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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2008-06-23MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2008-06-23DethklokGo Forth and Diethe Dethalbumadult_swim
3. 2008-06-23KataklysmAs Death LingersPrevailnuclearblast
4. 2008-06-23CopremesisPushMuay Thai Ladyboysparagon
5. 2008-06-23the EverdawnWhen the Sunset Forever FadePoems - Burn the Pastdeath
6. 2008-06-23AnimosityPlunder IncorporatedAnimalblackmarket_activities
7. 2008-06-23WitheredPurification of IgnoranceFolie Circulaireprosthetic
8. 2008-06-23Kevorkian's AngelsWe are the Fire... Disorder is in Orderself-released
9. 2008-06-23BaronessWonderlustRed Albumrelapse
10. 2008-06-23Behold... The ArctopusSome MistSkullgridblackmarket_activities
11. 2008-06-23SahgPyromancerIIregain
12. 2008-06-23Avenger of BloodSadistic InquisitorDeath Brigadeheavy_artillery
13. 2008-06-23Salt the WoundGlovesCarnal Repercussionsrotten
14. 2008-06-23ClitortureFlesh PollutionClitorture-Goreality Splitpathos
15. 2008-06-23RevocationNone Shall be Spared (All Shall be Speared)Empire of the Obsceneself-released
16. 2008-06-23Gama BombFinal FightCitizen Brainearache
17. 2008-06-23Formicidethe Spellself-titleddue_process
18. 2008-06-23Head On CollisionEnemy LinesRitual Sacrificebeer_city
19. 2008-06-23Raw Radar WarCrucify Meself-titledtraktor7
20. 2008-06-23Atrocious Abnormalitythe Birth of VioleceEchoes of the Rottingcomatose
21. 2008-06-23ExcrationEmbedded in GoreA Feast for the Wretchedcomatose
22. 2008-06-23CryptopsyAnoint the Deadthe Unspoken Kingcenturymedia
23. 2008-06-23Man Out of BabiesGrimaceThe Ruinerend
24. 2008-06-23Perun's Shore#2Delugeself-released
25. 2008-06-23PentacleA Devil's Shooting GalleryUnder the Black Crossibexmoon
26. 2008-06-23DeicideSacrifical SuicideWhen Satan Livesroadrunner
27. 2008-06-23Pyrexiathe UncreationSermon of Mockerypathos
28. 2008-06-23OnslaughtThrash Till Deaththe Forcecombat
29. 2008-06-23GraveBloodpathDominion VIIIregain
30. 2008-06-23UnleashedThis Day Belongs to MeHammer Battalionspv
31. 2008-06-23Broken HopeDismembered CarcassSwamped in Goregrind_core_intl
32. 2008-06-23Cerebral FixMammoniteBastardsracecar
33. 2008-06-23DevastatorVengeance of DeathConjuring Evilold_cemetery
34. 2008-06-23Agenda of SwineDespised from InceptionWaves of Human Sufferingrelapse
35. 2008-06-23Flesh ParadeFat and GristleKill Whiteyrelapse
36. 2008-06-23Bird FleshSon of SamuraiTime to Face Extinctioncivilisation
37. 2008-06-23CatheterBrink of ExtinctionTime to Face Extinctioncivilisation
38. 2008-06-23Rampant DecayDie By My SteelAnti-Social Death Matchobscenity_cult
39. 2008-06-23Annotations of an AutopsyHuman DustBefore the Throne of Infectionferret
40. 2008-06-23ArchaeonInsidious ReignVanitasself-released
41. 2008-06-23FamineBehemothThe Raven and the Reapingsolid_state
42. 2008-06-23Sator MarteValkou K Novemu SvetuTermonuklearni Evolucehumanitys_plague
43. 2008-06-23DimentianonTerriblis Est Locus IsteHossanas Novus Ordo Sechurumnon_compos_mentis
44. 2008-06-23Keep of KalessinAgainst the GodsKolossusnuclearblast
45. 2008-06-23Dawn of AzazelVillainy EnduresSeditionibexmoon
46. 2008-06-23Hail PlanktonDemonic Assault ContinuesWe Devour the Brave - Demo 2008unknown
47. 2008-06-23BestializedAnti-Christian BehaviourAnnihilating the Judeo-Christian Generationsold_cemetery
48. 2008-06-23EmbalmerLimbs from the Grinder13 Faces of Deathpathos
49. 2008-06-23Bonded By BloodMind PollutionFeed the Beastearache
50. 2008-06-23Merciless DeathTombs of the DeadRealms of Terrorheavy_artillery
51. 2008-06-23Vio-lencePhobophobiaEternal Nightmaremca
52. 2008-06-23Aetherius ObscuritasThe Lockless DoorBiziok (Visions)paragon
53. 2008-06-23Denial FiendSon of the Creature from the Black LagoonThey Riseibexmoon
54. 2008-06-23CandiriaI amWhat Doesn't Kill Meroadrunner
55. 2008-06-23DeadguyBaby ArmFixation on a Co-Workervictory
56. 2008-06-23Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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