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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1394 playlist up with 57789 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2020-06-29MinistryStigmataLand Of Rape And HoneyWarner Bros.
2. 2020-06-29
3. 2020-06-29Drawn and QuarteredPredatory StrangulationReturn of the Black Death
4. 2020-06-29Misery SignalsDream AtlanticMisery Signals
5. 2020-06-29DefeaterNo Kind Of HomeEmpty Days & Sleepless NightsBridge Nine
6. 2020-06-29EthernalColossusGrim EthernityUnholy Design
7. 2020-06-29
8. 2020-06-29DemilichEcho (Replacement)20th Adversary of EmptinessSvart Records
9. 2020-06-29The CarrierNineteen Years YoungOne Year LaterRock Vegas Records
10. 2020-06-29Swallow The SunMemory Of LightSongs From The North I, II & IIICentury Media Records
11. 2020-06-29My Dying BrideGrace UnhearingLike Gods of the SunFierce
12. 2020-06-29
13. 2020-06-29Cephalic CarnageCryptosporidiumExploiting DysfunctionRelapse Records
14. 2020-06-29KalibasTake the PlungeProduct of Hard LivingWillowtip Records
15. 2020-06-29MORBID ANGELDawn of the AngryNEW Morbid Angel - Domination (CD)ICAR
16. 2020-06-29
17. 2020-06-29Judicator4. Autumn of SoulsLet There Be NothingProsthetic Records
18. 2020-06-29Deathnoisefrequency2. Chapter IIII Horrid ChoirsHorrid Dirge - Out July 17thSelf-Released
19. 2020-06-29Serene DarkReflecting EnvenomedEnantiodromia - Out July 17th, 2020Self-Released
20. 2020-06-29
21. 2020-06-29OČI VLKAII. Vnimani Zivota Na Prahu SmrtiDemoCaligari Records
22. 2020-06-29Alizarin03 Alizarin - A Wreath of TemperanceThe Last Semblance - Out July 10thSelf-Released
23. 2020-06-29NEPTUNIAN MAXIMALISMCD2-02. VAJRABHAIRAVA - The Summoning (Nasatanada Zazas!)ÉonsI, Voidhanger Records
24. 2020-06-29
25. 2020-06-29FornicatusProfound DreamsThe Suicide Chamber
26. 2020-06-29GriefPollutedAlive in BostonSouthern Lord Records
27. 2020-06-29All Pigs Must DieSadistic VindicatorGod Is WarSouthern Lord
28. 2020-06-29Shai HuludA Profound Hatred of ManHearts Once Nourished With Hope and CompassionCrisis Records
29. 2020-06-29
30. 2020-06-29SPEWL-633 way split w/voltifobia/saprogenic entrails
31. 2020-06-29Dark Morbid DeathSpawn of the WormsSatanic KillsOld Cemetery Records
32. 2020-06-29Impregnate TrichomonasImpregnate Trichomonas - Japanese Titlecarcass grinder / impregnate trichomonas / unholy grave / saprogenic entrails / voltifobia
33. 2020-06-29CynicismOrganizedLimb HymnsSelf-Released
34. 2020-06-29PathogenThe Black ObeliskBlasphemous Communion
35. 2020-06-29Smouldering in ForgottenAll Is One Until DeathLegions Into Black FlamesOld Cemetery Records
36. 2020-06-29Witch TombRipping FleshWitch Tomb - Martyrvore
37. 2020-06-29
38. 2020-06-29KovenantDragonstormsIn Times Before the LightCandlelight Records
39. 2020-06-291349Chasing DragonsBeyond The Apocalypse
40. 2020-06-29TribulationHere Be Dragons (Live at Sdra Teatern)Alive & Dead At Sdra Teatern
41. 2020-06-29
42. 2020-06-29COSMIC PUTREFACTIONAbysmal Resonance ProjectionThe Horizons Towards Which Splendour WithersI, Voidhanger Records
43. 2020-06-29ESOCTRILIHUMAmenthlys (5th Passage - Through the Yth-Wh...Eternity Of ShaogI, Voidhanger Records
44. 2020-06-29Blight05. A Violent LightTemple of WoundsSvart Records
45. 2020-06-29Gehenna (USA, PA)Desecrated LifeValley Of Gore (Demo)
46. 2020-06-29
47. 2020-06-29Bad NewsMasturbike (Live)Live - Hammersmith Odeon - 1987 Nov 05
48. 2020-06-29AcidHeaven's DevilsAcid
49. 2020-06-29TyrranicideThink For YourselfGod Save The Scene
50. 2020-06-29VillainShe'll Make You Fall (In Love)Only Time Will Tell
51. 2020-06-29
52. 2020-06-29Twisted SisterDeath From AboveStay Hungry [25th Anniversary Edition] (CD2)
53. 2020-06-29WitchfyndeGettin' HeavyFriday Rock Show Session
54. 2020-06-29StampedeLove LettersHurricane Town
55. 2020-06-29Judas PriestSome Heads Are Gonna RollDefenders Of The Faith [Remastered]
56. 2020-06-29One Last WishFriendship Is Far1986Dischord Records
57. 2020-06-29Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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