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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1398 playlist up with 57934 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2020-06-01MinistryStigmataLand Of Rape And HoneyWarner Bros.
2. 2020-06-01
3. 2020-06-01DoomridersLionsDarkness Comes AliveDeathwish Records
4. 2020-06-01CovenJust Add ViolenceBoneless ChristianRed Light Records
5. 2020-06-01SuperchristOld Fast And HardSoiled Sampler
6. 2020-06-01MotorheadOver the TopBorn to lose live to win (cd 4)
7. 2020-06-01
8. 2020-06-01The Acacia StrainBlack Hole Sun (Soundgarden Cover)
9. 2020-06-01The Sun Through a Telescope02 - Everyday Is Like Black Hole SvndayI Die SmilingHandshake Inc
10. 2020-06-01SOPHIST2. Sophist - Choke on Your Own Bile‘Betrothal To The StoneSelf-Released
11. 2020-06-01Below The SunDrift In Deep SpaceEnvoy
12. 2020-06-01
13. 2020-06-01NahualUna Noche en el BosqueApostasy Act
14. 2020-06-01ImmolithRites of the Blood
15. 2020-06-01
16. 2020-06-01Dauþuz02 Kerker der EwigkeitGrubenfall 1727Amor fati Productions
17. 2020-06-01MologGhost RelictTriDark Adversary Productions
18. 2020-06-01WALPURGIA (gre)Walpurgia - Sadistic recrucifixionAltar of the GoatbaphometHelter Skelter Productions
19. 2020-06-01
20. 2020-06-01Muvitium02 De viskande vindarnaEvighetens CirkelPurity Through Fire
21. 2020-06-01CREATURENeo HabilisEx CathedraI, Voidhanger Records
22. 2020-06-01Fellwarden04 Wreathed in MourncloudWreathed in MourncloudEisenwald Records
23. 2020-06-01
24. 2020-06-01CLAIRVOYANCE (Poland)02 - Broken ShacklesDemoCaligari Records
25. 2020-06-01Dead Carnage07 From DustFrom Hell For HateImmortal Souls Productions
26. 2020-06-01ConstipationBodiesFucking Morbid Splitting Constipation/NecrotombImmortal Souls Productions
27. 2020-06-01Dominion of Suffering04 A Starborn OverlordThe Birth of Hateful ExistenceSlovak Metal Army
28. 2020-06-01
29. 2020-06-01ImmolationDawn of PossessionDawn of PossessionMetal Mind Productions
30. 2020-06-01CancerBlood BathTo The Gory End
31. 2020-06-01BaphometBroken KryptDeath In The Beginning
32. 2020-06-01KalmahWings Of BlackeningFor The RevolutionSpikefarm Records
33. 2020-06-01
34. 2020-06-01MagrudergrindHousewife PlagueDon't Support Humanitary Aid Led By The Church
35. 2020-06-01CrucifistSkull Smashing Face Ripping DeathPerpetual Conversion-Dan Lilker/Dave HoferHandshake Inc
36. 2020-06-01UlcerrhoeaCorroding Withered CadaversRise For The Downfall
37. 2020-06-01EhlderEhlder - 04 - HedningadrapaNordabetraktelseNordvis Produktion
38. 2020-06-01
39. 2020-06-01A Canorous QuintetThe VoidThe Only Pure HateGestrichen
40. 2020-06-01AphasiaCries from DespairArcane in Thalassa
41. 2020-06-01Icarus WitchAwakening the Mountain GiantsCapture the MagicCleopatra
42. 2020-06-01Coffin Curse02 Where Sickness ThrivesCeased to BeMemento Mori
43. 2020-06-01
44. 2020-06-01Only Living WitnessTwtiching Tongues (From 1992 Demo)Prone Mortal Form
45. 2020-06-01
46. 2020-06-01Death AngelConfusedFrolic Through the ParkEnigma Records
47. 2020-06-01SaxonCalm Before The StormDestiny
48. 2020-06-01RuthlessHardcoreDiscipline Of Steel
49. 2020-06-01ScannerGrapes Of FearHypertraceNoise
50. 2020-06-01
51. 2020-06-01HeathenOpen the GraveBreaking the Silence
52. 2020-06-01PossessedSwing of the AxeDemo 1985
53. 2020-06-01Sacred OathThe Ferryman's LairA Crystal Vision
54. 2020-06-01
55. 2020-06-01Virgin SteeleCry ForeverAge Of Consent
56. 2020-06-01ThrusterThe Enemy BelowM.I.A.
57. 2020-06-01ThundercraaftSexual VirusFighting For Survival
58. 2020-06-01TankSome Came RunningPower of the Hunter
59. 2020-06-01Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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