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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2019-10-07MinistryStigmataLand Of Rape And HoneyWarner Bros.
2. 2019-10-07
3. 2019-10-07GatecreeperEverlastingDesertedRelapse Records
4. 2019-10-07Anaal NathrakhA Firm Foundation of Unyielding DespairDesideratumMetal Blade Records
5. 2019-10-07Code Orange KidsI (FOUNDATIONS STAND STILL)Embrace Me//Erase Me
6. 2019-10-07CathedralInfestation of Grey DeathThe Last Spiremetalblade
7. 2019-10-07
8. 2019-10-07Iron ReaganTake the FallSplitRelapse records
9. 2019-10-07ExhumedSlaughter ManiacHorrorRelapse Records
10. 2019-10-07ZaoCircle II the LustfulLiberate Te Ex InferisSolid State
11. 2019-10-07Demon HunterFire to My SoulThe TriptychSolid State Records
12. 2019-10-07Dillinger Escape Plan, TheAbe the CopUnder the Running BoardRelapse Records
13. 2019-10-07This Day ForwardCupid's DiaryThe Transient Effects of Light on WaterEulogy
14. 2019-10-07
15. 2019-10-07Type O NegativeBurnt Flowers FallenOctober Rust
16. 2019-10-07CancerInternal DecayDeath Shall RiseRestless Records
17. 2019-10-07
18. 2019-10-07VictimsThe Birth Of TragedyThe Horse And Sparrow TheoryRelapse Records
19. 2019-10-07CherubsTigers In The SkyImmaculada HighRelapse Records
20. 2019-10-07ArmageddaArmagedda - 04 - For I Am His SlaveOnly True BelieversNordvis Produktion
21. 2019-10-07TorcheSlideAdmissionRelapse Records
22. 2019-10-07
23. 2019-10-07Carcinoid03 Rotting BeneathMetastatic Declination LPBlood Harvest Records
24. 2019-10-07Ectoplasma05 Ghostly Emanations In The MortuarWhite-Eyed TranceMemento Mori
25. 2019-10-07Lvx Caelis02 Fading into GolgothaMaher Shalal Hash BazLamech Records
26. 2019-10-07VAULTWRAITH03 Reborn in Charnel InfamyLight the Candle In Honour of Devils (CD)Hells Headbangers Records
27. 2019-10-07
28. 2019-10-07AlcestProtectionSpiritual InstinctNuclear Blast Records
29. 2019-10-07Vultur03 High on AdrenochromeDrowned in Gangrenous BloodMemento Mori
30. 2019-10-07MinenwerferDragging the Dead Through Mountain PassesAlpenpässePurity Through Fire
31. 2019-10-07
32. 2019-10-07MelecheshSecrets of Sumerian SphynxologySphynxThe End
33. 2019-10-07Ripping CorpseBeyond HumanityDreaming with the DeadMaze/Kraze Records
34. 2019-10-07Morbid AngelLord of All Fevers and PlaguesAltars of MadnessRelativity
35. 2019-10-07NecrogostoBlasphemous UpheavalNecrogosto TAPENuclear War Now! Productions
36. 2019-10-07
37. 2019-10-07AhabFurther SouthThe Giant [Nautik Doom Metal]Napalm Records
38. 2019-10-07Mournful CongregationThe Epitome of Gods and Men AlikeLet There Be Doom... / The Epitome Of Gods And Men AlikeEnucleation Records
39. 2019-10-07AmorphisSong Of The SageThe Beginning Of TimesNuclear Blast GmbH
40. 2019-10-07Noctambulismblood of saintMournful Sculpture (Demo)
41. 2019-10-07
42. 2019-10-07Iron AgeA Younger EarthThe Sleeping Eye CBMTee Pee Records
43. 2019-10-07Witch MountainCan't SettleMobile of Angels
44. 2019-10-07Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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