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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1377 playlist up with 57237 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2017-01-09MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2017-01-09
3. 2017-01-09DioHoly DiverExerpts from InfernoMayhem Records
4. 2017-01-09MotörheadIn the Name of TragedyBetter Motorhead Than DeadSteamhammer
5. 2017-01-09NUNSLAUGHTERAthiest WaysThe Devils Congeries Vol. 1 (2CD)Hells Headbangers Records
6. 2017-01-09EntombedWhen Life Has CeasedLeft Hand PathEarache Records
7. 2017-01-09
8. 2017-01-09The Failsafe DeviceDiagram 4.0self titled
9. 2017-01-09GuiltGirl and Her DogThru the NightFirst Warning Records
10. 2017-01-09GuiltLiving HellHarvest/Decay
11. 2017-01-09Discordance AxisVacuum SleeveThe Inalienable DreamlessHydra Head Records
12. 2017-01-09Burnt by the SunThe Great America Dream MachineHeart of DarknessRelapse Records
13. 2017-01-09Ed GeinI Wish You The Best...Its A Shame...
14. 2017-01-09FacebreakerNuclear OutbreakDedicated to the FleshMetal Blade Records
15. 2017-01-09In Dire NeedA Final Farewell (To Geinea Bissau)Demo
16. 2017-01-09
17. 2017-01-09Judas PriestTurbo loverThe Essential Judas Priest
18. 2017-01-09SpeedtrapPowerdosePowerdoseSvart Records
19. 2017-01-09Big BlackPassing ComplexionThe Rich Man's Eight Track TapeTouch & Go
20. 2017-01-09Ogdru JahadGlories of MaryI (One) LPIron Bonehead Productions
21. 2017-01-09
22. 2017-01-09Killing Addiction02_Cult_Of_DecayShores of OblivionXtreem Music
23. 2017-01-09Pestifer03 - Brutal Eruption of ChaosExecration DiatribesLavadome Productions
24. 2017-01-09BLACK ANVILAs WasAs WasRelapse Records
25. 2017-01-09Terrifier04 Violent ReprisalWeapons of Thrash DestructionTest Your Metal
26. 2017-01-09
27. 2017-01-09MIDNIGHT03 Ready For DestructionShox of Violence (12" MLP, CD, TAPE)Hells Headbangers Records
28. 2017-01-09Death Worship02 Evocation ChamberExtermination Mass MLP/MCDNuclear War Now! Productions
29. 2017-01-09CODE03_Affliction_MAS_FINALLost SignalAgonia Records
30. 2017-01-09TOMB MOLDCoincidence of OppositesPrimordial MalignityBlood Harvest Records
31. 2017-01-09Desecrate the FaithPredatory ImpalementUnholy InfestationComatose Music
32. 2017-01-09
33. 2017-01-09EpochAltered StatesSacrosanctLavadome Productions
34. 2017-01-09TOME OF THE UNREPLENISHEDDead Body Of GodCosmoprismI, Voidhanger Records
35. 2017-01-09Hour of PenanceDamnatio MemoriaeCast The First StoneProsthetic Records
36. 2017-01-09
37. 2017-01-09XibalbaStone HeartIncendiary/Xibalba splitclosed_casket_activities
38. 2017-01-09IncestuousEthnic CleansingBrass Knuckle
39. 2017-01-09Inevitable EndEmbracing the OriginThe Severed InceptionRelapse Records
40. 2017-01-09TherionGenocidal RaidsOf Darkness...Nuclear Blast America
41. 2017-01-09Lord BelialAscension of LilithThe Black Curse
42. 2017-01-09
43. 2017-01-09ForbiddenOut of Body (Out of Mind)Twisted into FormCombat Records
44. 2017-01-09CultedSpirituosaOf Death and RitualRelapse Records
45. 2017-01-09This Is HellFearless VampiresMisfortunesTrust Kill
46. 2017-01-09Indecision...And You Wear Too Much Make-UpMost Precious Blood
47. 2017-01-09StrifeWill to DieIn This DefianceVictory Records
48. 2017-01-09THE LURKING CORPSESFear the Wolf23 Tales of Terror (2LP)Hells Headbangers Records
49. 2017-01-09
50. 2017-01-09DerkétaSpirits in the MorgueGoddess of DeathNecroharmonic Records
51. 2017-01-09IncantationRotting Spiritual EmbodimentOnward To GolgothaRelapse
52. 2017-01-09FunebreSpirits BewailChildren Of The Scorn
53. 2017-01-09KataklysmHate SpiritOf Ghosts And Gods
54. 2017-01-09Throes of DawnStardestroyerBinding of the SpiritWounded Love (Avantgarde)
55. 2017-01-09Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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