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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1389 playlist up with 57599 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2012-01-16MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2012-01-16
3. 2012-01-16God ForbidWar of AttritionEarthsbloodcenturymedia
4. 2012-01-16HiraxUnholy SacrificeHate, Fear, And Powerrestless
5. 2012-01-16SuffocationDemise Of The CloneSouls to Denyrelapse
6. 2012-01-16Blood has been ShedGreetings from the GallowsSpiralsferret
7. 2012-01-16Early GravesWraithsGonermetalblade
8. 2012-01-16
9. 2012-01-16ApiaryBliss In VainLost In Focusmetalblade
10. 2012-01-16Shading the EndThe Equilibrium Between DeathLive At WUNH
11. 2012-01-16Proteus4th Dimensional Turbulence II: Beneath Forrest CovesPersonal Narrative of Cognative Dreamscapesmacabre_mentos
12. 2012-01-16MoonsCavalcade Of StarsStasisself-released
13. 2012-01-16LunglustArrowsLunglust/Western Syndrome Splitself-released
14. 2012-01-16
15. 2012-01-16CarnivoreU.S.A For U.S.ACarnivoreroadrunner
16. 2012-01-16CromagsHardtimesthe Age of Quarrelprofile
17. 2012-01-16AntigamaPresident Says YesDiscomfortselfmadegod
18. 2012-01-16AbhorredRace Riotsself-titledself-released
19. 2012-01-16
20. 2012-01-16Graves#4Demoself-released
21. 2012-01-16Trap ThemDay Thirty One: Mission ConvincersSeizure in Barren Praisedeathwishinc
22. 2012-01-16EnablerEnd Of The World PartyEden Sank To Grieffuck_city_666
23. 2012-01-16Backstabbers IncEven Slaves Will Be Swimming In The Blood Of The Iron FistKamikaze Missionstrash_art
24. 2012-01-16PowerwolvesWelcome To The EndYou Won't Find Peacepanic
25. 2012-01-16Trapped Under IcePleases To Meet YouBig Kiss Goodnightgood_fight
26. 2012-01-16
27. 2012-01-16DemonicalRavenousDeath Infernalmetalblade
28. 2012-01-16PathologyHostility Towards ConformityAwaken To The Sufferingvictory
29. 2012-01-16Cattle PressAnd The Sea Gave Us It's DeadHordes To Abolish The Divine
30. 2012-01-16Morbid AngelWhere the Slime LiveDominationearache
31. 2012-01-16
32. 2012-01-16CoronerNo Need To Be HumanNo More Colornoise
33. 2012-01-16CarnageInfestation Of EvilDark Recolations
34. 2012-01-16Combat NoiseStorming The GatesFrontline Offensive Forceold_cemetery
35. 2012-01-16CondemnedThe Divine Order Of BabylonRealms Of The Ungodlyunique_leader
36. 2012-01-16
37. 2012-01-16WhiplashWalk The PlankTicket To Mayhemroadrunner
38. 2012-01-16DeathFlattening Of EmotionsHuman (Reissue)relapse
39. 2012-01-16ArtilleryInto The UniverseFear Of Tomorrow
40. 2012-01-16Cattle DecapitationWe Are Horrible PeopleThe Harvest Floormetalblade
41. 2012-01-16
42. 2012-01-16Suicidal TendenciesInstitutionalizedSuicidal Tendencies
43. 2012-01-16Dead KennedysHyperactive ChildIn God We Trust, Inc.statik
44. 2012-01-16Hand To HandPredictible Gathering
45. 2012-01-16AnvilBlood On The IcePound For Poundmetalblade
46. 2012-01-16Embrionic DeathSculpting DecayRegurgitate the Deadloud_out
47. 2012-01-16RepulsionDecomposedSlaughtering of the Innocent Demo
48. 2012-01-16
49. 2012-01-16NortherTo HellAdvance 2008
50. 2012-01-16MartyrBrain ScanFeeding the Abscessgaly
51. 2012-01-16Destroy The LegacyBrain TumorTo Hell If I Have Toself-released
52. 2012-01-16Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
53. 2012-01-16
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