Ass Hat
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End Ass Hat

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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2011-09-26MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2011-09-26
3. 2011-09-26GorgutsOphans of Sicknessthe Erosion of Sanityroadrunner
4. 2011-09-26DismemberTime Heals NothingThe God That Never Wascandlelight
5. 2011-09-26VictimsIn ControlA Dissidenttankcrimes
6. 2011-09-26DemeritNever Gonna ChangeNever Say Die
7. 2011-09-26RingwormNo One Dies AloneJustice Replaced By Revengevictory
8. 2011-09-26
9. 2011-09-26Beyond DescriptionChangeProof Of The Truthcrimes_against_humanity
10. 2011-09-26PathologyIngestion Of CreationAwaken To The Sufferingvictory
11. 2011-09-26Dying FetusUnchallenged Hate (Napalm Death)History Repeatsrelapse
12. 2011-09-26Clinging To The Trees Of A Forest Fire---Viceralprosthetic
13. 2011-09-26GhoulMutant MutilatorSplatterthrashrazorback
14. 2011-09-26
15. 2011-09-26Orphaned LandThe Path Park 1: 8211: The Pilgrimage To Or ShalemThe Never Ending Way Of Orwarriorcenturymedia
16. 2011-09-26AlestormRumBack Through Timenapalm
17. 2011-09-26AlcatrazzToo Young To Die, Too Drunk To LiveLive Sentence: No Parole From Rock n Rollgrand_slamm
18. 2011-09-26DraconianEnd Of The RopeA Rose For The Apokalypsenapalm
19. 2011-09-26
20. 2011-09-26Brutal TruthEnd TimeEnd Timerelapse
21. 2011-09-26Rampant DecayPolitical LemmingsRampant Decay/Kruds Split 7"PATAC
22. 2011-09-26Fuck the FactsLifelessDie Miserablerelapse
23. 2011-09-26Hatred AliveExtinctionDemo 2011self-released
24. 2011-09-26
25. 2011-09-26The ProselyteFour FathersSunshinetdb
26. 2011-09-26White Arms Of AthenaCreationedAstrodromaprosthetic
27. 2011-09-26Destroy The LegacyAs Dreams DieTo Hell If I Have Toself-released
28. 2011-09-26The BodyNight Terrorsself-titledcorleone
29. 2011-09-26
30. 2011-09-26RevocationHarlotChaos Of Formsrelapse
31. 2011-09-26Job For a CowboyMisery ReformatoryGloommetalblade
32. 2011-09-26Rose FuneralMalignant AmourGates of Punishmentmetalblade
33. 2011-09-26The Acacia StrainJonestownWormwoodprosthetic
34. 2011-09-26
35. 2011-09-26PerverseraphChemical WarfareVarious Artists - Gateway To Hell 2: A Tribute To Slayerdwell
36. 2011-09-26Rotten SoundPlanCursedrelapse
37. 2011-09-26Insect WarfareParanoiaWorld Exterminationearache
38. 2011-09-26FistulaThe HoundsLoserpatac
39. 2011-09-26
40. 2011-09-26Lock UpParasite DramaNecropolis Transparentnuclearblast
41. 2011-09-26Misery SignalsEbb And FlowController
42. 2011-09-26Protest the HeroBloodmeatGallop Meets The Earthvagrant
43. 2011-09-26ArkonaValenkiStenka Na Stenka Epnapalm
44. 2011-09-26
45. 2011-09-26Sevenday CurseLament Of The FallenAfter the Stormtortuga
46. 2011-09-26Shipwreck adLotusAbyssdeathwishinc
47. 2011-09-26Cannabis CorpseGateways To InhalationBeneath The Grow Lights Thou Shalt Risetankcrimes
48. 2011-09-26BurzumJeg FallerFallenbyelobog
49. 2011-09-26
50. 2011-09-26AcaroThe Disease Of FearThe Disease Of Fearself-released
51. 2011-09-26Harm's WayFantasy
52. 2011-09-26Forgotten TombUnder Saturn Retrograde Part 2Under Saturn Retrogradeagonia
53. 2011-09-26VenomSleep When I'm DeadMetal Blacksanctuary
54. 2011-09-26Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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