Verit LPNuclear War Now! Productions
43. 2020-03-02Saltas03 Astral Funeral MarchMors SalisNuclear War Now! Productions
44. 2020-03-02Necrogosto03 Baphometic Noisy CultAncestral Bestiality 12" MLPNuclear War Now! Productions
45. 2020-02-10StarGazer (Australia)03 Conspirator's WindGloat / Borne LPNuclear War Now! Productions
46. 2020-01-20Goatlord11 Possessed Soldiers of WarSodomize the Goat DLPNuclear War Now! Productions
47. 2019-12-02Death WorshipSlaughtersiegeEnd Times 12" MLPNuclear War Now! Productions
48. 2019-11-18Ignivomous03 Cloaked in Resplendent PerditionHieroglossia LP/CD/TAPENuclear War Now! Productions
49. 2019-11-04Ares KingdomDescent Of ManIncendiaryNuclear War Now! Productions
50. 2019-10-07NecrogostoBlasphemous UpheavalNecrogosto TAPENuclear War Now! Productions
51. 2019-09-30CnotapheAu spulcre des astresEmpyre 12" MLPNuclear War Now! Productions
52. 2019-09-23Perverted Ceremony04 Light the Inverted CandlesNighermancie / Black Candle Invoker split LPNuclear War Now! Productions
53. 2019-09-09Ares KingdomGathering The EaglesIncendiaryNuclear War Now! Productions
54. 2019-09-02Nupta Cadavera01 Metaphysical CrueltyNupta Cadavera 7" EPNuclear War Now! Productions
55. 2019-08-26Impurity (Brazil)05 Holy DeathVomiting Blasphemies Over The World - split LPNuclear War Now! Productions
56. 2019-08-12Cemetery Lights02 HadesThe Underworld LP/CD/TAPENuclear War Now! Productions
57. 2019-08-05Evil (Japan)02 降魔印 Welcome to SatanSplit 7" EP/TAPE-Evil (Japan)/Siege ColumnNuclear War Now! Productions
58. 2019-07-08The Mezmerist04 Victim of Environmental ChangeThe Innocent, the Forsaken, the Guilty LPNuclear War Now! Productions
59. 2019-07-08Holocausto (Brazil)04 Zona de Conflito (Faixa de Gaza)Dirio de Guerra LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
60. 2019-06-17Embrace of Thorns03 My Hermetic Quest for Thy BlackesDarkness Inpenetratable LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
61. 2019-06-10Imperator (Poland)Imperator - The Time Before Time - 02 AbhorrenceThe Time Before Time LP/CD/TAPENuclear War Now! Productions
62. 2019-06-10Aima (Greece)03 Poison Communion and Real FleshTragos LPNuclear War Now! Productions
63. 2019-06-03Bestial Raids03 Descending the ThantifaxathMaster Satan's Witchery LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
64. 2019-05-06Ares Kingdom03 Dark Waters EridanusBy the Light of Their Destruction LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
65. 2019-03-18Doombringer (Poland)Sworn to MaliceWalpurgis Fires LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
66. 2019-02-04Nomenclature DiablerieLovecraft888 12" MLPNuclear War Now! Productions
67. 2019-02-04CnotapheFace aux feux d'un soleil porphyrEmpyre 12" MLPNuclear War Now! Productions
68. 2019-02-04Blasphemy04 Victory (Son of the Damned)Victory (Son of the Damned) DLP/CD/TAPENuclear War Now! Productions
69. 2019-01-28Death Worship02 The Poisoned ChaliceEnd Times 12" MLPNuclear War Now! Productions
70. 2019-01-28Departure ChandelierForever Faithful to the EmperorAntichrist Rise to Power LPNuclear War Now! Productions
71. 2019-01-28Necrogosto02 Ritual and DecayNecrogosto TAPENuclear War Now! Productions
72. 2018-12-24DoombringerLabirynth of Everlasting Fire/Ecstasy of Witch BloodThe Grand SabbathNuclear War Now! Productions
73. 2018-12-24Doom Snake Cult03 Tribal Se'anceLove Sorrow Doom LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
74. 2018-12-10NecrosleezerMoonlit ChantsPope Kill 12" MLP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
75. 2018-12-10Xibalba ItzaesAll Hail ChaacAh Tza Xibalba ItzaesNuclear War Now! Productions
76. 2018-12-10StargazerThe Molecular ScytheD.A.V.V.N. 12" MLPNuclear War Now! Productions
77. 2018-11-19BlasphemyNocturnal SlayerGods of War LPNuclear War Now! Productions
78. 2018-11-12Evil (Japan)歪な梵鐘 - Hell's Evil BellsThe Gate of Hell TAPENuclear War Now! Productions
79. 2018-10-15Sex MessiahDrawing Closer to Sex MessiahEastern Cult of SodomyNuclear War Now! Productions
80. 2018-10-15Witches HammerRabid CaptorCanadian Speed MetalNuclear War Now! Productions
81. 2018-10-15Cemetery LightsLemuraliaLemuralia TAPENuclear War Now! Productions
82. 2018-10-15Abominator11 Blood of the DamnedBarbaran War Worship CD/DLPNuclear War Now! Productions
83. 2018-09-17Blasphemy07 Atomic Nuclear DesolationLive RitualNuclear War Now! Productions
84. 2018-09-03BlasphemyWeltering in BloodBlood Upon the Altar LPNuclear War Now! Productions
85. 2018-08-27Black FeastHideous MorbidityLarenuf JubileumNuclear War Now! Productions
86. 2018-08-06Faustcoven03 Yet He WalksIn the Shadow of Doom LP/CD/TAPENuclear War Now! Productions
87. 2018-07-23Moenen of Xezbeth03 Oath of MalignancyAncient Spells of Darkness... LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
88. 2018-07-23Siege Column04 Blasting the MoongateInferno Deathpassion LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
89. 2018-07-02Rites of Thy Degringolade02 The Blade PhilosophicalThe Blade Philosophical LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
90. 2018-06-11Blasphamagoatachrist04 Black Metal WarfareBlack Metal Warfare TAPENuclear War Now! Productions
91. 2018-06-04Sect PigCrooked BacksCrooked Backs MLPNuclear War Now! Productions
92. 2018-04-16Pseudogod04 The Firstborn Of AbhorrenceSepulchral Chants DLPNuclear War Now! Productions
93. 2018-04-16Knelt Rote03 RuminationAlterity LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
94. 2018-04-02Embrace of ThornsOf Morbid Existentialism & Unholy SorrowDarkness ImpenetrableNuclear War Now! Productions
95. 2018-03-26Grave Upheaval03 II-III(untitled) DLP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
96. 2018-02-26Rites of Thy Degringolade04 Totalities KompletionThe Blade Philosophical LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
97. 2018-02-26Morbosidad03 Cordero de CristoCorona de Epidemia LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
98. 2018-02-26SaltasXII Nerves DecayCurrents TAPENuclear War Now! Productions
99. 2018-01-29Chaos Echoes04 Through Kaleidoscopic Haze Of UneMouvement LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
100. 2018-01-22Lurker of Chalice03 Spectre as Valkerie IsLurker of Chalice DLPNuclear War Now! Productions
101. 2017-11-27Lihhamon03 Throne of EradicationDoctrine LPNuclear War Now! Productions
102. 2017-11-20Anatomia04 Morbid HallucinationCarnal Obsession DLPNuclear War Now! Productions
103. 2017-11-06BlasphemophagherDemiurge of Thermonuclear DamnationNuclear Empire of Apocalypsenuclear_war_now
104. 2017-10-30WrathprayerDe ProfundisWrath of Darkness - split LPNuclear War Now! Productions
105. 2017-09-18Departure ChandelierA Supernatural Being Arose From Kindred StockBlood Tyrant / Departure Chandelier split EPNuclear War Now! Productions
106. 2017-07-31Expander03 War Terminal_ The True Front LineEndless Computer LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
107. 2017-07-10Goatlord11 Possessed Soldiers of WarSodomize the Goat DLPNuclear War Now! Productions
108. 2017-06-05StarGazer04 Merging to the BoundlessA Merging to the BoundlessNuclear War Now! Productions
109. 2017-04-17Bestial Raids05 Kingdom BelowMaster Satan's Witchery LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
110. 2017-02-13Holocausto03 Escarro NapalmWar Metal Massacre LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
111. 2017-02-06Demoncy02 Abysmal Shores of the Dark LandsWithin the Sylvan Realms of Frost LPNuclear War Now! Productions
112. 2017-01-16Harvest Gulgaltha03 Transcend the WrathfulAltars of Devotion LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
113. 2017-01-09Death Worship02 Evocation ChamberExtermination Mass MLP/MCDNuclear War Now! Productions
114. 2016-12-19GoatlordDistorted BirthReflections of the Solstice LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
115. 2016-10-31Abigail (Japan)07 Sweet Baby Metal SlutsThe Final Damnation LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
116. 2016-10-03BlackWitchery05 Unholy Vengeance of WarEvil Shall Prevail DLP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
117. 2016-08-29Conqueror (Canada)Age of DecimationWar.Cult.Supremacy DLP/DCD+DVDNuclear War Now! Productions
118. 2016-08-15Demoncy04 Descending Clouds of ImmortalityFaustian Dawn LPCDNuclear War Now! Productions
119. 2016-08-15Demonomancy Witchcraft04 Grave ImmolationArchaic Remnants of the Numinous At the Diabolus Hour - split LPCDNuclear War Now! Productions
120. 2016-08-01Abigail (Japan)02 Blasphemy NightThe Final Damnation LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
121. 2016-07-25Abigail (Japan)Whisky Coke and BitchThe Final Damnation LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
122. 2016-07-18NocturnusUndead JourneyThe Science of HorrorNuclear War Now Productions
123. 2016-07-18Perverted CeremonyBlack FluidsDemo 1 TAPENuclear War Now! Productions
124. 2016-07-18Death Courier04 Mass ImpalementEP and Demo LPNuclear War Now! Productions
125. 2016-06-27Death CourierSwamplifeDemiseNuclear War Now! Productions
126. 2016-05-16Impurity (Brazil)03 Preaching Mark of the BeastVomiting Blasphemies Over The World - split LPNuclear War Now! Productions
127. 2016-04-25NecrosicSpawn of RadiationPutrid Decimation 12" MLPNuclear War Now! Productions
128. 2016-03-21Irkallian OracleSolApollyon CD/DLPNuclear War Now! Productions
129. 2016-03-14Goatlord07 The FogDemo '87 / Reh. '88 DLPNuclear War Now! Productions
130. 2016-03-07Ill OmenII. .Thy.Rift.Thy.RiftNuclear War Now! Productions
131. 2016-02-08Xibalba ItzaesDawn of Endless HorrorsAh Tza! 7" EPNuclear War Now! Productions
132. 2015-12-21Reencarnacion07 Funeral del Norte888 Metal DLP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
133. 2015-12-21Goatlord04 Underground ChurchReflections of the Solstice LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
134. 2015-11-30Chaos EchoesRiseA Voiceless Ritual LPNuclear War Now! Productions
135. 2015-10-12AbominatorThe Darkest SabbatBarbaran War Worshipnuclear_war_now
136. 2015-10-12GoatlordChicken DanceReflections Of The Solsticenuclear_war_now
137. 2015-09-21GnosisCult Of The Great SerpentThe Third-Eye Gatenuclear_war_now
138. 2015-08-31GnosisChariot Of The Sun-MoonThe Third-Eye Gatenuclear_war_now
139. 2015-08-31Ares KingdomThe Unburiable DeadThe Unburiable Deadnuclear_war_now
140. 2015-08-31Sadistik ExekutionIpsissimus30 Years Of Agonizing The Deadnuclear_war_now
141. 2015-08-24Ares KingdomDemoralizeThe Unburiable Deadnuclear_war_now
142. 2015-08-24ProcreationAfterlifeIncantations Of Demonic Lust For Corpses Of The Fallennuclear_war_now
143. 2015-08-24Sadistik ExekutionSuspiral30 Years Of Agonizing The Deadnuclear_war_now
144. 2015-07-13Necromantic WorshipNergal, The Raging KingSpirit Of The Entrance Unto Deathnuclear_war_now
145. 2015-07-13NecromancyForbidden RitesAncient Wrathnuclear_war_now
146. 2015-06-29Black FeastMortuary GhoulLarenuf Jubileumnuclear_war_now
147. 2015-06-22Black FeastFornicationLarenuf Jubileumnuclear_war_now
148. 2015-06-22InsulterFuckin'Blood Spits, Violences And Insultsnuclear_war_now
149. 2015-06-15YsengrinPoeterie Gibeline (G. Gvinizelli)Liber Hermetisnuclear_war_now
150. 2015-06-08MefiticNoxious EpiclesisWoes Of Mortal Devotionnuclear_war_now
151. 2015-06-08KatechonHumanity DiseasedCoronationnuclear_war_now
152. 2015-06-01GoatlordUnholy Black SlutDemo 87nuclear_war_now
153. 2015-05-11Embrace Of ThornsDarkness ImpenetrableDarkness Impenetrablenuclear_war_now
154. 2015-03-30RevengeProfanation TriumphHolocaustic Death March To Humanity's Doom - Splitnuclear_war_now
155. 2015-03-16Ill OmenAbomination Of FleshCompendium Melificarum - Esotericanuclear_war_now
156. 2015-02-02NocturnusStanding in BloodThe Science Of Horrornuclear_war_now
157. 2015-01-26NocturnusNeolithicThe Science Of Horrornuclear_war_now
158. 2015-01-19Doom BringerOminus AllianceThe Grand Sabathnuclear_war_now
159. 2015-01-12RevengeDeathless WillAttack.Blood.Revengenuclear_war_now
160. 2014-12-29AthanatosUnholy UnionUnholy Union EPnuclear_war_now
161. 2014-12-29Doomed And DisgustingTorture ChamberSatan's Nightmarenuclear_war_now
162. 2014-12-22MorbosidadTorturaTorturanuclear_war_now
163. 2014-12-22StarGazerAn Earth Rides Its Endless CarouselA Merging To The Boundlessnuclear_war_now
164. 2014-12-22Doom BringerChildren To MolochThe Grand Sabathnuclear_war_now
165. 2014-12-15GnosisThe Plague Of AzotusThe Third-Eye Gatenuclear_war_now
166. 2014-12-15Ill OmenSuterranean Litany (Of Shadows Endless)Remnants Spheres Of Spiritual Equilibriumnuclear_war_now
167. 2014-12-15InfraCommunionInitiation On The Ordeals Of Lower Vibrationsnuclear_war_now
168. 2014-12-08Harvest GulgalthaManifestion Of Nightmares1 MLPnuclear_war_now
169. 2014-12-08RevengeAnnihilate OF ServeAttack.Blood.Revengenuclear_war_now
170. 2014-04-21BlasphemophagherHolocaust Summing of Nuclear StormNuclear Empire of Apocalypsenuclear_war_now
171. 2010-09-27Ares KingdomBeasts That PerishIncendiarynuclear_war_now
172. 2010-09-20Ares KingdomAshen GloryIncendiarynuclear_war_now
173. 2010-08-09Ares KingdomSilent Mortal Flesh (Convergence)Incendiarynuclear_war_now
174. 2010-07-19Ares KingdomGathering The EaglesIncendiarynuclear_war_now
175. 2010-06-07Ares KingdomBeasts That PerishIncendiarynuclear_war_now
176. 2010-04-26KerasphorusDisturb the Forethest StarsCloven Hoofs at the Hollocaust Dawnnuclear_war_now
177. 2010-04-05Ares KingdomBeasts That PerishIncendiarynuclear_war_now
178. 2010-03-29KerasphorusAosoth ParadigmCloven Hoofs at the Hollocaust Dawnnuclear_war_now
179. 2010-03-08Ares KingdomSilent Mortal Flesh (Convergence)Incendiarynuclear_war_now
180. 2010-03-08KerasphorusDisturb the Forethest StarsCloven Hoofs at the Hollocaust Dawnnuclear_war_now
181. 2009-07-06BlasphemophagherHolocaust Summing of Nuclear StormNuclear Empire of Apocalypsenuclear_war_now
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