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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1377 playlist up with 57237 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2019-11-04MinistryStigmataLand Of Rape And HoneyWarner Bros.
2. 2019-11-04
3. 2019-11-046L6Should Have Know BetterIncendioWonderdrug Records
4. 2019-11-04IncendiaryHard Truths Cut Both WaysThousand Mile StareClosed Casket Activities
5. 2019-11-04Jesus PieceCoward's WayS/T EP
6. 2019-11-04Knocked LooseLast WordsLaugh TracksPure Noise Records
7. 2019-11-04DamagedCold Blood EraserToken Remedies ResearchRotten Records
8. 2019-11-04
9. 2019-11-04DisgorgeDeranged EpidemicCranial Impalement
10. 2019-11-04Begging for IncestBashed Beyond RecognitionOrgasmic Selfmutilation
11. 2019-11-04Abominable Putridity03 blindfold surgeryIn The End Of Human Existence
12. 2019-11-04AmputatedUterus Swollen with Festering PutrescenceWading through Rancid OffalSevared Records
13. 2019-11-04
14. 2019-11-04Ares KingdomDescent Of ManIncendiaryNuclear War Now! Productions
15. 2019-11-04Slug Salt Lavasiaynoqsiaynoq
16. 2019-11-04BahtYaÄŸmurSer
17. 2019-11-04AlcestL'Ile Des MortsSpiritual InstinctNuclear Blast Records
18. 2019-11-04
19. 2019-11-04Revelation Of RainOur CathedralEmanation of HatredSolitude Productions
20. 2019-11-04When Nothing RemainsA Portrait Of The DyingAs All Torn AsunderSolitude Productions
21. 2019-11-04ASCENSIONThe Silence of AbelThe Dead of the WorldSeason of Mist
22. 2019-11-04SkeletonwitchThe Despoiler of Human LifeBreathing the FireProsthetic Records
23. 2019-11-04
24. 2019-11-04Rose FuneralGod DemiseThe Resting SonataMetal Blade
25. 2019-11-04necrosanct6.Undeath Dead and Dyingex-iternity
26. 2019-11-04TrivmvirateDemigodThe Monolith Deathcult
27. 2019-11-04UnanimatedLife DemiseAncient God Of Evil
28. 2019-11-04
29. 2019-11-04All Shall PerishOur Own GraveHate. Malice. RevengeNuclear Blast
30. 2019-11-04DysenteryDevourer of the DeadExcruciatingly Euphoric TormentAmputated Vein Records
31. 2019-11-04Godless TruthEmbrace the VoidArrogance of Supreme PowerAmputated Vein Records
32. 2019-11-04MalamorBless Me FatherDead to the World
33. 2019-11-04
34. 2019-11-04SetherialThe Mournful Sunset Of The ForsakenEkpyrosisRegain Records
35. 2019-11-04Marthyrium05 Temple of FleshBeyond the ThresholdsBlackSeed Productions
36. 2019-11-04BENIGHTEDCollection of Dead PortraitsBrutalive the SickSeason of Mist
37. 2019-11-04Snow WhiteProphecy-Darkness Falling
38. 2019-11-04ABBATH05 Count the DeadABBATHSeason Of Mist
39. 2019-11-04
40. 2019-11-04AbemalGift Of UndeathDemo -94
41. 2019-11-04Phylactery09 Bubonic UndeathNecromancy EnthronedUnspeakable Axe Records
42. 2019-11-04Lamb Of GodDelusion PandemicVIINuclear Blast Records
43. 2019-11-04AuguryBrimstone LandscapesFragmentary EvidenceNuclear Blast GmbH
44. 2019-11-04
45. 2019-11-04Diarrhée MentaleFlu Fluviale3-way split demo
46. 2019-11-04MisfitsNight of the Living DeadMisfits Compilation III
47. 2019-11-04DefeaterWhere Eagles DareHalloween Single
48. 2019-11-04Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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