Ass Hat
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End Ass Hat

New site? Maybe some day.


this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2019-09-02MinistryStigmataLand Of Rape And HoneyWarner Bros.
2. 2019-09-02
3. 2019-09-02Swarm of the LotusHouse at the Bottom of the SeaThe Sirens of Silence, Disc 1Abacus Recordings
4. 2019-09-02ULCERATEYield To NaughtShrines of ParalysisRelapse Records
5. 2019-09-02Primitive ManCommerceCausticRelapse Records
6. 2019-09-02GravenUtopian WombThe Filth Will CleanseSelf-Released
7. 2019-09-02
8. 2019-09-02HivesmasherAnd They Thought We'd ForgetGutter Choirblackmarket_activities
9. 2019-09-02Discordance AxisAngel PresentThe Inalienable DreamlessHydra Head Records
10. 2019-09-02PunchTrack 112007 Demo
11. 2019-09-02Unborn SufferMass SuicideDesecrate/Retaliate/ObliterateSoulflesh Collector Records - via Metalhit
12. 2019-09-02Iron LambSuicide!The Original SinPulverised Records
13. 2019-09-02Brutal TruthKill Trend SuicideGoodbye Cruel World, Disc 2Relapse Records
14. 2019-09-02
15. 2019-09-02High PowerL'Ange Au Regard NoirHigh Power
16. 2019-09-02
17. 2019-09-02VISCERAL DISGORGE3.ARCHITECTS OF WARPING FLESHSlithering EviscerationAgonia Records
18. 2019-09-02HAUNTERSubversion of a Heathen TongueSacramental Death QualiaI, Voidhanger Records
19. 2019-09-02WEEPING SORESTransfiguration Of Flesh Into DreamFalse ConfessionI, Voidhanger Records
20. 2019-09-02EndseekerSpiritual EuphoriaThe HarvestMetal Blade Records
21. 2019-09-02
22. 2019-09-02Dikasterion02 Rome 897Stavelot 1597 / Rome 897Amor Fati Productions
23. 2019-09-02Nupta Cadavera01 Metaphysical CrueltyNupta Cadavera 7" EPNuclear War Now! Productions
24. 2019-09-02ADVENT SORROW02 Wolfhook and WeaponKali Yuga Crown (CD, LP)Werewolf Records
25. 2019-09-02Phobophilic02 Subterranean MiscreationUndimensioned Identities TAPEBlood Harvest Records
26. 2019-09-02
27. 2019-09-02Nex Carnis02 The Fathomless Caverns Of OblivioBlack Eternity 7" EPBlood Harvest Records
28. 2019-09-02BhlegBhleg - 02 - Från eld till askaÄrilNordvis Produktion
29. 2019-09-02
30. 2019-09-02ABLAZE MY SORROWShrouded Are The Pleasures Of FleshAnger, Hate And Fury
31. 2019-09-02At the GatesSuicide NationSlaughter of the SoulEarache
32. 2019-09-02Burning SkiesNarcoleptic Suicide AttemptMurder By Means of ExistenceLifeforce
33. 2019-09-02EndThisDayLily White and Blood RedSleeping Beneath the Ashes of CreationLifeforce Records
34. 2019-09-02
35. 2019-09-02Desecrate The FaithShrine Of EnmityUnholy InfestationComatose Music
36. 2019-09-02KROSSFYRE05 Black Jaws of EvilBurning Torches (CD, 12" MLP)Hells Headbangers Records
37. 2019-09-02THE LURKING FEARVortex SpawnOut Of The Voiceless GraveCentury Media Records
38. 2019-09-02TALES OF GAIA05 City of DreamsHypernovaFighter Records
39. 2019-09-02The Great Russian EmpireThe Hands That Bring The Road Kill To The SideLow EndsSelf-Released
40. 2019-09-02
41. 2019-09-02Draconis InfernumThe Sacrilegious EradicationThe Sacrilegious Eradication
42. 2019-09-02NecrophagiaTear Off Your FaceNecrophagia
43. 2019-09-02SadusTwisted FaceIllusions
44. 2019-09-02Recipients of DeathRaping DeathRecipients of Death + Final Flight
45. 2019-09-02
46. 2019-09-02Circle Takes The SquareNon Objective Portrait Of KarmaAs The Roots Undo
47. 2019-09-02Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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