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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1398 playlist up with 57934 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2018-03-12MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2018-03-12
3. 2018-03-12ImmortalMountains of MightBlizzard Beasts
4. 2018-03-12AN AUTUMN FOR CRIPPLED CHILDRENDays Of SleepEternalWickerman Records
5. 2018-03-12SEVEN SISTERS OF SLEEPPreyEzekiel's Hags (NA Promo)Relapse Records
6. 2018-03-12CALL OF THE VOIDAbominationDragged Down A Dead End PathRelapse Records
7. 2018-03-12
8. 2018-03-12KnaavesJanuaryDemo 2018
9. 2018-03-12GravenUtopian WombThe Filth Will CleanseSelf-Released
10. 2018-03-12DissolveFlamethrowerCaveman of the FutureMia
11. 2018-03-12Sam Black ChurchNinth CircleSuperchristTaang! Records
12. 2018-03-12
13. 2018-03-12Twitching TonguesAWOL (State of the Union)Gaining Purpose Through Passionate HatredMetal Blade Records
14. 2018-03-12Bleeding ThroughSavior, Saint, SalvationPortrait of the GoddessIndecision Records
15. 2018-03-12Iron MaidenCaught Somewhere In TimeSomewhere In Time
16. 2018-03-12
17. 2018-03-12THE GROTESQUERY03 Wrath of the Garvulves (By the EyThe Lupine AnathemaXtreem Music
18. 2018-03-12Rivers of NihilOld NothingWhere Owls Know My NameMetal Blade Records
19. 2018-03-12The CrownWe Avenge!Cobra Speed VenomMetal Blade Records
20. 2018-03-12GRANDIOSE MALICE05 Bell, Book and ChaliceThe Eternal Infernal (CD, LP)Hells Headbangers Records
21. 2018-03-12
22. 2018-03-12Napalm DeathCD1 7. We Hunt In PacksCoded Smears and More Uncommon SlursCentury Media Records
23. 2018-03-12Systemik Viølence04 CrapitalismAnarquia-ViolênciaRaw 'N' Roll Rex
24. 2018-03-12Inisans04 Demon WingsTransition CD/LP/TAPEBlood Harvest Records
25. 2018-03-12Adzalaan03 False CleansingInto Vermilion MirrorsInvictus Productions
26. 2018-03-12
27. 2018-03-12Serum Dreg03 Holy DiseaseLustful VengeanceInvictus Productions
28. 2018-03-12CADAVER PUTREFACTOGerontofiliaLa Maldicion del Zombi ErranteBrutal Records
29. 2018-03-12VOLITIONMorbib DevastationVisions of the OnslaughtBrutal Records
30. 2018-03-12KREATORStorming with menaceTerrible certainty
31. 2018-03-12AcceptSlaves to MetalThe Final Chapter, Disc 1CMC International
32. 2018-03-12
33. 2018-03-12OriginForneverEntityNuclear Blast GmbH
34. 2018-03-12InternecineInvertedThe Book of LambsHammerheart Records
35. 2018-03-12Internal SufferingColossal VortexChaotic Matrix
36. 2018-03-12General SurgerySlithering maceration of ulcerous facial tissueInternecine Prurience Rehearsal Demo III 09.90
37. 2018-03-12What Weapons Bring WarBrush Your Teeth With My Cock2005 DemoSelf-Released
38. 2018-03-12Hateplow$20.00 Blow JobEverybody Dies
39. 2018-03-12
40. 2018-03-12Crowbar1,000 Year Internal WarOdd Fellows RestSpitfire Records
41. 2018-03-12Apostle of SolitudeLamentations of a Broken ManOf Woe and WoundsCruz del Sur Music
42. 2018-03-12Agony ColumnSnakebiteGod, Guns & GutsBig Chief
43. 2018-03-12Down by LawGuns of '96Last of the SharpshootersEpitaph
44. 2018-03-12
45. 2018-03-12D.O.A.Guns, Booze & SexMurder.Restless
46. 2018-03-12BaneBoth Guns BlazingHolding This Moment
47. 2018-03-12Guns Up!Foolin' WhoAll This Is1917
48. 2018-03-12Mouth of the ArchitectRocking Chairs and ShotgunsQuietlyTranslation Los
49. 2018-03-12Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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