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New site? Maybe some day.


this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1398 playlist up with 57934 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2019-06-03MinistryStigmataLand Of Rape And HoneyWarner Bros.
2. 2019-06-03
3. 2019-06-03AbigailDark ImaginationsMantak / The Eastern Desekratorzold_cemetery
4. 2019-06-03Black TormentBlasphemous Altars of the ImpureBloody Signs Of DevastationOld Cemetery Records
5. 2019-06-03SheolCromlech (Darkthrone Cover)Sepulchral Ruins Below The Temple 12" MLPIron Bonehead Productions
6. 2019-06-03UNDEATH01 - Unadorned CoffinDemo '19Caligari Records
7. 2019-06-03
8. 2019-06-03MidnattsolForvandlingenThe Metamorphosis Melody [Nordic Gothic Metal]Napalm Records
9. 2019-06-03DevastatorThe Summoning/A Thousand and One NightsThe SummoningOld Cemetery Records
10. 2019-06-03Zombie AssaultDark SisterVideo NastyEclectic Productions
11. 2019-06-03Eternal OathThe Funeral WindsThrough the Eyes of HatredPulverised Records
12. 2019-06-03
13. 2019-06-03Charred Walls of the DamnedVoices Within the WallsCharred Walls of the DamnedMetal Blade
14. 2019-06-03CaedisPoint of no ReturnRise Of The CrocotaurXtreem Music
15. 2019-06-03Pestifer08 - Riding the Storms of Hate MMXVIExecration DiatribesLavadome Productions
16. 2019-06-03
17. 2019-06-03Abysmal Grief01 Mors EleisonMors EleisonSun & Moon Records
18. 2019-06-03BLOOD OF KINGU03 Track03De Occulta PhilosophiaATMF
19. 2019-06-03Kapala (India)03 Moral AttritionTermination ApexDunkelheit Produktionen
20. 2019-06-03TRISTENGRAV3.Tower of SilenceII - NychavgeCaligari Records
21. 2019-06-03
22. 2019-06-03Açoite03 Determinismo é RealAçoiteHelldprod Records
23. 2019-06-03Vectis03 Bastard Son of GodThe ExecutionerHelldprod Records
24. 2019-06-03SCUMRIPPER03 Nuns 'n' DosesAll Veins Blazing (CD, LP, TAPE)Hells Headbangers Records
25. 2019-06-03HATE MANIFESTO (gre)3) PERPETUAL GLORIFICATION OF THE ETERNAL SYMBOLSHerald of TriumphHelter Skelter Productions
26. 2019-06-03
27. 2019-06-03VultureGhastly Waves & Battered GravesGhastly Waves & Battered GravesMetal Blade Records
28. 2019-06-03HOLY TIDELord Of The ArmiesAquilaMy Kingdom Music
29. 2019-06-03ALL HELLBlack BloodThe Witch's GrailProsthetic Records
30. 2019-06-03WinterwolfDevouring Entities DevourLycanthropic Metal of DeathSvart Records
31. 2019-06-03
32. 2019-06-03Undoer02 A New AnthemSurvival is a MythSun & Moon Records
33. 2019-06-03NeurosisA Season in the SkyThe Eye of Every Storm
34. 2019-06-03
35. 2019-06-03NEXUL05 Leviathan UnboundParadigm of Chaos (CD, LP, TAPE)Hells Headbangers Records
36. 2019-06-03DEMONICALFrom NothingChaos ManifestoAgonia Records
37. 2019-06-03ProfanaticaGod Dethroned in HeavenProfanatitas De Domonatia
38. 2019-06-03Christ DeniedBlasphemic BlessingsCancer EradicationXtreem Music
39. 2019-06-03
40. 2019-06-03Coffin BirthGodless WastelandThe Serpent Insignia
41. 2019-06-03BETONMetalovy plecniakKonsky kokot
42. 2019-06-03Ice WarBattle ZoneIce WarShadow Kingdom Records
43. 2019-06-03Bad AxeLove On The RunContradiction To The Rule
44. 2019-06-03
45. 2019-06-03Bestial Raids03 Descending the ThantifaxathMaster Satan's Witchery LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
46. 2019-06-03PestRest in morbid darknessRest In Morbid DarknessAgonia Records
47. 2019-06-03Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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