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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2020-05-11MinistryStigmataLand Of Rape And HoneyWarner Bros.
2. 2020-05-11
3. 2020-05-11BloodbathThe SoulcollectorResurrection Through CarnageCentury Media
4. 2020-05-11Dimmu BorgirBurn in HellPuritanical Euphoric MisanthropiaNuclear Blast Records
5. 2020-05-11SoilworkThe FlameoutNatural Born ChaosNuclear Blast
6. 2020-05-11TesseractDeceptionConcealing FateCentury Media Records
7. 2020-05-11
8. 2020-05-11Burning WitchStillbornCrippled Lucifer
10. 2020-05-11Nailed To ObscurityCipherBlack FrostNuclear Blast Records
11. 2020-05-11WinterwolfAt Dawn They EatLycanthropic Metal of DeathSvart Records
12. 2020-05-11
13. 2020-05-11Dillinger Escape Plan, TheAbe the CopUnder the Running BoardRelapse Records
14. 2020-05-11Discordance AxisPattern BlueThe Inalienable DreamlessHydra Head Records
15. 2020-05-11
16. 2020-05-11IMPIETY04 Barbarian Black HordeVersus All Gods (CD, LP)Hells Headbangers Records
17. 2020-05-11Akolyth02 The Night, The FogAkolythAmor fati Productions
18. 2020-05-11Evoker (Australia)03 Shackled To The GraveEvil Torment CD/12" MLP/TAPEBlood Harvest Records
19. 2020-05-11COSMIC PUTREFACTIONThe Glooming Murk of his Telluric ShrieksThe Horizons Towards Which Splendour WithersI, Voidhanger Records
20. 2020-05-11
21. 2020-05-11VIOLENT HAMMER03 Wasted Through LifeRiders of the Wasteland (CD, LP)Hells Headbangers Records
22. 2020-05-11SHIVERS02 Shivers - FluidsSHIVERS/NAUSEATOR-Too Gross For Most - split 7"Hells Headbangers Records
23. 2020-05-11Vesicarum3 - Midnight SlasherReign Of TerrorOne Eyed Toad Records
24. 2020-05-11ESOCTRILIHUM2 - Exh-Enî Söph (1st Passage - Exiled From Sanity)Eternity Of ShaogI, Voidhanger Records
25. 2020-05-11
26. 2020-05-11Secrets Of The MoonHe Is HereBlack HouseProphecy Productions
27. 2020-05-11Vuur & Zijde/ImpavidaZiltVuur & Zijde / ImpavidaProphecy Productions
28. 2020-05-11Kryptamok03 Saastan RekviemiVerisaarnaPurity Through Fire
29. 2020-05-11
30. 2020-05-11CursedTwoTwoGoodfellow Records
31. 2020-05-11Buried Inside[Untitled]Spoils of FailureRelapse Records
32. 2020-05-11ArchitectHouse of 1000 Habeus CorpsesGhost of the Salt Water MachinesMetal Blade
33. 2020-05-11Machinist!AshmouthPronegative
34. 2020-05-11the_NetworkPlay DeadThis Is Your Pig's PortraitMetal Blade/Blackmarket Activitie
35. 2020-05-11
36. 2020-05-11Breather ResistLoose Lipped ErrorCharmerJade Tree Records
37. 2020-05-11GravewormPortrait Of A Deadly NightmareAs The Angel Reach The Beauty
38. 2020-05-11Kiss It GoodbyeWhat IfShe Loves Me She Loves Me NotRevelation Records
39. 2020-05-11
40. 2020-05-11Crown, TheWorld BelowCrowned Unholy, Disc 1Metal Blade Records
41. 2020-05-11Bal-SagothThe Obsidian Crown UnboundThe Chthonic Chronicles
42. 2020-05-11Criminal ElementUnjust IncarcerationGuilty as ChargedLacerated Enemy Records - via Metalhit
43. 2020-05-11Today Is The DayCriminalSadness Will Prevail
44. 2020-05-11Stray From The PathOutbreakSubliminal CriminalsSumerian Records
45. 2020-05-11
46. 2020-05-11FinntrollDen Frusna MunnenNifelvindCentury Media Records
47. 2020-05-11EzophagothomiaPetrified In Ancients MegalithsInstinct Of Inhuman Devourment
48. 2020-05-11AgathodaimonIll of an Imaginary GuiltBlacken the AngelNuclear Blast
49. 2020-05-11UlvdalirAnger BringerHunger for the Cursed KnowledgeInferna Profundus Records
50. 2020-05-11
51. 2020-05-11ExciterDying To LiveExciter
52. 2020-05-11Wrathchild AmericaRoll The Dice (demo)Danger US
53. 2020-05-11GammacideVictims Of ScienceVictims of Science
54. 2020-05-11WarlockHomicide RockerBurning The Witches
55. 2020-05-11
56. 2020-05-11Vicious RumorsMarch or DieSoldiers of the NightMVP Japan
57. 2020-05-11Lethal PresenceKill for meUnholy Alliance demo 1986
58. 2020-05-11ArtilleryKing Their Name Is SlayerFear Of Tomorrow
59. 2020-05-11AttackerKick Your FaceBattle At Helm's Deep
60. 2020-05-11
61. 2020-05-11ManowarFighting The WorldFighting The World
62. 2020-05-11MaliceAir AttackIn The Beginning...
63. 2020-05-11Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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